The Black Belt Strategist

Putin has made many of his critics look like fools, thus the rage and hysteria.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Vladimir Putin is a black belt in judo, the only Russian and one of the few people in the world to be awarded the rank of eighth dan. He also practices karate.

A fundamental principle of martial arts is using an opponent’s size and momentum against him. This is Putin’s strategic approach. Westerners demonize Putin, but few try to understand him. Trying to understand someone else is regarded as a pointless in narcissistic America, selfie-land. Perhaps 90 percent of the populace is incapable of grasping anything more subtle than a political cartoon.

That’s a pity, because Putin has accomplished a geopolitical triumph worthy of study. He’s catalyzing the downfall of the American empire, and it has nothing to do with subverting elections or suborning Trump.

Putin became acting prime minister in 1999, then president in 2000. The Soviet Union’s 1991 collapse devastated Russia. The economy shrunk and life expectancies fell. A group of rapacious oligarchs, many with Western backing, acquired Soviet industrial and commercial assets at fire sale prices.

Putin coopted the most important oligarchs, letting them hold on to their loot and power in exchange for their allegiance. This bargain has been a bulwark of both his continuing political support and his reportedly immense personal fortune. He quelled a long-running insurrection in Chechnya and stabilized the situation there, exchanging a measure of autonomy for a declaration in the Chechen constitution that it was part of Russia. During his first two terms, from 2000-2008, the economy began recovering from the 1990s. Projecting a law and order image while stifling critics, he solidified what has become his unwavering support, winning 72 percent of the vote in the 2004 presidential election.

A coterie of highly placed idiots in the US and Europe insist that Putin’s ultimate goal is to reconstitute the former Soviet Union on his way to global domination. Russia’s GDP, after 18 years of recovery, is $1.4 trillion, compared to almost $20 trillion for the US and over $17 trillion for the European Union. Russia’s military budget is $61 billion, versus $250 billion for NATO nations (excluding the US) and over $700 billion for the US. The scaremongering screeds never say where Russia will get the money to invade and conquer former Soviet provinces, much less conquer the world. Putin, unlike America’s high and mighty, realizes from Soviet experience that empires drain rather than augment an empire’s resources.

Conquering the world is one thing, throwing the American empire to the mat another. Putin must have smiled when George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan in pursuit of Osama bin Laden, purported mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. The US’s hubristic rage led it into what has been a quagmire at best, a graveyard at worst, for a string of invaders, including the Soviet Union.

Defenders fighting on their own turf have huge advantages over occupying forces, rendering conventional invasions virtually obsolete. Relatively inexpensive grenades, mines, IEDs, and shoulder-launched missiles, often supplied from outside the country, take out expensive tanks, artillery, aircraft, and military personnel. The insurgents know the language and territory, they’re supported by the local populace, they can set off remote bombs and blend in with the civilians. They aren’t going anywhere and can wait out the invaders, sapping their morale and political support back home.

Eighteen years after the Afghanistan invasion, Putin is still smiling. With each military failure since, the US became more stupidly belligerent, bearing massive costs in blood and treasure. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia: talk about letting the enemy defeat itself! And as the US plunged into one inextricable morass after another, it plunged ever deeper into debt.

Russia, meanwhile, has one of the developed world’s lowest debt ratios, stockpiles gold, and is divesting its US debt. It has teamed up with China on the Belt and Road Initiative. That series of projects, financed primarily by the Chinese, advances Russia’s and China’s interests and influence across Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. This approach seems to garner more support than US bullets and bombs.

Russia’s one military foray in the Middle East has been Syria. Obama’s hapless strategy (regime change? terrorist eradication?) left the US at cross-purposes with itself. Putin suffered no such confusion, helping Bashar al-Assad turn the tide against the insurgents. The US pretends to have done the same. Putin strengthened the Shiite axis—Iran, Iraq, Alawite Syria, and Hezbollah—about which Israel, Saudi Arabia, and US neoconservatives have fretted for years. The insurgents are on the run and all the US can do is shout: “And we helped!”

Putin scored a geopolitical coup. He effectively stood by his allies, in contrast to America’s ineptitude and ever-shifting alliances and objectives. The conflict sent hundreds of thousands of refugees to Europe. Russian intervention reversed the flow. Saner souls in Europe have to be questioning European subservience to the US and NATO.

Putin has expressed his consternation at NATO’s expansion to Russia’s borders, especially the prospect that NATO could incorporate Ukraine. While that’s an understandable concern, the expansion hurts the US more than Russia. The US didn’t intervene when Russia got involved with Georgia, the Crimea, or Ukraine. Why? Somebody in Washington looked at a map and determined that with Russia’s decided geographical advantage, the game wasn’t worth the candle.

NATO leaves its members hostage to the likes of Lithuania, Montenegro, and Croatia. It’s always at the borders that empires first falter. The US is treaty-bound to go to war to defend tiny, far-flung states that are a stone’s throw from Russia. The US lays out the lion’s share of the money, stations soldiers, and maintains bases pretending that it would actually defend these geopolitical midgets. Putin must smile at the effort wasted on the nonexistent possibility that he’ll invade.

Often, he doesn’t even need to lift a finger to body slam the US. The Democratic party and neoconservatives, and their toadies in the media and intelligence community have rabidly peddled an evidence-free concoction that he and Trump colluded to deny Hillary Clinton her ordained presidency. It’s emblematic of America’s deranged politics.

