Thumpathumpthump, Here Come Trump: Pols Have Knickers in Knot

What is it that puzzles New York about Trump’s enormous appeal? . He does what so many of us desperately want. He takes no guff from the loathsome talking heads who have never baited a hook or worried about a mortgage payment or been bankrupted by the confluence of Wall Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. He doesn’t whimper and wriggle and apologize like a puppy who has wet the rug after saying something that upsets the priss spigots. He says, perhaps in different words, what so many want to say. “Stick it where the sun don’t shine.”

It’s wonderful. The Beltway bastards just don’t know what to do about it. They try all the political-correctness sure-fires—“You are racist! Sexist! Insensitive! Islamophobic!”–and he doesn’t respond correctly. No. He says, “Up yours, Potato Chip. I made ten billion dollars. What have you ever done?”

It’s love at first sight. So many people are sick of disintegrating bottle-blonde wreckage and proliferating vegetation—we have enough Bushes for a goddam arboretum—and all the inbred scum of a dying country.


How much of what he says is true, and what could he as President actually deliver? He chiefly wants to deport illegal aliens. Fine–but can he? Does he really plan to?

I note that he is carefully, and dishonestly, putting the immigrational blame on those who came instead of on the Americans who bade them come, wanted them to come, and want them to keep coming.

Trump says that the Chinese and Mexicans are our enemies because they are “taking American jobs.”  I wonder exactly how the Chinese take American jobs. Do they land in division strength in North Carolina and occupy factories? Or do American businessmen (Trump is an American businessman) send American factories to China, knowing that it will devastate the American economy? Does a Mexican take an American’s job by putting a pistol to his head and saying, “Geeve me the shoffel or I weel blow your brines out”? Or do American businessmen (Trump is an American businessman) hire illegals, and encourage them to come, knowing perfectly well that they are illegal?

I will believe that Trump is serious about deporting illegals when he proposes to slap on employers a fine of $500 per day, per illegal, half to go anonymously to the informant if any, this to go into effect after a month’s grace period. It presumably could be packaged as enforcement of existing law, and therefore not require congressional approval. It would place the burden of verification squarely where it belongs, on the American businessmen who know well that they are hiring illegals.

The trouble with this approach is that it would work. Immediately. Slaughterhouses, farms, orchards, and construction firms would go tits-up. American businessmen (have I mentioned that Trump is an American businessman?) would suffer the consequences of doing what they knew they were doing. But of course American consumers would also suffer the consequences. So it won’t happen.

An explicit question that needs an explicit answer: Who is going to replace the illegals? Answer: No one. A guest-worker program would do the trick but the workers would still be Hispanics. No?

Blacks are not going to do the scut-work. They could have had the jobs long ago if they had wanted them. But welfare and leisure in Detroit appeal more than backbreaking labor under a hot sun in a tobacco field. Few whites will even consider standing ankle-deep in blood in an abattoir. Which leaves….

I think we will see Donald duck the question.

Trump is also says that “Mexico” is “sending” its criminals north, and that Hispanics are raping and robbing and killing great swaths across America. In this he is supported by much dreary howling from Ann Coulter, the Manhattan Wind Tunnel.

But is it so? How exactly does “Mexico” “send” its criminals to the US? Offer free bus tickets to the border to anyone who can prove he is a criminal? Package them for shipment by UPS? Mexico isn’t sending them. They are going where the pickings are good. America’s insatiable appetite for drugs provides very good pickings.

The claim that Hispanics in general are causing a wave of crime is shaky though politically saleable. Mexicans are certainly neck-deep in the drug trade, satisfying American demand extending from cocaine on Capitol Hill to a little of everything for high-school and university students to marijuhweenie for middle-class folk who like to toke-up to scag for derelicts nodding off on street corners. But otherwise?

On Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance site I find figures from DOJ showing that Hispanics are all of 26% more likely than whites to commit violent crime. Hardly a crime wave. Since Jared is strongly against massive immigration (as am I) he is unlikely to be cooking the figures in favor of Hispanics. (For the intellectually adult, Ron Unz, long but well worth reading.)

Oddly, Trump does not mention crime by blacks, which genuinely is a disaster. Why? You don’t suppose this is electioneering…?


Odd, though, since (I will bet that) his partisans are also sick of black crime, burning cities, trashed malls, the Knockout Game, as well as political correctness, compulsory concern for sexual freaks, federal meddling, the drugging of little boys, and so on. I am one of them.

It is also amusing that those against immigration growl about Hispanics’ being on welfare. This, like the whole problem of immigration, is self-inflicted. If you don’t want people to go on welfare, don’t offer them welfare. How hard is this? We would all freeload if we could. If the government offered you a grand a month, legally, for free, would you take it? I would. It seems a bit wrong-headed to offer Hispanics free stuff and then growl when they accept.

