After my normal 1 hour and 15 minute commute home from work last night, I had to stop for gas. I pulled up to the pump, swiped my credit card and started to fill up my tank.

A car pulled in behind me at the next pump. As I was minding my own business, freezing my ass off, a female voice said “excuse me”. It was a twenty something girl trying to get my attention. I turned around and she proceeded to tell me she was from New Jersey and didn’t know how to put gas in her car.

Continue reading “A HELPLESS MILLENNIAL”

Stereotyping Millennials

Stereotyping Millennials {unfairly?}

I, like many other people – have been known to “label” the millennial generation.

While it is an accurate label (a group of people generally born in the early 80’s to the early 2000’s), many of the points are worth discussing at least for a few minutes.

Many articles we’ve read – typically identify Millennials as being liberal, or at the very least being “left-leaning.” And that may be true (not sure what the exact percentage is – but I’m guessing it’s at least over 70% – maybe even more in big cities – especially on the coasts).

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Guest Post by TPC

Millennial men are an interesting group, as the recent political winds favor their eradication almost entirely. Oh, the Left want your productivity, your strength of back, and your insights, but they want to keep this while changing everything else about you.

Still, in a post-Trumpening world, it appears that the sexless childlike minnie men are starting to slowly pull their heads out of the sand and look around to see what kind of world they are creating for themselves. These poor bastards are questioning everything they’ve ever been told, and don’t like the answers they find. Some dive face first into their shallow pools of cognitive dissonance, too afraid to face a reality so at odds with their own chosen paradigm. Some become outraged, and swing so far in the opposite direction that they embrace the most insane and illogical of conspiracies. However, the vast majority of them are rocked back on their heels, unsure of what to do next. They find the left end of the spectrum appalling, and the conspiracy-riddled far right to be pure lunacy. They are in a holding pattern, looking for a symbol of hope.

So what then for these?


Memo to millennials, that awful feeling you’ve got is called losing

Guest Post by Piers Morgan

Cheer up, American millennials!

I mean, seriously, CHEER THE **** UP!

Oh, I know you’ve had a rough week ever since Donald Trump won the election.

But it’s time to get a grip.

STOP crying.

STOP taking personal days off work to ‘process’ what happened.

Millenials need to get a grip. Stop whinging and crying and complaining how unfair life is because Hillary Clinton lost the electoral vote to Donald Trump

Millenials need to get a grip. Stop whinging and crying and complaining how unfair life is because Hillary Clinton lost the electoral vote to Donald Trump

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“History offers even more sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis. If there is confrontation, it is likely to lead to war. This could be any kind of war – class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists or terrorists, or superpower war. If there is war, it is likely to culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered nil – its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured.” The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe -1997

As we enter the final stretch of this vitriolic, deplorable, venomous, propaganda saturated, deceitful, rigged presidential election spectacle, it becomes painfully obvious this Fourth Turning is careening toward bloodshed, bedlam, confrontation, and civil war. The linear fixated establishment, who fancy themselves intellectually superior to the irredemables, are too blinded by their sociopathic, increasingly audacious subversion of the Constitution, to grasp the level of rage and disillusionment of a white working class that has been screwed over for decades.

As the Wall Street shysters frantically accelerate their embezzlement of what remains of middle class wealth, with the Fed and the corporate media propagandists as their wing-men, the country devolves into a corporate fascist state. The disposition of the nation grows dark like the sky before an approaching deadly blizzard. As passions boil over and violence portends, this Fourth Turning hastens towards a bloody decade ahead with an uncertain climax.



Of the 2,300 Americans polled by YouGov, 80% of baby boomers and 91% of the elderly agree with the statement that “communism was and still is a problem” in the world today. Millennials? Only 55%.

Furthermore, almost half of Americans between the ages of 16 to 20 said they would vote for a socialist, while 21% would go so far as to back a communist.

Capitalism, on the other hand, is viewed favorably by 64% of those over the age of 65, compared with only 42% of millennials.

In fact, more than half of millennials say the economic system works against them, while four out of 10 call for a “complete change” to ensure highest earners pay their fair share.