“Masculine” is now a pejorative. Identity is everything, merit nothing. A military that hasn’t won anything in 73 years is widely honored. Men in dresses enter women’s restrooms. Confronted by intellectual challenge, college students retreat to safe spaces. People who illegally enter the country are given most of the privileges of citizenship, including state-provided benefits. Americans watch an average of five hours of TV a day. Over 60 percent are obese and an opioid epidemic kills tens of thousands. Even mainstream media pundits fret about an impending “civil war,” and for once they might be right. None of this is Putin’s doing, but he’s undoubtedly amused at all this decadence and division.

Trump is determined to pick America up off the mat. SLL has said repeatedly that his foes are most worried about their own criminality being exposed and prosecuted. That’s essential if the country is ever to regroup and recover. Trump’s summit with Putin and subsequent press conference performance left his foes foaming at the mouth, bandying terms like “disgraceful” and “treason.” That he braved the idiotic torrent before and after the summit, seemingly unperturbed except for a few acerbic tweets, suggests that he’s got something up his sleeve. Judging by their insane hysterics, the opposition knows it. As always, their tactics betray desperation and weakness, not strength.

That something up Trump’s sleeve may well be the initiation of criminal proceedings against a long list of suspects for everything from obstruction of justice to conspiracy and treason, just in time for the midterm elections. That’s more a hunch than a hypothesis. However, it won’t be a bolt out of the blue if it happens. If it doesn’t happen by the midterms, it most likely never will.

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July 19, 2018 10:04 pm

@ Robert

You mockingly said,

“Putin must smile at the effort wasted on the nonexistent possibility that he’ll invade.”

You also said,

“the expansion hurts the US more than Russia. The US didn’t intervene when Russia got involved with Georgia, the Crimea, or Ukraine. Why? Somebody in Washington looked at a map and determined that with Russia’s decided geographical advantage, the game wasn’t worth the candle.”

Russia DID invade Crimea, and IT IS very important to Russia just as former Soviet states, Georgia and Montenegro are.

“For Russia, the geostrategic factors of the Black Sea region have not changed since 1853, with NATO and the United States replacing individual European states as Russia’s main geopolitical competitors: Crimea is the military source, Turkey is the pivot, and the Turkish Straits are the strategic throughput; and the end goal is access to and military presence in the Eastern Mediterranean as a counterbalance to U.S. and NATO expansion eastward and its presence in the Aegean and Central Mediterranean.”

Did you happen to mention the missile shield?

[imgcomment image?sqp=-oaymwEWCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLCRB9khvlComPCF3bj9y3T4pl2BCw[/img]

It seems you are attempting to write a narrative that will justify the U.S. pulling troops out of Germany, Montenegro and Georgia…
This will probably happen but not because of Trump’s tough guy act to NATO…and our troops will be quickly replaced with other NATO countries’ troops like Canada, Australia, or Japan.

The powers that shouldn’t be have agreed at the G20 or some other roundtable meetings to do this and Trump is playing his role just as Putin and others play theirs.

As I have said, Turkey and Germany will pivot to Russia and China

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
July 19, 2018 10:34 pm

I suspect the troops from Germany and Korea are going to be transitioning to a conflict with Iran.

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
  Grizzly Bare
July 20, 2018 10:17 am

I used to be one of those “troops in Germany” in a combat outfit, and I can tell you we wouldn’t have lasted very long against the Soviets, at least back in the 80s.

Today, the outlook and morale would be even worse for the “regular army” with the dependency on smart weapons and drugged-out pink pussy hat soldiers.



I was right there with you. They told us that we’d all be dead within 30 seconds of contact. “Speed bumps” is what they called us.

July 21, 2018 8:52 am

Me too… Chip

James M Dakin
James M Dakin

I was in Korea, and we wouldn’t have lasted long against the Norks. 2nd ID, close enough to be “tripwires”. It was widely assumed either the South had nukes or we had them ready to go, but take that with a grain of salt. We were just mushrooms. Also the 80’s. Hate to see readiness now.

July 20, 2018 12:09 am

There will be a conflict cooked up in the coming month and a deal was made with Putin to give the zionists what they want. Trump will deliver Iran to his masters. Well, that’s what I heard.

Is this yet another pole? Why? Keep asking, who knows you may get the trumpeteer approved answer you seek.

July 20, 2018 9:00 am

WRONG! Russia most certainly DID NOT invade Crimea! The Crimean’s voted overwhelmingly to become part of Russia. They wanted no part of the Nazi’s that came to power in the Ukraine. 95% of the Crimean population speaks…. you guessed it…. Russian! Russia has always had their one homeland warm water port there at Sevastopol and had about 25,000 sailors and soldiers stationed there. Chip

July 20, 2018 4:12 pm

Ironic that the 95 percent vote in favor of Crimea being part of Russia is not substantial enough to be accepted by the US. While a vote of 27 percent in Puerto Rico is overwhelming evidence that the island should become a state of the USSA.

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
July 20, 2018 10:24 am


I hate political referendums- but the Crimea referendum is the only one that ever held any water and credibility on the world stage.