Ah, but here we come to the matter of hidden agendas. American businessmen oppose amnesty because they want the illegals to remain illegal so they can’t organize and demand better pay. But the same businessmen do not want them deported. And of course welfare for immigrants is a subsidy to American businessmen: If the government pays Pedro half of a living wage, then Wal-Mart has to pay him only the other half.

Many, methinks, of Trumps proposals make more electoral than practical sense. A fence along the frontier? It would require congressional approval, many years, and probably would not work. A twelve-foot fence requires a thirteen-foot ladder. It is rousing good fun to talk about the Israelis and they have a fence and it works. But they have a short fence and they are willing to shoot to kill anyone crossing it.

Cutting off federal funds to “sanctuary” cities, proposed by Trump, presumably would require approval from Congress, where it woud be blocked by Democrats, American businessmen, mayors of “sanctuary” cities, the talking heads, and related trash. California, with more Hispanics than whites, a state in which police are currently forbidden to check immigration status, would be unlikely to cooperate. Then what? Send federal troops to occupy California?

It is so very simple: If you hire them, they will come. If you don’t, they won’t. The problem in seven words, the solution in five.

So maybe Trump ain’t perfect. Presidency-wise, though, the choices are two: Trump, or more of the same. The same nauseating, corrupt inside-the-beltway pols, bought and paid for by corporate interests, mendacious, contemptuous of the rest of America, politically correct, guaranteed to preside over the continuing deterioration.

Maybe I have overestimated the number of choices.

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September 25, 2015 9:22 am

Fuck you fred, you and your goddamn mexico. Stay out of our business, globalist loser.

September 25, 2015 9:23 am

The Democrats hate him.

The MSM, including Fox, hates him.

The Republican establishment hates him.

Mexico hates him.

La Raza hates him.

Communists hate him.

Socialists hate him.

Anti gunners hate him.

Sexual perverts hate him.

Islam hates him.

European rulers hate him/

He publicly talks about all those things his opponents want completely removed from public conversation.

Just a few of the reasons I like him and why you should too.

September 25, 2015 9:45 am

During the Freedom Center’s 2015 West Coast Retreat (March 6-8 in Palos Verdes, CA) Victor Davis Hanson gave a speech on the subject of illegal immigration from Mexico and provided both context and content superior to anything Mr. Reed has considered. The audiovisual recording and unedited transcript of his speech and the Q&A session following are available at:

Dr. Hanson’s speech finished up as follows:

“So what, let me just conclude, and what should we do? Everybody here I think understands what we should do. We have about 15,000,000 people. We need to first close the borders. Just close them and finish the fence and have some type of employer I.D. and biometric identification and find employers and you could close it pretty quickly. And then, second, you would have to deal with the people who are here. You would not have to give them amnesty for citizenship, but you could say to people who had been here under certain criteria that we will give you a pathway to residency. You can pay a fine and you can wait through all the other people who waited in line legally, got green cards and then you can. This idea that everybody’s going to get citizenship is absurd under the Simpson-Mazzoli Act of ’86 only 31 percent of the people eventually got citizenship. Everybody I talked to said I don’t want to be a citizen. I’m too old. I don’t want to go through all that. I just want to be a resident. My kids are already citizens. Who cares? Not everybody wants to be a citizen but they do want to be here legally and we should have three criteria and this is why we’re never going to see it happen.

“Number one, if you just came on the scent of amnesty from Central America or Mexico, you should be sent back home. We can have a residency requirement. Two, three, five years. If you’ve been here for five years, you’re eligible to apply for permanent residency, if you fulfill two other criteria. One, you can’t come and be on public assistance. You have to have some work record. Now maybe we can have people on disability, but if you come and you immediately went on public assistance then you’re not an undocumented worker; you’re an undocumented welfare recipient. We have enough of that in the United States without importing people. So is that a small number? No. One quarter of all California recipients of welfare are illegal aliens. I just said a word that would get me fired from the Chicago Tribune. They told me that if I ever use the word illegal alien again I’m not going to be able to have my syndicated column. So I have to say “undocumented workers,” but I say they don’t have documents and they’re not all working, so now I think it’s undocument, um, I don’t know what the other word is. They do it now. I don’t know it. But what I’m getting at is we could very easily say if you have no work record and you’re on public assistance, we suggest you go return to the country of origin. Would we get buses and would it be the division of Pakistan and India and send people en mass? No, it would just simply say that we’re going to require everybody on public assistance to have some work record as well. That this was a temporary phenomenon. If not, when you come into the radar, you’ll have to go home.

