Preparing for the Storm: The Perfect Storm.

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Out here in the still-free internet, the ether lends itself to utilizing a wide array of digital media as the means to provide source attribution as well as to establish commonality and understanding amongst ourselves.  This is, perhaps, the primary reason how internet blogs became the new town square in this millennium.  In the old days it was courthouses and town halls, and pubs.  Today, we meet in chatrooms, and on pages and threads.

It means if this blogger to were to write on how we’ve all become Sarah Conner in the Jeep riding into the storm at the end of the first Terminator film – a photo of that moment could be posted at the top of the article for emphasis.  Or, better yet, a video of that scene could be hyper-linked into the text.

Truly, it is the best of times and the worst of times.

Undoubtedly, a storm is coming and even worse than that:  A perfect storm.  Of course that phrase is more than a mere idiom or a movie starring George Clooney and Mark Walberg.  Merriam-Webster defines a “perfect storm” as:

“a critical or disastrous situation created by a powerful concurrence of factors”.

Or, stated with more clarity, the forthcoming waves of catastrophes will be the direct result of circumstances brought on by simultaneously devastating forces greater than any individual could fully comprehend.

Therefore, for purposes of easy illustration, let’s do consider the Perfect Storm of 1991. It was also called the Halloween Nor’easter of 1991, and the “No-Name Storm”; and was, in fact, the event which inspired the aforementioned Clooney-Walberg film .

Bob Case, a NOAA National Weather Service meteorologist described the terrible tempest as follows:

It was an unprecedented set of circumstances. A strong disturbance associated with a cold front moved along the U.S.- Canadian border on October 27 and passed through New England pretty much without incident. At the same time, a huge high pressure system was forecast to build over southeast Canada. When a low pressure system along the front moved into the Maritimes southeast of Nova Scotia, it began to intensify due to the cold dry air introduced from the north. These circumstances alone, could have created a strong storm. But then, like throwing gasoline on a fire, a dying hurricane Grace delivered immeasurable tropical energy to create the perfect storm.

That was the matter-of-fact rendering by an expert. And here is the actual event shown from a distant perspective and utilizing another medium:

12-Second Time-Lapse of the Perfect Storm

If a picture is worth a thousand words and being there is worth a thousand pictures, then, certainly, there can be no doubt the crew of the Andrea Gail, who were lost at sea during that particular perfect storm, would have much preferred a sterile summary of the event and its view from space.

With that in mind, and in continuing with the perfect storm as a metaphor, one thing is guaranteed:  It is always better to find safe harbor and live to set sail another day than to drown beneath waves of cataclysmic confluences.

Indeed. It would be very dangerous to underestimate the shitstorm that is about to commence in the United States and around the world. Furthermore, as seen in the time-lapsed video above, perfect storms contain many elements working in conjunction like whirling dervishes dancing with devils; or gravity synchronously siphoning disparate fluids down a drain.

Yes, dear reader, we’re going down.  The U.S. has been torn into pieces, her institutions laid waste and Trump’s economic policies will no doubt be blamed in the aftermath of a full-blown economic collapse. To be sure, the final straw will appear when any number of black swans deliver the tiniest of pin pricks to the global debt bubble.

So where does one duck? Where does one hide? Or, at the very least, how do we mitigate the overall effects and consequences of the coming perfect storm for ourselves and those whom we hold dear?

 Know Your Enemy

For reasons becoming more obvious every day, the wandering mind of this blogger continuously reverts back to an excellent article posted at the end of last month, entitled:  “It’s Not Trump Derangement Syndrome”:

The Democrats don’t believe in our two-party system anymore. They utterly reject American civic norms of treating the president with a modicum of respect and cooperation. They don’t want to alternate presidential power every four or eight years. They think theirs is the only party that deserves to be elected.

…Naked political power is the driving force behind our culture wars, and behind the weird war on President Trump. It has little to do with his specific policies, let alone his tweets and his pugnacious personality, except that Trump’s counterpunching and toughness have allowed him to survive. John McCain and Mitt Romney didn’t drive them crazy because they caved without a fight. Trump drives Democrats crazy because he won, and because he won’t give in or give up.

…It’s not derangement, it’s war.

Of particular note in the above article was the correlation between the Political Left’s targeting of Trump and Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Will to Power”.  It was something I also wrote about during the Kavanaugh hearings in an article entitled “Dirty Deeds Done: The People of the Slough”:

The value systems of conservative folks are very different than those of The People of the Slough. This is why words like “liberty” and “equality” hold separate meanings for each. In the example of the former, these concepts are the result of natural law. In the latter, they derive more from Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Will to Power”; an idea for which the German philosopher also claimed was demonstrated in Darwinism as the “Will to Survive”.

Although some academics believe survival instinct cannot be conflated with Darwin’s biologically-based “natural selection”, the comparison remains fascinating nevertheless. From an ideological, or even psychological, perspective – the desire to survive can add entirely new dimensions to the consequences of political power and its inherently fictitious exculpation: “The ends justify the means”.

Since the election of Trump, it has been breathtaking to witness the collapse of the Deep State’s curtain thus revealing the wizards in the swamp.   Even now, it is stunning to see how the likes of Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, et al, all lie so expertly & naturally.  Even if they are only the mid-level management serving the whims of the vampires at the top of the pyramid, they have been fully exposed as unctuously selling their snake oil and without any conscience whatsoever.

Given our history since the rise of the surveillance state, what do you think the chances of these wizards NOT getting away with their crimes might be?

I would say slim to none.

I hope I’m wrong, but all this will very likely fizzle in the same manner as the first OIG report and Trump’s dreams of a red wave for the GOP holding the House last fall.  Of course, there will be headlines and lots of drama, and maybe a few low-hanging fruit making plea deals – but in the end, much ado about nothing.

In the meantime, however, the real threat will come from the zombies at the bottom of the food chain.  Yes, they are actual zombies currently and becoming more so on a daily basis.

And their deception goes far beyond the Russia Hustle.

For example, upon recommendation of someone close to me, I watched Dr. Brené Brown’s “Call to Courage” pep talk on Netflix. She’s a social researcher and author presenting as a combination comedienne and self-help guru, and appears to have cornered the market on “vulnerability” as it relates to courage.

Brown was extremely likeable, even charismatic, and I watched for about an hour as she made her audience laugh and cry in a Tony Robbins meets Oprah Winfrey sort of way.  Evidently, she had a TED talk (about vulnerability) that went viral.  She also indicated she had addressed business leaders around the country, including the Titans of Silicon Valley.

At the very beginning, Brown joked she did not want to have a “white man” on the cover of her latest book and I heard her use the word “privilege” at least once.  Then, right around the 58 minute mark, she said:

and there are so many important movements going on right now, ones that I really hope change the world…. Black Lives Matter, MeToo, Times Up…

There it was. Just like clockwork.

In the end, she’s just another social justice priestess sermonizing on the new religion; shilling selective “tolerance” and, by default, very likely thrilled Alex Jones and James Woods have been banned from Facebook and Twitter.

The point is this: lies have become truth in the new age; and the average ordinary everyday sleepy sheeple never stood a chance – perhaps, primarily, because they want to believe so badly in the new faith.  Somewhere along the way, deceiving these fools became like stealing pieces of cake from babies.

They had a republic and couldn’t keep it because they despised their birthright. In any event, they are only one element of the perfect storm.

Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

He said to the crowd: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does. And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is. Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?

– Luke 12:51-56

 Prepare Mentally

Dmitry Orlov is a computer engineer born in Lenigrad and has written extensively regarding his eye-witness account of the collapse of the Soviet Union.  In his writings, he has identified the Five Stages of [Societal] Collapse as follows:

Stage 1: Financial Collapse

Stage 2: Commercial Collapse

Stage 3: Political Collapse

Stage 4:  Social Collapse

Stage 5: Cultural Collapse

Orlov furthermore states that each stage of collapse involves a “loss of faith, or trust”, in “key components of the status quo” and that, although “physical, measurable effects may be delayed”, the “psychological shifts are swift”.

In referencing America directly, Orlov envisioned the first stage of collapse (Financial) in this way:

The financial realm can be seen as a complex system of fences: your bank account is fenced off from my bank account. This arrangement allows you and me to not worry too much about each other, provided each of us has enough to live on. Though this is largely a fiction, we can fancy ourselves to be independent economic players on a level playing field. But once these conceptual fences become irrelevant, because there is nothing behind them, we become each others’ burden, in an immediate sort of way, that would come as a shock to most people. The indignity of such physical interdependence would be psychologically devastating to many people, raising the human toll from financial collapse beyond what you’d expect from a problem that really only exists on paper. This is going to be particularly hard for a nation brought up on the myth of rugged individualism.

He then described the next (Commercial) stage of collapse as causing “much more of a psychological crack-up than you’d expect from a purely organizational problem”:

Hoarding would become widespread, with looting as the obvious antidote. There would be an instant, huge black market for all sorts of necessities, from shampoo to vials of insulin.

The market mechanism works well in some cases, but it doesn’t work at all when key commodities become scarce. It leads to profiteering, hoarding, looting, and other pernicious effects

Until, ultimately, Orlov had the following to say regarding after the political collapse and during the social breakdown phase:

To make it intact through times of great need, the only reasonable approach, it seems to me, is to form communities that are strong and cohesive enough to provide for the well-being of all of their members, that are large enough to be resourceful, yet small enough so that people can relate to each other directly, and to take direct responsibility for each other’s well-being.

If this effort fails, then the outlook becomes dire indeed. I would like to emphasize, once again, that we must do all we can to avoid this stage of collapse. We can allow the financial system, and the commercial sector, and most of the government institutions to collapse, but not this.

Can you see why it may be important to discern your friends and enemies in the coming storm? Wouldn’t it be better to take steps now to avoid “missing the boat” later?  Obviously, not everyone will ride out the perfect storm in a remote cabin in the woods or survive by setting sail for New Zealand.   It’s also common knowledge that no man is an island and the lone bananas get skinned.

Therefore, consider taking walks in your area; in your apartment complex, or neighborhood, and introduce yourself when people are out.  Make friends.  Get to know those around you. You may be amazed at the “small world” connections that can be made.   Or, perhaps, become involved in local and state politics.  Get to know the local law enforcement or even strike up a conversation with the local cop walking his beat on the street.  Then, use your best judgment in making assessments that might benefit you in the future.

Knowledge is power, two are stronger than one, and a cord of three is not easily broken. When our ship is being tossed about at sea, the more we have in our crew, the better the chance of being thrown a lifeline when we need it the most.

Are you mentally prepared for hardship, hunger, and days filled with fear? Can you see how having the right people around you might help?  Will you remain humble and grateful enough to accept support from others and to provide them assistance in return?

Choose your crewmates carefully because they are your future.  And it may be a good idea to discuss some things in advance as the stages of collapse commence to create the perfect storm.  What will be done when unprepared neighbors come knocking and their children’s rib-cages are exposed through tattered clothing?  What if they are among the 57% of Americans who believed Trump committed treason with Russia?  Many folks may indeed blame Trump as the catalyst behind all of their nightmares coming true and, as a Deplorable, you will likely be considered their enemy too.

In any event, remember that luck happens when opportunity meets preparation.  It would be ideal, therefore, to get the 5 Stages of Grief  over with now, and have your contingency planning in place, so as to concentrate fully on the next right thing as the perfect storm of 5 Stages of Collapse gets underway.

Prepare Physically

It’s possible the cosmos compelled the entire chaotic career of former boxer Mike Tyson in order to extract from him the following quote:

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Truly, that is an idiom for the ages right there and closely corresponds to the older adage of “no plan survives first contact with the enemy”.  Even so, it does not preclude having a plan in place but, rather, it addresses the necessity of staying resilient as the games begin.

It means if we are going to withstand the metaphorical stormy seas in the days ahead, we must make sure our allegorical ships are well-stocked in order to take us as far as possible; then, in the event we must abandon ship, we might want to have another plan – a lifeboat, as it were, so as to bug-out when necessary.

In the opinion of this blogger: Portability is flexibility. Flexibility is resilience. Resilience is survival.

It is something to consider, if not to keep top-of-mind, when making preps for the perfect storm.

Some of us may have our sacred ground where we plan to make our stand, and that’s fine.  At the same time, we don’t want to be like frogs refusing to jump from rapidly heating water; and we, definitely, don’t ever want to jump from the frying pan into the fire.