July 20, 2018 12:54 pm

“Russia DID invade Crimea,” ——— PlatoPlubious

How did they invade? Did they use tanks? Howitzers? Missiles? Were airplanes and bombs involved? How may Russian troops were involved? One battalion? Ten? How about some pictures, links, proofs? Surely there must be satellite photos.

Where did the invasion originate from? Surely there must be satellite photos.

Exactly who did the Russians fight? The Ukranian Army? The Russian people of Crimea?

This is very important. How many CASUALTIES were there? Surely, an invasion would result in at least one casualty? Who was it? How about some PICTURES of the destruction? Surely, an invasion would result in at least one building being destroyed. Right? Got any pictures?

Where is the invading army right now? You mean … they just invaded and left?? How rude!!

Lastly, below is a picture of Crimean people, the location is Lenin Square in Simferopol, Crimea, taken on March 16, 2014. Why are they waving Russian flags? If they are being invaded, then why are they so happy?

[imgcomment image[/img]

Really. What the hell are you talking about?

July 20, 2018 1:14 pm

Stucky, Smaller govt now, et al

Let me expound because I wrote that late at night and perhaps didn’t explain myself as well as I could have.

Robert said,
” The US didn’t intervene when Russia got involved with Georgia, the Crimea, or Ukraine. Why? ”

Aspects of the U.S. were heavily involved in Crimea…

I swear some of us must suffer from short term memory loss or something.

Ukraine has a Western puppet installed…i won’t post the whole article but I do recommend anyone that needs to refresh their memory on Crimea to read it….btw, this is just one, more recent arricle from earlier this year…there are COUNTLESS others from 2014 about the fighting, sniper attacks and heavy armor moving through Crimea in Donetsk…

Ukraine expects U.S. weaponry within “weeks,” raising Russia tensions

Tensions between the United States and Russia look set to escalate as Ukrainian president, Petro Poroshenko, has announced that he expects sophisticated weaponry from the US, including Javelin anti-tank missiles as well as heavy sniper rifles, to start arriving “in a very few weeks”.

Why it matters: The decision in December by the US government to provide Ukraine with “enhanced defensive capabilities” for the conflict in the east of the country against pro-Russian separatists could destabilize the shaky ceasefire that currently exists. Russian President Vladimir Putin warned in September that any decision by the US to supply defensive weapons to Ukraine could reignite the conflict.

Show less
The backdrop: Ukraine has been battling pro-Russian separatists, backed by Russian personnel and materiel, in the east of the country since April 2014, following Russia’s invasion and annexation of the Crimean peninsula. Moscow has fomented the conflict in Ukraine in an attempt to halt the westward drift of the country, which many Russians consider an historic part of the Russian Federation.

Ukraine has repeatedly requested weapons from NATO to help its depleted military defend itself against the well-armed pro-Russian militias, but the alliance worried such a move would fuel the conflict. Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain, though, have pushed for more aggressive steps to confront Russia in Ukraine.
There have been dozens of ceasefires agreed since the start of the conflict, which has seen more than 10,000 people, mostly civilians, killed. The latest ceasefire saw violations decline during the Christmas and New Year period, though they flared up again during February.
After repeated violations of the latest ceasefire by the pro-Russian separatists, the US State Department on December 23 announced the government would provide assistance “entirely defensive in nature” to help Ukraine defend its territorial integrity and “deter further aggression”.

So , as far as I understand, Putin and Russia INVADED and annexed Crimea because of its historical military importance in the Adriatic sea…and in defiance of NATO EXPANSION…

This is why I have said that I believe WWIII is being set up between NATO and the BRICS nations….its not fucking rocket science if you’ve been paying attention

July 20, 2018 1:56 pm

Nice rant. I agree with much of it.

Except that little part about Russia invading Crimea.

You have not offered one iota of proof. No photos of this invading force, not even a single detail of its execution, not one link or picture or anything having to do with an invasion — you know, death and destruction.

The fact that well over 90% of Crimeans voted to rejoin Russia means absolutely nothing to you.

I am baffled by your obtuseness.

July 20, 2018 2:46 pm

I think you are missing my point….

Yes many in Crimea trace their roots back to Russia, DUH!

In both the articles I linked it specifically says, “Russia INVADED and annexed the Crimean peninsula”
What part of INVADED and annexed do you not understand? Since Crimea was technically still part of Ukraine in 2014.

append or add as an extra or subordinate part,

July 20, 2018 3:13 pm

Plato ole buddy you’re hurting my head with this one.

July 20, 2018 4:59 pm

Yeah, I admit my points were scattered but the Truth is there…
Cognitive dissonance is a bitch sometimes.

July 21, 2018 10:07 am

You have yet to give one single proof/link about this so called invasion. You willfully ignore the the details I have asked about this “invasion”.

I have no ax to grind. I was hoping you would provide so light to your assertions. You have provided only heat.

Have you noticed the voting pattern regarding your opinions? Overwhelmingly down. I’m sure that’s because everyone else is wrong … cog dis and all that … and that you bear the heavy burden of being The Only One Who Knows.

This is a heavy burden, and I shall pray for you.

July 20, 2018 2:56 pm

@ Stucky
Ever hear of the Little green men in Ukraine?
I know I know, Wikipedia, but you can follow the rabbit trails from there, I don’t have the energy to have to explain every little detail you might have missed to you.

