Earth Is About To Enter A 30-Year “Mini Ice Age” As The Sun Hibernates, Scientist Warns

Authored by Elias Marat via,

A scientist has warned that Earth could be facing a mini ice age due to the Sun radiating less energy and heat toward our planet. According to the expert, this would mean that the planet would be plunged into a period of extreme winter and chilly cold storms during the next 30 years.

According to NASA, the Sun will reach its lowest activity in over two centuries in 2020. As a result of it going into a natural period of hibernation, Earth could see temperatures drop, resulting in food shortages on a global scale. The temperature could also drop by as much as one degree Celsius over a period of roughly 12 months—an incremental yet significant change in climate conditions that could have unpredictable results.

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The Coming Mini Ice Age & Cyclical Movement of the Tropics Belt Itself

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

We have the most sophisticated and diverse client base than probably any institution covering more than 100 countries. Our business has been constructed upon one bedrock foundation – unbiased computer analysis. These forecasts are NEVER my personal opinion. There are plenty of people who seek to argue but fail to understand it is NOT ME! Just because someone claims to be a scientist and states for or against Global Warming, really does not add up to a lot for just as when you go visit a doctor, they always tell you to get a second “opinion” because that is all you are getting.

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Snow in Hong Kong? No Possible Way. Or Maybe?

HonkKong-Snow 1-18-2016

Some people have asked why did I bother to follow weather? I became a partner in a firm called Strategic Weather to do long-term forecasting, which today is Planalytics which is geared to forecasting weather for business. The database on weather was put together and formed one of the largest in the country. Weather has played a key role in migrations and the rise and fall of nations. I have warned that we are entering a period which is summed up best as – the Age of Whatever Can Go Wrong – Will Go Wrong.

From a weather perspective, our long-term models at PEI project that we are heading into a mini ice age – not global warming, and it has nothing to do with emissions. This is a natural cycle whereby the energy output of the sun collapses. This week, temperatures plummeted in Hong Kong. They were even talking about snow, which I am not sure anyone has ever seen in my lifetime. This is the Maunder Minimum & the Coming Mini Ice Age. It is blistering cold right now in New Jersey. We have to comprehend that this is like a crash of the stock market from a 1929 high. It will be rapid and by no means gradual. By the time we look back at this in a few years, we will be willing to pay taxes for global warming to heat things up again.