It’s tricky business and that’s why it’s important to prepare mentally prior to preparing physically or, much worse, deciding in the heat of the moment.

For every scenario, we should have a plan and, for purposes of resilience, our plans should have back-up plans.  Even if only mentally, we should practice, drill, rehearse (PDR); and, in so doing, it will guide our physical preps.

The Survival Rule of 3 states we can live:

3 minutes without air

3 hours without shelter

3 days without water

3 weeks without food 

Therefore, that is the order we should prioritize our prepping prior to the impending perfect storm. Because this blogger is not prescient, it would be impossible to fill in the blanks on behalf of every reader – but by plugging in the right data, most questions will answer themselves.

For example, when the grid goes down, we will need to see in the dark (LED Flashlights, lanterns?), we will need information (shortwave radio) and want to communicate (two-way radio, walkie-talkies).  We will need to hydrate (portable water filter), eat and cook (long-term storage of food and the means to prepare meals). We will want to stay dry (rain-gear & water-proof footwear), keep warm with, perhaps, a wood burner or efficiency fire-place, or with sleeping bags.  If wood-burning, we will need the means to cut, split, and move the wood as well to start the fires.

We will also need to defend against any pirates and all that entails. Think it through.

And how do we get better at anything?  Practice. Drill. Rehearse.

All prepping will vary according to one’s particular climate and geographic location, but the time to plan, buy, stock and store is all but gone; because the ship has all but sailed.  Still, even “Baby Steps” in the right direction will provide at least some element of protection in the forthcoming perfect storm.

Remember, something is better than nothing and what you don’t use, you can barter.  Now is the best time to turn your fiat cash into things you will need.  Search the web using terminology like “best barter items”, or “bugging out”, or “urban survival”, or “basic prepping”. Then, plan for the forthcoming hard times like you would an extended camping trip.  Think about what you will need every day after the grid goes down and remember the following survival formula:

3 is 2

2 is 1

1 is 0

It means whatever we have could break, or otherwise be lost, at some point. Therefore, it is best to have a back-up for everything; and that goes for our plans too.

Close your eyes and think it through.  It’s not that hard. Then acquire with your current self what you think your future self might need.  Be like Nike and just do it. You’ll thank yourself later.


If we are to survive the coming perfect storm we must identify threats and prepare both mentally and physically. We must shrewdly assess our positioning and accept our current situation.  Many believe “acceptance” to be a form of surrender, or giving-up. In reality, acceptance simply perceives our current circumstances in an honest and forthright manner.  From there, we can only do our best while fully understanding that the ultimate outcomes are beyond our control.

Remember that heroes do the next right thing even when they are at their weakest and most afraid; especially then.

No one knows with 100% certainty exactly how future events will transpire, but we do we know storms bring rain and wind and perfect storms even more so – and for longer sustained periods of time.  We also realize economic collapse and societal breakdowns yield daily hardships, scarcity, and violence; slowly at first and then suddenly.

Until then, however, let us batten down the hatches, bite the bullet, and bear down into the perfect storm; come hell or high water.  Because time and tide waits for no one.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.

– Reinhold Niebuhr

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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Old Toad of Green Acres
Old Toad of Green Acres
May 9, 2019 8:14 am

Conclusion, really?
Yes, physical conditioning is so important.
Started shopping for cross bows, once they take the guns, going to need to harvest humanely, silently.
Wood splitter needs maintenance.
Garden needs soo much time right now, old age creeping in, remember, it is all on the level.

  Old Toad of Green Acres
May 9, 2019 8:54 am

If they take all the guns, they’ll take the cross bows as well. I suggest we not allow them to take the guns because, for me at least, that is the final line in the sand… Chip

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
May 9, 2019 11:35 am

Gun confiscation is the ultimate “tell.” Anyone who fails to respond if that starts will look back at that point realizing it was the end and damn themselves for not having taken what seemed a drastic action at the time, but in hindsight was the only reasonable and logical response. Molon Labe Bitches!

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
May 9, 2019 12:21 pm

The Second Amendment is as good a hill to die on as any.

  A. R. Wasem
May 9, 2019 7:20 pm


May 9, 2019 10:04 pm

No Shit

Breaking News:

Trudeau Has ‘Secret Plan’ on ‘Sweeping Gun Ban,’ MP Clement Says

Question Period: Tony Clement MP Parry Sound Muskoka

So far there is NO official confirmation of this report.

October Sky
October Sky
  Old Toad of Green Acres
May 9, 2019 3:10 pm

Old Toad of Green Acres

Do you have soapstone? Most likely you know soapstone can provide you with heat in an enclosed space and function as a stovetop once warmed.


I have faith the TPB crowd will succeed even in rugged times! Though I will miss Admin’s TBP, in the case of a long-term blackout.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
May 9, 2019 8:25 am

The Metro-sexuals plans, whatever they are, will fail and they will become Jungle Meat for their core voting block. As a Deplorable in Fly-over Country, I’ll be happily looking forward to the next Census and US House Re-Apportionment.

May 9, 2019 8:37 am

Key takeaways, for moi, in this fine offering:
-Far too many do not see this coming. To find and assemble those of like mind who do, will be critical. So, true, the plan ahead should be priority one.

-“Portability is flexibility”… having a bug-out bag or 2 of the most critical necessities, without hauling everything but the kitchen sink, is another great pre-plan. I’d say start with the imaginary scenario that may become reality.
i.e. -Rioting begins, and grows larger by the day. Your current abode becomes a very dangerous place to be. Even if you have a plan B destination in mind, to link up with other like minded, what do you take for the journey, and what gets abandoned, if your figurative house catches fire, and even under martial law, you need to GTF out, and fast?
A back pack, shoulder bag, a reliable vehicle w/ a full tank of gas, sure, but what else is critical, and portable, that is
of the utmost importance? Make your list. Stuff you bag. You might need it, with barely a moment’s notice.

-The squeamish feeling of fear gives notice, to not deny the dangerous threat. Not felt so much during Terminator, but man, it was there in my gut while watching Perfect Storm. With preparation and planning, that may offer some semblance of comfort that may stave off the feeling of utter panic, which, if not controlled, will devastate many.

-This is a good kick in the shins, to sound the siren call, and get woke, IMO. The ones who are skeptical and unprepared will become victims almost certainly. Wasting time trying to convince skeptics is a fool’s errand, unless a few skeptics are within our ‘inner circle’ of teammates we plan on grouping with, when all hell breaks loose.
A cold hard slap to the face in times of crisis might wake up a few, but if waiting until a crisis hits, it may be too late.
Hence, the prep advice given, that ought to be conveyed and shared. Ahead of time.

-Freedom to travel is not a given, should lockdowns and curfews get implemented as part of the martial law.
Perhaps stealth in the evening, under cover of darkness, as quietly as possible, in pairs or groups would offer a bit more security. Solo runners are easy targets, true.

Right here is where the platform community, w/ comments and suggestions that follow, is priceless.
So, for those who can so advise, your contributions might help more than you suspect. Keep ’em coming.
Note to self: accumulating more info is good, but studying is not enough. Implement more action plans. Now.

The shin bone stings a little, but Unc’s intention is worthy of strong consideration.


May 9, 2019 9:22 am


Great observations. Thank you

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
May 10, 2019 4:16 pm

Maps of rail lines. Both before 1937 and after. The reason I say 1937 is because I bought the CD set of both pre- and post- and printed them out from where I used to live.

Can’t say I’d really bother to do it again because what you gain in mobility you lose in collaboration (reliable neighbors), efficiency (sick, infirmed, children), familiarity of the terrain, and secondary/tertiary supplies.

But if you’re so inclined to grab and go, they would have less FSA traffic.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 8:38 am

There is a book in you and I would urge you to write it.

And you will love this-

comment image

  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 9:23 am

Thanks Hardscrabble. I appreciate it and will definitely check out that book

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 11:22 am

Maybe I missed it, but HSF your columns (if assembled) are probably a three-volume modern incarnation of the Little House on the Prairie classic.

If you’re not collating an edited-for-continuity anthology, the world is poorer for it.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 11:46 am

I just received the first completely edited manuscript back last night.

Going to see the publisher next week, I’ll let you know when it’s available.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 11:28 am

Without Cicero’s observations, Republican governance would be a fairy tale.

He was also pretty good at boiling things down to their essence.

‘If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.’

May 9, 2019 8:56 am

Doug, I would say we’re already witness to political collapse. Congress hasn’t produced and passed an actual budget now for eleven or so years. Congresses approval rating is south of 20%. And the divide between political parties is so vast that absolutely NOTHING positive can or will come from Washington DC… Chip

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 10:03 am

All institutions of the past are being destroyed from within, by the very people who staff them and whose lives depend on the systems they’re destroying.

The “news media” exist on credibility, and they’re obviously casting that into the garbage.
The “political system” depends on consent, and as we watch the Clown Circus in the nation’s and state capitols we see just how corrupt and RIDICULOUS are our rulers. I mean, Cortez, Booker, Harris, etc., they’re visibly FUNCTIONAL MORONS!! Do we really take seriously having to live under the rules these mental midgets dump on us? We’re fast approaching the point where the Center almost literally evaporates, as people suddenly wake up and say, “Why am I paying any attention to these clowns?”
Higher Ed has ruined the output of its members.
Medical Services are increasingly a leading cause of premature death.

Everywhere we look, the systems on which we were once dependent are being literally destroyed by Cargo Cult beliefs held by those who run them.

This is big. It’s bigger than any trend of the last 1500 years. It’s a long time in development and will continue to develop for decades, if not centuries beyond the lifetime of everyone now breathing.

It is our blessing/curse to be alive during the long period of apogee and the early part of the transition to a new kind of equilibrium.

  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 11:47 am

This may well provide those who come after us as they answer to I wonder why such a great society and culture went into the toilet. This is not new. It has been the cycle for thousand of years. All the ancient cultures display the wreckage but no answers – Will ours shown and sign of any form of sense/ I doubt it. As age takes it’s toll one must consider what remains – I can still shoot very well but not much else. So there is one answer and it is obvious.

May 9, 2019 12:19 pm

They have enough video to understand our civilization went into the toilet worshiping Kardashian booty.

May 9, 2019 1:16 pm

Nick Loeb was a very lucky guy.

Kevin Cowlishaw
Kevin Cowlishaw
May 9, 2019 10:07 pm

Hi Hektor, Nothing is set in concrete so being flexible at a moment’s notice is an asset. Civilizations rise and fall but it appears we still don’t learn from history. Seeing you brought up toilet, toilet paper will be as valuable as gold in bad times. I read somewhere that in anarchy guns and women are the new currency; you could add toilet paper. If you can shoot well, you have something to offer and btw there’s some good reading about urban warfare from the civil war in Beirut, but that was a war of religion v religion whereas in the US it would be all of that and much much more. Keep your powder dry.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Kevin Cowlishaw
May 9, 2019 10:47 pm

Get a bunch of diaper material. Cut into squares. Wah-lah.. never buy toilet paper again. Wash your butt with water like a Mohammedan and dry with a towel.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 10, 2019 9:39 pm

What the actual fuck Chubbs

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 10, 2019 9:50 pm

We have a bidet.. gets your butt cleaner than paper, dude.
Paired with cloth pee-wipes that go in the wash => never pay $7 for a pack of TP again.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 11, 2019 12:08 am


Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 11, 2019 12:36 am

It was written tongue-in-cheek. Some friends saw that spelling somewhere and it became a joke in our little circle.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 11, 2019 12:49 am

It’s like kapeesh, the accepted American spelling – walla.
If I’d known it would piss off Rdawg, I would use my favorite misspelling: viola!

May 11, 2019 1:04 am

Wallah is my personal fave.
Also, I used to live near Walla Walla.

  Kevin Cowlishaw
May 10, 2019 12:27 pm

Stash a bunch of SPONGES to SWIPE your ass….rinse and repeat….dry. (Never throw away old towels, t-shits, quality rags etc.)

It’s called SWIPE because it is: Shitty Work In Progress Everyday, unless your constipated – then you have other problems.

Another good idea, dig and build a couple of outhouses…stash 10 bags of lime.

The lime will have many uses past the outhouse and is dirt cheap.

Another good idea stash all kinds of soap and disinfectant.

People will be drowning and dying from their own shit in no time while eventually SWIPING with their useless fiat paper.

May 10, 2019 4:30 pm
May 12, 2019 10:16 am

Lime prevents or slows decomposing. Using sawdust or wood ash is a better alternative.