“And finally and most controversially, you can’t have broken the law. I’m not saying you can’t run a stop sign once, but if you have a felony conviction or a DUI then we have enough good people from Mexico that we don’t need you here. What would that number entail if we said we want everybody to be eligible for residency if they pay a fine, if they learn English, if they apply at the back of the line? However, if you just came here, you weren’t here three to five years, however, if you’ve committed crimes; however, if you have no work history, return. That could be a sizable minority. It could be 20 percent. The estimates I see, say 20 percent. Well out of 15,000,000 people that could be 3,000,000 people and that’s where the controversy comes.

“The controversy right now with illegal immigration is not some mythical House Republican insurrection as to the xenophobes. It’s on the liberal Democratic aristocracy. ‘Cause every time the House Republicans start to say we want first to secure the borders, they say, oh, yeah, we can do that, but let’s do amnesty first. Each time they say we want some criteria about arrest, they say well how about two DUIs? Three? They start bargaining over two or three DUIs. Every time they say, well, we can’t have people live here two years, look at the kids here. They just got here. They have to be let in. In other words what I’m getting at is when Barack Obama says I had to use a pen and a phone and resort to an executive order because the House Republicans would not cooperate and were obstructionists, what he means is they didn’t agree with my particular idea of amnesty and therefore they didn’t sign onto it and therefore we couldn’t have a law because they wanted some minimum requirement that people who broke the law did not commit a crime and had come here for a long time and came here to work and then they would be given an opportunity for residency and that was beyond the pale for Barack Obama and Democrats. And that’s where we are.

“Is it going to change? I don’t think it is. I don’t think that anything will change until you have the present Republican Senate and House and you have to nominate a candidate and he has to be elected that can do two things. He’s going to have to support this type of immigration agenda and he won’t be easily caricatured like a Mitt Romney or John McCain as an aristocratic white guy who’s a nativist and that has to be either somebody on terms of class or ethniticity that is immune from that type of cheap demagoguery.

“If we don’t have immigration reform what we end up, I think we’ll end up something like Selma, California where I live and I don’t mean that in a completely apocalyptic manner. It’s just different. What do I mean by different? It’s not assimilated. There’s no diversity. The school that I went to is 99.9 percent Hispanic, Eric White school. Every school in Selma School District flunked the No Child Left Behind standards. We’re on our third recall of city council. We just fired the superintendent because somebody alleged that he was insensitive to Hispanics and it violated the Brown Act. We had a big epidemic of manhole covers being stolen out of the streets by city employees because we wanted to have them recycled. We have all of these strange things. Is that because of one ethnic group? No. It’s because of one idea that a particular law, a federal law, has no enforcement and you’re immune and you’re exempt from it and once you create that in the mentality of anybody, you, me or anybody, then it’s an open book to violate all sorts of law.

“And it’s a feeling that for some reason my host is afraid to enforce its own law. Mexico enforces its law. South America enforces its law. The United States is afraid to enforce the law and therefore they must feel that way because they’re either guilty or they’re weak. And if they’re guilty they’ll commit another law another crime and if they’re weak then I have nothing but contempt for them. Believe me, if we enforced immigration law and we deported law breakers and people on public assistance and people that just got here, we would be so admired by the Mexican-American community. We really would. And if we wouldn’t pander to La Raza and we’d stand up for them as Republicans and conservatives, eventually we would get 50/50 vote and if we follow the prescription of the establishment Republicans, we’re going to lose the next election and the one after it and the one after it. Thank you very much.”

September 25, 2015 9:50 am

Fred a “globalist”? Explain, please.

September 25, 2015 9:52 am

Here are some facts, dumbass, about your beloved mejico. Per capita income 15 grand. Trade surplus with america 53 billion. Estimated narcotics profit from america 18 billion. Remittances from mexicans working in america 20 billion. Population 100 million. Let’s do some math, shall we, fred? 91 billion divided by 100 million is $9100. per mexican, right off the backs of hard working americans. Let me repeat, fuck you, fred

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
September 25, 2015 9:59 am

Trump would lose 25-50% of his workforce if he deported illegals IMO.

Hilarity and many other politicians kiss his dRUMPf.

Yeh, elect part of the problem that is DC which half of Amurikah dislikes.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 25, 2015 10:00 am

Victor Davis Hanson: “if we follow the prescription of the establishment Republicans, we’re going to lose the next election and the one after it and the one after it.”

So is VDH for Trump – or is he a fucking moron?

September 25, 2015 10:10 am

I said it on here before… people like him because they believe, rightly or wrongly (wrongfully?), he is not one of THEM.

Them being the


September 25, 2015 10:13 am

strfcker writes: “Here are some facts, dumbass, about your beloved mejico. Per capita income 15 grand. Trade surplus with america 53 billion. Estimated narcotics profit from america 18 billion. Remittances from mexicans working in america 20 billion. Population 100 million. Let’s do some math, shall we, fred? 91 billion divided by 100 million is $9100. per mexican, right off the backs of hard working americans. Let me repeat, fuck you, fred”

You’re underestimating the amounts sent in remittances by Mexican workers sojurning in these United States

Quoting yet again from Hanson’s cited speech:

” If we just had a public relations outfit running the United States as Mexico did we would not be unpopular anywhere in the world. They are the most brilliant propagandists in the world. You turn on any television, if you see a Mexican spokesman, a consul, governor, anybody on Univision or even on mainstream TV, they always have a furrowed brow and they will tell you how disturbed they are about the treatment of Mexican people in the United States.

