Robert E. Lee’s Ubiquitous Presence

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

We are going to have to do far more than take down Robert E. Lee’s statue.

We have to close the US Military Academy at West Point. Not only was Lee a West Point graduate, but in 1962 the U.S. Army named the West Point barracks after Robert E. Lee. Two New York congress persons want to change the name of the barracks, but we can’t be satisfied with half-way measures. The entire institution is tainted. And so is the U.S. Army. We have to close down the Army also.

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America’s Second Civil War

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

“They had found a leader, Robert E. Lee — and what a leader! … No military leader since Napoleon has aroused such enthusiastic devotion among troops as did Lee when he reviewed them on his horse Traveller.”

So wrote Samuel Eliot Morison in his magisterial “The Oxford History of the American People” in 1965.

First in his class at West Point, hero of the Mexican War, Lee was the man to whom President Lincoln turned to lead his army. But when Virginia seceded, Lee would not lift up his sword against his own people, and chose to defend his home state rather than wage war upon her.

This veneration of Lee, wrote Richard Weaver, “appears in the saying attributed to a Confederate soldier, ‘The rest of us may have … descended from monkeys, but it took a God to make Marse Robert.'”

Growing up after World War II, this was accepted history.

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“Northern politicians will not appreciate the determination and pluck of the South, and Southern politicians do not appreciate the numbers, resources and patient perseverance of the North. Both sides forget that we are all Americans. I foresee that our country will pass through a terrible ordeal, a necessary expiation, perhaps, for our national sins.”

Robert E. Lee

“You have no idea what a horrible sight a field of battle is.”

Robert E. Lee

“What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world.”

Robert E. Lee

General Lee Speaks: Had it Figured Out

“The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.” Robert E. Lee

The man was perceptive. Amalgamation of the states under a central government has led to exactly the effects foreseen by General Lee.

In, say, 1950, to an appreciable though imperfect extent America resembled a confederacy. Different regions of the America had little contact with each other, and almost no influence over one another. The federal government was small and remote. Interstates did not exist, nor of course the internet, nor even direct long-distance telephone dialing. West Virginia, Alabama, Massachusetts, New York City, Texas, and California had little in common, but little conflict arose since for practical purposes they were almost different countries. They chiefly governed themselves. The  proportion of federal to state law was small.

Continue reading “General Lee Speaks: Had it Figured Out”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Robert E. Lee surrenders – 1865


At Appomattox, Virginia, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrenders his 28,000 troops to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War. Forced to abandon the Confederate capital of Richmond, blocked from joining the surviving Confederate force in North Carolina, and harassed constantly by Union cavalry, Lee had no other option.

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At each of these great gates of history, eighty to a hundred years apart, a similar generational drama unfolded. Four archetypes, aligned in the same order – elder Prophet, midlife Nomad, young adult Hero, child Artist – together produced the most enduring legends in our history. Each time the Grey Champion appeared marked the arrival of a moment of “darkness, and adversity, and peril,” the climax of the Fourth Turning of the saeculum.The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe

In September 2015 I wrote a five part article called Fourth Turning: Crisis of Trust. In Part 2 of that article I pondered who might emerge as the Grey Champion, leading the country during the second half of this Fourth Turning Crisis. I had the above pictures of Franklin, Lincoln, and FDR, along with a flaming question mark. The question has been answered. Donald J. Trump is the Grey Champion.



Liberal control freaks censor and destroy whatever they don’t like, including history. Obama and his minions will cheer as these monuments are blown up, just as the Taliban and ISIS do the same. Maybe the mayor should concentrate on reducing the murder rate in New Orleans, as it is one of the most dangerous cities in America.

New Orleans council votes on purging city of Confederate monuments

Robert E. Lee statue.

After months of heated public debate, the New Orleans City Council is holding a special meeting Thursday to vote on whether to remove four monuments tied to its Confederate past.

A towering Robert E. Lee statue that has stood for more than a century at Lee Circle is at risk, along with memorials to P.G.T. Beauregard, a high-ranking Confederate officer, and Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy. Perhaps the most controversial of the group, the Liberty Place monument, which commemorates a failed coup led by ex-Confederates, is also in the crosshairs.

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu first proposed the plan back in June, and, according to published reports, he has the votes needed to push it through.