Q Post Contest – Win Some Free Stuff!

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Courtesy of JQ and FM. Intro by FM.

I’ll start off by saying I have been following the Q posts somewhat loosely. I’m busy this time of year so even making comments here takes up valuable time that I should be using to get my work done. But as they say… all work and no play.

The Q phenomena,  whether it is a LARP of some kind or if it is real, has been very entertaining to follow. There are also a lot of ‘coincidences’ and things to think about. Things that make you go “hmmmm”. Yojimbo and Hardscrabble covered some of them earlier this week here.

Whatever Q is it has not gone mainstream yet. That being said the project is gradually making its way into the public’s consciousness. It has started where these things normally start, on the outskirts of the internet. It’s made it’s way from 4 Chan to 8 Chan to Twitter and into the broader alternative media over the period of a few months. For those of you paying attention, this is how you plant a seed. This is how things grow to something bigger.

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It’s been hard for me to figure out what this Q business means to me. As the future continues to prove the past, it occurred to me that Q represents something I’ve believed, and stated here many times in the past. Educating the masses would be essential (along with eliminating the Fed, at a minimum) to turning things around. I just never envisioned an effective way to accomplish that. I also never envisioned Trump.

It’s perfectly clear to 100% of Americans that everything is a lie. Trump represents a chance to expose the truth by revealing it in its original form. Criminals always leave a trail. Trump will allow that trail to be revealed and publically inspected. It will be the collective “mic drop”, heard ’round the world.

Continue reading “DAMN TANGENTS”


Q has been rather chatty and extra cryptic over the last few days. Apparently some of the bad actors are monitoring 8chan. Not all of Q’s messages are intended for the anons. Yesterday (I think), Q said 2 of the top ten were “here now”. Speculation was the Clinton’s, Papa &  Barbara or Papa and Baby Bush and David Rothschild. Whoever they were, he seemed to be laughing at, and taunting them. Between Q’s posts and the drop from Dilley’s source plus the dirt being dug on 8chan, I get the impression that Trump feels that the people have heard enough. The last three words of his tweet seem like a command.


Continue reading “Q AND DILLEY UPDATE”


237dde No.324395

“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”

Prayer said every single day in the OO.

JFK – Secret Societies.

Where we go one, we go all.


Continue reading “OVAL OFFICE PRAYER”



Brenden Dilley is a grass roots candidate for Congress in an upcoming special election for Arizona’s District Eight. I wish he was in my jurisdiction. He’s just a normal guy. A real person, who wants genuinely make his little part of the world a better place. I think he’d fit in here on TBP.

Some kind of “US intel contractor” employee has been providing Dilley with Q like intel drops. Dilley says this is because he is trustworty and can be relied on to release only approved intel without embellishing it. He can often be seen in his videos reading it directly from a screen and sometimes the contractor is able to respond to typed questions from Dilley in real time.

These intel drops square with Q’s drops quite nicely. With both intel sources scoring confirmation in the news later.



I’m about 99.5% sure this Q business is legit. There’s still .5% that expects the gestapo to rub me out any day now if Q turns out to be a campaign by the Deep State to identify those unwilling to assimilate. Honestly, that’ll be an acceptable outcome as well because I’m NOT getting on the cattle car.

All of the blue text is mine.

I’ve seen a few comments here regarding the legal justification for using Military Tribunals to prosecute the bad actors who have attempted, or are currently attempting, a Coup d’etat of the government  of the United States. There has been some back and forth about it on 8chan as well and I finally spotted a series of graphics along with a body of text put together by one on the anons over there. I’m not a lawyer but it looks like he lays it out pretty well. I welcome comments from all actual lawyers who might encounter this post.

The four graphics below are presented in the same order as referred to in the text below.



I would like to implore ALL readers of The Burning Platform to join the ongoing and expanding MEME WAR. You don’t need to create any memes although I know that some of you have some serious talents in this regard.

As most of you know, Q, real or not, has asked that people create and distribute memes to red-pill the public in order to ease the shock that many Americans are sure to experience when they learn that their entire lives have been based on lies and the details of memogate, pizzagate and numerous other previously hidden activities of the deep state are revealed.