“Getting back to my story about the consul, he said to me, Mr. Hanson you guys in America ripped my heart out. I said, why? You’ve taken all of our best citizens and I said, well, what do you mean we took them? The average education of an illegal immigrant is eighth grade. He said yes we invested eight years in your education and you ripped them from us and believe me in the commonwealth in San Francisco is not a conservative audience. They, the liberal audience though they be, laughed him out of the room at that, but nevertheless can you imagine the audacity because what Mexico is really telling us is we want 50 billion dollars in renumerances. That’s what they get, 50 billion dollars a year. Think of the logic of that. Somebody comes here and washes dishes and toils and lives at minimum wage or sells flowers at the corner or comes to your house and cuts limbs for cash and he scrimps and saves and sends on average about $600.00 or $700.00 a month back to Mexico, and what basically the Mexican government is saying is we didn’t offer our people adequate social services. We don’t really care about the interior provinces where indigenous people live who don’t speak Spanish. So we’re going to send them up to you and then adopt them as a cause celeb and make them work under very harsh conditions so they can send money back and support their families in a way that we wouldn’t dare do and we’re going to call you racists if you question that. That’s pretty Orwellian. That’s what the Mexican government does. That’s not the only reason why they’re big drivers. They have over 50 consulates in the United States now.”

It’s not so much that these unskilled and utterly illiterate Mexican workers (many of them don’t EVEN speak recognizable Spanish, but rather non-European dialects peculiar to the most impoverished and backward interior provinces of los Estados Unidos Mexicanos) are taking jobs and money from equivalent American laborers, but that they are a burden to the Mexican federal and state governments that the Hispanic ruling class is HAPPY to have shuffled off to el Norte, whence they send remittances that are critical to keeping the Mexican economy afloat.

As for the flaming asshole, Iska Waran, FOLLOW THE FUCKING LINK and read the transcript, you dickless wonder.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 25, 2015 10:17 am

I understand what Fred is saying and why he is inclined to given Mexico a pass (I have a somewhat harsher judgment). That said, his bottom line is clear. Either vote for Trump or kiss this place goodbye. Don’t like his bombast, his hair, his line of bullshit? Fine. Just get used to Jeb Bush or one of the others. Perhaps Lindsey “Light in his Loafers” Graham is your man? We are at the end of the line, folks. Face it.

September 25, 2015 10:18 am

Montefrio, FYI, I was calling fred dumbass, not you. Jim, I wasn”t even thinking about trump, I just get sick of fred and his never ending warbling about the wonders of modern mejico. First on my list of all the global niggertowns we have built, it will collapse right back into a third world hellhole economically the minute the above cashflows ebb. Might be some foreign aid, too, I forgot to look

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 25, 2015 10:22 am

“Every nation gets the government it deserves.” – Joseph de Maistre

In this sense America is unexceptional. It will get exactly what it has coming to it as each government is something of a reflection of the character of the people as a whole. I think Fred hits the nail on the head (he often does) – Trump is refreshing because he is less afraid to say what is on his mind but he is still an oligarch. Your illegal problems are a result of greed by those at the top of the economic food chain – a result of supply and demand. Consumers demand cheaper goods which require cheaper labour – illegals fill that niche.

Quit demanding cheaper shit and be more conscious of where you spend your money and on what and you will begin to see broader change in time. Who grows and picks your food? Where do you get it from? And so on and so forth across the entire spectrum of your life. The little choices we make have cumulative consequences that manifest themselves over time – the consequences being reflections of who we are which is why governments and related systems become what they are and so on and so forth.

Think you’re not a part of the problem? Examine your life a little closer I’d suggest.

As for Fred being a globalist – that’s the biggest bunch of crap I’ve ever read on TBP.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 25, 2015 10:28 am

Tucci, I’ve read your link. VDH is aghast at the prospect of Jeb as Presidente. So am I. I don’t see Hanson stating the plain fact that that every non-Trump candidate – including Cruz – is “establishment” on borders/immigration (Paul is non-establishment on foreign policy). None of the non -Trumps will change the policy of open borders and ethnic dilution/replacement that Hanson laments.

So I repeat: Is VDH for Trump or is he a fucking moron?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 25, 2015 10:30 am

I’ll repeat an assertion I’ve made before: The next president will be one of these four: Jeb, Trump, Hillary or Biden. Pick.

