“So the modern world may be increasing in technological knowledge, but, paradoxically, it is making things a lot more unpredictable.”Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder

“Success brings an asymmetry: you now have a lot more to lose than to gain. You are hence fragile.”Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder

I had read Nassim Taleb’s other best-selling tomes about risk, randomness and black swans – Fooled by Randomness & The Black Swan. They were not easy reads, but they were must reads. He is clearly a brilliant thinker, but I like him more because he is a prickly skeptic who scorns and ridicules academics, politicians, and Wall Street scumbags with gusto. There were many passages which baffled me, but so many nuggets of wisdom throughout each book, you couldn’t put them down.

When his Antifragile book was published in 2012, the name intimidated me. I figured it was too intellectual for my tastes. When I saw it on the shelf in my favorite used book store at the beach, I figured it was worth a read for $9. I’m plowing through it and I haven’t been disappointed.

His main themes are more pertinent today than they were in 2012. He published The Black Swan in 2007, just prior to one of the biggest black swans in world history – the 2008 Federal Reserve/Wall Street created financial collapse. His disdain for “experts” like Bernanke, Paulson, and Wall Street CEOs, and their inability to comprehend the consequences of their actions and in-actions as the financial system was blown sky high, was a bulls-eye.

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Rebutting David Stockman’s Claim That We Need Not Fear Islamic Terrorists

In the David Stockman article one of TBP’s readers — a fellow named Tom — rebutted Stockman’s thesis that we have nothing to fear from Islamic terrorism and, that Trump is engaged in fear-mongering.

Several people felt that it deserved to be it’s own thread.  Admin has too many responsibilities and too little time to attend to such things.  I have no life at all so, here it is.  (MANY kudos to TOM!!)

Note: Tom is correct. Stockman is wrong. Islam by it’s very nature and the words in its own holy book dictate that it can not be changed to reflect Western values. There will not be, nor can there be, an Islamic Reformation to make it more palpable, more reasonable, or more humane.  For those of you who are new here, I make my case for this belief in an article I wrote six months ago — “Why Islam Lops Off Heads, Christianity Doesn’t, and Trump Is Right”here

I think Terminator Genisys has the perfect summary if Islam.

Again, following is Tom’s response.  (I only added some formatting, minor spelling corrections, and extra paragraph breaks to make it easier to read.)

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