Below are restaurant menus from 1937. They reveal the truth about government reported inflation figures. According to the BLS, the CPI in 2014 was 232.8. According to the BLS, the CPI in 1937 was 14.4. It’s bad enough that the dollar has lost 94% of its purchasing power since 1937 according to these government drones, but those figures are an outright lie.

The menus below show you what restaurant food items actually cost in 1937. In case you were confused, all the numbers are in CENTS, not dollars. I picked out the most common food item on the first menu. A hamburger with onions cost 15 cents in 1937. If the BLS inflation figures were accurate that hamburger should cost 16 times as much today. That would be $2.40.

Avalon was recently in NYC and went to your standard pub called Quinn’s Bar & Grill. I’ve pulled up their menu on the link below:

A hamburger in NYC costs $12.00 today, not $2.40. That is 80 times the cost in 1937. This is slightly different than the BLS figures. Do you believe the government or your own two eyes?

It is fortunate for the Federal Reserve and the bankers running this country that the populace is so dumbed down and unaware of how man made inflation has destroyed their lives, while enriching a chosen few. Henry Ford was right in the 1930s and these menus reveal the truth of his words.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

Via The Great Depression of 2006

The first 3 pictures are from the Manhattan  Restaurant