Putin denied for over a year since the 2 battles at thr airport that Russia used any military …but

“On 17 April, President Putin admitted for the first time publicly that Russian special forces were involved in the events of Crimea, for the purposes of protecting local people and creating conditions for a referendum.[12][13][14][15] Later, he admitted that Russian Armed Forces had blocked Ukrainian Armed Forces in Crimea during the events.[16]
In April 2015, retired Russian Admiral Igor Kasatonov (Игорь Касатонов (ru)) said that the “little green men” were members of Russian Spetsnaz special forces units. According to his information, Russian troop deployment in Crimea included six helicopter landings and three landings of Ilyushin Il-76 with 500 people.[19]

July 20, 2018 1:22 pm

U.S. intelligence agencies have been meddling in other nations elections since the inception of the CIA!

The Ukranian elections of 2014 were no different.
This article does a good job explaining this for those who down voted me earlier…but im sure your confirmation biases will prevent you from clicking on it…

And that’s my fault, right? Hahahahaha
Here is the beginning of it:

America’s Ukraine Hypocrisy

Historical records show that Washington has meddled in the political affairs of dozens of countries–including many democracies.

by Ted Galen Carpenter
There is an abundance of outrage in the United States about Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Multiple investigations are taking place, and Moscow’s conduct was a major justification for the sanctions legislation that Congress just passed. Some furious political figures and members of the media insist that the Putin government’s interference constitutes an act of war. One especially agitated House member even compared it explicitly to the Pearl Harbor and 9/11 attacks .

Such umbrage might be more credible if the United States refrained from engaging in similar conduct. But the historical record shows that Washington has meddled in the political affairs of dozens of countries —including many democracies. An egregious example occurred in Ukraine during the Euromaidan Revolution of 2014.

Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych was not an admirable character. After his election in 2010, he used patronage and other instruments of state power in a flagrant fashion to the advantage of his political party. That high-handed behavior and legendary corruption alienated large portions of Ukraine’s population. As the Ukrainian economy languished and fell farther and farther behind those of Poland and other East European neighbors that had implemented significant market-oriented reforms, public anger at Yanukovych mounted. When he rejected the European Union’s terms for an association agreement in late 2013, in favor of a Russian offer, angry demonstrators filled Kiev’s Independence Square, known as the Maidan, as well as sites in other cities.

July 20, 2018 5:50 pm

I wonder if the debate is semantical? A “willing annexment” may not, perhaps, an invasion make?

In November of 2013 when Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych abandoned an agreement on closer trade ties with the European Union and, instead, sought closer co-operation with Russia, it began a series of events which then transitioned into the natural gas wars of 2014, and the Ukrainian coup in February, 2014 during the Sochi winter Olympics of that year (the timing of that globalists-backed coup had to really, really, piss off ole Vlad).

This all, in turn, caused Russia to make the decision to annex Crimea in March, 2014. Then, Russia signed a $400 billion “Holy Grail” gas deal with China in May and this gave the Petrodollar a nice kick in the nuts.

In June of that year, Ukraine, at the behest of the Western globalists, refused to pay its gas bill to Moscow’s Gazprom, so Russia cut off their gas. Soon after that MH17 was shot out of the sky and Joe Biden’s son’s company began preparing to drill for shale gas in eastern Ukraine.

Nothing is as it seems.

July 20, 2018 6:19 pm


Bingo! Now we are getting somewhere….
This can also explain Trump’s willingness to meet with Putin even though he knew there would be outcry by mockingbird shills at home …

He understood that meddling did occur in Ukraine by aspects of our government and likewise knew that there was some Russian meddling in our elections in 2016 as a response to perceived threats from NATO EXPANSION.
This is not to say that there wasn’t other meddling occurring simultaneously from the Clinton group with the DNC against Bernie Sanders and his supporters..

Nor is this to say that the knowledge of such acts haven’t been used to fulfill the overall agenda for a one world technocratic oligarchy

July 21, 2018 8:58 am

I for one agree with your accounting of events WRT the Ukraine. Just not Crimea… Chip

July 21, 2018 10:02 am

“This all, in turn, caused Russia to make the decision to annex Crimea in March, 2014”
—- Uncola

Did Russia decide to annex Crimea before or after 95% of Crimeans voted to join Russia?

Because if Russia annexed Crimea AFTER the Crimeans begged for annexation … then, semantics aside, how did Russia “invade” Crimea?

July 21, 2018 2:11 pm

According to memory; I mean…, ahem… research: 🙂

The Information Telegraph Agency of Russia said that Putin claimed there were “secret opinion polls” held in Crimea, which “reported overwhelming popular support for Crimea’s incorporation into Russia”

And there were pro-Russian protesters demanding a referendum on Crimea’s independence in late Feb 2014.

But, technically, in late Feb, the Russian special forces took over the building of the Supreme Council of Crimea and the building of the Council of Ministers and raised the Russian flags thereupon; and the referendum wasn’t held until March whereupon 95% of Crimean voters desired the Russian annexation

July 20, 2018 8:17 pm

Australia and japan are not part of NATO.

