Pawns in High Places

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio
The Masonic roots of Voodoo and the revolt that scarred a nation…

“It is the destiny of the people of Haiti to SUFFER.”

— Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, US & Israeli-backed Dictator of Haiti

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Since the fateful inception of modern Freemasonry on the night of June 24th, 1717, the world has been wracked by an increasingly growing list of bloody and violent revolutions. From America to France, Russia, Japan or Italy; the bloody fingerprints of the conspirators are imprinted all around us. Amongst the constellation of clandestine cliques, esoteric Masonry has perhaps best exemplified the revolutionary antichrist spirit in its millenia-long war against the Logos made flesh. If the last year of my research has lead me to any overarching historical conclusions as an American, it is this: the most important year in the last 400 years of history was not 1776 — it was 1717.

Continue reading “Pawns in High Places”

The Coincidence Zone: Atomic Edition, Part III

Originally posted at: Dispatches from


“Masonry ought forever to be abolished.

It is wrong — essentially wrong — a seed of EVIL, which can never produce any good.”

— President John Quincy Adams, Letters on Freemasonry

Previous Entries

The Coincidence Zone, Part I

The Coincidence Zone, Part I

Scipio Eruditus·Jan 12

The Coincidence Zone, Part II

The Coincidence Zone, Part II

Scipio Eruditus·Jan 16

The Coincidence Zone: East Palestine Edition

The Coincidence Zone: East Palestine Edition

Scipio Eruditus·Feb 27

The Coincidence Zone: Atomic Edition, Part I

The Coincidence Zone: Atomic Edition, Part I

Scipio Eruditus·Jun 13

The Coincidence Zone: Atomic Edition, Part II

The Coincidence Zone: Atomic Edition, Part II

Scipio Eruditus·Jun 20


Continued from Part II…


Secret societies have been a pernicious blight upon civilization since mankind’s earliest days. Any civilization is naturally built upon trust, which the occultist, by their very nature, abuse and subvert through their covert allegiances. By creed, the goals of the organization comes before that of any individual or nation. The Mystery religion and it’s voluminous offshoots, such as Freemasonry, have toiled inexorably to advance their agenda of worldwide rule by the so-called “enlightened” elite. Their flowery language conceals a much darker purpose, and mass rituals such as September Eleventh, the JFK assassination, or Hiroshima & Nagasaki, are integral to achieving that purpose. As Cicero warned us two millennia ago, a nation’s true threat is the traitorous elements within it; ever looking to sink a knife in their nation’s back while they cloak their misdeeds in flowery talk of “brotherhood”, “truth”, and “enlightenment”. To properly understand how we arrived at this spiritual and cultural crucible, we must necessarily retrace the steps that have led us to the precipice of digital slavery.

Continue reading “The Coincidence Zone: Atomic Edition, Part III”

Here’s Why 2022 Will Be the Year of Central Bank Digital Currencies

Via The International Man

Central Bank Digital Currencies

Editor’s Note: Longtime readers may be familiar with Nick Giambruno.

Nick has worked closely with Doug Casey for many years and was previously Editor in Chief here at International Man.

He’s known for spotting Big Picture geopolitical and economic trends ahead of the crowd and seeing crises before they come.

Nick has been to countless countries that have experienced hyperinflation and financial crises… including Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Haiti, Turkey, Argentina, Syria, Nicaragua, Bosnia, Colombia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Iran, and many other volatile places most people wouldn’t dare go to.

He knows what really happens during a monetary “reset”… and what you should do.

Nick’s insights are particularly urgent today…

That’s because The US is on the cusp of its worst crisis in nearly a century.

You’ll find all the details in the discussion with Nick below.


International Man: The calls to implement a digital dollar are growing louder.

The European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde openly admits to pursuing a digital euro.

The Chinese government is perhaps furthest along. They are already testing a digital yuan.

What is going on here with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)?

Nick Giambruno: It’s clear there is an effort by some of the most powerful people in the world to bring about a cashless society. CBDCs are a big part of that.

If they are successful, the government would have complete knowledge of—and control over—every transaction you make.

Continue reading “Here’s Why 2022 Will Be the Year of Central Bank Digital Currencies”


No………not about Stucky’s python or the lovely and intelligent ladies of TBP.

Let’s fantasize about a fairy tale land where there is NO central banking. A magical land where the value of your money is not devalued, against your will, every second of every day. 

Yeah, I know. Never. Gonna. Happen. So just pretend……

The reality is that money is nothing more than a representation or stand in for your labor, or, if you really want to get down to the nitty gritty, money is a stand in for the hours, days and years of your life.