There’s a lack of historical perspective, according to the foundation, that the survey showed among a big chunk of the younger generation. For instance, a third of millennials say they believe more people were killed under George W. Bush than Joseph Stalin.

Retirement Crisis Looms As Average U.S. Household Has Saved $2,500 For Retirement

With 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 years old every day for the next decade, with the average Boomer household having accumulated a massive retirement savings of $14,500, and consumer spending accounting for 70% of our warped economy, there is absolutely zero probability of GDP going back above 3% ever again. Combine these broke Boomers with Millennials up to their eyeballs in student loan debt and nothing but shit Obama service jobs available, and you’ve got a toxic mixture of lower and lower consumer spending. Ghost malls will proliferate across our suburban sprawl paradise. Maff is hard for people who chose to live for today and not worry about tomorrow. Well, tomorrow is here. I hope these Boomers like the taste of Friskies.

Tyler Durden's picture

The global demographic crisis expected to play out over the coming years has been a frequent topic of ours (you can read our most recent post on the topic here:  “DB Warns 35-Year Economic Super Cycle Is Officially Ending“).  The problem, of course, is that baby boomers all over the globe are on the verge of transitioning out of their highest wage earning years and into retirement.  That transition brings with it all sort of negative consequences ranging from the detrimental impact on average incomes and GDP to exposing the epic ponzi schemes that workers have heretofore referred to by their more common names of pension plans, social security, medicare and medicaid. 

A report from the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) recently pointed out just how ill prepared American’s are for retirement.  The study by the NIRS found that the average American household has $2,500 saved for their retirement.  Even worse, the study found that even people near retirement (aged 55-64) have only set aside $14,500 which should allow them to live very comfortably for about 2-3 months. 


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Study: Millennial Men Have Weaker Handshakes Than Their Dads

Via Fatherly

You want your kid to grow up to have strong hands for a lot of reasons beyond catching Nerf balls like Odell Beckham, Jr. Research shows grip strength is a predictor of mortalitygeneral health, and your carpet not being the victim of sippy cup spills. Sadly, a new study published in the Journal of Hand Therapy (how is this a scholarly publication and not a punchline?) suggests Junior’s hands may never catch up to yours. And grandpa? Your paws can’t touch his.

Researchers measured at the grip strength and pinch strength of 237 students ages 20 to 34 and compared it to data from the same age bracket in 1985. They found that the average man today was only able to apply 98 pounds of force when gripping an object in their right hand, compared to 117 pounds in 1985. These results echo past studies that show kids are not as fit as they were 30 years ago. It could also be due to the reduction of manual labor jobs over time. Another possible variable is that the sample was not necessarily representative of men as a whole, and full-time college students these days are just soft. (Though they should have plenty of time to practice “grip strength.”)

The good news for dudes with daughters is that grip strength among women in the study increased over time. While they were only able to apply about 79 pounds of force in 1985, today they match men at 98 pounds. That means girls have closed about a 31 pound gender grip gap … and yours might be ready for the Thumb Wrestling Federation before you think.

[H/T] The Washington Post

Ugly truth about Millennials

Guest Post by Jenna Abrams

Today I asked my followers how would they describe Millennials and this is what I got: “lazy”, “thin-skinned”, “spoiled”, “selfish”, “undisciplined”, “self-absorbed”, ”fragile”, “oblivious”, etc. and I can agree on this. This generation is really what you call it. But there was one description that is the most accurate.  “Raised by neglectful, over-compensating for inadequacy, self-serving parents.”

You’re in charge. You insisted your children and grandchildren have to get higher education instead of taking a blue-collar job or just entering the workforce after school like your generation did. Most of you pay for that (often unnecessary) higher education. You are overprotective and prevent your children from playing outside and making mistakes you had a chance to make to gain that thick skin. You don’t let your 12-year-old kid stay at home alone because they are too young. And who is wrong when your child has a conflict at school? I bet you always blame the other side, not your “special snowflake”. And how you get surprised that the whole generation gets offended by facing the truth: they are not special. It must hurt, right?


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