July 20, 2018 9:15 pm

@ Smile

Technically no, neither are a member per say; however there is this term, “partners across the globe”

“Japan is one of a range of countries beyond the Euro-Atlantic area – often referred to as “partners across the globe” – with which NATO is developing relations.
NATO and Japan signalled their commitment to strengthening cooperation in a joint political declaration signed in April 2013.
Work is being taken forward through an Individual Partnership and Cooperation Programme, agreed in May 2014 and updated in May 2018.
Practical cooperation is being developed in a wide range of areas, including peace-support and crisis management activities, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, cyber defence, defence against terrorism, non-proliferation, as well as participation in military activities.”

This is why Japan has been expanding its military spending over the last decade

If you scroll down a d swipe right on the NATO map you will see all the countries tied to NATO via alliances or written agreements

July 19, 2018 10:11 pm

I did like your summation of American culture at this time in history…it bares repeating

“’Masculine’ is now a pejorative. Identity is everything, merit nothing. A military that hasn’t won anything in 73 years is widely honored. Men in dresses enter women’s restrooms. Confronted by intellectual challenge, college students retreat to safe spaces. People who illegally enter the country are given most of the privileges of citizenship, including state-provided benefits. Americans watch an average of five hours of TV a day. Over 60 percent are obese and an opioid epidemic kills tens of thousands. ”

Nicely done!

Only thing I might add is that the military hasn’t officially won a war unless you consider Bush’s “MISSION ACCOMPLISH ” bullshit….not because of the effort or efficacy of our men and women but because of their always changing “rules of engagement” and being used as occupying police forces.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 19, 2018 11:41 pm

What about Grenada?

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
  Iska Waran
July 20, 2018 8:01 am

Panama?[imgcomment image[/img]

Robert (QSLV)

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
  Robert (QSLV)
July 20, 2018 10:22 am

There’s gonna be some collateral damage when you reel in one of your Empire’s own regional thug rulers. Vietnam and Iraq come to mind.

Today drones are like fishing with dynamite… no reel required.

July 19, 2018 11:13 pm

Crimea, The people mostly spoke Russian and had a choice of working with Russia or learning a foreign language. I think they even voted on it.
I think the military/industrial complex needs a boogeyman to justify all the spending.

July 19, 2018 11:35 pm

A fine analysis Robert. In my estimation, as stated here before, Trump is either one of the following:

1.) The real deal

2.) Unknowing/unwilling controlled opposition

3.) A Judas goat

If 2 or 3, he was installed to bleed the remaining air out of the brake-lines before the big stop; a last gasp, if you will. America’s death rattle.

If 1 – then Trump truly is at war against the Financial-Military Industrial Complex. If that was the case, why wouldn’t the Dark Powers just shut it all down right now Frank Zappa-style?

The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.

– Frank Zappa

When does it become NOT “profitable to continue the illusion”? Or, rather, when is enough, enough?

Of course, the questions are rhetorical and I’m not expecting any answers, per se, at this time. However, assuming option # 1 above remains viable then I would venture to guess the following:

– Black Hats tie recent indictment of Twelve Russians to Trump by Midterms; possibly through Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, or the “Russian agent and “NRA Gun Rights Activist”, Maria Butina

– Trump orders the DoJ & FBI to declassify the FISA applications, Woods procedures documents, FBI 302 forms, and 1023 counterintelligence documents & debriefings, etc .

– When the DoJ & FBI laugh in Trump’s face, hem, haw, stall and so forth; it will be a race to the polls on Tuesday November 6, 2018 between the Russiophobes, Neocons, LGBT’s, Antifa terrorists, race baiters, socialists, and safe-space-seeking snowflakes versus the Patriotic Deplorables and others with MAGA dreams dancing in their heads.

– No matter what happens this Fall, by 2020, the Great Worldwide Depression will be underway as war rages around the globe and the middle-east explodes like a car bomb in a munitions plant.

– Trump will take on Herbert Hoover’s historical tab as President Sanders and Vice President Warren usher in a Nationwide New Deal: Free College degrees, and lifetime Starbucks, for all plus a pre-owned smart car in every other garage.

Of course, even if I’m wrong, I still enjoyed your piece. Thank you.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 19, 2018 11:43 pm

I enjoyed this comment and Robert’s piece.

Darrell Dullnig
Darrell Dullnig
July 20, 2018 10:17 am

“When does it become NOT “profitable to continue the illusion”? Or, rather, when is enough, enough?”

IMO, POTUS is either #2 or #3, or perhaps a combination of the two, with the complexion of his role changing as pressures were applied as necessary. The political theater of the absurd we are witnessing is of course to keep our attention away from the true state of the economy. This, I think is the reason for keeping the curtain up. With all their tools, it is unlikely the NWO elites can predict just when the collapse will happen. They would not want the populace in general to see the grand plan in time enough to revolt. This could result in a unified and organized mob marching on Washington, with guns trained on the congress critters rather than on each other.

So, the political posturing, as thoroughly absurd as it is, will continue indefinitely because it is working. Most Americans and even many of the comment contributors on this site are lapping it up as if Trump tweets were genuine battle cries as he gallops into the midst of the liberal enemy, sword flashing. Sadly, the propaganda machine is firing on all cylinders. The theater will continue until the economy comes crashing down. Then, all the guns and all the amassed ammunition will be used just to keep your starving neighbors from cutting your throats for the last can of beans or bag of rice.

  Darrell Dullnig
July 20, 2018 3:16 pm

I fear you are right.