May 12, 2019 2:36 pm

And one would think wood ash would be in plentiful supply.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
May 10, 2019 9:17 am

Even most Useful Idiots know Affirmative Action turned America from a Meritocracy into a Kakistocracy. TPTB implemented Reconstruction II in 1965 to purposely degrade America toward the third world, esp Africa. Will “We The People” Conservatives make the 14th Amend (Equal Under The Law) to govern America in time to save the country?

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 8:57 am

1. Timing is unknown. People have been “going off grid” and “prepping” since the 1970’s. Plowing your scarce $$ into preps, especially those that have shelf-life issues, is a huge gamble that could be brilliant or ruinous.

2. Who to trust? An early phase of evolving conflict is already ideological. Can you even trust your kids? And if you can’t be certain of trusting your kids, how on Earth do you trust neighborhood acquaintances?

3. Duration of the Emergency. No prep I’ve ever seen is designed to last more than weeks or a few months. Prepping to manage years of Zombie Apocalypse sounds fun in theory, but in practice it means volunteering to adopt an 18th or early 19th century lifestyle. Maybe that sounds fun to you. It doesn’t to me.

4. Geographic variability. It seems likeliest (to me) that events and conditions of this Perfect Storm will be markedly different from place to place.

5. My entire analytical conclusion is that almost all “savings” wealth has been turned into unsupportable debt these past 4 decades. Wealth that will NOT evaporate must be (A) not in any kind of IOU form, e.g., stocks, bonds or bank accounts, but (B) the problem with physical wealth is that it comes in two flavors: Placeholder and Productive. Placeholder wealth is like gold or silver, based on the notion that a future economic situation will see it adopted as a medium of exchange. This is far from certain. Productive wealth (farmland, forested land, plants & equipment, machines and tools, etc.) has the serious problem of BEING VISIBLE. Whether the local political power is vested in a county government or a street gang, you can be certain that Job One will be glomming onto whatever visible “wealth” exists. If they can see it, they will take it. This is why farmers throughout history have never “run the show.” They’re too easy to expropriate, and being a part-time farmer and part-time soldier loses to the full-time soldiers (AKA marauding robbers.)

What if doing “well” in the Perfect Storm means that you have to become the Biggest, Baddest Demon in the region? Is it worth it?

I don’t know.

  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 9:29 am

Deter Naturalist asks:

What if doing “well” in the Perfect Storm means that you have to become the Biggest, Baddest Demon in the region? Is it worth it?

I don’t know either. But it is something I think about often. What good is it to gain the whole world if you lose your soul, ya know?

Comments like yours (and others above) definitely make posting the articles worthwhile. Thank you.

May 9, 2019 8:16 pm

I am going to say that your question (I agree with it) means we lost. “What good is it to gain the whole world if you lose your soul, ya know?” I am not willing to be that person either.
There is a sociopath out there waiting to try to become the “Biggest, Baddest Demon in the region” The collapse of society means they can be themselves without the mask. They are the people we are prepping to fight.

May 9, 2019 9:55 pm

@ Max,

Too that I would just say this: We have the moral imperative to defend ourselves, and our loved ones, from the big bad demons. And, more often than not, the best defense is a good offense.

I suspect all will not be lost.

Kevin Cowlishaw
Kevin Cowlishaw
May 9, 2019 10:38 pm

A good offense would need to be a Blitzkrieg, hitting the enemy fast and hard rather than waiting for them organize and take us out at their leisure. What kind of group do we know that could do that?

Tom Foolery
Tom Foolery
  Kevin Cowlishaw
May 9, 2019 11:42 pm

A determined and prepared group?

  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 10:28 am

I reached a point of saturation awhile back. I originally prepped like mad, tried to cover every possible contingency, spent wads of money and waited, and waited and waited and….Now I figure I’ll die of old age before any major SHTF event happens. Why? The Powers That Be control it all, to allow it to collapse would be their demise as well.

Funny money is printed with nothing backing it, yet that money can be used to acquire tangible goods. So long as the funny money works no economic collapse.

Societal collapse continues apace however, the Democrats are the party of Satan, literally, they support infanticide, call it reproductive rights, and dance with joy celebrating untold millions of aborted babies. This, more than anything else, convinces me they are Satan’s minions.

No one can predict the future, there are too many possibilities. Living in fear, like fearing death, prevents one from living life and appreciating what we have now. I’m of the ‘hope for the best. expect the worst’ mind these days. I’ve prepared, I prepared many years ago, but I’m no longer looking over my shoulder, waiting for shoes to drop. I’m looking ahead, smelling the roses, working in the garden and taking it one day at a time.

The blind who will not see
The blind who will not see
May 9, 2019 3:08 pm

Nobody ever said you had to stop doing those things or live in fear to prep. If you are or were you were doing it wrong. It’s not about being paranoid just ready in case. Life is always about change and being able to roll with it when it comes.
The Apostle Paul taught to learn contentment in all things whether abased or abundant, in tyranny or liberty.
Let the joy of the Lord be your true liberty, strength and peace in all things regardless of circumstances.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  The blind who will not see
May 10, 2019 10:36 am


May 12, 2019 10:20 am

I agree, there is a fine line between prepping and projection. We should be aware of the Law Of Attraction.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 10:34 am

Inevitably, there will be someone who will try to be that Demon.

  Mary Christine
May 9, 2019 10:54 am

Probably an evil Jew bastard, right Mary?

May 9, 2019 12:20 pm

I know your question wasn’t directed and me…Mary can and always posts with thoughtful direct eloquence, but in my opinion “Jew” in the context of your question is an assumption…the ‘Demon’ I suspect Mary refers to (if I may be so bold Mary and please correct me if I am wrong) is someone from (as AOC the imp recently said “The tippy tippy top”) of the Lucerifian pyramid.

Jews (real and Memorex) are more than well represented within the packs of NWO hounds from hell…but Lucerifian Demons and all their filthy, lost, traitorous imps come from all types and strips and races and Crime families and political parties and mindless dupes…just turn on your TV…or walk around any city…they are everywhere.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
May 9, 2019 2:42 pm

It is in vogue these days to refer to lots of people as being narcissists and narcissistic. I believe many, many of these have been misidentified and are actually Luciferian. There are a lot of them. In quantities that may get your barrels hot enough to fry bacon on.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 9, 2019 2:59 pm

DN specified a regional Demon. If you ever watched any doom societal collapse movie, there is always some regional kingpin who sets himself up to rule the area.

And you can tell the anony coward that I love Jews. I want them to have a personal relationship with Jesus as much as I want anyone else to have that kind of peace. Oh and btw, those anon cowards love to throw out that ephitet at me but are never able to show me one post or comment were I ever said anything like it is accusing me of.

  Mary Christine
May 9, 2019 3:53 pm

“Mary can and always posts with thoughtful direct eloquence.”

See anony coward…I was right.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Mary Christine
May 9, 2019 9:38 pm

“I love [Christians]. I want them to have a personal relationship with [Allah] as much as I want anyone else to have that kind of peace. “

  Chubby Bubbles
May 10, 2019 12:36 pm

And if they don’t I’ll cut their heads off, or stone them, or burn them alive in a cage, or throw them off a building.

Peace be with you. There is only one god and allah is his pedophile.

May 11, 2019 7:07 pm

Fukk you Martell.
Why do you choose to do that to such a nice lady when you could do it to one of us more deserving Jew bashers. If there is one person I would like to meet alone somewhere it’s you.

May 11, 2019 7:40 pm


Snide anon is as snide anon does.

Let’s meet him together. I’ll hold him…and you can hit him…then we can switch places.

I’ve never done that, not my style (had it done to me twice) but in this case I’ll make an exception.

May 11, 2019 8:12 pm

I had something more evil in mind. Marty gets my evil twin the Proctologist excited.
Those cans of Freon from AutoZone would turn his male junk into ice cubes. One tap with a screwdriver and they turn into shaved ice on the forest floor.

  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 3:19 pm

Excellent observations.

  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 9:45 pm

Truly scary because this is the age of monsters

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
May 10, 2019 11:28 am

It’s been the age of monsters from soon after the beginning. We were created with free will. That was very good. When we (Adam) freely chose to ignore Gods one simple command, after being given dominion over the entirety of creation itself, a creation in which death was unknown and never meant to be, the monster was loosed. The monster is us in unbelief… us without faith in what God our Creator says.

In a nutshell, Adam chose not to believe God when He said “ye shall surely die”. This developing perfect storm is the result of that one choice.

Interesting use of scripture in this piece sir Uncola!

Luke 12:51… “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:”

Merry Christmas, right… What Christ came to divide was believing Israel (vast minority – little flock, Luke 12:32) to unbelieving Israel (great majority – synagog of satan, Rev 2:9, 3:9). Those who believed were to inherit the earthly Kingdom, eternal life. Those who didn’t were choosing eternal death.

Mans relationship to God always boils down to one simple thing. Do we believe what He says, when He says it, to whom He is speaking? He asks today, “do you believe Christ paid the penalty you owe?” If so, the above comment by The Blind Who Will Not See finds perfect application.

Phil 4:11-13… “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

I too believe there is a storm coming. It is a storm of incredible proportion the likes of which this world has not witnessed. It is man made; it is satan inspired. It can’t be stopped by the likes of us. God will put an end to it it His good time (Dan 2:44). All we can do, as Doug and many here suggest, is prepare both physically and spiritually as best we can, wherever we find ourselves. Emphasis on the spiritual. How much of it Christians will live through I’ve no idea. (I know we are not appointed unto Gods wrath upon this unjust world – 1 Thes 5:9.) Nor does it matter, save for the physical unpleasantness we will all likely endure (see above scripture for remedy). Come what may we have the very real hope (knowledge) of resurrection. No matter what happens, no matter what we live through, the Christian, the man who simply believes what God says today comes out the other end to inherit a new “uni-verse” (see Gen 1:1) in the perfected state God originally intended. He wants to share it freely with those who freely want Him. What “free will” is all about.

Choose wisely!

grace and peace…

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
  Deter Naturalist
May 12, 2019 8:11 am

“3. Duration of the Emergency. No prep I’ve ever seen is designed to last more than weeks or a few months. Prepping to manage years of Zombie Apocalypse sounds fun in theory, but in practice it means volunteering to adopt an 18th or early 19th century lifestyle. Maybe that sounds fun to you. It doesn’t to me.”
You don’t know, and won’t get to choose the duration. It might be the rest of your life; in which case, anything you can’t make / buy local / barter for somehow will not be available. With that in mind, what do you value? Electricity? Then have you figured out a real, long-term power source like hydroelectric (if feasible in your area), windmills (ditto) or your own powerhouse? [A boiler fed with solid fuels could be one option; another is having an orchard, fermenting apples / peaches / whatever into alcohol and burning the alcohol as a boiler fuel; then you need a turbogenerator, and the skills to maintain it. Do you have these, or not?]
You don’t need a Niagara or an Indian Point #3 reactor to power your lifestyle; a 5-kW rig would do fine for most folks, and it’s not that big or that expensive if you look for surplus. BUT, you have to know what you’re doing, and TRY IT OUT before the grid goes down.
Same for the other things. Do you value clean water? What have you DONE to make sure you will have it, long-term, if the city waterworks goes down? Do you value food? What have you DONE to make sure you will have it?
Figure out what you need to survive and make your decisions, then TRY THEM OUT. Better to find out that there is no coal nearby, the hydroelectric isn’t feasible every year and the soil locally really sucks unless you lime it heavily BEFORE you are dependent on them. Otherwise, you will be a statistic instead of an ancestor.
“The future belongs to those who SHOW UP for it ….”

May 9, 2019 9:02 am

And there are so many other factors involved in this coming ‘Perfect Storm’ that it would indeed take a whole book to explore. Plague-type afflictions are spreading viruntly globally and increasingly here in the good ol’ US of A, weather systems are becoming increasingly unstable, military/terrorism activities are exploding in number and level, civil systems are rampant with greed and corruption. And so on.
Referencing Luke 12 shows me that you know whereof I speak.

Let me leave you with this tidbit –
The men of Issachar were heralded for two things: understanding the times, and determining how to live in light of those times.

