Stucky Q.O.T.D. —— Sweet Smellin’ Shit

Actual and true pics of Germany’s coach.  The one where her scratches his balls and sniffs, and the one where he picks his ass, finds something to roll, and sniffs all took place in this year’s games in France.

Now, I’m calling for some brutal honestly from you folks. We’re all friends … it’s OK. Friends don’t judge friends.  So ….

—1a) … If you’re a guy, do you scratch your nuts and then relish the sweetness?

—1b) … If you’re a gal, do you scratch your hootchie, and basque in its odor?

—2) … Do you scratch your ass looking for shit to roll, and sniff?

—3) … Do you eat your own boogers and, if so, what flavor are yours?

Thank you participating in this effort to get to know each other better!

P.S. Feel free to divulge other habits you have which we all might find interesting.

S.Q.O.T.D. —- Dollahs fer Donald

It takes about a billion dollars to run a National POTUS campaign. Donald has it.  Says he could sell a building.  But, he doesn’t want to. He’s going to accept money from other people.

Q1:  Are you disappointed?  After all, he’s been making this huge big deal all this time about being self-funded, and how he is beholden to no one. Fukdahum! I guess now that real money is involved, he’s changing his tune.

Q2:  You gonna send the billionaire some of your money?

——— if yes, how much?

——— if yes, don’t you feel like a sucker?

Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Isn’t is BETTER to go through life fat, dumb, and happy?

My incredibly hectic past two weeks culminated this past Sunday by celebrating the fifth birthday of Ms. Freud’s grandson … the poor kid whose mama is a corporate lawyer, and papa is a stockbroker. The little fucker is DOOMED, I tell ya!

So, there’s a lull in the bullshit trivial inane conversation. Soooo, I bring up the economy, and ask Mr. Stockbroker if he’s at all concerned about the shit hitting the fan.  In a nutshell (I don’t want to bore you) the answer was this — “The economy is doing great. You need to stop with all your constant negativity.”  Oh, OK.  That “conversation” lasted all of three minutes, if that.

Thing is … they really do appear to be happy as clams. Both with six figure incomes, him with a new Lexus, her with a two year old monster SUV, living totally rent free/food free/bill free at Ms. Lawyer’s mama’s house while looking to purchase a home …. oh, yeah, homes in the $800,000 plus range.  Meanwhile, we’re struggling to downsize, and Ms Freud especially is often full of worries. 

WTF is wrong with that picture? Especially in light of this ….

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” ————– Philippians 4:8

As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,”  ———— Proverbs 23:7

Maybe Mr. Stockbroker is right.  Am I really a miserable old fuck? I wonder how the constant stream of negative doomer news is affecting my mind … my personality.  How’s it affecting your mind?

Recently, I have found myself not giving a shit about most news articles. I’m NOT talking about only here on TBP. I have at least 25+ “favorites” web sites I visit at least weekly.  The past few weeks I’ve visited less than half of them … and when I do visit them I hardly click on any articles.  How many fucking times can I read about copfuks, mooslimfuks, free shitters, an economy in the shitter, the piece of shit running this country, etc etc. etc.  …. before getting bored to fucking death?

Oh yeah!  I’m thinking fat, dumb, and happy is the way to go!  What say you?

Kumbaya, motherfuckers!!!

Sunday Quotes: Stanley Milgram

Ms. Freud and I watched a new release on Netflix last night — The Experimenter

The film is about Stanley Milgram’s electric-shock experiment in the 1960’s which showed that everyday ordinary people will obey even the most abhorrent of orders. The film incorporates actual footage of the “teacher” and “learner”.  I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Here’s a brief summary of Milgram’s experiment.

All quotes from Mr. Milgram


A substantial proportion of people do what they are told to do, irrespective of the content of the act, and without pangs of conscience, so long as they perceive that the command comes from a legitimate authority.
Each individual possesses a conscience which to a greater or lesser degree serves to restrain the unimpeded flow of impulses destructive to others. But when he merges his person into an organizational structure, a new creature replaces autonomous man, unhindered by the limitations of individual morality, freed of humane inhibition, mindful only of the sanctions of authority.

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– “Cultural Appropriation”

A new fucken term to learn — “Cultural Appropriation”. WTF?

Question 1: Who is more fucked up in the video below?  The Kneegrow, or the Kneegrow-Wannabe?

I gotta go with the Wannabe.  I just hate assholes who don’t know what kind of assholes they should be.  The only white guy who ever pulled off being a halfway good Kneegrow was Eminem.

Question 2: If you could be Kneegrow-For-A-Day …. who would you be, and what would you do?


A San Francisco State University student of color [niggah] harassed and assaulted a white student earlier this week, accusing him of stealing her culture—because he had dreadlocks. 