Continue reading “ALTERNATIVE Q-LIKE INFO”


I suppose it’s just possible that we may be just trading one evil for another. I’ll concede that much. However, it looks like were going to get a nice shit show out of the deal to make it all go down a little easier.

Shh, I think Act II is about to begin.

Everyone seems confused about when we’re going to see Felonia & Friends do the perp walk including myself but I’ve finally figured out the Q timeline. As I’ve said several times, the ONLY way this take down of our oppressors can ever work is to do it by the strict rule of law.





Much fuckery going on over on CBTS 8chan. Q is posting on a new board now. Fuckery seems to be solved for now and the WEAPONIZED AUTISM is strong!

First I want to give you a Q clue broken down from beginning to end. Keep re-reading this until the gravity of it sets in. FUTURE PROVES THE PAST:

(rt click and click view image to enlarge)


Continue reading “Q’s CLUES GET JUCIER”

Nuremberg Trial Fears Grow As Guantanamo Prepares For “High Level” American Prisoners

Tonto Kowalski posted a link to this over on the Assange Tweets post. I thought it deserved a post of it’s own.

December 31, 2017

Nuremberg Trial Fears Grow As Guantanamo Prepares For “High Level” American Prisoners

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that based upon signals intelligence (SIGINT/ELINT) accumulated over the past year by Signal Communications Troops (SCT) conducting training missions in the Republic of Cuba—and who’ve been “aided/augmented” by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) in their findings—General Staff Deputy Defense Minister Tatiana Shevtsova is able to confirm that a level of “high confidence” currently exists that President Donald Trump is preparing to transfer to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp (located in Cuba) an unknown number of “high levelAmerican citizen detainees in preparation for their trials before a US Military Tribunal—and whose nearest historical counterpart incident of were the 1945-46 Nuremberg Trials held to prosecute German Nazi war criminals—and that likewise, as seen in 1945, is now seeing hundreds of highly trained and specialized US Army Military Police being rushed to Cuba to oversee this process. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Highly trained and specialized US Army Military Police (in white helmets) oversee Nuremberg Trials for German Nazi war criminals—1945-46

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I’ll never be able to do this wide ranging and prolific saga any real justice. It’s just too big as I expect you’ll come to find out in the coming weeks and months. I think everybody, including the Weaponized Autists, expected to see some fairly immediate and definitive proofs that the subjects broached by Q are true.

Trump called this The Calm Before The Storm for a reason. Storms come in all kinds of sizes and move at many different speeds. Trump’s storm is, by all indications, an epic Typhoon. I have no experience with a typhoon but I did survive a category four Hurricane in 1989. It was building strength for weeks over warm, open water. I was 100 miles inland and the storm took hours to reach us once the eye made landfall. The storm started out dark and foreboding with light breezes. That was followed by a little rain, increasing winds, increasing rain, hail, gale for winds with unbelievable gusts then hours of howling, sometimes deafening winds. All of the sudden it was over. Daylight, decreasing winds and beautiful blue skies. It was utterly silent outside. No birds, insects, cars, planes…….nothing. We were in the false promise of the Eye of the Storm.

Continue reading “THE CONTINUING SAGA OF Q”


Guest Post by Not Sure

The reason for this article, is to gather all the points of Q’s posts and draw a picture of where I think all the dots are pointing to. This will be important, as when the main point of the article is presented, your reaction will determine if the outcome of the conflict will result in a victory for the patriots of this country, or the Americans who would see us under the umbrella of a globalist government.

Continue reading “Q”


I had heard about this story earlier this year but never had time to run it down. Related digression—>When I first started reading Q I got the impression that Trump was actually going to set the entire world free. He’s going to free the children and others trapped in and abducted by, the world wide pedophile trades. He’s going to free the American blacks by identifying those responsible for their position in life. He’s going to free the common Jew who are, in reality, not much different than the American blacks. He’s going to free humankind in many ways. I know that sounds grandiose and I wish I could explain it but weeks of continuous reading cannot be condensed down by a no talent hack like myself. Perhaps imagining the effect of the central banks losing their grip on the world might provide the proper perspective for the changes I mentioned?

Continue reading “IF TRUE………”


Q tipped 8chan off about this a couple days ago.

I believe the dam is about to break. Felonia is hip deep in this shit. I haven’t had time to dig but I’m certain this shit is tied to global human trafficking and pedophilia.

United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe