Stucky Q.O.T.D. ——- THE JEWS!

Read carefully. Read slowly. Read the following three items for comprehension.

1)– This Q.O.T.D. is NOT asking if Jews are good or bad!!!  I realize it might (likely?) degenerate into that.  I’m simply asking that it won’t.

2)– I am also asking that individual posters NOT be called out by name.

3)– I fully believe in and support the “no censorship” nature of this board.

All that being said …….

FACT:  More and more posters are using this platform to post their hatred of Jews. More and more on a daily basis. Vile, rabid, mind-bending, hateful stuff.

My stance:  I am fucken’ sick and tired of reading this shit.  Hey, Jew Haters ….. WE GET IT.  Repeating the same damned “information” thousands of fucking times doesn’t make your argument any stronger. So, STFU.

QUESTION:  How do you feel about all this anti-Jew stuff? Do you love it, do you hate it, or are you somewhere in-between?

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Breaking Point

Literally not a day goes by whereby I’m not outraged at the shit-pile this country has become …. where I want to curse my parents for leaving Salzburg.

Today, I m upset about governmental-fuk interference with ……… dirty dishes.  These motherfuckers need to sleep with the fishes. Yea, read this … it is hard to believe, or stomach;


“Let us inspect your dishes — or we’ll get a warrant,” city says.


A Minnesota city is asking a court for a warrant to enter a rental home in order to check to see if the place is clean. If the city wins the case, then inspectors apparently would be able to enter such a building anytime they wish.

The renters and tenants say they have nothing to hide but are opposing the city’s move based on principle. If they want to leave dirty dishes in the sink, they say, they it should be perfectly legal.

“Your home is your castle—irrespective of whether you rent it or own it,” said Anthony Sanders, an attorney for Institute for Justice, which is representing the renters and tenants. “What we do in our home is our business, not the government’s. The mere fact that someone rents a home, rather than owns it, should not give the government the right to disrupt their life, invade their privacy and search every nook and cranny of their home—all without providing a shred of evidence that anything is wrong. It is a fundamental violation of the Minnesota Constitution’s protection against illegal searches.”

Sanders is representing the renters as well as Jackie and Jason Wiebesick, the owners of the rental unit in Golden Valley, Minnesota.

Continue reading “Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Breaking Point”

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Weeping Soldiers

This photo of one of the sailors captured (and, quickly released) by Iran a few weeks ago was just released.

You who have fathers or grandfathers who fought in WWII, can you imagine them crying so soon after being captured, especially considering the easy, almost luxurious, conditions in which this sailor was being held?  I can’t.

Question: What do you think of this soldier?

Stucky Q.O.T.D. ——– “Car 54 where are you?”

Ms. Freud is going to meet someone today for lunch whom she hasn’t seen in several years.  She’s quite excited about that.

Which made me think — “What happened to so many of our one-time regular posters??

I’m sure several, if not most, STILL read this blog. It’s vewy vewy hard to kick the TBP addiction.  Just the other day “efarmer” submitted a comment!

So, this Q.O.T.D. is mostly for former contributors —  of course, “regulars” might want to call out or opine about these former folks.

—1)  Why did you leave?

—2)  Would you consider coming back?

—3) What replaced TBP  (or, what are you doing now?)

This is pretty much true for most former regulars ….

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- God and Ted Cruz

“Let me first of all say, to God be the glory”

—– Ted Cruz, yesterday

“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote … he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
Samuel Adams, a long time ago

“So Pilate said to Him, “You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?” Jesus answered, “You would have no authority over Me, UNLESS IT HAD BEEN GIVEN YOU FROM ABOVE ..”

—— Jesus H. Christ, an even longer time ago


1. If God’s will is always done, doesn’t that mean that God actually chooses our POTUS?

2. It seems that GOD alone is responsible for the final outcome. God put Obama in power. It was His will. God will put the next jackass in power. His will can not be thwarted.  So, why do you Christians even bother voting at all?

3. If God really does put into power the POTUS He wants,  shouldn’t you want to change religions?

Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Hey, Trump-eteers! Does THIS make a difference?

This what the HIGHLY REVERED (here on TBP) Ron Paul had to say about Da Trump a couple days ago;

I think he’s is a dangerous person, and a lot of people find him sort of funny, and love him, even Libertarian types. They like him because he’s so disruptive to the party system, and I enjoy that too. But I think he’s a man that if conditions deteriorate, which they can — see I work on the assumption that the world is no more stable than Greece, and if those conditions come, people want to be told what to do: ‘And I know what the answer is, and I’ll do this, and I am the man to this’. And Mr. Trump comes across this very well, and people listen to him, and I believe he may be raising white horses someplace and he’s going to ride in, because he is almost the opposite of a Libertarian, because it’s not like ‘I want to give you your freedom and your liberty to run your life as you choose. Your civil liberties are absolutely yours, you can’t hurt anybody, it’s your own money you can spend it any way you want.’ But he sounds like the person, ‘I know the answers and I’m going to do this and I’ve done this, I’ve done this, this and this.’” He’s an authoritarian and that’s the way he claims he made all his money. So I see that as dangerous.”