The encounter took place in the Cesar Chavez Student Center, and was captured on video. The video clearly shows a black female student, identified as Bonita Tindle, confronting a dreadlocks-wearing white male named Cory Goldstein. Tindle is accompanied by a black male: both insist to Goldstein that his dreadlocks are tantamount to cultural appropriation.

  Continue reading “Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– “Cultural Appropriation””

Sunday Q.O.T.D. —— Superman vs. Batman

There’s a new Superman vs. Batman movie out. I’m torn as to whether or not I should see it.

Question #1:  HOW in the fuck does Batman beat Superman?

Question #2:  Is there any Superhero who can beat Superman in hand to hand combat?  (No fucken’ Kryptonite allowed!)

Every Friday when I got my pitiful allowance I would go to the corner mom&pop store and buy my 12 cent Superman comic book. I loved that guy.  Here’s some shit Superman can do.

1)- Fuck bullets.  Superman can survive multiple lighting bolts … and then bullshit about it!! (He also survives nuclear bombs.)


2)-  Superman’s concentrated vision can melt your fat ass in just seconds!


3)- Superman can survive in outer space … and smash the fuck outta meteors.


Superman is so fast he can break the time barrier.  I’m guessing he could duck Batman’s punches.


Superman’s blow jobs will fuuuck you up.


Here are Batman’s super powers.

OH, ….. WAIT ………

Fuck off, Dark Knight. You’re a pussy. A Darkie fraud. A Democrat, no doubt. A pretender with a cape. Blow me.

Maybe that’s why the movie only gets 29% on rottentomatoes.

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– Prep or Death?

You prepped your ass off in anticipation of the Shit-Meets-Fan day. You’re ready for the Zombies. You have water, lead, and toilet paper. You will survive!!

Question: When is voluntary death preferable to surviving?

I’m talking about Siege-of-Leningrad level of survival. Will you eat your dead loved ones, just to survive? Where do you draw the line?

“Mmmm …. dinner!”

Me? I’m probably toast within half a year, tops.

I’m an asshole Boomer. I have lived at the zenith of the most prosperous nation in human history. I have lived better than Kings of any era, at least in terms of creature comforts:  I have instant access to inside plumbing, the most comfortable foam bed in history, cool air when I’m hot, warmth when I’m cold, soft clothes, comfortable shoes, the best medical care, virtually any food from any part of the world and always in abundance, gas on demand so I don’t need to gather wood, a refrigerator to preserve food (and all kinds of other nifty gadgets), transportation on rubber instead of four legs, and on and on and on.

Continue reading “Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– Prep or Death?”

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Bullshit

Here is what the author of the below diagram wrote;

“I created The War on Bullshit while completing my PhD. It helped keep me sane during a horrible, frustrating experience. Bullshit is a ubiquitous social phenomenon that’s causing serious problems for humanity. Bullshit is not untruth but a message conveyed regardless of truth. It’s not that the bullshitter is necessarily trying to deceive but that he or she does not care about the truth. Graduate school is remarkably high in bullshit.”  ——– War on bullshit website

The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense

QUESTION:  Referencing the above diagram …. what bullshit do YOU still believe?

(Please don’t bullshit me!  Don’t give me any crap about how you don’t believe in bullshit … how you are too enlightened to believe in bullshit … that your beliefs are pure as the driven snow.  THAT is pure bullshit. Face the fact that we all believe in at least some bullshit, no matter how smart you think you are.)

Note to bb:  Please limit your bullshit beliefs to 3,000 words.

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– MLK

The Millennial son of I Love Carbon Dioxide wrote a fine piece which was posted here yesterday —->

BUT ….. he wrote positive things about Martin Luther King.  OOPS!!

bb said MLK was “a sorry POS“, and got 5 thumbs up.

Unassimilated says go ahead and call him a “nigger lover” but, he likes MLK.  He did research on it.

Llpoh says MLK is a “giant scam“.

Rose is gonna submit a long post about MLK, and it won’t be a positive one.

I Love Carbon Dioxide said — Rose, could you site some sources for your claims for “Mike” ? For reasoned research of course, not a negative comment.”

OK then! Let’s help out ILuvCO2 and his Millennial SonI know we’ve discussed MLK here often, but … let’s give ’em sum edumacation!!

Question #1.  Was MLK basically good, or basically bad?

Question #2.  Why?


Stucky Q.O.T.D. ——— Being Southern

Damn Yankees“.  ———-Bea Lever

I’ve lived most of my life in NJ, IN, and MI.  That makes me a Yankee, I suppose, even if only by association.

But, I fucken hate most every one in NJ.  I hate Yankees! But, hating the fuckers ain’t good enough, is it?

Question:  What must I do to become a Southerner, and to be accepted by them as such? 

(Keeping in mind I can’t move from NJ until both parents pass away.)  When I DO move to a Southern State, I wanna hit the ground running.

Do I have to talk funny? Also, I already NEVER use instant grits!!