May 9, 2019 9:53 am

As one who travels the country as truck driver I can tell the inner cities or big urban areas are places you want to avoid like the plague. Avoid blacks ,they are not to be trusted . They hate you if you are white but they are very good at hiding the hatred. That’s the reason white people fall victim to so much black on white crime. Go read the real crime numbers if you can still find them. The Southern Law and Poverty center has their lies up now. The government doesn’t want you to know how dangerous blacks are to white people. Mainly because whites are trusting but also because they are afraid to defend themselves because of fear of government punishment . Hispanics are a much better class of people but you still have to be very careful. Never been around Asians very much. So I Don’t know about them. My advice based on limited knowledge is stay with your own tribe. Stay with trusted family. I hope I will be in the Appalachian mountains when the shit hits the fan. I would hope I can develop friendships there. I hope I can stay in touch with people here . So many unknowns.
I don’t think anything will happen as long as Trump is in office. I was praying last ” Lord , please let Trump win the next election”. At this point he is the only thing saving what is left of our republic . Once he is out it’s going to a shit Storm. There will never be another Republic in the white house. The demoncrates are going to flood our nation will millions upon millions more illegal aliens. They will open up the southern border more than what it is now. In a way I’m glad I am getting old ( 58 my next birthday ) . I don’t want to die but I don’t want to live like an animal either. I don’t want to kill anyone but the world coming is going to be horrible. So maybe I will look forward to heaven even more then I do now.

May 9, 2019 6:15 pm

The big cities will be death traps if the SHTF, without food, water, or protection from the mobs..

May 9, 2019 8:27 pm

” Once he is out it’s going to a shit Storm. There will never be another Republic in the white house.” Amen! I believe he is just a speed bump. It gives us a little time to prepare.
Don’t forget the democrat voter fraud. California, Minnesota, Broward county Florida, etc. They were just practicing.

May 9, 2019 1:16 pm

Wow, downvotester, very eloquent. I will have to consider your well-chosen words and try to assess how they apply to what might be serious error on my part.
In the meantime – give me another, sir.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
May 9, 2019 9:07 am

All that Doug says is true. You need to take responsibility for yourself and your community. You need to be fit and know how to use weapons and how to find and grow food. And for sure, one can not discount the possibility that these skills might become critical for your survival.

As we age, we tend to look upon our impending demise and the world changing around us as our powers diminish as the end of all things. It is natural, but it is not true. Even as you see the impending doom and the destruction of all that you love, your children are designing and implementing their own strategies for living in the world that they see presented to them. Not your world, but their world. Sure, some of them are going to be wrong, and they will suffer for their lack of vision just as some of us have suffered for our own lack of vision. Some of them will take up the burden, some of them won’t. Some of us took up the burden, some of us never managed to see the need.

But that’s not the point here. It matters not whether the world, or your world, or my world, comes tumbling down. That has no impact on your preparations. You need to get out and walk because it will always be better for you to do so. You need to have thought about alternative foods just on the off chance that you will need that information some day. And you need to have access to weapons for defense and food gathering. And more importantly, you need to know how to use those weapons. You must know how to get a bullet into the chamber. You need to know how to let off the safety. You need to know how to pull the trigger and you need to know that you can pull the trigger. And most importantly, you need to know that your bullet will hit the target. Just having a weapon is not enough. As Doug points out, you need to practice and that costs money and it takes time, but it is fun too.

Just a few weeks ago I took my rifle out to the range. I hadn’t used it for several years. It was stored properly and worked exceptionally well but…I couldn’t remember how to lock the bolt open so I could insert a magazine. I hadn’t practiced enough. It wasn’t well settled in my mind and if I had needed that gun to be loaded it would not have been and it would have all of the effectiveness of a really light baseball bat with a crappy handle. It does not matter whether I ever have to shoot that rifle to get meat, or defend my property. What matters is that I have the weapon, and that I know how to use it. Both are critical.

  Hollywood Rob
May 9, 2019 9:48 am

Good stuff. Thanks, HR.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 9:09 am

Plan A: Things go on about as they are now.
Plan B: Things go on, but stocks and bonds detonate, erasing most financial wealth, but the banks muddle through.
Plan C: Stocks, bonds and banks detonate. All financial wealth evaporates, along with essentially all contractual “promises to pay” (Welfare, both corporate & personal; pensions, including social security; all systems paid-for mostly be Uncle Sam collapse, including Medicare & Medicaid, which will wipe out 90% of medical services and jobs in them.)
Plan D: The Zombie Apocalypse. WROL. Warlords, street gangs and starvation.

I’d have sworn in 1995 that Plan A was about to detonate. It obviously didn’t.

I used to “prep” for Plan B and Plan C. I’ve radically reduced my Plan C preparations. I had to, they were getting too costly to maintain (anything other than Plan A has a carrying cost.)

I never prepped for the ZA. Preps for the ZA are mutually exclusive to all other plans. I will deal with a ZA, if one arrives, as best I can. I’m not about to sell my house and move into Little House On The Prairie unless FORCED.

We don’t know the future. Inertia is an astonishing force.

PS: Where I live, my home will be uninhabitable within a month of losing electricity. Most people would perish during the second winter (all available wood having been consumed during the first.) There is an astonishing level of incentive for people to cooperate to avoid this. Political structures will exist, even if they’re just a coat and tie put on the most bloody organized crime syndicate in the region.

Sad part, I’m getting too old to manage an increasing share of “problems.” Oh well, no one gets out of this adventure alive.

  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 9:51 am

Oh well, no one gets out of this adventure alive.

Until then, as my older brother likes to say: “Every day is a holiday and every meal is a feast”.

Don’t forget to enjoy it. Carpe diem…

May 9, 2019 9:28 am

Yes. Well done.
If I were to add, it would be to suggest some contemplation to the after. We have inherited the plans and implementation of visionaries that survived the chaos.
We humbly owe more than survival to the future. Not to undervalue survival or your excellent warning. Just to highlight the “never let a crisis go to waste” crowds planning and intentions must be offset by the same, or said crisis could become permanent. A condition bug out bags will not alleviate.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 9:53 am

The coming crisis will (in MY opinion) cause the de facto break-up of the USA. This is, to me, inevitable. The Age of Large Polities is over. A country with hundreds of millions of people in it is ungovernable and always was.

This isn’t going to be a vacation with an end. It will be a transition to an entirely different way of doing things. Bugging out (unless you live in a hive-warren of rabbits) will be crazy. Far better to create a way to live where you are now.

I never understood the focus on Bug Out Bags. Far better is a “Get Home Bag” in your trunk, for when you’re away from home.

Also, unless it’s totally Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, walking around with a rifle will get you shot in anything but a very, very, very rural setting. Anyone unfamiliar cruising through my neighborhood with an AK, AR, etc. will likely be sniped as “erring on the side of caution.”

Weapons should always be concealed. If you look like a threat you’ll invite elimination. Approaching most people’s homes with a long gun of any kind will get one blown to smithereens.

That said, I already have an idea how my neighborhood could be turned into a controlled-access-point “gated” community. The problem is that the barbarians are already inside the gates.

  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 10:18 am

I never understood the focus on Bug Out Bags. Far better is a “Get Home Bag” in your trunk, for when you’re away from home.

Excellent point and something of which we should confer with our loved ones; especially those living in larger urban areas.

May 9, 2019 12:13 pm

Though it is said all the time politicians are trying to make it so only the bad guys have guns. Well, now who do you suppose will come out ahead in that game. I never leave my house with out one tucked away on my person. I do practice, I am good with it, I do have a plan if things go sour around me. I have answered the question I pose above. I also refuse to obsess over all this. I have done all I can and carpe diem is the real secret to enjoying every moment of life. That is all that I find worth focused thought.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 4:19 pm

Most AR carbines and AK’s etc. with folding stocks can be slung unseen under a raincoat. A friend had a Nam buddy that smuggled home an AK under folder and walked the streets of NYC all the time with it slung under a trench coat. I have tried it and it works flawlessly. No “print” whatsoever.

May 9, 2019 9:41 am

“we’ve all become Sarah Conner”

I said before that The Matrix is a remake of the original Vanilla Sky (Abre Los Ojos) and No Country for Old Men is The Terminator.

Continuing on with what I thought was the real TBP consensus, the manufactured illegals invasion is designed to distract the people when the crisis becomes evident. The bigwigs will proceed to their designated bomb shelters and military protected salt mine shelters while the hoi polloi wipe themselves out in an all out civil war.

Please remember that Sarah Connor (not Conner, that is Roseanne) is issuing a survivalist message in the scene Uncola describes. She is anticipating the robotic age when mere humans are expendable and no longer needed by the ruling class, the owners of “the Kingdom”.

May 9, 2019 11:38 am

MistECo – interesting perspectives as usual and good catch on the Conner/Connor and I changed it on my site. Thanks

The blind who will not see
The blind who will not see
May 9, 2019 9:54 am

Great data.
Full blackout mode is a necessity. Smoke, light, noise, etc. brings in predators.
Cases of long life AA and AAA bateries for single cell flashlights, two way radios, shortwaves.
Fallback positions a, b, c, and d preferably with shallow dug wells or nearby creeks with poratable water filters. Tarps and buckets for gathering rainwater.
10’s of thousands of .22 rinfire and pellet ammo.

Although I agree with you thoroughly I believe the most important issue to prep for is spiritual.

I believe at best we have 5 or so years left but it could all blow completely tomorrow. This is going to be the last one like no other that has ever come before. It’s the end of the line.

No matter what happens the only true way to weather this coming perfect storm either in life or through death is in the loving arms of Jesus alone.

It’s coming. He’s coming. Be ready.

At the last trump. The trump of God.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
  The blind who will not see
May 9, 2019 10:10 am

Radios are trivially easy to locate, in some cases EVEN IF ONLY USED TO LISTEN, NOT TRANSMIT.

I understand the attraction of getting a radio. Understand that to transmit beyond line-of-sight requires either repeaters or a rig that has fairly serious output wattage (not some Baofong $60 handheld.) And if you transmit HF to try to reach out beyond 30 miles, you’ll light up your position like a search-light beacon to a host of systems that undoubtedly are “watching.”

If you think things will get Full Bolshevik, then imagine that a Reaper will target any such transmission in seconds.

No movie plot prepares us for the future.

  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 12:03 pm
Check Six
Check Six
  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 7:29 pm

The “radio locator” question is a little more complex, starting with how many location devices, and operators, are actually available and what is their priority of use? If you have a few thousand radio users per location team, I suspect the “team” would be ventilated within the first few encounters with those who thought ahead to have radios for tactical SHTF use. Lots of ways to set up a “locator trap.” Start with a somewhat mobile low watt directional UHF to trigger a high watt booby trapped VHF with a big, well concealed antenna, and with the easy approach mined, ambush set, etc.

Doug has, again, provided an excellent essay to allow those of us who believe in the old Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared” to run the personal preparedness checklist.

Two books I would recommend for those looking ahead are:

1) “Survival Theory: A Preparedness Guide” by Jonathan Hollerman (A former USAF survival school instructor.) The first 50 or so pages should dispel any thoughts you might have had of your or your family living through a SHTF scenario without a lot of thoughtful preparation. (While a fighter pilot during the 60s, I went through three of the military’s survival schools.)

A very interesting, and up to date, analysis of potential Grid problems is available at the following address. (If you think the military or the power companies are ready for an attack on the Grid…think again.)

2) “LDS Preparedness Manual, Handbook 2” Compiled by C. M. Parrett. Not an official publication of the LDS Church, but a first class compilation of how to get started and an excellent checklist for those of us who have done some preparation.

Doug, again, first class work! Many thanks.

  The blind who will not see
May 9, 2019 10:30 am

Although I agree with you thoroughly I believe the most important issue to prep for is spiritual.

If faith without works is dead, then walking out one’s faith by mentally and physically preparing would be, in a way, spiritual, no? Especially if our motives are to advance the betterment of ourselves and those around us?

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. ?

May 9, 2019 10:43 am

AGREE. Matthew 25 – the ten virgins. Five were wise, prepared, did not run out of “oil”, but the other five were foolish . . . . Interesting that this is the last chapter of parables; the next chapter holds the account of His betrayal.