  Darrell Dullnig
July 20, 2018 6:04 pm

Have ‘ya ever wondered why Twitter doesn’t just shadowban Trump or simply close up shop?

Or why Trump ran against the ugliest, oldest, most corrupt hag to have ever stolen a primary election from a populist democrat on fire?

[imgcomment image[/img]

Me neither. Occum’s Razer says the simplest explanation is usually correct; which is just another way of saying that things are almost always as they seem.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
  Darrell Dullnig
July 21, 2018 2:30 pm

It’s worth mentioning, Trump just delivered on one of his (to me) two most important campaign promises. Moving off the imminent war footing with Russia. I don’t think it can be overstated how important that is. The reaction of the establishment bears it out.

He hasn’t secured the borders yet. Maybe he never will. That’s the other one.

But he got me (cautiously) back onside with Russia. That was true leadership.

July 20, 2018 12:24 am

Tucker Carlson is reporting Mueller gave Podesta immunity so he will testify against Manafort.

July 20, 2018 12:28 am

These fuckers are shameless

“The Deep State is using the Mueller probe to protect Clinton insiders from criminal investigation:”

Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
July 20, 2018 8:30 pm

And they won’t go after Podesta(s) for their sick infatuation with kids … All you gotta do is look at the disgusting ‘art’ behind him in numerous photos in MSM publications to KNOW this dude is a sick bastard. How this guy hasn’t been strung up by the balls yet defies belief.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 20, 2018 2:08 am

Great article!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 20, 2018 2:09 am

By the way, that’s a very sexy photo of Putin.

Not Sure
Not Sure
July 20, 2018 6:51 am

Things are moving along with Trump at lightening speed, I can understand that some of the posts are still caught up with the past presidents old way of doing things. I’m beginning to see a similarity with Trumps way of deftly using EO’s as a way of projecting his vision as compared to Obama’s similar use of EO’s; with Trump moving away from a global governance as opposed to Obama’s embracing of a new world order.
I also like the prediction that is probably spot on, we will see the final push of the opposition party by mid term elections. Their angst over Trump/Russian collusion has ran out and their last weapon is now Trump/Putin collusion; they have no arrows left and if they do not muster support with this latest criticism, they will soon fade away to extinction.
Finally, I appreciate the accurate presentation of the article. I am tired of hearing that Putin is a bad guy and Trump is a badder, bad guy. They both are powerful men who have accomplished much in their times in office and will now move forward to secure what is in the best interest for their countries; I just wish we could get on with this without the rabid blathering of the MSM mucking up the waters with their stinking excrement that they call news.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Robert Gore
July 20, 2018 10:24 am

Robert, your commentary is absolutely as accurate as anyone else’s comments be they in obscure blogs or on CNN or fox. There is no such thing as news. There can only be opinion and I personally value a single persons considered opinion over the manufactured opinion of a mob of communists. So stop hoping for a msm that will do it’s job. It is doing it’s job and just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that it isn’t doing exactly what it is supposed to do.

I too like what you said. I too hope to see a slew of indictments in the coming months. I don’t hold out much hope but boy would it be fun to see. If they don’t hit Strok with contempt of congress then as far as I can tell, everyone would need to have nothing but contempt for congress. Either you stand up and fight the bully or you run for your mommy. I suspect that we will see congress run for mommy.

  Hollywood Rob
July 20, 2018 1:28 pm

Hollywoodland Rob et al

Even if there are a slew of indictments, this IN NO WAY means that the “deep state”, (wherever the hell that term came from…people just started using it about the time of the 2016 primaries) has been defeated and the swamp drained!

Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
  Hollywood Rob
July 20, 2018 8:34 pm

I love how the MSM websites don’t allow for comments to dispute their bullshit narratives. I guess ‘love’ is not the proper term … but an observation that those shills are full of shit and afraid to face the truth.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
  Robert Gore
July 21, 2018 2:36 pm

If you really want to get an idea what’s going on, treat yourself to this somewhat long read. It’s background, but a whole lot of things start to make a whole lot more sense when you read it.

  Not Sure
July 20, 2018 9:14 am

I posted on here a few days ago (might have even been yesterday) that I have observed Putin for going on near two decades. I’ve read or viewed dozens of his translated speeches. IMO he is a very moral, upstanding, straight shooting diplomat who grasps the big picture and truly represents the interests of his people. Anyone who says otherwise needs to look at him in comparison to the idiots in our congress and senate. Putin or Maxine Waters? Putin or the traitorous John McCain? I could continue the questions for another 400 or more out of the 535 possibilities that exist but the two examples illustrate my point. How many of our 535 congressional members have an IQ on par with Putin? MAYBE 5%. How many of our 535 are actually in it for their country as opposed to in it for themselves? Our federal government is completely FUBAR. SAD… Chip

July 20, 2018 9:16 am

Great article Robert… Chip

July 20, 2018 3:26 pm

Watching him at public Q&A sessions taking on all comers with spontaneous, rational, intelligent answers is a thing of beauty.

July 21, 2018 9:04 am

agreed… Chip

  Not Sure
July 22, 2018 7:16 pm

We shall see this November as sanity returns to America. Trump and his Republican enablers have lost virtually every off-year election, including states and districts where Trump once bragged he was undefeatable.

A new broom shall sweep clean the insanity, criminality, xenophobia, hatred, etc.

