Former Mob Guy’s Perspective On Toxic Masculinity

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Is Our World Run Like a Mafia? So What Do We Do?

Via Mercola

is our world run like a mafia

Story at-a-glance

  • The Great Reset is an open demonstration of the power dynamic that many of our ancestors have been dealing with for centuries on end
  • For a while, we, the citizens of the developed countries, have been lucky since the economic model that was useful to the most powerful individuals in the world was also working for us — but not anymore!
  • Today, the self-appointed mafia bosses are dismantling their old “production lines” — as well as our expectations of what it means to be free — so that they can “build back better” at our expense
  • “Divide and conquer” is a traditional and very effective trick that fools the ego, weaponizes suffering, and justifies abuse
  • The most likely answers to breaking out of the game of “musical chairs of abuse” are spiritual honesty, love, and recognizing other people’s right to choose their path

Sometimes, we live our lives and take good things for granted, and it takes a dramatic event to realize how the world really works. Unexpectedly, we are living through such an event today, and — perhaps against our will — we are getting a brutally direct education in the nature of our relationship with authority, which is a lot less flattering than what our liberal (in the normal sense of the word) western education had led us to believe.

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An Offer You Can’t Refuse

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

We read to know we’re not alone.

Although that particular truism is often mistakenly attributed to the author C.S. Lewis, it was actually William Nicholson who wrote those words in his 1989 play “Shadowlands”, a story about C.S. Lewis.

Indeed. The power of words. And perhaps many of us out here in the interwebic blogosphere write to know we’re not alone as well.

Especially during times like these.

We use words to comfort and curse, to encourage, to promise, to teach, buy, sell, debate, learn, manipulate, lie, share, seduce, pray, preach, promote, warn, and even survive.

In the aforementioned play, “Shadowlands“, there is another quote that many now reading this may also find relevant to our times:

….pain is God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world. Why must it be pain? Why can’t he rouse us more gently, with violins or laughter? Because the dream from which we must be wakened, is the dream that all is well.

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