September 25, 2015 10:33 am

Francis marion, you’re dumber than fred. Stop demanding cheaper shit? What the fuck are you talking about? We gave papa bush the heave-ho and traitor clinton signed NAFTA anyway, though he campaigned against it. We elected obummer, who campaigned promising to reopen NAFTA.

September 25, 2015 10:56 am

Gee, I wonder how many illegals are working on Trump projects today?…

Married two of them, got himself some “anchor babies”

If elected would he immediately declare the us bankrupt and stiff all the creditors (this approach has worked so well for him before)

Doctor heal thy self

Yeah everyone is really tired of business as usual, but I would rather wait for a patriot rather than a random scumbag

I really thought (hoped) his 15 minutes where up

September 25, 2015 10:59 am

“It is so very simple: If you hire them, they will come. If you don’t, they won’t. The problem in seven words, the solution in five.” ———— Fred

Fred nails it!

Earlier this year we had a new driveway installed. A Spanish-speaking crew …. hundreds of dollars less than the next closest estimate. Why should THEY be punished? If anyone should be punished … and we rejected American companies … it should be ME. And you know what? If there would be a $1000 fine, or whatever number, for hiring an illegal immigrant, you can be damned sure I would have hired the American company. Fred is 100% correct in blaming the employers … AND the government which hands out Free Shit.

Fred also does an excellent job showing how unworkable The Donald’s statements are. The Donald never gives details, ever. The Donald just speaks in generalities. But, when you “lift the sheets”, it’s pretty fucking ugly under there.

September 25, 2015 11:01 am

@Star: Thanks. I didn’t think you meant me. But I’m still confused as to why you believe Fred to be a “globalist”; perhaps we define the word differently. To me, a “globalist” is one who promotes “free trade” to the disadvantage of domestic producers, believes in “open borders”, world government, in other words someone who feels no loyalty to his native country and sees all people of all countries as fair game for exploitation with no interest in improving the lot of anyone who isn’t on board with that agenda. I’m an expat, but I ain’t no globalist and I don’t think Fred is either. I don’t live in Mexico, although I did once and lasted a year and that was fairly long ago now. Fred likes it, good for Fred, but a very large number of native-born Mexicans don’t. Guess where they want to go? Hint: it ain’t Guatemala.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 25, 2015 11:10 am


You are correct – I am “dumber” than Fred. He has a better and broader understanding of most things academic than I do – specifically in the areas of chemistry, biology and advanced mathematics (calculus, trig etc). I can tell this is so simply by reading his rants.

“What the fuck are you talking about????”

I guess the point is that the choices we make (you know – the little people like you and I) have consequences. Cause and effect. It’s really super simple – not sure that I can spell it out any simpler for you. If we demand that oranges be .50 cents apiece but it costs the producer .50 each to bring them to market then he has to look elsewhere for a means to produce them for less money. So you get illegals – illegals are a result of greed across the board. Yours, theirs, the farmer who wants to make as big a profit as he can and the politicos who benefit from their relationship with industry as a whole. This is the point that Fred tries to make – not that Trump isn’t a breath of fresh air but that he is a product of the system and that system will continue to reflect us regardless.

NAFTA is not the cause of your problems – it is a symptom.

September 25, 2015 11:18 am

My question to all you trump supporters- why are you so willing to trust him, despite his background and history, without looking more into it? When it was obama, every one of yall were pouring over his background, looking into the stuff he said as a much younger person, and holding him accountable for it. Who did he associate with in college, 25-30 years ago? that became a very important question to many of you. WHat about at the socialists he hung out with? very important stuff. And before you jump up in arms about it, no, Im not saying anyone was wrong for doing that. Looking into their background is the right thing to do.

So, why is it that so many of the VERY SAME PEOPLE are willing to essentially give donald trump a free pass on EVERYTHING he said or did before about a year ago? It makes no sense. He was a democrat, held almost allprogressive viewpoints, and was a pal of the clintons. His excuse for all of this is that essentially he is just a slimy dealer who will give bribes and ask for favors, the quintessential crony capitalist sleeze bag that most of you TBPers supposedly stand against.

WHY are you guys so willing to give him a free pass on all of this, much of it hardly more than a year ago? why are you so naive(or stupid?) and trusting, just because he says a few things you like? You are being taken for a ride and played for fools.

September 25, 2015 11:20 am

Writes Iska Waran: “So I repeat: Is VDH for Trump or is he a fucking moron?”

The fact that in March of this year Hanson had articulated the problem so lucidly and with such thoroughgoing appreciation of the facts on the ground AND the necessary elements of mitigation and remediation doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s at present “all in” as regards the only candidate in the race who’s committed to the ultimate political incorrectness – closing the borders to illegal immigration and enforcing the laws against employing such undocumented aliens.

