I’m actually quite surprised that the “conspiracy” angle hasn’t yet been discussed in any detail.

(Although hardscrabble farmer did posit a Coincidence Theory — hahaha).

PCR to the rescue!


Some readers have asked for my take on the Orlando Shooting.

I don’t have one. Let’s see if together we can form a reasonable view.

Let’s start with the basic first question. Before there can be a murder declared, there must be a body. Has anyone seen on TV or in newspapers pictures of dead bodies? Bodies should be readily available if the reports are correct that fifty people were killed and 50 or more were wounded and in the hospital.

I cannot bear the presstitute TV and print media. These are full-time propaganda organizations. Hopefully, some of you hold your nose and watch the news and can fill in the spaces. Has anything we have been told been confirmed by any real evidence?

Initially, I saw a CNN newscast and an RT report. The reports were heavy with the verbiage of blood being all over the place, but the only visual evidence offered were three people, supposedly injured, being helped, not by medics or first responders, but by ordinary folks. A couple of people were helping a guy with tattoos in place of a shirt, but there was no sign of blood. Several people were helping people in police uniforms to carry a person who they dumped in the back of a pickup truck, not in the cab. About 6 people were carrying a person stretched out prone (no stretcher) down a street.

Continue reading “WHERE ARE THE BODIES???”

Islam & the West: Irreconcilable Conflict?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Islam & the West: Irreconcilable Conflict?

On Saturday night, Omar Mateen was a loner and a loser.

Sunday, he was immortal, by his standards, a hero. Mateen had ended his life in a blaze of gunfire and glory. Now everybody knew his name.

He had been embraced by ISIS. His face was on every TV screen. His 911 call to Orlando police identifying with the Islamic State and the Tsarnaev brothers of the Boston Marathon massacre was being heard across America.

He was being called the most successful Islamist terrorist since 9/11. A hater of homosexuals, Mateen had, all alone, massacred more than four dozen patrons at a gay Florida nightclub, wounded 53, and driven deeper the wedges breaking up America. When it was learned that he used an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, America’s gun wars were reignited.

And make no mistake. There are out there in society some few looking at what Mateen did, and how he left this world, not in revulsion and disgust but admiration and awe.

Omar Mateen will not lack for emulators. While we see him as a sick and crazed mass murderer, some will see him, as he surely saw himself, as a warrior for Islam and Muslim martyr who earned paradise.

Continue reading “Islam & the West: Irreconcilable Conflict?”

17 Facts About The Orlando Shooter That Every American Should Know

Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

America is in shock.  On Sunday, a 29-year-old Islamic terrorist named Omar Mateen shot 102 people at a gay club known as Pulse in the heart of Orlando, Florida.  49 of those that were shot died, and 53 were wounded.  So how in the world did this happen?

Well, when you combine radical political correctness with extreme government incompetence and the dramatic growth of radical Islam inside the United States, you create an environment which is absolutely primed for Islamic terror. 

The truth is that the FBI knew about this guy well in advance.  In fact, they had even interviewed him three separate times over the years.  And at one point the government had been investigating the mosque that he had been attending, but that investigation was shut down by Hillary Clinton’s State Department.  Mateen had told the FBI that he hoped to be a martyr someday, and those were not just idle words.  His twisted ideology fueled his actions, and so the choices that he ultimately made should not have come as a surprise to law enforcement authorities.  But now that this has happened, will it change the way that the government approaches Islamic terror?

The following are 17 facts about the Orlando shooter that every American should know…

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Sen. Bob Casey Wants to Ban Gun Sales to “Anyone Reasonably Suspected to be Guilty” of Misdemeanor Hate Crimes

Via Reason

My Douchebag Senator

Reasonably suspicious.

One need only be suspected of an ineffective “feel-good law” to be deprived of rights.

In the wake of this past weekend’s massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) announced in a press release today that he intends to introduce new legislation which “would prohibit the purchase, possession or shipment of a firearm by anyone convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime or who received a hate crime sentence enhancement.”

What makes Casey’s “Hate Crimes Prevention Act” especially noteworthy is that a conviction would no longer be necessary to deprive someone of their Second Amendment rights. Merely being “reasonably suspected to be guilty of a misdemeanor hate crime” would be enough. It is not clear who the senator would authorize to determine whether a person is reasonably or unreasonably suspected to be guilty of any particular crime, much less one that tries to get inside the head of a suspected criminal and police their thoughts.

Per Casey’s press release:

“If you have proven you will commit criminal acts based on hate, you absolutely should not have access to a gun. It’s common sense,” Senator Casey said. “It is time we as members of Congress do something. If you are a member of Congress and you say you care about security then you have to take steps to keep guns out of the wrong hands and ensure our law enforcement has the resources needed to keep communities safe.

Casey’s press release also states that “known hate groups are growing in the United States” and cites the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)’s statistic that “892 hate groups are currently operating in the United States, up 14 percent since 2014 and almost 33 percent since 2000.” Earlier this year, Reason‘s Jesse Walker examined the SPLC’s often very-fuzzy math and its frequent tendendency to define “gang slayings, domestic violence, and other apolitical or ambiguous assaults in which the killer also happens to subscribe to an ‘extremist’ worldview” to fulfill their pre-determined theory that hate crimes and hate groups are almost always on the rise in the U.S.

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Fascism: A Bipartisan Affliction

undefinedIf neoconservatives and progressives truly understood fascism, they would stop using the word as a smear term. That is because both groups, along with most political figures and commentators, embrace fascist ideas and policies.

Fascism’s distinguishing characteristic is a “mixed economy.” Unlike socialists and communists who seek to abolish private business, fascists are content to let business remain in private hands. Instead, fascists use regulations, mandates, and taxes to control business and run (and ruin) the economy. A fascist system, then, is one where private businesses serve politicians and bureaucrats instead of consumers. Does the modern American economy not fit the definition of fascism?

Fascism benefits big businesses that can afford the cost of complying with government regulations, unlike their smaller competitors. Big businesses, which have more political influence then entrepreneurs or small businesses, also significantly benefit from government subsidies. In order to maintain their power, big businesses finance the “deep state” — the network of lobbyists, journalists, think tanks, bureaucrats, and congressional staffers who work behind the scenes to shape government policy.

Obamacare is an example of fascism that is often mislabeled as socialism. Obamacare did not create a government-run “single payer” system as would exist under socialism. Instead, Obamacare extended government control over health care via mandates, regulations, and subsidies. The most infamous part of Obamacare — the individual mandate — forces individuals to purchase a product from a private industry.

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Thank You, Mr. Trump, Part 2

The most important issue Donald Trump has raised.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

This is Part 2 of Thank You, Mr. Trump. Link to Part 1.

Hillary Clinton; her friends, sycophants, and supporters in government, the media, and the general populace; the leadership of the Democratic Party, and the Republicans who have announced they will support her are desperately wishing that much of her past would just go away. During the 1990’s, the Clintons’ low-bar goal was to elude criminal justice for their many scandals. They never answered inquiries unless compelled, or proved their innocence. Instead, they besmirched the inquirers, floated conspiracy theories (conspiracy theorists are only kooks when they challenge the government, not when they’re the president and his wife), stonewalled investigations, threatened, blackmailed, hid or destroyed evidence, and fed exculpatory material to their friends in the media. Everybody then moved on, until the next scandal: lather, rinse, repeat.

The Clinton’s 1990s scandals never really went away, and they have added to them since then. Bill pals around with a pedophile billionaire who procures underage females for consensual and allegedly nonconsensual sex on his private plane and island. Hillary has Libya and the emails. Jointly they have the Clinton Foundation. The usual suspects have labored assiduously not to investigate these new scandals and keep the old ones down the memory hole. However, the stench persists, as stenches do, and many Americans have neither forgiven or forgotten. Trump pushed Clinton criminality to the forefront with one adjective: “crooked.” Only Clinton’s most blindly deluded supporters have called this one outrageous. Hillary is crooked, and Trump deserves credit for not avoiding the issue, as many Republican hopefuls did when they still had hopes.

Continue reading “Thank You, Mr. Trump, Part 2”

Donald Trump’s speech on Orlando shooting and national security

Thank you for joining me today.

This was going to be a speech on Hillary Clinton and how bad a President, especially in these times of Radical Islamic Terrorism, she would be.

Even her former Secret Service Agent, who has seen her under pressure and in times of stress, has stated that she lacks the temperament and integrity to be president.

There will be plenty of opportunity to discuss these important issues at a later time, and I will deliver that speech soon.

But today there is only one thing to discuss: the growing threat of terrorism inside of our borders.

The attack on the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was the worst terrorist strike on our soil since September 11th, and the worst mass shooting in our country’s history.

So many people dead, so many people gravely injured, so much carnage, such a disgrace.

The horror is beyond description.