Many thanks in advance, as I read the advice.

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– I Don’t Like Black People

Watch the short video.

Simple Question #1:  Is that guy a raayciss, or simply giving an opinion?

Simple Question #2:  In general, do you like black people?

Note on Q2:  I’d like a simple YES or NO.  No qualifiers. I already gave you a qualifier with “in general”. No explanations. No alternate answers like “It all depends.”. Yes. Or, No. Period.


Stuck Q.O.T.D —– Monkey God

In order to answer today’s questions you must read the article. It also would help to watch the brief video.


Question #1: —– If even monkeys have a concept of God, doesn’t that PROVE that God is just in your brain??

Question #2: —– If you say “No!” … is there anything at all that would cause you to pause about your faith?


Question #3: —– If even monkeys believe in God …. SHOULDN’T YOU???

=================================== –


The ritual has similarities with the building of shrines or cairns, a human ritual that has been happening for thousands of years and across civilisations

By Andrew Griffin, March 4, 2016

New footage shows chimpanzees engaging in bizarre behaviour — which might be a form of sacred ritual that could show the beginnings of a kind of religious belief.

Chimpanzees in West Africa have been spotted banging and throwing rocks against trees and throwing them into gaps inside, leading to piles of rocks. Those rocks do not appear to be for any functional purpose — and might be an example of an early version of ritual behaviour.

The discovery might help researchers learn more about the basis of human religion and rituals, and how such activities formed in our own history.

Continue reading “Stuck Q.O.T.D —– Monkey God”

Stucky Q.O.T.D. — The Airing Of Grievances

This POTUS election cycle has produced an enormous amount of hate between many various groups on the National stage — hate so thick it hangs in the air long after the participants have left.

The hate has also filtered down to the local level right here on TBP. The name-calling and shit-flinging has escalated to unprecedented proportions as of late. For example;

— it is well known at this point that I hate Trump-eteers …. people I have formerly loved, I have now given over to Satan

Stephanie wrote a nice post about the political process which received several compliments.  But, it was also peppered with hate speech

— One can’t even have an opinion about something so simple as A Wall.  The anti-wallites call pro-wallites fucking maroons without a brain, and vice versa. Oh, the humanity!

— In my brilliant post ” The Potential Fascism of Donald Trump” some Anonymous (dickhead) late last night wrote that all my posts and comments indicate that that I am the new Village Idiot.  And if that’s not bad enough, FIVE subzero-IQ simians here on TBP voted thumbs up on that!! How can this be???  Worlds are colliding!!

This is long overdue. It is time to clear the air. It is time for the Airing Of Grievances. (see below).

I would like to ask two questions today; a general one and a specific one (choose one, or both);

Continue reading “Stucky Q.O.T.D. — The Airing Of Grievances”

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- The “Bullshit” Game

Two minutes of pure Donald ….. sure to cause Boners for all male Trump-eteers, and a wet spot for the rest (like bb).

Question #1:  How many bullshit statements can you find?

(Winner gets to blow Donald.)

Question #2 (for Trump-eteers only):  How in the fuck, in good conscience, can you vote for this guy??

(Best answer gets a free degree from Phoenix University.)

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– Constitution

Actually, 4 questions.  (Clarification made so as to not piss off Llpoh.)

Well, the “Constitution” article I submitted isn’t getting a lot of traction …. 6 responses, and only Harry P. liked it.  But, that’s OK, really.  Submitting articles is usually a “hit or miss” endeavor.  Nevertheless, it does lead to today’s four questions. Let’s keep the answers brief.

–1)  Have you read the Constitution in its entirety?  (Simply ‘yes’ or ‘no’ …. and be honest!)

–2) If the answer is “No”, whenever you comment about it, aren’t you just engaging in speculation and bullshit? (Simply ‘yes’ or ‘no’ …. no need to justify your answer.)

–3) If there is a Fourth Turning coming to America, would it make sense to write a new and better Constitution? (Other countries have done so.)

–4)  Whether you have read it or not,  in one or two sentences maximum, what does the Constitution mean to you?  (Note:  The question does NOT ask you to explain what the Constitution is ABOUT.)

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– Books

“The only two books you need to read are “Confessions Of An Economic Hitman ” and Smedley Butler’s book ” War Is A Racket ” to understand why ” Countries hate us ” .” 

——– BUCKHED in the “Evil Empires” thread

Agreed! Specifically,  “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” was one of the most eye-opening books concerning how-the-world-works that I have ever read.

I love to read, as do most others here.  I’m always looking for something really new, really interesting, really awesome. Something jaw-dropping.  A “wow!!” moment. And a woody would be nice, also.

Question:  Which books have you actually read which fit the bill above?

Note: Let’s try to keep it to three, or less. Also, let’s leave out the Bible (I’ve already read it multiple times cover-to-cover).