On July 26th, Dr. Hanson wrote:

“The fed-up crowd senses that if America continues its present regressive trajectory it will end up as a Greece, Detroit, or Chicago, without anywhere in America to flee to. It no doubt wants Trump to continue for a bit longer, as he struts about and shouts over why Hillary has a career when Gen. David Petraeus’s was ruined for roughly the same offenses, or cuts short an agenda-driven and biased Telemundo reporter as biased and agenda-driven. At some point the fed-ups will have vented and become fed up themselves with the circus-master Trump, who equates his own money-making with both virtue and wisdom. But we are not there yet quite yet.

“To explain the inexplicable rise of Donald Trump is to calibrate the anger of a fed-up crowd that is enjoying the comeuppance of an elite that never pays for the ramifications of its own ideology. The elite media, whose trademark is fad and cant, writes off the fed-up crowd as naïve and susceptible to demagoguery as the contradictory and hypocritical Trump manipulates their anger. In fact, they probably got it backwards. Trump is a transitory vehicle of the fed-up crowd, a current expression of their distaste for both Democratic and Republican politics, but not an end in and of himself. The fed-up crowd is tired of being demagogued to death by progressives, who brag of “working across the aisle” and “bipartisanship” as they ram through agendas with executive orders, court decisions, and public ridicule. So the fed-ups want other conservative candidates to emulate Trump’s verve, energy, eagerness to speak the unspeakable, and no-holds barred Lee Atwater style — without otherwise being Trump.”

(see )

On August 31st:

“Trump is a nasty catharsis through which some fed-up conservatives are venting their furor over the plight of the country and politically correct hypocrisy. The mystery among the political and media class is how quickly these disgruntled conservatives will be cleansed and get Trump out of their systems, and whether it will happen before he does other Republican candidates real damage.

“For now, it will take a bit more of the unfiltered Trump’s preposterousness and anti-PC bluster before his teed-off fans are finally pacified.

“Scorning or ridiculing Trump’s hypocrisies, narcissism or outlandishness won’t silence him, much less win over his supporters. That will happen only when voters find a more savvy, more informed, more polite — but equally blunt and unafraid — version of Trump, perhaps a candidate like either Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or Scott Walker, all of whom are more likely to channel unapologetic conservative anger rather than crudely amplify it.

“Trump will fade when his brand of medicine becomes even worse than the disease. Apparently we are not quite there yet.”

(see )

So Dr. Hanson doesn’t take The Donald as a “serious” candidate for the Red Faction’ run at the presidency, and thinks he’s going to be nothing but a flash-in-the-pan.

But where the hell in the Red Faction – long dominated by the Blue State “Acela Republican” monied aristocracy – is anybody going to “find a more savvy, more informed, more polite — but equally blunt and unafraid — version of Trump”?

Ain’t gonna happen. Except for The Donald, they’re ALL tainted by the “go-along-to-get-along” modus operandi that’s dominated the party ever since the Rockefeller Republicans did their scheming best to sabotage the presidential campaign of Barry Goldwater in ’64.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 25, 2015 11:23 am


Of course Trump isn’t going to mention the far greater criminality of blacks over Hispanics. He’s trying to get elected. Almost all blacks in the US can vote. Half of Hispanics in the US can’t. And Hispanic voters are congregated disproportionately in California which is a lock for the Dems. Pointing out Trump’s hypocrisies is facile. Of course he’s a hypocrite. That still leaves only Trump, Jeb, Hillary & Biden as having a chance at the White House. So do you want the guy who’s ascended by promising to end illegal immigration (at least via the southern border) or one of the other three who demonstrably want more of it? Do you really expect someone to win the presidency by speaking the truth and nothing but the truth? How’s that worked out for the Pauls, Ron & Rand?

September 25, 2015 11:23 am

Fred’s not a globalist. I’m just knocking him around a bit. But mention his precious mejico, and he turns into jeb bush.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 25, 2015 11:26 am


Thanks. So VDH is hoping that Rubio, Cruz, Fiorina or Walker would take effective action to end illegal immigation. So he is a fucking idiot.

September 25, 2015 11:34 am


I did not say Trump was a hypocrite. My post was meant to point out how shallow he is.

I still find him entertaining. It gives me enormous joy to see all the various and numerous haters go into convulsions at the mere name of “Trump”. I love to see maggots squirm.

But, if he does get elected, people will be very very surprised when “the rubber meets the road”. I have no clue whether he will be totally incompetent, and evil fucker, or the 4th Turning Prophet. He is a total enigma to me.

September 25, 2015 11:43 am

He’s un-electable and will only guarantee a democrat victory.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 25, 2015 11:47 am

He is an enigma. The others are known commodities. It’s like having four paths before you. Three are blocked by vicious beasts. The last path may or may not also have a vicious beast lying in wait.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 25, 2015 11:53 am

The Republicans have been selecting the “most electable” guy ever since 1988 and lost every popular vote since then except W’s reelection. Trump is within a few points of Hillary in recent polls (which puts him only 2-4 pts behind Jeb). He has the chance to pull in blue collar voters of all races. Nominate Jeb if all you want is a close 2nd place finish. All of the other GOP candidates are just blocking for Jeb.