The families of these wonderful people are totally devastated. Likewise, our whole nation, and indeed the whole world, is devastated.

We express our deepest sympathies to the victims, the wounded, and their families.

We mourn, as one people, for our nation’s loss – and pledge our support to any and all who need it.

I would like to ask now that we all observe a moment of silence for the victims of the attack.


Our nation stands together in solidarity with the members of Orlando’s LGBT Community.

This is a very dark moment in America’s history.

Continue reading “Donald Trump’s speech on Orlando shooting and national security”

I’m a Gay Activist, and After Orlando, I Have Switched My Vote to Trump

This is the saddest day of my life. I can’t even wrap my mind around the horror of what happened last night in Orlando, where 50 joyful dancing queers were murdered by a religious extremist. I’m sad — devastated, in my soul — about that; but I’m also sad that the events of Orlando have shattered my political beliefs, as I can no longer swear allegiance to a peace-love-and-unicorns progressive philosophy that only helps to get my fellow queers killed.

Yes, there is a war between religious fundamentalism and the spirit of love and tolerance. But we progressives here in America still labor under the delusion that the religion we need to combat is Christianity. But that’s a strawman opponent, and has been so for decades. Since the 1990s, Christian extremists have essentially lost all their power, and are now toothless nonplayers in the “culture wars.” Meanwhile, Muslim extremists, with guns, murder us, and on the left our only response is to bleat about “Islamophobia” and jump through hoops trying to explain away the self-evident religious motivation for the killings.

Oh sure, all year I’ve been playing the “Bernie or Hillary?” game with all the other default-Democrats in my social and professional circles. But this is no longer some kind of game. Our lives are on the line. Although I voted for Hillary in the primary, I now cringe inwardly with shame and embarrassment at having done so, and in November I will vote for Trump.

Continue reading “I’m a Gay Activist, and After Orlando, I Have Switched My Vote to Trump”

Ubi libertas, ibi patria!


The following piece was written by Paul Rogan who is the owner of the Canadian publication “Canadian Access to Firearms” or CATF for short. Paul is a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. He is an old school Parisian who first introduced me to the writings of Bastiat. I am proud to call him my friend and with his permission I am reprinting this here.


By Paul Rogan

As I grow older ( but, alas, obviously not wiser) I get more and more miffed and irked by the reaction of far too many of my contemporaries when acquainted, even in a casual set-up, with the fact that I am a gun user and a firearm collector with a strong individualist bent.

While most will not be brave enough to confront us one on one, I feel automatically and often rudely, to various but nonetheless obvious degrees, judged to be some kind of Cro-Magnon unsophisticated moron tainted with all sorts of shortcomings, misogynist, racist, islamophobic, ableist, transphobic morally and intellectually deficient, you name it, just a tiny degree short of a child molester ( Altho I have been accused of that as well for training my children to learn about shooting and hunting at a tender age – My oldest daughter shot her first bear when she was 12)

An attentive observation of the gun haters and their bottomless inventory of bowel inspired non-arguments, their vacuous emotional disquisitions, the only kind they have, finally brought to light a simple but obvious truth:

It is not the guns they hate, it is US!

Continue reading “Ubi libertas, ibi patria!”


The left wingers are spouting gibberish about this having nothing to do with Islam or Muslim beliefs. Bullshit. Muslims hate gays and think they should die for their lifestyles. It’s their law.

10 nations where the penalty for gay sex is death

By Colin StewartTen nations with large Muslim populations have laws providing for the death penalty for same-sex activity.

Only a few actually impose the death sentence. Exactly how many is a difficult question.

The 2016 State-Sponsored Homophobia report from ILGA, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, lists 13-14 places that threaten the death penalty for homosexuality, including the basic 10 plus several specific variations:

  • One where executions occur — and go unpunished — despite the fact that there is no death-penalty law (Iraq);
  • One that has approved a death-penalty provision but has not yet incorporated it into the nation’s laws (Brunei);
  • One that conducts executions but is not recognized as a nation (the Islamic State, also known as Daesh, ISIS and ISIL);
  • One where, in theory, a particular interpretation of its laws would provide for the death penalty but, in practice, no executions have been reported (United Arab Emirates)

The ILGA list is quite similar to this blog’s list of those 14 countries, printed below:

A best-information-available list of countries/regions where executions for homosexual activity are carried out or are provided by current or future law:

Nations with such laws on the books; executions have been carried out

1. Iran
2. Saudi Arabia