All it would take is for a newbie to say all the manufacturing jobs went to China and shit would get real.
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Llpoh: Get Out While You Can, Revisited

Just under two years ago I wrote the article that follows. It garnered a lot of comments, and I encourage you to revisit them to see how well they have stood the test of time. The original article can be found here:

If anything, I was far too optimistic in my assessment. It is now too late to get out, as you can easily see. I did what I could to sound the alarm. I told you so, and it brings me no pleasure (well, maybe a little) to say that.

Interestingly, there are a number of posters on the original thread that said they would fight when the time came. I called bullshit then, and still do. Things are far worse today than then, but no fighting is happening. None. The other side is better organized, and they are marching armed and un-impeded wherever they choose. It looks more and more like the normal folks are surrendering without even a dying whimper. Much as I suspected and predicted. It is not a criticism, just a statement of fact. The left and the minorities have won. If the Hispanics ever join the leftist march, it is well and truly over.

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LLPOH: The World Has Turned to Crap

Well, there you have it. I suppose I could stop right there with that headline, as it reflects accurately what I witnessed on my recent several weeks in Europe, and what I am seeing in general world-wide. My mood is dark as of late, which is largely a result of what I am seeing.

I have been to Europe many, many times. There are places etched in my memory, that I loved: London, Madrid, Barcelona, Florence, Venice, Paris, etc. Each of those places have changed so much, for the worse, that I no longer can reconcile my memories with the current reality. What happened to these places?

Well, firstly, they have become “diversified”. That means they are now awash with hordes of unwashed. They are everywhere – begging, stealing, loafing, committing violence, and generally being parasitic and destructive.

Continue reading “LLPOH: The World Has Turned to Crap”


Hat tip RiNS

Drop bears target tourists, study says

DROP BEARS TARGET PEOPLE with foreign accents more often than those who are Australian-born, according to new research.

The study, conducted in a drop-bear hot-spot in New South Wales, aimed to gather data around the behaviour and ecology of the elusive species.

There has been relatively little scientific research into the drop bear (Thylarctos plummetus), which the Australian Museum describes as a “large, arboreal, predatory marsupial related to the koala.” Populations are thought mainly to exist in forested coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia, stretching from the Cape York Peninsula to Tasmania.

Continue reading “LLPOH SHOULD BE CAREFUL”


Via Starfcker

I was looking back to see how long I’ve been reading your blog, Jim. I found this place when I linked to a piece called, “Are You Seeing What I’m Seeing“, from Zero Hedge. Almost exactly five years ago. I still think that article is probably one of your all-time best. Back then, observations and information like you have packed in your article were very, very, hard to come by, that was a real eye-opener. But this comment is really good, too, it could hold up today, just like the article.

“I am trying to get my mind around the whole “the 1% are taking everything, the middle-class are getting screwed” thing. To me, people do not understand what capitalism is all about, and do not understand the global forces that are at work..

Capitalism is about competition, and rewarding the smart, the hard-working, the experienced, and the lucky, and a level playing field. The only problem is that today there is not a level playing field – influence is exerted by those with money, and so the playground is tilted. The tilt makes it near impossible for those in the “middle-class” to rise and replace those higher up the rung. Additionally, ridiculous and obscene government regulation makes the tilt even worse – small businessmen simply do not have the resources to keep abreast of all the regs and laws and costs associated with running a business, while megacorps do.