July 20, 2018 8:13 am

Wait! What? I thought Trump was the master of parallel universe multi-dimensional chess, and the art of the deal? It is obvious that making Putin look smart is just part of his strategic plan. Hasn’t the smartest brain trust on the planet, The Anons, assured us that everything is going according to THE PLAN. Rest easy, Dr. Q has told us that everything is under control.

Trust in zee plan!

July 22, 2018 7:12 pm

Oh yeah. The Trump true believers saw him as the ultimate mastermind. They perceived the man’s every move, every word uttered, every breath taken as a masterful move to crush his opponents and implement a plan well beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. The master 4-D chess player, hell 12-D chess player.
Nowadays, the bright bulbs of this collection of idiots have just shut up, hoping nobody else remembers their Trump boot licking. However, some idiots are still too stupid to see they were duped by a hustler, or they will do the idiot thing of doing anything to save face. These folks will be the loyal indentured servants of those with two brain cells to rub together.

July 20, 2018 9:36 am

Why don’t we send Russia $4B a year in foreign aid so they can be our 2nd Greatest Ally?

July 20, 2018 9:51 am

One of the top black belts in the world. Able to fly fighter planes. Rides a horse and fishes with the best of them. Believes in God. Defends his country and the people.

Refuses to swear an oath to Israel, he’s gotta go.

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
July 20, 2018 10:34 am

Hey hey!

NATO membership for the next tin-pot dictator who shells women and children in the town square closest to Russia!

Boo Radley
Boo Radley
July 20, 2018 11:20 am

Great comment. I totally agree.

SmallerGovNow says:
July 20, 2018 at 9:14 am

July 20, 2018 11:26 am

Putin is many moves ahead of the competition. Class of his own in terms of getting results, and acting in a dignified manner.

Wonder what his IQ is?

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
July 20, 2018 1:21 pm

The sheer arrogance and stupidity of the Globohomo western elite must astonish him daily.

July 20, 2018 2:01 pm

[imgcomment image?itok=EzglXPdg[/img]

ursel doran
ursel doran
July 20, 2018 2:50 pm

EXCELLENT work Sir, as usual. Thanks much!
Two quick notes: MSM vs some truth notes.

Most important is to know that Putin and pals have committed “The Art of War”, by Sun Tzu to memory.
Multiple republishing’s since forever, as it was written in 400 B.C. First rule of the art of war is do not go to war, as all will lose something. Other rules are several. Good news is that for the first time we have a President with lots of Generals around who have studied it also.
Reagan and his guys knew it an since then all Presidents have been devoid of ANY knowledge.
Version I like is the short paperback with foreword by James Clavell.
When USA tried to suck Putin into war over Ukraine, he demurred, and the result was predictable.

Scott halloween
Scott halloween
July 20, 2018 3:58 pm

Monday morning in front of the White House, a group of work men begin assembling a gallows, it is large enough to accommodate ten prisoners.
No notice of this has been given and no explanation is forthcoming.
The cops don’t interfere.
The news speculates, As they allways do ,that this is a protest that trump dare not stop. They laff at how powerless trump is to stop these insults.
The work goes on for three days, sawing, hammering, sanding, the workmen refuse to talk or even acknowledge the press and the growing crowd.
The ropes are tested , the trapdoors open efficiently, the crowd gasps with appreciation when the sandbags snap at the end of the ropes.
Speculation is rife.
The speakers are tested, squeals and muttered phrases are broadcast.
There is a great excitement somewhere behind the gallows.
It’s Trump! Walking among a phalanx of sunglassed guards.
The trip from the front door of the whitehouse takes a long while, long enough for social media to do it’s job and fill the streets with onlookers.
Finally Trump arrives at the gallows.
He appears to appreciate it’s sturdy nature. The crowd is out for blood. The noise is intense.
Trump walks up the stairs to the nooses, he touches one gently and makes it swing.
The mob is now insane, they know there are snipers everywhere so no one rushes the stage.
The press shrieks about a military coup.
Trump walks to the microphone stand and clears his throat.
“In this great country”’he says, “ the penalty for treason is death”
The crowd is silent but you can almost hear the roar of their blood.
He hangs his head for just a second and continues “ which is why I had this built, and intend to put it to good use, great use.. the best use.”
“the indictments are to be handed down Monday morning. Thank you.”
there is speculation, later, that there were no names on those documents, that this,..display, was to see who would run.
And run they did.
Those who ran are exposed in the press.
Tried in the court of social media.
Sentenced by their peers to a life of shame and irrelevance.
Their power is destroyed.
The gallows is never taken down.

July 20, 2018 10:46 pm

Re Putin : “winning 72%of the vote in the 2004 presidential election” -give your fucking head a shake, really. FAKE NEWS
“Putin must have smiled when George W Bush invaded Afghanistan in pursuit of Osamah bin laden”-Cockblocking China remains a good policy so had to quit there but thanks anyway.

July 21, 2018 12:09 am

Here are 2 articles from zerohedge, posted just today THAT corroborate my explanations above…
Let the thumbs down begin…

Are there any adults here that admit when they are WRONG? OR just a bunch of blindly following straight line logic Trumpeteers???