Dennis DeLaurier
Dennis DeLaurier
May 9, 2019 9:56 am

Yes there is a storm coming but also “Winter is coming” and it’s in the form of the Super Grand Solar minimum. There is a coming together of everything – social, political, religion, and any other ism you can find. Mix that up with a global financial collapse, war and a good dose of the Super Grand Solar Minimum – Oh and the coming magnetic pole reversal, and you have a really good storm. Most people have no idea what is coming and would faint if they really knew. Most of us perhaps have a year to prepare, after that it may be too late. Even then you will need a strong community. Dennis DeLaurier – Author “Surviving the Super Grand Solar Minimum”

  Dennis DeLaurier
May 9, 2019 11:04 am

The irony is going to be pretty rich as the millennial snowflakes and their pied pipers oh so concerned about a warming climate are suddenly freezing to death in a Maunder Minimum…….aka the Little Ice Age that nearly wrecked Europe with 70 years of abnormally cold weather…….70 years of the worst winters, total crop failures, famine, disease and death on an epic scale. Humanity will survive as a species…..but in those days 90% of people made a living off the land……now its like 3% in the USA…….going to be ugly. Sun Cycle 25 is looking well below expectations. Bundle up Buttercup.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Dennis DeLaurier
May 9, 2019 3:37 pm

“Oh and the coming magnetic pole reversal, and you have a really good storm”

It’ll be like no storm before, with violent winds from every direction and thunder that shakes the earth

May 9, 2019 10:00 am

Sebastian Junger’s book The Perfect Storm is the last book I read cover to cover, straight through without interruptions. A riveting read for me. Great post Uncola! Thank you for your continued dedication to thoughtful articles. The storm metaphor is a strong one. My most liked-by-others post was about a storm front encountered while fishing far offshore. Even HF gave me a complement.

To make light of your dire predictions I share this viddy from Zombieland.

“Nut up or shut up”

The first four rules of 32 are dramatically demonstrated.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 10:46 am

The fatties go first.

If that’s so, then I’m all for it. (grin)

Galicant Wiseword
Galicant Wiseword
May 9, 2019 10:03 am

I need to read this article each morning for a week. Well written Uncola.

May I add a necessity: Knowledge. How to safely hunt, prepare food, cook safely, stitch a wound, create antibiotics, use plants to fight infections, drill a well, create a hydro-power generator, clean a weapon, grow a garden etc etc, it’s all knowledge that can be obtained in written or video format in a matter of seconds now. After the storm what is left may be only in the minds of survivors or jotted into old fashioned books.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
  Galicant Wiseword
May 9, 2019 10:13 am

Unless you live in a VERY rural area, hunting skills are mostly of use for camouflage and survival against human predators. Hunters do very, very well in paint ball games.

I figure that if the wheels do really come off the cart, there won’t be a Canadian Goose or a Cotton-tailed rabbit visible within miles. They’ll all have been caught, cooked and eaten within a week of the grocery store shelves being empty.

  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 9:14 pm

Absolutely. Journals from the 1930’s indicate there were NO birds on the rural eastern shore of Md./Va. All eaten.

May 9, 2019 10:05 am

Most people mightily resist ANY change, good or bad. I submit that the people who are the most adaptable will ultimately fare better than those who don’t.
There are still MANY people who think that the Leftists and Globalist just have different political opinions and are basically decent people.
These people are cannon fodder in my opinion because they won’t see the truth in spite of mountains of empirical evidence.

May 9, 2019 10:11 am

We know it’s coming but we don’t know what it is. It could be a bear market or civil war or word war or collapse of civilization. When we come out the other side we need to remember what we did to cause the crisis but we won’t.

Tactical Zen
Tactical Zen
May 9, 2019 10:24 am

My reality is that I’m too old and too ill to change my life from a 21st century citizen to an early 20th century, or older. I need meds, and continuing medical care, and cannot change that reality. But I can blend in like the best liberal because all crackers look the same. And I know stuff.

So, I’ll take my cue from the 5,000 Free French fighters in WWII who blew up so much infrastructure that Germany placed 1 million troops in France to “guard” it against such attack. It helped the allies win. Perhaps it will help the enemies of socialism win.

My “homework” was my career of the last 40 years. I know how to disable that which I helped build.

So if things disassemble as we expect, our Marxist Socialist friends may have a hell of a time keeping a lid on anything. Rome wasn’t destroyed in one day, but it did move fast during the fall.

I’ll hope that those who cherish a Republic will survive to build again. My goal is to prepare a flattened earth upon which they can build.

  Tactical Zen
May 9, 2019 11:07 am

A “Grey Man” strategy is a standard approach for those in your circumstance…very knowledgeable, highly motivated but ignored by those who have seized power due to age and “not being the nail that sticks up”……good luck we are going to need you and many more. You can make a big difference by acting in place…….

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Tactical Zen
May 9, 2019 12:33 pm

My Grandmother signed me up for the Sons of the American Revolution when I was a kid, she was an officer in the DAR and was very proud of that fact. When I discovered that the guy we were connected to was just some farmer who supplied provisions and transportation to the Continental Army I was heartbroken. No Generals, no Colonels, just some old guy who risked his life and property to make sure that Washington’s soldiers could keep fighting the good fight by giving them whatever he could provide.

These days I have an overwhelming pride in his efforts and understand very well that he did what he could and that everyone has a role to play no matter how minor or insignificant it might be.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 1:27 pm

Classic “Aww, Geez, look at this old dude pledging support. Too scrawny / weak / blind / etc., to really be any benefit to the group, possibly a liability, a drag on resources”…

…until he reveals provisions or How To knowledge in a critical area’s need for understanding, and an ingenious, valuable solution, courtesy of his life of experience.
Hell, if I can’t lift heavy loads, or run with the pack, I’ll volunteer for a sentry post, if the eyesight is good, the trigger finger works beyond any arthritis, I’m fed, and have a large supply of ammo.

Don’t discount gray Panthers.
You don’t get to senior age by being a fool.
Many of them KNOW things, even if physical traits are lapsing.


May 9, 2019 10:26 am

point 1. Humans are the capital, the value added, without productive humans, globalist and warloards will rule over nothing.

point2. we live in amazing times, with lots of new inventions and technology that will help humanity, you would not like living in the 1800s or the 1900s having been exposed to today’s modern convenience, and lifesaving medicines.

point3. there is no other path but forwards, the world will not stop spinning, just because the US collapses into a 3rd world banana republic (estimates indicate this is just around the corner). Picture a life where everything just costs twice as much, and then continues to increase, with no end in sight, this is how it will likely unfold, in a slow motion train wreck, when one day you wake up, and you don’t have enough money for toilet paper.

This is what everyone should be planning for, the rest is just idle chit chat, designed to get your hackles up.

Down vote as required.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 10:49 am

Point 1: Agreed, but there are times when people are so nihilistic that they’ll destroy themselves willingly if they can also destroy others at the time. See Pol Pot & the Killing Fields.

Point 2: No doubt. I’ll take modernity with all its defects over a 33% death rate for getting pneumonia or a serious skin infection…or the loss of indoor plumbing.

Point 3: Smart people rarely starve.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 9:59 pm

When I have talked with a few people about collapse, I’ve told them I’d be a “kinder, gentler, Pol Pot”.

Think about it: we are in dire straits, especially with regard to energy. So, if I were the dictator, you know what? No more flights to Disneyland. No more nail/hair/tattoo parlors. No more ski resorts and no more golf courses. No more busing kids to school. I think you get the general picture. No more luxuries and all hands on deck. And if that means frog-marching academics to go plant vegetables, well, maybe that’s what it will take for my country/region/town to survive. “Destruction” cuts both ways… Who is doing the destroying now? All the academics I know are Marxists, so it would be interesting to see their reactions.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Chubby Bubbles
May 10, 2019 12:44 am

.extremely well-paid Marxists.

May 9, 2019 2:06 pm

No down vote here. I think you are spot on. We tend to think we (USA) are indispensable and that the whole world will collapse without us. Pure BS. Somebody will rise up to take our place. Might do well to learn to speak Chinese or Russian.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 2:43 pm

Disagree. The march of history will take a VERY different path if the ethos that was America falls and stays down. The miracles of the modern world were created by open, commonwealth-oriented civilizations. Neither East Asians nor Russians create such things. They, like most of the world, are clannish. East Asia had civilization for thousands of years…and it was essentially static.

The dynamism we now take for granted (and that in all likelihood has already been lost) was produced almost exclusively by descendants of those who lived inside the Hajnal Line. Those descendants are now diluted (genetically) and created a cult of Pathological Altruism.

We’re destroying ourselves in our zeal to Make Perfect The World.

Humanity’s not going to the stars. Not now, and not for a very, very long time (if ever.)

Done in Dallas
Done in Dallas
  Deter Naturalist
May 10, 2019 11:07 am

This maybe the best comment I have ever read here.

May 9, 2019 10:27 am

Many believe “acceptance” to be a form of surrender, or giving-up. In reality, acceptance simply perceives our current circumstances in an honest and forthright manner.

This is the hardest part of truly “waking” people, because we, I , at least, cannot “grant” it. Each person must “accept” for himself. Some recognize the truth of the depth of corruption, that we have been lied to for generations by politicos, that we are slaves of the banksters, the state, and the healthcare system which they control, and even that “we” are all expendable. But most people ASSUME – belief system or cognitive dissonance or outright, blatant denial – that this system is going to change before the “worst” happens. That Godot will arrive. That rapture will come. That a White Knight will save us from the marauding hordes. . . .

Acceptance is the realization/recognition/understanding that WE cannot trust this system as built and operated. Period. So WE really are on our own. No one is coming to save us. There is no “God from the Machine” to save the day. WE must see to our own survival – and, with hope, our thriving – ourselves. “That is so bleak, so negative,” someone told me recently. I shook my head, “It’s just the truth; Truth is neutral.”

That is, the truth does not care what we believe.

Thanks, Mr. Lynn, for sharing truth.

May 9, 2019 11:26 am

We’re all friends here, you can call him Snoop Doug or Unc.

May 10, 2019 12:26 am

Snoop Doug? NICE!

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 11, 2019 12:19 am

Somebody call Sniff Dung?

The blind who will not see
The blind who will not see
May 9, 2019 3:44 pm

God won’t save all of us, he’ll only save His true believers in the rapture pretribulation.
That being said I’m as reasonably prepared as anyone for any and everything that comes my way.
If God takes me home pretribulation then it will be a veritable smorgasbord for those left behind.

  The blind who will not see
May 9, 2019 9:25 pm

Oh God! Yes! Look in my back room!

  The blind who will not see
May 10, 2019 9:42 am

true believers

19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 2:51 pm

show it if you got it; works that are shoe laces we lift as a birthright

May 9, 2019 10:28 am

The hell of it is, with the exception of foreseeable economic ups and downs that accompany the demographic cycle, all of this was avoidable. The elites created all the elements of this coming storm and the majority of the people have been complicit in developing it. I’m at a mental impasse when it comes to explaining why the “57%” mentioned in the article are hell-bent on destroying this country. The term decadence comes to mind. In the past (pre-1990,) left, right, conservative, liberal, independent, republican, democrat were at least motivated by wanting to see a better America. A while back Catherine Austin Fitts stated the decision was made by the elites to abandon the west and invest in the east. I now use the term ASSET STRIPPING when looking at events like NAFTA, GATT, WTO, illegal immigration, unbridled immigration, offshoring, foreign students dominating STEM slots at our universities, etc. Because that is what the elites are doing. They asset stip via moving our manufacturing jobs overseas, import people to do the work that can’t be offshored and in the process stip out each affected American’s intellectual property. It’s all pretty F’d up.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 10:52 am

None of it was avoidable. The sine wave curve of human history has “downs” because they are baked into the cake by human social behavior.

We have a programmed nature. Our nature has a whole lot of subroutines. Some of those subroutines are incredibly self-destructive under all but rare circumstances.

I think today’s Cargo Cult dogma is a subroutine Nature provided to humans to insure that if we became too successful, we’d plant the seeds of our own destruction.

We went from a small number of individuals to nearly 7 billion. While I don’t think we’ll do a full round trip, I do think that the number of living people will be more likely to hit 2 billion than 12 billion.

  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 4:46 pm

Kevin says:

….with the exception of foreseeable economic ups and downs that accompany the demographic cycle, all of this was avoidable.

And Deter Naturalist says:

None of it was avoidable. The sine wave curve of human history has “downs” because they are baked into the cake by human social behavior.

In the writings of Dmitry Orlov as referenced in this article, he states that every stage of collapse is preventable.

Therefore, although Orlov and Kevin are correct in theory, history has proven Deter Naturalist’s assessment as being the inevitable destiny of mankind.

Just like clockwork.

