Now even Sex Robots have rights

Guest Post by Simon Black

Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, your finances and your prosperity.

Singapore officially bans ‘fake’ news

Singapore is great for a lot of things– banking, business, trade, etc. But it ranks rather poorly for civil liberties.

Case in point: a new law intended to stop fake news came into effect in Singapore this month; the law will force social media platforms to remove any content that’s deemed contrary to the government’s opinion.

Singapore defines fake news as anything that is disruptive to the “tranquility of the nation”, and to that of its friendly allies. And failure to comply with the law can now land you in prison for ten years.

You can read the full article by clicking here.

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“It Scares Me To Death”: Coding Errors In Sex Robots Make Them Prone To Violence And Strangling Humans

Via ZeroHedge

He’s the whistleblower that the future deserves and that the future needs: one expert is sounding the alarm on sex robots, according to The Daily Star.

Oh, and his name happens to be Brick Dollbanger (Yes, it’s his real name. Yes, we checked several sources). Dollbanger, a doll collector, has said that “violent repercussions” are possible if the sex robot industry isn’t regulated properly. He says that one simple “coding error” could turn sex robots against their owners.

“It scares me to death, it’s a machine and it’s always going to be a machine,” Dollbanger said. He has close ties to doll manufacturers Realbotix and Abyss.

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THE STAND: Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In the summer of 1985 I was taking some college classes at a nearby university and working two part-time jobs. Most nights I was involved with a local martial arts club and on the weekends I would spend time with one of my two girlfriends.  Although that last part may sound somewhat sordid, in reality, it was pretty harmless. The girls both knew of each other and understood I was taking some time to decide.  Unfortunately for them, however, I left both behind upon meeting another gal that July.  She is my wife today.

Looking back at those few months centered between the fall and spring seasons of that year, I believe it was the time in my life where I felt the most autonomous and carefree.  It was also the summer that I read Stephen King’s, The Stand.  Although the book was published as a hardcover in 1978, my version (which I still own) was the 1980 paperback edition that changed the story’s timeline to events beginning in June of 1985.  Ironically, this was the very month when I started reading the book.  The coincidence resonated with me at the time and was what I considered to be a universe-inspired “agreement”; a designation I picked up while reading Carlos Castaneda’s “Don Juan” some years before.

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Sally Cone Hits the Dating Scene: Kind of Weird, but Maybe….

Oh Lord, where is my Haldol? Recently I saw online a documentary on sex robots. The reporteress, a short-haired woman seething with quiet indignation,  Viewed  With Alarm the very idea. Progress is rapid on these love assistants, she said. They move. Some do, anyway. They talk, but not too much. Before long they will have skin-temperature silicone. Today we have all those deplorable men sitting home, lonely and isolated, choking their chickens and pondering suicide. Soon they will instead be rocking and rolling with Robo-Barbie.  This worried her. She said.

If this be true, the why, one wonders, do men want sexbots? Aren’t there already women all over the place at skin temperature?  Sez me, it’s because women have lived too long in a monopoly economy and so let down quality. It used to be that men had jobs and money, and women had that, so they married to let each get some of what the other  had. The woman had to be agreeable as a selling point. Now women have jobs and don’t need men, or to be pleasant. Some are nice anyway, but it’s no longer a design feature. Of course they often end up old and alone with a cat somewhere on upper Connecticut Avenue, but they don’t figure this out until too late. Anyway, they stopped being agreeable. They learned from feminists that everything wrong in their lives was the fault of men.

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