September 25, 2015 12:20 pm

Tucc, VDH is a brilliant man, his mexifornia series should be required reading. But he does have the NRO bit in his mouth nowadays. Gitty up. Francis, just lobbing grenades for fun this morning, I am a big fan of fred most of the time

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 25, 2015 1:00 pm


I figured as much. Just taking my brain out for a stroll….

September 25, 2015 1:17 pm

Biometrics is the establishment solution to illegal immigration. In order to prevent illegals from acquiring jobs and welfare, every person must submit to biometric enslavement. Trump could very well become the face behind it.

September 25, 2015 5:31 pm

One correction to this piece, CON_gress already appropriated funds for a fence along the border, but “W” decided a “virtual” fence would be much better, so as a payoff to Boeing that’s where the money went. The results weren’t that impressive:

September 25, 2015 5:55 pm

Set up those temporary permits folks have been talking about for years. Else wise our country needs to make up it’s mind about illegal aliens.
Trump needs to start coming up with some facts to sway those who hate him for his broad sweeping statements.

September 25, 2015 6:19 pm

yahsure writes: “Set up those temporary permits folks have been talking about for years. Else wise our country needs to make up it’s mind about illegal aliens.
“Trump needs to start coming up with some facts to sway those who hate him for his broad sweeping statements.”

It’s not as if the hard facts aren’t amply available. If nothing else, The Donald’s handlers might begin by reading Hanson’s _Mexifornia: A State of Becoming_ (2003) and paying close heed to what Dr. Hanson has been saying and writing over the past several years on the subject of illegal immigration and the pervasive perniciousness of failure to enforce the existing laws pertinent to this issue.

In 2007, Dr. Hanson wrote:

“Since Mexifornia appeared, the debate also no longer splits along liberal/conservative, Republican/Democrat, or even white/brown fault lines. Instead, class considerations more often divide Americans on the issue. The majority of middle-class and poor whites, Asians, African-Americans, and Hispanics wish to close the borders. They see few advantages to cheap service labor, since they are not so likely to need it to mow their lawns, watch their kids, or clean their houses. Because the less well-off eat out less often, use hotels infrequently, and don’t periodically remodel their homes, the advantages to the economy of inexpensive, off-the-books illegal-alien labor again are not so apparent.

“But the downside surely is apparent. Truck drivers, carpenters, janitors, and gardeners — unlike lawyers, doctors, actors, writers, and professors — correctly feel that their jobs are threatened, or at least their wages lowered, by cheaper rival workers from Oaxaca or Jalisco. And Americans who live in communities where thousands of illegal aliens have arrived en masse more likely lack the money to move when Spanish-speaking students flood the schools and gangs proliferate. Poorer Americans of all ethnic backgrounds take for granted that poverty provides no exemption from mastering English, so they wonder why the same is not true for incoming Mexican nationals. Less than a mile from my home is a former farmhouse whose new owner moved in several stationary Winnebagos, propane tanks, and outdoor cooking facilities — and apparently four or five entire families rent such facilities right outside his back door. Dozens live where a single family used to — a common sight in rural California that reifies illegal immigration in a way that books and essays do not.

“The problem with all this is that our now-spurned laws were originally intended to ensure an (admittedly thin) veneer of civilization over innate chaos — roads full of drivers who have passed a minimum test to ensure that they are not a threat to others; single-family residence zoning to ensure that there are adequate sewer, garbage, and water services for all; periodic county inspections to ensure that untethered dogs are licensed and free of disease and that housing is wired and plumbed properly to prevent mayhem; and a consensus on school taxes to ensure that there are enough teachers and classrooms for such sudden spikes in student populations.

“All these now-neglected or forgotten rules proved costly to the taxpayer. In my own experience, the slow progress made in rural California since the 1950s of my youth—in which the county inspected our farm’s rural dwellings, eliminated the once-ubiquitous rural outhouse, shut down substandard housing, and fined violators in hopes of providing a uniform humane standard of residence for all rural residents — has been abandoned in just a few years of laissez-faire policy toward illegal aliens. My own neighborhood is reverting to conditions common about 1950, but with the insult of far higher tax rates added to the injury of nonexistent enforcement of once-comprehensive statutes. The government’s attitude at all levels is to punish the dutiful citizen’s misdemeanors while ignoring the alien’s felony, on the logic that the former will at least comply while the latter either cannot or will not.

