Time is the Fire By Which We Burn

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


…Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time.
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle.
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

– Shakespeare, William (1606).  “Macbeth”, Act 5, scene 5


In that passage of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”, the protagonist turned antagonist swallows hopelessness and nihilism like an opiate. He does so for this reason: If life is meaningless, then so, too, are regret and guilt. It’s also been said that quote represented Shakespeare’s own view of theater – as all the drama was meant to invoke emotional responses from the audience after a suspension of disbelief had occurred.

In so many ways does the inevitable unfurl like a divine comedy; or a Shakespearean tragedy.  Even now as the tin-foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists and fake news propagandists in the Mainstream Media, along with their comrades in The Resistance, tear at their clothing and gnash their teeth in the wake of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s gigantic nothing-burger.

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Mueller Investigation Concludes Hillary Clinton Was Actually Just A Terrible Candidate

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After a two-year-long investigation that included thousands of indictments, hundreds of search warrants, and several guilty pleas, Robert Mueller and the FBI managed to provide conclusive proof that Hillary Clinton was actually just a terrible candidate, sources confirmed Monday.

The official report summary indicated that the main factor in Clinton losing the election was not Russian collusion but her just being a really bad nominee.

“We have uncovered damning evidence that Hillary Clinton lost the election by colluding with the DNC to be the absolute worst possible candidate,” Mueller said in his first public address since the historic report was delivered. “As we could not find any Russian collusion, this was the only thing we managed to prove.”

“I mean, she lost to Donald Trump, for Pete’s sake,” he added, shaking his head.

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Via The Raconteur Report

Surprising exactly NO ONE, Special Witch Hunter Robert Mueller has found “no evidence of any collusion” on the part of neither candidate nor President Trump to conspire with a foreign power, and alter the outcome of the 2016 election.

Every word to the contrary has been Fake News.

This, despite vacuuming every bedbug from hundreds of rugs, the total abuse of the FISA secret courts system (which itself, in its entirety, is a putrid stench in the nostrils of liberty and the entire republic), after turning over every slimy stone, and burning up taxpayer money by the trainload.

This was all started when douchehag Shrillary and her crooked campaign paid a slimeball to make up, out of his ass, a phony dossier of imaginary events.

Crooked partisan Mueller knew this from the outset.

So did crooked then-FBI Director James Comey.

So did crooked James Clapper.
So did crooked William Brennan.
So did every Obozo senior appointee in the crooked DoJ.

Continue reading “NO. COLLUSION.”

The Grand Conspiracy

Guest Post by The Zman

The modern age often seems chaotic and random, but there are fixed rules to human nature that transcend even this age. Despite the proliferation of gender as the preferred way of describing sex roles, biological sex still prevails. Boys and girls are still boys and girls, despite some loud attempts to create exceptions. Feminism has ruined a lot of female lives, but most women are still normal women. Human nature is immutable, despite the best efforts of the crazy people in charge to convince us otherwise.

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House Intel Readies Criminal Referrals For Clinton Operatives Who “Perpetuated This Hoax”

Via ZeroHedge

Just hours after President Trump proclaimed It began illegally. And hopefully somebody is going to look at the other side. This was an illegal takedown that failed

It seems the “other side” may just get what they deserved.

Source: GrrrGraphics

Here is Nunes from Friday…

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Trump Russia Collusion Treason Was All Just Another Elite Lie

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Image result for liberals crying over mueller report

The Mueller report dropped and the liberal elite experienced the kind of intense, agonizing disappointment usually reserved for a Fredocon’s bride on her wedding night.

It’s important to remember exactly what nonsense the elite liars were trying to stuff down our throats, because in the aftermath of their humiliation they are busy trying to hide it via their goalpost-shifting three card monte act. Behold their original assertion:

Donald Trump was a willing agent of Vladimir Putin actively acting in concert with Russia to betray the United States and steal the election!

Wow. Those of us who are neither shameless liars nor blithering idiots – or, such as my congressjerk Ted Lieu, both – never bought into this transparently ridiculous notion. But the Democrats, their slobbering media suck-ups, and their conservagimp submissives did, or at least pretended to. Why? Because the dumpster fire ruling class they represent was outraged that we, the People, rejected its divine right to govern us when we chose a brash, pugnacious outsider over their designated monarch to-be, Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit.

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Nation’s Psychiatric Wards Prepare For Influx Of Deranged Liberals Should Mueller Report Not Prove Collusion

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S.—The nation’s psychiatric wards are preparing themselves for an influx of deranged liberals, as Robert Mueller’s official report into Russian collusion has now been filed with the attorney general.

As it now seems unlikely that the report will provide definitive proof that President Trump colluded with Russia during his 2016 campaign, psych wards and mental health facilities began bracing themselves for a wave of psychotic, disillusioned liberals to be checked in by their friends and family members.

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Mock The Russiagaters. Mock Them Ruthlessly

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via Medium.com,

The Robert Mueller investigation which monopolized political discourse for two years has finally concluded, and his anxiously awaited report has been submitted to Attorney General William Barr. The results are in and the debate is over: those advancing the conspiracy theory that the Kremlin has infiltrated the highest levels of the US government were wrong, and those of us voicing skepticism of this were right.

The contents of the report are still secret, but CNN’s Justice Department reporter Laura Jarrett has told us all we need to know, tweeting, “Special Counsel Mueller is not recommending ANY further indictments am told.” On top of that, William Barr said in a letter to congressional leaders that there has been no obstruction of Mueller’s investigation by Justice Department officials.

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Great Expectations

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The #Resistance has been losing bigly in recent days as each new “bombshell” it manufactures turns out only to reveal its modus operandi, which is that the end justifies the means — the end being to evict the wicked Mr. Trump from office and the means being dishonesty and bad faith in its use of the government’s prosecutorial machinery. The New York Times has a Friday op-ed, The Mueller Report Is Coming. Here’s What to Expect, declaring, “A concise report will probably act a a ‘road map’ to investigation for the Democratic House — and to further criminal investigation by other prosecutors.”

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