I’ve been listening to the left wingnuts crying foul because Crooked Hillary won the popular vote. They evidently fell asleep during their American government class in high school. The reason there are two senators per state and an electoral college is to keep the large powerful states from wielding too much power in governing the nation.

It seems left wing nutjobs seem to be drawn together into 6 liberal enclaves. You may notice the professional violent Soros protestors do their best work in these states. Republican voters in these states know their vote is worthless, because there are far too many irrational, mathematically challenged snowflakes to overcome. So, many don’t even bother to vote.

Clinton won the popular vote by about 630,000. Jabba the Hutt (aka Michael Moore) and the diverse left wing shrews on MSNBC and CNN are outraged that white deplorables stole the election from their little crook. A little perspective reveals a different picture. You back out the popular vote margin in those six socialist states and Trump wins the popular vote by over 6 million votes. The Hollywood and NYC elites, along with their Hilbots, think the votes of six states should override the overwhelming landslide achieved by Trump in the other 44 states.


Trump’s Geographic Landslide

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via MishTalk.com,

Donald Trump won the presidency, but Hillary won the Popular Vote by a margin of 206,379 or so.

That fact caused Simon Rosenberg, a veteran Democratic strategist and the president of the NDN think tank to moan about a Democratic Party in Crisis.

“We are the only democracy in the developed world where if you win more votes you don’t control the government and the legislature. There is not a wholesale rejection of the Democratic party and the Democratic brand, that’s not what happened last night despite the fact we now have less power than we’ve had since 1928.”

Let’s investigate Rosenberg’s complaint another way.

Geographic Landslide


Geographically speaking, Trump won at least 80% of the Nation. The only states Hillary carried are Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.