May 9, 2019 9:27 pm

The asshats would rather rule over crumbs than live in heaven.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 8:04 pm

De Jawjah stones! De Jawjah stones!

Dey tole us we’uns uh be uhlim’nated.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 10:05 pm

nearly 8 billion, you mean…

I think you’re overthinking the “subroutine” aspect. It’s far simpler to posit that an excess of success breeds failure. The better you can exploit your environment, the faster it will be exploited and lead to a crash.

May 9, 2019 10:32 am

comment image&f=1

May 9, 2019 7:28 pm

Your meme got me thinking about a classic scene from the epic saga “Kingpin”

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 9, 2019 10:41 am

With acceptance comes inner peace.

Have you noticed that the word “unprecedented” keeps popping up more and more?

Very good essay, Uncola.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 11:23 am

History is a chronicle of societal collapse. Its lessons have taught me that Orlov’s list of social collapse is upside down.

Stage 1: Financial Collapse
Stage 2: Commercial Collapse
Stage 3: Political Collapse
Stage 4: Social Collapse
Stage 5: Cultural Collapse

My reading of history informs that a society can sustain and expand itself only so long as its homogenizing elements (culture) are the basis for the family unit. Destroy the family unit and you destroy the culture. Nothing has primacy over a family’s right to self-determination. The key to destroying a culture is to makes its government operate as a tool that divides the family unit, a culture’s basic building block..

Destroying the US 1. Culture (private property – man’s castle is man’s kingdom) and, 2. Social Compacts (Bill of Rights – due process) cannot be sustained, so 3. National Political Systems become increasingly alienated from, and undermined by, local (state) jurisdiction’s refusal to comply with National (Federal) laws. As the family unit’s destruction is well under way by this point, 4. Commerce is weakened by an increasingly unsustainable tax burden to fund the Nanny State’s ‘Welfare and Entitlements’ that families once ensured. When the National bilge-pump that funds sinking ships runs out of fuel, dead weight is just that, it 5. ollapses the financial system.

Our financial system has quite a stretch to run before collapsing and the US family unit is already long gone.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 11:45 am

22310 Dole Valley NE, Yacolt WA

You’re welcome to join me if you can make it. Google Earth shows an aerial photo from last summer, when I was clearing and grading, preparing to build. My truck and rented backhoe can be seen. Power in, (extended 700 feet from road) along with well, pump and septic tank.

Year-round, crystal clear water, fertile soil, great hunting and fishing, in a mountain valley surrounded by ridges that few can climb even if they carry nothing.

I’m not much worried about having enough armament to repel invaders.

It’s unusual for a day to pass when I don’t hear a neighbor taking target practice from their front porch. They are all white, and friendly-ornery. Hard to fit that in a bug-out bag.

I don’t have any worries about feral city-dwellers stampeding toward my Mecca. They’ll never make it.

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 2:46 pm

Sounds perfect. I always thought the ideal would be a rural, off-the-beaten-path RV park, with arable land and a pond adjacent.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Deter Naturalist
May 9, 2019 6:22 pm

My family lived in a trailer park just outside the entrance to Meridian NAS while waiting for base housing. It had a great big pond with every kind of freshwater fish (including gar), with snakes, turtles, alligators and birds everywhere. One could fill a freezer in an afternoon from a hot bed of bluegill. I bet it’s nothing like that now.

It was owned by a Pentecostal preacher with a barber shop out front. Classic, with a candy-cane rotating by the door. He was always recruiting whoever was in his chair.

He snookered me into a bit of holy-rolling in the aisles during an enthusiastically received sermon – 1 time. It was clearly an excuse for some people (of both sexes) to cop a feel.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 9:31 pm

You are way out of my range.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 8:47 pm

Thanks to my Holy Ghostin’ in church aisles, you’re always in my range…

… it taught me to cop a feel from anywhere, while prophesizing.

“The Lone Star will become the 1st New American Republic.”

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 6:05 pm

Washington? Thought you were doing Mexico?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 7:01 pm

Bofum. Washington Summers/Mexico winters

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 7:43 pm

An extreme snowbird….

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 9, 2019 10:09 pm

extremely sustainable!

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 9:33 pm

A few years ago a relative by marriage from NY (who voted for Obama twice) was visiting. We were sitting on my back deck when three of my neighbors (11 to 34 acres each) at three different points of the compass starting a Saturday afternoon target practice with serious weapons…one (I know who it is) on full auto.

He jerked his head and looked scared and I started laughing.

He looked at me questioningly and I said.

“Relax, just the sound of freedom”.

He just scowled.

May 10, 2019 10:51 pm

Loved that.

May 11, 2019 12:47 am

Get this…since that incident I taught him to shoot, he was a natural.

He enjoyed it, especially my Colt Commander Lightweight .45 and now owns a 20 gauge shotgun I gave him, after a serious discussion about the future of the NYC yuppie burbs when TSHTF.

We are now talking about his bug out plan to my compound.

He calls it Camp David.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 11, 2019 12:36 am

Funny’r every time I read you.

In Dole Valley, on 4th of July, it sounds nothing like fireworks.

It sounds like a war zone and nobody needs to be invited to the “Loud Boom and Enormous Explosion” competitions. It could only happen in a hidden valley. Best so far (as explained later, after WTF? became a shared question): a grenade surrounded by diesel-soaked sacks of fertilizer, cookin’under a giant pile of solvent- splashed stumps and logs.

The 8th wonder of the world is hearing a bunker-buster and watching an old growth stump streaking up into the night like a comet.

Boys will be boys.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 6:06 pm

Yup, agreed on the upside down list.

Junctions And Geodes
Junctions And Geodes
May 9, 2019 11:29 am

I see the veracity in the points made – by the author, and many posting comments.

I also see a similarity between two very disparate parties and themes.

I have been hearing about “Global Warming/Climate Change” and how it will “destroy the planet/people” for at least 25 years. I have also been hearing that “society will collapse shortly, so, begin prepping now” for at least 25 years. Both were whispered earlier, but the megaphones were turned to 11 about 25 years ago, or so. By no coincidence, they come from direct opposite ends of the political spectrum (in outward appearance, anyway).

I certainly have not been presented the data to believe that “global warming/climate change” exists outside of normal cycles (if at all) or due to any specific actions of human beings – they are a drop in the ocean compared to, for example and the one most touted by climate-priests, volcanic-released particulates/gasses. There is known manipulation of data, as well.

I also do not (get to) see the REAL data revolving around the “everything is going to collapse” warnings. I believe those concerns revolve around several assumptions that MAY be incorrect.

Assumption one is that any of us plebes has access to REAL data. The assumption revolves around the numbers being flubbed to the good, and clearly many probably are, but are some flubbed to the down side intentionally to drive agendas? If so, which ones? How do they change perceptions? Are they more or less important in the big picture than those flubbed to the good?

Assumption two is that all existing tech is available and utilized. It isn’t. A Lot is hidden and can be brought out and placed far more quickly than anyone realizes. And it marches on rapidly.

Assumption three is that productivity is NOT off-the-friggin’-charts. It is.

Assumption four is that production will simply just stop at some point. Barring total destruction by asteroid, all out nuke-war or similar, that is not going to happen. Who wants to be prepped and stick around after asteroid or giant thermo-nuke war with limited means and horrible times?

The point is that living life waiting for the worst scenarios is no life at all. People want to live, work, love, learn, enjoy and be entertained not spend their finite free time prepping (right or wrong) and thinking about Doom (climate or economic/political) that has been bandied about via The Big Megaphone for the last 25 years.

Again, I’m not advocating any particular position – if you enjoy prepping activities, do them. I am pointing out and thinking about the dichotomies, assumptions and potential perceptual manipulations and why people may just not feel like taking action – whether it’s for “climate change” or “prepping”.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Junctions And Geodes
May 9, 2019 12:22 pm

Well said.

One can prep themselves into a life colored by doomsday thoughts. That defeats the purpose of living.

Most should focus their preps on “bugging-in”, not “bugging-out” – and have a pack of essentials in the vehicle to get home, no matter the distance. I have two bags – sorted by distance/weather.

The best preps are mental and physical. Are you confident you can live outside a dwelling for extended periods without physical collapse? If the answer is “No.” or even, “Not without being miserable”, a bug-out bag is worthless. To you.

Jams And Griddles
Jams And Griddles
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 2:44 pm

Agreed. Bug-in. Learn valuable skill one enjoys. “Lore” is underrated.

I have about 100+ fruit/nut trees near 20 years old – no chemicals used…OREGANO OIL 20-40 drops per gallon (shhhhhhh – keep that one quiet or they’ll start regulating access!). I grow about 5000 head of garlic annually (chem-free) and have lots of garden/herb space. Books like HSF and you (and others) have mentioned are also “prep”.

I forage for mushroom spring-fall and can identify 20 or so and the trees they partner with (and 30 or so more). I can fish productively. Could/can hunt, but it’s so regulated (Ag-Tags would help)…chickens/rabbits are great, and just less hassle, if you have space.

All of it is work/exercise and, importantly, Experience Points.

And, of course, not doing at least a minimum of prepping at this point is, I believe, unwise. 30 below bags, 1000 lighters, bulk rice, 1 micron hand-pump water filters, etc. – can be used and replaced as they wear or stocks diminish.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Jams And Griddles
May 9, 2019 3:13 pm

Daily, on an empty stomach, a few drops of oregano oil on the tongue swallowed with a teaspoon of cumin oil. Maintains my gut’s microbial Maginot Line – destroys the bad bugs.

Couple of drops of nascent iodine, sublingual, when I’m feeling sluggish, but never after noon.

Oregano oil obliterates foot fungus, and raw garlic will chase out the meanest intestinal worms and parasites. I know, I’ve felt ’em running for the exit in Mexico!

  Jams And Griddles
May 10, 2019 12:05 am

And don’t forget to either print down or get the books filled with the practical knowledge you will need. You can’t and don’t have you know everything…but you best have the knowledge at hand…and not just digital.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Jams And Griddles
May 12, 2019 1:59 am


Holy hell… are you expecting vampires? 😉

The blind who will not see
The blind who will not see
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 9:57 am

Bugging in is great depending on your location and potential adversaries but you always need at least a plan b and c location if you are likely to be overrun or not be able to hold your position.

If in an urban or suburban location staying put after the first 72 hours when the store shelves are bare and the masses realize no one is coming to help will get you killed.

You need to get out in the first 72 hours befpre the rush to a more suitable rural location to avoid being trapped by the masses or overun by predators.

There are lots of rural second homes and cabins that can be commandeered in a real shtf scenario.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Junctions And Geodes
May 9, 2019 12:39 pm

Human beings, understanding the passage of time and the eventual death they will all succumb to, have an inbuilt sense of the apocalyptic .

Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny- in the metaphysical sense.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 12:59 pm

That required vigorous gargling, but like Orlov, I think you have it backwards, though you gave me a jewel of metaphysical metaphor to plagiarize.

“Phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny”.

Ontogeny is but a branch on the tree (one lifetime’s metamorphosis on its own time-track) as we (humanity) climb the Phylogenetic tree together, each experiencing the passage of time differently.

The tree recapitulates its branches.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 1:13 pm

The cyclical human organism (mankind, the species) is aware of it’s upcoming extinction in the same way that the human being is of his own mortality. That there is a double dose of this end times awareness manifests itself in the temporal hysteria over things like TEOTWAKI and GCC by the average NPC.

Did that clear it up?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 2:23 pm

You are right about the human ‘inherent’ awareness of its own demise.

We have more neurons and dendrites (synapses that active nerve transmissions) in our solar plexus than in our brains. It’s our sixth sense. It’s screaming in everyone about the soon to arrive ‘combined peaks’ of civil and international war (Armstrong: Cycles of War).

The four horsemen that circle Armageddon’s carousel have always been humanity’s social solvents. What will make The End Days truly unique is “time and a half” when the earth’s magnetic polarity reverses and, for a time and 1/2, ruptures dimensions of time-space.

We will be joined by everyone who has ever lived, in half-materialized form. Hell, incarnate. Purgatory’s doors will open wide.

The last metaphysical/evolutionary branch humanity climbed was an awareness of life after death. The next branch, which many have climbed already, is experiencing ‘life after death’ before one dies. No faith required.

Most think I’m anti-Christian. I’m not. Christ reconciled all religions by explaining that if we forgave everyone (including ourselves) – for every sin, we would live in His consciousness forever, and work His wonders.

