Leftist Host SNAPS At Jordan Peterson, Instantly Regrets It

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Jordan Peterson: the Bible is the foundational document for Western civilisation

Via Catholic Herald

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Although there is a Gnostic element to his thinking, Peterson’s work is permeated with biblical references

It is safe to say that Dr Jordan B Peterson’s new book, 12 Rules for Life: an Antidote to Chaos (Random House) will occupy international bestseller lists for some time. That is because our restless western intelligentsia is always on the lookout for a new guru and eager to ingest a new self-help manual. I should now add that Peterson, a psychology professor (as well as a practising clinical psychologist) at Toronto University, does not set out to be a guru and his book is much richer, more diverse in its cultural references and thoughtful than the phrase “a self-help manual” would suggest.

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Weaponized Consensus by the Collective Establishes Counterfeit Premises to Control Contrived Contingencies

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

– 2 Timothy 3:13


They are like chaff that the wind blows away.

– Psalm 1: 4


Many years ago I read a book entitled “People of the Lie”  written by Scott Peck, an American psychiatrist.  It was a fascinating analytic study of malignant narcissism and deceit. I came away from the book with an understanding that a very significant percentage, if not the majority, of people in the world are not decent.

Other conceptualizations presented by Peck in “People of the Lie” included disguise as a main motive of evil, along with descriptions of people assessed as such to being self-deluded, as projecting their own actions onto others, as utilizing the pretense of love to actually hate, and as possessing an inherent intolerance to withstand criticism.  The author further identified evil as the opposition to life; even acknowledging the word “evil” aslive” spelled backwards.  Dr. Peck also claimed evil could be measured by its consistency and conceded that decent individuals have difficulty in cognitively processing the concept:

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Jordan Peterson Post BBC Inteview

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

If you don’t know Professor Jordan Peterson or if you are unaware of the full court press that the media has decided to focus on him to discredit his well-reasoned resistance to Cultural Marxism, please take the time to familiarize yourself this man and his methods.

Last week his BBC interview with the BBC’s Cathy Newman drew a lot of attention. No matter which side of the ideological debate you may find yourself, this is one of the best examples of the difference between the two positions. The link below is an interview he did that analyzes the original BBC interview and it is fascinating.

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Why Are We Here

Guest Post by Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob)

Don’t you hate it when people generalize?

I am watching this now.  It is two hours long and requires a significant commitment but it is not difficult to understand.  My point in posting this is to encourage you all to watch this video.  It encapsulates why I write on this blog and I think that it encapsulates why many of you write on this blog.  Not all, of course, but many of us are frustrated because we feel like we have no power.

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Are We Moving Irrevocably Towards the Old Soviet System?

Guest Post by Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob)

Much digital ink has been devoted to expressing opinions on the concepts which underlie our morality and our society.  I think that this is a great discussion to have as there is literally no other place in the great USofA where that discussion can talk place.  All venues of dissent have been closed.  But let’s face it, while many people have opinions…not all opinions are as well founded.  Some come from books.  Some come from school.  Some come from political cartoons.  Some come from a church or a mosque.

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Wilfrid Laurier University’s president apologizes to Lindsay Shepherd for dressing-down over Jordan Peterson clip

Via The National Post

The head of Wilfrid Laurier University has officially apologized to teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd for a meeting where faculty members dressed her down for showing students a video clip of a debate involving controversial professor Jordan Peterson.

“Through the media, we have now had the opportunity to hear the full recording of the meeting that took place at Wilfrid Laurier University,” says the letter from President and Vice-Chancellor Deborah MacLatchy.

“After listening to this recording, an apology is in order. The conversation I heard does not reflect the values and practices to which Laurier aspires. I am sorry it occurred in the way that it did and I regret the impact it had on Lindsay Shepherd.”

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