“Fairness about who is allowed into the United States is another issue that reflects class divides — especially when almost 70 percent of all immigrants, legal and illegal, arrive from Mexico alone. Asians, for example, are puzzled as to why their relatives wait years for official approval to enter the United States, while Mexican nationals come across the border illegally, counting on serial amnesties to obtain citizenship.”

(see his article in full at )

Is it any wonder that Trump’s candidacy is resonating so powerfully with PRECISELY that overwhelming preponderance of the American electorate which is so greatly despised by the self-arrogating “aristocracy” dominating both the leftard legacy media and the Acela Republican establishment of the Red Faction?

Dr. Hanson may not WANT to be the guiding intellect of the Trump candidacy’s position on immigration and opposition to amnesty for such trespassers, but with what he’s written and said already, there’s no way that Dr. Hanson can AVOID serving in that capacity.

Phil from Oz.
Phil from Oz.
September 25, 2015 9:02 pm

Donald T has certainly had a few bankruptcies – so “great Businessman” he is NOT. He has also made plentiful use of “non-Unionised” (therefore illegal??) labour in building his “empire”, and has a very long (and easily-researched) track record of hob-kobbing with the rich and very powerful – so, he certainly is well-connected, with exactly the same “Big Boys’ Club” members as all the other “oh so different” candidates.

So, “looking under the hood” we find exactly the same politically very-well-connected material as all the other mainstream Candidates.

But, But, “he’s a self-made billionaire”!! Really, Self-made?? Or just a slimy, well-connected creep who likes to bad-mouth the “opposition” to fulfil his own very grandiose sense of superiority.

Using the search engine of your choice, have a listen / look at the political speeches made by Benito Mussolini, or Francisco Franco, and “compare and Contrast” with Mr Trump, especially in view of the “almost Fascist” system that already exists in the USA . . . . . .

Still so sure “He’s the One!” ??

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 25, 2015 9:25 pm

If Hellary beats the rap (Benghazi/e-mail server) or Bush III gets elected, we continue down the slow slide to obscurity. Trump is riding the anti-establishment wave, but it could easily peter out in the months to come. Should he somehow make it to the WH, the divide between ALL factions could accelerate.

There are no good choices on the horizon so far. The only winners will be the banksters, as usual.

September 25, 2015 10:26 pm


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 25, 2015 10:28 pm

It gives me enormous joy to see all the various and numerous haters go into convulsions at the mere mention of Illegals.

Actually, it doesn’t. Trump is using them as an election issue and he has hit paydirt. No surprise there. Immigration is a popular complaint since the beginning of the crash.

I didn’t like Fred at first but when I realized he was kidding while making valid points, I changed my mind. It isn’t his writing that infuriates anybody, it is the reader’s personal issues.

I have a couple of points:

1. I don’t know why Illegals = Mexican but it does even when we know there are many Asian, Middle Eastern and Europeans sneaking into the USA.

2. Canadians get a pass, they fucking walk on water. Yeah, right.

3. Nobody but nobody ever talks about the truth that is hiding in plain sight. EBT mammas are not just black, they are also brown (white too, but that is not an issue). The picture painted is of a family of illegals living on the public wallet. It’s an easy characterization but the reality is that there are various permutations and combinations of the welfare scam:
a. Mexican (male, female of any race or nationality) married to US citizen
b. US citizen baby mamma collecting welfare as a career
c. Mexican hooked up with baby mamma collecting child support from previous baby daddy
d. Mexican working off the books while GF collects welfare and Section 8

4. Everybody bitches about the invasion of the USA but nobody mentions the obesity epidemic in Mexico which is possibly correlated to the American food franchises and Walmarts in Mexico thanks to NAFTA

September 25, 2015 10:34 pm

I’m all for the Trumpster!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 25, 2015 10:48 pm

Sensetti says: I’m all for the Trumpster!

One of the cruelest curses is getting everything you want.

Me, I learned long ago that cynicism pays off, I won’t be disappointed.

September 25, 2015 10:51 pm

Politicians say you can’t deport all the illegals, bullshit, watch this. Make it a felony if you hire one, even if it’s to mow your fucking lawn. Parade a few convicted felons across the TB screen and presto illegals are looking for an exit. Then, you subsidize the departure, one way ticket to the Motherland free of charge. I would eradicate the brown plague in short order. I would also offer a special cash bonus to the Mexican that would haul that fucking bb with him. Triple S also needs to go south with El Fredo so I don’t have to read his incoherent bullshit about up coming rains in the Southwest, WTF, is wrong with him. I told him years ago the SW was going to dry up and blow the fuck away. God knows I hate always being right, but I’m always right.! I could go on but….me gonna stop. I’m not going to mention Stuckys odd Curiosity with Bruce Jenner sex change. He’s just exploring options let’s leave it right there. Just another day on the platform…….let it rip..bitch

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 25, 2015 11:11 pm

Sense, they can go south but borders didn’t stop Fred or Monte from posting