Iran’s influence and power in the middle east is expanding rapidly.  Iran is a player in determining the future of Syria.  The US is not.  Hilariously it is not because of any shrewd manipulation or strategy on the part of the Iranians, but is rather the unintentional result of US belligerence, wars and the emerging Saudi/Israeli alliance.  Sometimes countries achieve empire by ambition, other times it is thrust upon them from a vacuum.

In recent years there has been talk of moving the Iranian capital from Tehran to Esfahan, because Tehran is so crowded.  Esfahan was the capital of the last Persian Empire under the Safavid dynasty.  The way things are going, it may serve that purpose in the future as well.

Continue reading “THE NEW PERSIAN EMPIRE”

Did the US Allow ISIS to Escape to Keep the Fighting Going?


Americans have been living in a country that has not known peace since 9/11, when President George W. Bush and his posse of neoconservatives delivered the message to the world that “you are either with us or against us.” The threat was coupled with flurry of hastily conceived legislation that opened the door to the unconstitutional “war on terror” carried out at the whim of the Chief Executive, a conflict which was from the start conceived of as a global military engagement without end.

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Bombshell Report Confirms US Coalition Struck A Deal With ISIS

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At a moment of widespread acknowledgement that the short-lived Islamic State is no longer a reality, and as ISIS is about to be defeated by the Syrian Army in its last urban holdout of Abu Kamal City in eastern Syria, the US is signalling an open-ended military presence in Syria. On Monday Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon that the US is preparing for a long term military commitment in Syria to fight ISIS “as long as they want to fight.”

Mattis indicated that even should ISIS loose all of its territory there would still be a dangerous insurgency that could morph into an “ISIS 2.0” which he said the US would seek to prevent. “The enemy hasn’t declared that they’re done with the area yet, so we’ll keep fighting as long as they want to fight,” Mattis said. “We’re not just going to walk away right now before the Geneva process has traction.”

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis stands in front of a map of Syria and Iraq.

THE STAND: Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In the summer of 1985 I was taking some college classes at a nearby university and working two part-time jobs. Most nights I was involved with a local martial arts club and on the weekends I would spend time with one of my two girlfriends.  Although that last part may sound somewhat sordid, in reality, it was pretty harmless. The girls both knew of each other and understood I was taking some time to decide.  Unfortunately for them, however, I left both behind upon meeting another gal that July.  She is my wife today.

Looking back at those few months centered between the fall and spring seasons of that year, I believe it was the time in my life where I felt the most autonomous and carefree.  It was also the summer that I read Stephen King’s, The Stand.  Although the book was published as a hardcover in 1978, my version (which I still own) was the 1980 paperback edition that changed the story’s timeline to events beginning in June of 1985.  Ironically, this was the very month when I started reading the book.  The coincidence resonated with me at the time and was what I considered to be a universe-inspired “agreement”; a designation I picked up while reading Carlos Castaneda’s “Don Juan” some years before.

Continue reading “THE STAND: Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea”


Zionists involved in almost all regional crises: Iran president

Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:25AM


Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has censured Israel for supporting terrorism, saying the regime is, either covertly or overtly, complicit in almost all crises gripping the Middle East region.

“Today, it happens rarely for Zionists not to have a hand, either behind the scenes or openly, in rifts among regional countries,” Rouhani said in a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

Wounded terrorists receive treatment in Israeli hospitals, he said, adding that the Tel Aviv regime arms terrorists and bombards the region in favor of them.

“It is clear that they (Israelis) support terrorism in the region,” President Rouhani said. “Undoubtedly, the split between regional countries and the Muslim world, such as the ones between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and Egypt and Turkey eventually benefits global Zionism and usurping Israel.”



One of our friends here believes God is a Zionist.  Therefore if Israel uses the US for it’s own good, it is God’s will.  Suck it up, USS Liberty survivors, it was God’s will for you to suffer so that Israel would become an annual US military aid recipient to the tune of billions of dollars.  It is God’s will for the US to create ISIS to destroy all the neighboring states of Israel so that the Zionist dream of a Jewish state stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates may come to pass.  Who cares about the suffering of millions Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese people.  It is God’s will that they suffer.  God is good…great even.  Jesus will come and rapture all the good Christians and all of them will get the equivalent of their seventy virgins in paradise.  God is so fucking good that he will even convince all those recalcitrant Jews to recognize Jesus as Lord and Savior thus saving them from eternal damnation.  

On the other hand, perhaps it’s all bullshit.  God is good because it is good.  ISIS is clearly not good.  Beheading people who have done no harm to anyone is not good.  Destroying antiquities is not good.  They are fucking criminals and spread nothing but death and destruction wherever they go.  Clearly they are not of God.  Therefore those who serve them, serve the evil one.  Who serves the evil one?  Apparently that would be the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia.  


Abu Ghraib 2.0? Iraqi army filmed abusing captives in Mosul

Iraqi forces, leading a vigorous battle to liberate Mosul from ISIS, has been exposed torturing and abusing their captives suspected of having terrorists links, according to a photographer who has been embedded with an elite unit of the Iraqi interior ministry. READ MORE:

Iran Blames Saudi Arabia For Terrorist Attack, Vows “Revenge”

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Iran’s infamous Revolutionary Guards accused Saudi Arabia of being behind the twin terrorist attacks in Tehran, which killed 12 and left at least 39 injured, and have vowed “revenge.”