His 2nd coming will be ‘prematurely’ declared by false prophets that have learned to perform His ‘miracles’.

The first miracle one learns to perform after ascending to non-material planes, is bilocation (two places at the same time). It is an essential requirement for any True understanding of the Soul, on its path to becoming a co-creator with God. It requires one to love themselves into existence in another place. Impossible, until one forgives everyone everything.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 2:47 pm

In other words, I KNOW, in Christ, we ‘recapitulate’ all branches of humanity into our tree – by forgiving.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 3:32 pm

Damn son, so who is the real DD? Mr. Speculum or who I’m reading now? Do you have a doeppelganger?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 5:07 pm

DoulbeD does double duty. I am God’s speculum,

and Mygirl’s incubus…maybe.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 5:49 pm

Succubus, Incubus, I forget which is which….Here, just for you
comment image

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 6:05 pm

I is bofum!

An me’n muh niggas stomp mudholes indem gyrenes winnin’ de Gold Medal in Jerkin’ Jacks.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 6:42 pm

all together now…

  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 3:21 pm

Clear it up? Dayum….

Oy, now we’re digging into the Jungian collective unconscious, with a bit of Kaballah, (tree of life) cogito ergo sum ( I think, therefore I am,) ecce homo, ergo letum, (violent death) res mortifera (old age, unperceived, creeps upon us) which explains why humans need God more than he needs them.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 5:08 pm

God don’t need nuffin.. He be Kang uh Hevin and shit…

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 5:55 pm

Praise be…

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 5:49 pm

Freud, Jung, Foucault… pack of punk, psycho-psychologist, posers.

There’s absolutely nothing ‘unconscious’ about the subconscious.

It’s where I hear all my voices; a noisy place.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 6:39 pm

Disagree on Jung, he’s the exception, he named his higher self Philemon. That is a great name. So, there’s a regular cacophony going on in your head?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 7:19 pm


But everybody STFU when ‘Our Seester’ arrives.

Our Sister

Soul is a community of people we have been.
They live for eternity and visit us again.

If one would hear their story, ego must step aside.
They don’t want you sorry, being someone you cannot abide.

I knew I was a man, then I knew I was many.
Then I knew I was mankind and ego became larceny.
Yielding to their gravity, a fall into subconscious,
reveals all memory; it exposes each one of us.

Some of my parts do not speak; words cannot express their thought.
They help me find what I seek. Things that could never be bought.

One sneaks in like a good thief, but we all know she is here,
pouring caring to empty grief, inviting every fear.

Our sister brings a mirror that reflects every heart
and we become our jurors if we exclude any part.
We look at our reflections, happy to get to know them.
If there are no rejections, she leaves us with a poem.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 7:31 pm

Jung Junkie. It’s how I figured you,
bouncing, as you do,
between your anima and animus,
pachyderm and platypus,
wondering, which one is us?

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 7:51 pm

Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.

Fatal Attraction, chinese corgis…cough.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 8:07 pm

Oh, shit. I gotta clean this up.

Busted me up. Again. Whiskey everywhere.

We all contradict ourselves if we give a voice to everything inside us.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 8:24 pm

Quote from Walt Whitman….

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 8:53 pm

It’s you that makes my body electric

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 9:06 pm

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 10:11 pm

… Walt’s existential overture to you.

Don’t be coy

As I see my soul reflected in Nature,
As I see through a mist, One with inexpressible completeness, sanity, beauty,
See the bent head and arms folded over the breast, the Female I see.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 10:22 pm

OK, you two, go to your corners after you clean up the mess. Walt Whitman? Maybe you should stick to Charles Whitman.

May 9, 2019 11:13 pm

Daaad, he started it……

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 10:34 pm
Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 11:53 pm

I love it when a schizoid… maybe, plays Mistico for me

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 12:11 am

See what i mean. Now, just stop, I’ve told Dad and he’s gonna get you.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 1:29 pm

Damn. Where’s that dictionary?

  Junctions And Geodes
May 9, 2019 10:06 pm

“The point is that living life waiting for the worst scenarios is no life at all.”

This is not complicated for me. This is how I see it no matter what ever the scenario. I’m drawn to the merging lines of Homesteading, Self-Sufficiency…and Preparing for five major reasons and I’m not waiting on anyone to give TPTB the sign that they are NUMBER 1!

1. Growing much of your own un-poisoned food while eating, canning, freezing drying, storing healthy real veggies, fruit, berries, nuts, meat, fish, eggs (maple syrup if you know how) that you grew/raised/harvested while working outdoors and staying trim, fit, and physically vibrant.

2. Staying warm and cooking with wood from your own land while using technology and the sun to store energy and run things.

3. Providing for your own (and your neighbor’s) safety and security with a wide array of modern weapons and boo coo ammo, ready to fight tyranny from anyone. (Or beat them senseless and swish their heads in a sticker bush for disrespect).

4. Tell the Banksters and Wall Street to squat down on their hairy goat legs and kiss my debtless hard assets…right on the O ring.

5. When/if they take the grid down…survive and learn how to thrive around them…then kill them when they come for you and or die on your feet.

Last but not least is leaving all of the above (no matter the scenario) as a legacy for your child and grandchild.

May 10, 2019 1:02 am


May 9, 2019 11:49 am

Speaking of a ‘storm’………Q and followers always talk about the coming storm that will expose and decimate the ‘cabal’ (or the ‘left’ as we know it)

But……the only storm I see brewing is the vast ‘machine’ just destroying Trump and all of us wishing him well

Every day, there is just more and more against us seemingly to no end. Sigh…… sad.

not sure
not sure
May 9, 2019 12:05 pm

Many comments means a very practical article.

I’m always taking in the big picture, by looking at the progression of your articles, I’d say we have gone from hope, to uncertainty, to despondency and finally to a grim determination to survive.

At this point, Q could be 100% correct and it still wouldn’t matter; there are too many critical masses about to blow, to ever think we can restore anything. Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to enter uncharted waters; so prepare accordingly.

I would recommend from top to bottom, the top being spiritual, the mid being your heart and the bottom being the physical needs of life. I’ve thought about this and have marveled how in preparing we gather everything we can lay our hands on while there is still time, but haven’t given much thought to conditioning for the dark days ahead; or thinking about how long one could realistically expect to survive. Yes, you may be able to be self sufficient for a few weeks or maybe a few months, but that is still a much better position than most of the folks whose only concern about hoarding is how many cases of beer do they have in the garage.

After getting your heart right with God, the mental preparation will be the next most important item to focus on. As provisions run out and your neighbors are looking more desperate, maintaining some form of hope will be a very hard to hold onto; your thought of just giving up may even happen before the food runs out. Loss of hope will also cloud your ability to make decisions as to choices you will need to make to stay alive. So give some thought as to how you might react as the chaos increases may give you a fall back line of thought when the time arrives for fight or flight.

Lastly, if you happen to be on the adventure of a life time with flat Stucky when the SHTF, consider wearing the pelt around your neck and talk to it; if your attackers think you have lost it, you may be able to convince them you are not worth the trouble; heck, it worked for David.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  not sure
May 9, 2019 12:32 pm

Psssstt. Don’t spill all the secrets.


How many that remain after the storm breaks will be singing “What am I living for…”

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  not sure
May 9, 2019 10:14 pm

No hope, no fear.

May 9, 2019 12:52 pm

I have read a lot of the end of days prepper-type books and in most all of them, regardless how well the main character prepped, they always seem to be away from their preps or they quickly loose them due to events they did not prepare for.

From an educational standpoint, the authors don’t really prop up the usefulness of prepping (especially storing stuff)

May 9, 2019 1:30 pm

Matthew 6:19–20
19: Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth
and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor
rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal

May 10, 2019 12:17 am


I whole heartily agree (I upvoted) but I don’t think it’s either or as far as I related in my 5 points above.

I suspect having an independent bountiful harvest will have a place in the great harvest coming.

I have ‘layed up’two cases of paperback Bibles for the harvest…put’em away in my barn during the 7 years of plenty.

Chubby Bubbles thinks I’ll need them for kindling…but to each their own beliefs.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 10, 2019 12:48 am

You think you are going to make friends with two cases of bibles? Hmmm. I’m putting up two cases of Bushmill’s.

I sense a general anxiety around toilet paper here at TBP, rather than kindling.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 10, 2019 12:57 am

Toilet paper making you anxious?

Try the 3 sea shells instead…

  Chubby Bubbles
May 10, 2019 1:32 pm

Who said anything about making friends? Not me. That was you.

I was talking about the Harvest.

What’s this ‘either or stuff’ with being completely armed? Many of both the Wheat and the Tares will have boo coo cases of Bushmill’s…so what.

Bibles and Ammo each have their place time and use…I would never, ever be unarmed or out of ammo…spiritually. B.I.B.LE. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

I already posted above about S.W.I.P.E. …Shitty Work In Progress Everyday…easy peasy prepping fix, no anxiety needed.

Of course the Tares do and will use the Bible for toilet paper. Read this…but be careful…the word is sharp…it may pop your Bubble.


May 9, 2019 1:33 pm

I willingly took a step down economically to leave the NYC area and move to rural Montana. I have made lots of preparations but have after much experience and study realized that prepping is a fool’s errand. To survive beyond a couple of weeks you have to live a new self-reliant lifestyle now. It is simple self-delusion to think that you can exist within 250 miles of an urban center and expect to be left alone. Golden Hordes will develop shortly after the urban centers collapse. Mobile groups of 50-200, well provisioned with small arms and self-made armored “technicals” will be able to swoop in and overwhelm any prepper community with relative ease. Small bands of 5-25 in 4-5 vehicles will run roughshod over multi-family compounds easily………You will be attacked and overrun as the urban gangs/survivors start branching out into the ex-urbs and nearby rural areas seeking resources……food, fuel, weapons, women. You will likely be a slave with a short life expectancy if you are within the 250 mile zone within several weeks of a collapse. Grocery stores now restock on a 2-3 day basis…..once the trucks stop delivering within 3 weeks there will be cannibalism.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 1:51 pm

Seems fatalistic. I prefer to hold out some hope for the overwhelming prevalence of decency as a counterweight to the pathology unleashed by social anarchy.

I guess we shall she.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 2:25 pm

We all gonna she’it!

  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 2:29 pm

Some folks are already sheing.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 2:32 pm

The majority of people are decent, they are unfortunately also sheep and in a culture without constraints on the low percentage of predators…..well the predators rule and feed on the sheep. The sheepdog also exists as a counterweight to the predator but we sheepdogs tend to want to be left alone and don’t seek out confrontation or domination. Thus the attraction of a family compound or even a small community that has similar values coming together for mutual support. Sadly while stocked with sheepdogs, point defense (the community/compound) is very difficult when the threats are numerically superior, have equal or greater firepower and most importantly the element of surprise. So the right answer is more like 4th generation warfare…… property or “thing” is worth defending. The horde will attack, strip what they can and then move on in hours or days…….having an ex-fil plan for all family/community members and rally point keeps the people alive and then you can re-occupy the compound. Then you can look at making the avenues of approach more difficult (the horde will be back) and if a specific horde is in control of the area, thinking about taking out bridges and other natural choke points make for great ambush sites and making it more difficult to get to the compound. I suspect very few preppers have the training, time, inclination or resources to execute the above……most will just get destroyed. When centralized authority breaks down, warlords rise……Somalia, China, Yugoslavia (Black, Yellow, White) doesn’t matter that’s just how humans roll.

May 9, 2019 5:06 pm

Perhaps another way would be to reorganize in place with current civil administrations and, in turn, fortify entire regions.

All that would be required would be the heads of select agencies to work in coordination, quickly, and decisively.

Roving bands would then decide to move on to easier targets / regions.

In any case, people panic when they lose their heads and chaos ensues before the strongmen cometh.

Easy pickings.

It would be better to retain micro- constitutional republics; if that were possible. They would need to become self-sufficient pretty fast, though.

Dare to dream?

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 9, 2019 11:10 pm

You only need a minority of destructive-minded people to overcome a majority of those with co-operative intent.

Tom Foolery
Tom Foolery
  Chubby Bubbles
May 10, 2019 12:18 am

How about in the movie Defiance when Daniel Craig shoots the leader of some troublemakers in the head who were causing problems in the camp? That plan would work. Drastic times call for drastic measures.

May 9, 2019 2:24 pm

Even if it transpires as you outline, until then, congrats and continued enjoyment being away from there

May 9, 2019 2:30 pm

Whew……i just did a quick check and the closest metro area to me is 265 miles……we are outside the zone!