Question: —  To all of you Trump-eteers, especially you so-called Libertarians and Anarchists,  does the warning from the great Ron Paul change your opinion?  Or, are you all just part-time Libertarians?

(Warning: If you vote for Trump, you will likely live to regret it.)

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Jackpot!!

No, I didn’t win shit. I didn’t even get one number correct.  Looks like I will have to double down and buy 4 tickets.  The pot will now be One Billion dollahs!

I guess half would go to taxes. So, the question is; — What would you do with $500,000,000 dollars?


— $100 million goes in the bank — some combo of cash and gold — so, I can live comfortably for the rest of my feeble life

—  I’m spending the other $400 million.  Goddamned right I am. The first $100m on loved ones.  Then $1.98 on friends.  “Charity” isn’t getting jack-shit.  And the other $299,999,998.02 on me. Me. Me. Boomerfuk me!


Other: We had several showings yesterday, spaced apart so that we were effectively “locked out” for the whole day.  Pleasant surprise. Can’t believe this many people are looking in friggin January. We have two more showings today.

One guy came back on Friday, this time with his wife, for a second visit. The first time he stayed for one hour. This time they stayed for two hours!! They really like the house.  BUT ….. there’s always a fucking ‘but’ …. the wife is hyper-sensitive to smoke … and she smelled smoke.  Jeezus.

Do, I smoke in the house?  Yes, but ONLY in the kitchen, next to the open window, and with the doors closed to the other rooms. Also, Ms. Freud burns candles every now and then.  We asked several people yesterday if they can smell any smoke.  All of them said no.

Whatever.  So, when Home Depot opens this morning I’ll be there. Gonna rent a carpet cleaner, and shampoo and sanitize every room upstairs.  Then, I’m going to wash down all the walls AND ceiling with a water/vinegar/baking soda formula. Then I’m gonna piss in the corner of each room.  All that should take care of the smoke smell.

Who the fuck cares, right?  I do!!  That’s why I’m buying FIVE fucking Powerballs today.  I’m sick of this shit.

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– Pissing Away Money

Yesterday, for the very very first time in my entire life I bought two Powerball Lottery Tickets, one for me and one for Ms. Freud.  (Not just Powerball … I’ve never bought ny kind of lottery ticket.) It was just four bucks total …. but, obviously, a total fuckin’ waste of money.

What have you wasted money on … or, still do?

For me, I would have to say books. I would say I’ve spent at least $20,000 on books in my lifetime, and that’s probably conservative.  When I got divorced, I left 95% of them with The Witch.  What a fuckin’ waste!!!

Your turn.

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Why Is America Pussified?

No question as complex about the fall of a Nation can be reduced to one simple reason. Nevertheless, all lists can be numbered, and all lists have a Number One.

Therefore, give me one —- AND ONLY ONE —- reason as to why America, as we know it today,  is on its way to the ash-bin of history.

(Note:  If you give more than one answer, it proves you are a fag.)

Me?  I’m going to agree with Putin. Simply stated, we have abandoned our Christian heritage.

First note, I did not say Christian RELIGION. Second note; a few of you maroons think I am anti-Christian, and nothing could be further from the truth.)

(I beg you to watch the 2min 45sec video below …. a speech O’Neegrow could never give.)

OK, your turn. Answer the damn question!

Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Intervention

Yesterday, my dad crossed into Free Shitter territory.

He’s done this just ONCE before in his entire life.  He was unemployed once, many decades ago, and collected unemployment (but, not food stamps) for, at most, two months.  I’m also not including Social Security … something he did not start collecting until he turned 80 … after working for 50+ years.

But, he’s so embarrassed always asking me for rides … even though I don’t mind one little bit.  (My libtard seester rarely helps with rides.) So, he asked me to take him to the Senior Center in town to see what they have to offer.  Well …. it turns out that they have all kinds of  FREE transportation; twice a week scheduled trips to the grocery store, aaaaand if you give then 48 hours notice they’ll drive you anywhere — the bank, getting a haircut, even going to the movies!!  And, there is zero notification required if he needs to go to the pharmacy or a doctor’s appointment.  He was sooooooo HAPPY!

This is the vehicle they have;


But, then something truly turrible happened. Just, turrible!  Brace yourselves folks, or just look away and stop reading right this very second.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.  He then asked — “What else do you have that’s free?”  Aaaaarrghhh!  My daddy, he crossed the Rubicon!  Death is knocking at the door. MY death. Oh daddy-o, daddy-o, what hast thou done??  But, I kept silent.

So, I have two questions. Answer one, or both, please.

1)– Should I perform an Intervention?  Bitch slap him back into his life-long reality of not taking Free Shit? Or, should I resign myself to the New Reality, and buy him this shirt for Christmas?


2)— Do you have an intervention story … of any kind?