Earlier in the day, a group of four people in women’s clothes opened fire in the building of the Iranian Parliament, with a subsequent explosion. Another attack involving an explosion took place near the Imam Khomeini shrine. One of the perpetrators of the attack was detained and the rest were executed.

“This terrorist attack happened only a week after the meeting between the U.S. president (Donald Trump) and the (Saudi) backward leaders who support terrorists. The fact that Islamic State has claimed responsibility proves that they were involved in the brutal attack,” said the statement, published by Iranian media.

What is notable is that ISIS already claimed responsibility for the attack, so Iran is explicitly accusing Saudi Arabia of supporting the Islamic State.

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Goodbye ISIS, Hello Losers

Guest Post by Scott Adams

President Trump just gave ISIS its new name: Losers. (Short for Evil Losers).

If you think that’s no big deal, you’re wrong. It’s a big deal. This is – literally – weapons-grade persuasion from the most powerful Master Persuader of our time.

As I have taught you in this blog, President Trump’s clever nicknames for people are not random. They are deeply engineered for visual impact and future confirmation bias.

Continue reading “Goodbye ISIS, Hello Losers”


In Part One and Part Two of this article I detailed the decades of propaganda, false flags, and misinformation campaigns used by the Deep State to gain power and control over the U.S. government. When war or a financial crisis is necessary to keep the profits flowing, events will be steered to such an outcome. With the latest financial plundering operation running out of steam, the Deep State is pushing the world toward global conflict.

If at first you don’t succeed with a false flag gas attack, try try again. Knowing a vast swath of the American populace is incapable of critical thinking or able to discern between fake news and factual events, the Deep State and their media lackeys unquestioningly promoted the story of children being killed by a sarin gas attack by Assad. The photos of rescue workers helping victims without gloves immediately invalidated the narrative, as the rescue workers would be dead if they handled sarin gas victims without protective gear.

The faux journalists, pretending to be neutral observers, did not question this blatant lie. They did not ponder why Assad would commit such an idiotic atrocity when he was clearly in control of the battlefield and on the verge of defeating his American funded rebel enemies.



In Part One of this article I detailed how propaganda has been utilized by the Deep State for decades to control the minds of the masses and allow those in control to reap the benefits of never ending war. In Part Two I will discuss recent events, false flags, and propaganda campaigns utilized by the Deep State to push the world to the brink of war.

“We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness”Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

The use of graphic images, electronically transmitted across the world in an instant, along with a consistent false narrative promoted by the captured corporate media, is the preferred means of appealing to the emotions of those who want to believe atrocity propaganda. Instigating a march to war through the use of unfounded fear, misinformation, staged photo ops, and appealing to passions and prejudices was as revolting to Albert Einstein  in the 1930s as it is today to normal thinking individuals.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.” – Albert Einstein

It seems the level and intensity of the propaganda campaigns has ratcheted up dramatically in the last half dozen years and appears to be reaching a crescendo as we speak. It’s almost as if the Deep State is frantically trying to maintain the status quo, even as the worldwide financial Ponzi scheme of debt approaches the point of collapse. The domestic conditions in Europe, North America, and Asia are deteriorating rapidly. The propaganda doled out trying to convince citizens their financial situation is not worsening has failed.

Continue reading “THE HORROR! THE HORROR! (PART TWO)”


I’m constantly amazed by the ability of those in power to create a narrative trusted by a gullible non-critical thinking populace. Appealing to emotions, when you have millions of functionally illiterate, normalcy bias ensnared, iGadget distracted, disciples of the status quo, has been the game plan of the Deep State for the last century. Americans don’t want to think, because thinking is hard. They would rather feel. For decades the government controlled public education system has performed a mass lobotomy on their hapless matriculates, removing their ability to think and replacing it with feelings, fabricated dogma, and social indoctrination. Their minds of mush have been molded to acquiesce to the narrative propagandized by their government keepers.

“The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”Thomas Sowell

With a majority confused, distracted, malleable, willfully ignorant, and easily manipulated by false narratives, heart wrenching images, and fake news, the Deep State henchmen have been able to control the masses with relative ease. The unanticipated rise of Donald Trump to the most powerful role in the world gave many critical thinking, anti-big government, skeptical curmudgeons hope he could drain the swamp and begin to deconstruct the massive out of control Federal bureaucracy.

Continue reading “THE HORROR! THE HORROR!”

Syria Accuses US Of Hitting ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killing Hundreds; Russia Sends Drones

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Update 2:  The Pentgaon has admitted to mistakenly killing 18 Syrians in an airstrike on April 11th…


Dogs of War: Fight to the Death

by Uncola via

And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,

With Ate by his side come hot from hell,

Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice

Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;

Mark Antony, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, III.i

Last week, on April Fool’s Day, I read how the month of March 2017 was a “turning point” for Hillary Clinton as she, once again, challenged Donald Trump on Twitter and made three public speeches where she encouraged her former foot soldiers to:  “Resist, persist, insist, enlist”.  Upon reading those words, I was reminded of the little girl in the movie “Poltergeist” who said:  “They’re baaack”.

Yes, they’re back like “Ate”, the Greek goddess of discord and vengeance.  Well, actually, in truth, they never really left.

In William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”, the main character isn’t Caesar.  On the contrary, the story is mostly about everyone else.  If prose could be equated to cuisine, then “Julius Caesar”, although the Bard’s shortest play, was, nevertheless, a veritable feast; an exotic, psychological buffet of torn loyalties, political treachery, honor, patriotism, friendship, intrigue, tragedy, and revenge.

Continue reading “Dogs of War: Fight to the Death”