July 21, 2018 12:14 am

Taken from the zerohedge article linked below:

President Barack Obama, in opposing Russian designs, refused to provide military assistance to Ukraine. Trump has authorized the transfer of defensive military weapons.

Obama limited the U.S. military mission in Syria to defeating ISIS. Trump has expanded the mission to remain in Syria indefinitely and influence the outcome of that country’s protracted civil war.

Trump is also planning a $1.2 trillion upgrade of our nuclear arsenal, including low-yield tactical weapons, largely targeting Russia. His most recent National Security Strategy paper elaborates:

The United States will respond to the growing political, economic, and military competitions we face around the world. China and Russia challenge American power, influence, and interests, attempting to erode American security and prosperity. They are determined to make economies less free and less fair, to grow their militaries, and to control information and data to repress their societies and expand their influence.

Trump has supported NATO’s 30,000-strong rapid response force in case of a Russian attack. He has exhorted NATO members to spike their military spending against Russia from 2 percent or less of GDP to 4 percent.

Trump has affirmed that he will treat an attack on any NATO member as an attack on the United States and will respond with military force without a constitutionally required declaration of war. He has not withdrawn even one soldier of more than 50,000 on the ground in NATO countries.

Trump has maintained economic sanctions against Russia for its annexation of Crimea and further military encroachments into eastern Ukraine. He signed the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, which the Russian prime minister assailed as a “full-scale trade war.”

Keep drinking the kool aid people hahaha

middle-aged mad gnome
middle-aged mad gnome
July 21, 2018 6:09 am

I like the Occam’s razor approach:
1. The “Establishment”, the MSM, the Democrats, and all Leftists hate Trump.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” – The Art of War.

2. Calls for impeachment and severe criticism by Establishment Republican signal an effort to at least start impeachment proceedings by the November election.

  middle-aged mad gnome
July 22, 2018 7:06 pm

And so does the vast majority of the American people. Trump is by far the most disliked and unpopular president since the beginning of public polling.

Part of the reason is due to Dump’s habitual lying. Between when Trump assumed office in January 2017 and the end of April, the average number of public false or misleading statements he has made per day has been increasing. According to the Washington Post’s fact checkers on May 1, “for the president’s first 100 days, Trump averaged 4.9 false claims a day… since we last updated this tally two months ago, the president has averaged about 9 lies a day. This is a significant rise. Our calculations suggest that if the current escalation rate remains steady, by the end of his term the president could be making as many as 19 public false statements a day, on average.” And this clown is president?

Where is the bottom?

July 21, 2018 10:37 am

More and more I come to believe that monarchy is a better system of government than democracy. At least the sovereign had national interests at heart, because if the kingdom failed , he was out on his ass. Not so with bureaucrats .They’ll stab the nation in the back and suck the last drop of it’s lifeblood as its collapses into a ravished heap and then look around for someone eels to blame. Bolshevik revolution anyone ?

That said , speaking of strategy . Get out of the US while you can. Move to rural South America and be safe from the exploding turmoil, both fiscal and physical, that’s inevitably coming to America. And Latins love Americans. They will serve you like royalty. Never mow you own lawn our trim your own toenails again. That’s what cheap Latin labor is for. See Doug Case for more info:

Real Estate in Nicaragua—A Low-Cost Bolt-Hole
The quality of life and cost of living are amazing. You can live a very good lifestyle on like $1,000 a month—in fact you could probably spend less.

Real Estate in Nicaragua—A Low-Cost Bolt-Hole, Part I

Pack Up and Get Out’: Nicaraguan Unrest Shakes U.S. Expat Community
Thousands of Americans flocked to Nicaragua in search of a cheap, safe and tropical locale. A violent uprising upended their plans.

But I’m sure Australia is a safe bet for cowardly bedwetters escaping the US “melting” cauldron.

July 21, 2018 11:22 am

@Stucky , Smaller govt et al

Can you not see my comment above about “little green men” in Crimea?
Russian special forces fought at the Donestk airport against pro Ukranian forces,
Putin publically admitted this in 2015 after denying it in 2014. This was done son that a referendum could be conducted in Crimea to give the pro Russian crimeans a political option to be annexed.

Did you honestly not see my response above with the wiki links, rabbit trails or are you intentionally ignoring it to feign ignorance and bot have to admit defeat and say you were mistaken…
Heaven forbid! Bwahhahaha

July 21, 2018 11:32 am

@ Stucky, Smaller govt, et al

Here is a Newsweek article from 2017 showing Putin congratulating Russian special forces, aka the “Little green men” in Crimea, on the anniversary of the Crimean anniversary…

Shall I continue?

July 21, 2018 1:32 pm

Say one thing, do another in Ukraine…

The level of propaganda influencing American’s perceptions is truly mindboggling…

Reminds me of this quote by
William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Flashback: “We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”

July 22, 2018 6:55 pm

I listen to the media frenzy about an opioid epidemic (in fact, it’s about heroin), yet nary a word is spoken about the drug that kills triple the number of opioids (according to the CDC)- booze. My uncles started drinking at 16 and never stopped until their death. They would hole-up for weeks while on a bender. Whenever their booze would run low, simply send a cab to any of the numerous places liquor is sold.
I guess liquor is not as sexy a topic as illegal drugs.

July 22, 2018 6:58 pm

@ flash:

You’re quite the hater of women. What a charming fellow-LOL.