May 9, 2019 2:43 pm

Like any rule of thumb…..individual circumstances will impact that…eg. Living on I70 in Rifle CO which is pretty far from Denver but I70 is going to be a travel corridor….eventually the bad guys come to Rifle (though probably from Grand Junction first). The upside of course like Hardscrabble has shown in many articles, living a simpler life is the reward…….

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 2:39 pm

If a group over 50 is mobile, it will be military.

Nobody will win a sustained battle against trained, well, equipped troops and groups over 50 will be a beacon for the military – which may well be the last men/women standing, somewhere.

Being somewhere at least semi-remote, where all traffic is channeled into a narrow defilement, with coordinated neighbors who know the terrain? Feral civilians would get massacred and the bodies left to ripen.

In the End Times, vultures will be everyone’s roadmap.

Until they’ve all been eaten.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 3:12 pm

Errr……when there is no longer a central government who do you think the most likely warlords are? How many times have military units simply become the folks in charge……Some will be sheepdogs some won’t many enlisted and officers will just “melt away” and go home as will the police in many cases…except of course for the ones that seize power “to save the city” and then just enslave the locals. Feudalism/serfdom and power flows from the barrel of a gun. At least YoJimmyBillyBob won’t have to worry about the mysterious jewish cabal he babbles on about…they will be purged early and often as will any other visibly wealthy.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 5:10 pm

“How many times have military units simply become the folks in charge?”

Fuck if I know. Ask Osama.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 11:11 pm

So those caravans of invading migrants south of the US border are military? Military-backed?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Chubby Bubbles
May 10, 2019 12:15 am

I thought we’d framed the situation as a free-for-all.

Mexico isn’t; it has an anti-American sentiment and has had one for a long time. In Mexico, Trump is hated. Saying Mexicans would build his wall alienated every one of them. If Mexico didn’t want these caravans going north, they wouldn’t be. If Jared hadn’t been down there kissing Nieto’s ass, things would’ve gotten a lot worse a lot sooner.

Mexico just elected it’s first King-Pin socialist, President Obrador. He’s to the left of AOC. He probably gets a good laugh every morning reading the caravan count.

Jared met Obrador 6 weeks ago and dangled 10 billion to entice some border controls.

Our loose borders earn the Mexican cartels 10 billion every two weeks. That’s easy math.

So yeah, “retired” military, the Zeta cartel, are ushering them through at a high profit along with every other kind of trafficking you can imagine.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 12:50 am

I hear you. I don’t think Trump is all that motivated to stop illegal immigration, otherwise he would… I just don’t see a challenger emerging, is all.

October Sky
October Sky
May 10, 2019 2:09 am

In the event of civil unrest, there are dangerous, mostly urban groups to contend with who will set out to slay Innocents and attempt to dominate.

A cohesive group can plan on preventing attacks by:

1. Having eyes and ears at various points of a perimeter to relay information (even if physically by foot via a relay system).

2. Setting up decoy prepper sites, whereby once a majority of the dangerous group is inside, the tresspassers become trapped.

  October Sky
May 10, 2019 9:55 pm

October Sky,

It’s not a major game changer…but if you don’t already have any…it could come in handy dandy when you really, really need an edge.

May 9, 2019 2:48 pm

“In the old days it was courthouses and town halls, and pubs. Today, we meet in chatrooms, and on pages and threads”.

Correction, my friend. No one ever “meets” anyone in chatrooms. It’s an illusion. We’re not creating or building anything. It’s all a fugazi for fools and cretins.

In the old days you could see your interlocutors face while speaking to them, read his/her facial expressions, pat them on the back, hug them, point out & laugh at the spaghetti sauce stain on their shirt, hold their hand if they felt down and otherwise make what was once known as “human contact”. Today we blindly type away on keyboards in utterly one-sided blasts of failed attempted communication. Lacking all the aforementioned visual clues & hints, we continuously misinterpret and misread each other’s intentions completely.

In the old days if men wanted to meet women for intimacy they did so in person, having to at least pretend to be likable and funny in order to ‘score’. Today they care nothing for intimacy, need not bother making any efforts to ingratiate themselves and sit instead with a box of Kleenex and a jar of hand lube next to them at their computer screens whilst logged onto Pornhub.

In the old days men with serious political and/or grievances would arm-up, band together and physically make their displeasure known to the powers that be, even at risk of their very own lives. Today they sit obesely in the safety & isolation of their homes, typing away furiously as if Roman Font was as an equally effective means of social expression & legitimate weapon of change as a furious mob of well-armed & pissed-off citizens.

Our technological advances, encompassing far more than just the internet I might add, have all far surpassed our ability to use them wisely …or even effectively. The Spaniards have an age-old saying; “El mono por mas que se vista de seda …mono queda” (“The monkey, even when dressed in silk … is still a monkey”)

And there you have it my fellow monkeys: we thought we were all hot shit with our fancy-shmancy new technologies when in reality it turns out we were only shit all along. NOW SIT BACK AND WATCH OUR TECHNOLOGIES LITERALLY KILL US.


May 9, 2019 5:11 pm


Nice to “meet” you, NoThanksIJustAte. I’m really glad you stopped by. ??

May 9, 2019 5:50 pm

comment image

Tom Foolery
Tom Foolery
May 10, 2019 12:23 am

It looks like the points were that you were welcomed just like in an actual town hall and with emojis we don’t need to see each other. Too funny.

May 9, 2019 8:46 pm

Yup, he’s a real cheery sort, ain’t he?

May 10, 2019 2:06 am

Actually, that’s a common misperception. If you could only witness the deeply empathetic, profoundly compassionate tender loving care that I exhibit daily at my job, you wouldn’t opine like that:

just a thought
just a thought
May 9, 2019 2:53 pm

Stormy weather.
we have become accepting of an outcome that can only be tragic.
Why are some happily perpetuating this outcome ?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  just a thought
May 9, 2019 3:16 pm

“Paging ‘The blind who will not see’…

…please report on happy perpetuators!”

The blind who will not see
The blind who will not see
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 3:50 pm

You see this ALL MUST come to pass for Jesus’ second coming to occur and true peace on earth.

I don’t make the rules or revel in them I just recognize and proclaim them.

  just a thought
May 9, 2019 3:23 pm

“Happily perpetuating” – You make it sound like we’re all Gomez Addams, jumping up and down with maniacal glee as we slam two trains together. By your definition someone would be ‘happily perpetuating’ a bombing raid because they set off air raid sirens when the bombers are sighted.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 4:13 pm


“Do it again!”

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 4:16 pm

Sounds to me like air raid sirens should be wailing.

Because Gomez be lubbin dem bombin’ runs.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  just a thought
May 9, 2019 10:20 pm

Some people are merely happy to entertain the truth, whether the truth bode well or ill.

There’s a very tiresome tendency to blame the messenger, as though pointing out the existence of murderers “perpetuated” murder.

May 9, 2019 4:39 pm

Yeah, I heard all those quotes already. Once it goes on the internet everybody knows it.

May 9, 2019 5:17 pm

Well written, Doug. You are mastering the art of scaring the shit out of people.

I don’t have time today to read through 160 comments, so I apologize in advance if this question has already been asked. You wrote;

“It would be very dangerous to underestimate the shitstorm that is about to commence in the United States and around the world.”

Q1: WHEN will this shit-storm commence?

Q2: WHERE will the greatest damage be? [Even the biggest storms in the world cover only a small portion of the globe.] Specific to the USA!USA!USA …. do you think The Storm will destroy the entire country …. or are there pockets of relative safety (like, NJ)?


May 9, 2019 5:57 pm

I think it’s already underway, Stuck, and I believe it will greatly accelerate on a Friday. But hopefully not this Friday.

And, in the broader sense, 95% chance of an economic “panic” before 2020 and a 68% chance of the Dow Jones tanking this year.

In any case, I always fill my vehicle gas tanks when they’re half-empty just in case.

Any geographical area with the greatest proportional imbalances between rich and poor will likely see the festivities beginning sooner than later; and, that said, it is my most sincere hope that NJ castles will be eyes of tranquility in the forthcoming societal storms. Seriously. 🙂

May 9, 2019 6:55 pm

UNC- Trump better have a mega back up plan if the economy takes a shit before next Nov.
I bet he holds it together until then

The blind who will not see
The blind who will not see
May 10, 2019 10:06 am

Not a bad idea to keep around 50 gallons of non-ethonal gas with stabilizer in it in portable 5 gallon cans and rotate it out if you do need to hit the road.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 6:10 pm

Want to create fear?

Look in the mirror.

May 9, 2019 5:26 pm

“Stage 1: Financial Collapse
Stage 2: Commercial Collapse
Stage 3: Political Collapse
Stage 4: Social Collapse
Stage 5: Cultural Collapse”

Stage 1 through Stage 4 have not happened yet.

Stage 5 is well underway.

Odd, no?

May 9, 2019 6:04 pm

Yah, Stuck. Deter Naturalist mentioned above that Orlov may have had it backward; at least in the case of the U.S.

I’ve been thinking about that and it sort of makes sense; except maybe via the following interpretation instead:

1.) Stage 5: Cultural Collapse (Political Correctness, Identity Politics, Statues torn down, etc)

2.) Stage 4: Social Collapse (Deplorables vs. Snowflakes, Red vs. Blue, Patriots vs. Globalists, Proud Boys vs. Antifa, NFL kneeling vs. standing, etc)

3.) Stage 3: Political Collapse (Occurring now – See headlines)

4.) Stage 2: Commercial Collapse (use TBP search widget to find Jim Quinn’s “Retail Death Rattle” – main act yet to come)

5.) Stage 1: Financial Collapse (25,000+ Dow. Still waiting. And waiting. And waiting……)

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 7:46 pm

Nope, that’d be Double-D’s reverse mention, though I wouldn’t mind sharing the podium with Deter.

Your descriptions of the ‘reverse’ order pretty much dovetail mine and leave me curious.

Do you see a (not correlated with Orlov’s list, though sequential as parts of social and economic breakdown) 1. ‘repeat’ of grass roots tax-burden revolution, 2.succession from the union due to its tax burden… 3. states negotiating their own trade agreements and immigration policies and 4. mobilizing National Guard troops as ‘local militia’ to maintain order?

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 8:48 pm

My bad. I stand corrected.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 9:04 pm

FWIW Orlov’s experience took place in a homogeneous population. We’re experiencing a unique combination of effects due to the widely varied ethnic mix we currently have.

Generalizations are by their very definition approximate, not specific.

Mayan Ruler
Mayan Ruler
  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 10, 2019 11:49 am

Very true, USSR did not have to deal with the effects of Cloward Piven inciting multi ethnic tensions, so most likely Orlovs collapse theory for the ÙS will be in a different order and will be the perfect storm. Godspeed, Deus Vult.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 10:33 pm

Not a bad at all – Deter’s sack is full of salient observations; easily attributed.

But my questions about states revolting?

I don’t see a Republics demise as being fully under way until its constituent parts (states) are in open revolt against the Central government, usually over unfair, burdensome taxes.

FF’s started their shit over a 3% tax level. What’ll it take for couch-surfing Americans?

Lincoln gave a shit about slaves, he was only concerned with preserving the Union.

Anti-slavery was window dressing to arouse hatred of ALL southerners when very few owned slaves.

Today, everybody on the 40hrs/50 weeks/yr hamster wheel is a corporate chattel slave, and no Lincoln is going change that.

We’ll have to, regionally.

May 9, 2019 5:42 pm

My only plan of action is; 1) wait for my mom to die, 2)buy a small comfortable log cabin somewhere in the Appalachians. I might also buy a Berkley Water Filter and an extra waffle maker.

Other than that, fuck it.

I prepped for 1975, and made some bad decisions …. because I read “Late Great Planet Earth”, and as a newly Born Again Christian I was convinced Jesus was coming back that year.

I prepped for 2000 (Y2K). Hundreds of gallons of water in the basement and TONS of food.

I prepped for 2000 – 2007 (Jesus’ return). Yeah, I had charts out the ass, and the Word Of GOD which pretty fucken clearly (or so I thought) proved that Jesus was coming back in that time frame. FOR SURE THIS TIME!!!

Three strikes, folks.
So, Fuck it.
Fuck it all to hell and back.

How long do these 5 stages last? A decade? Longer? And then there’s the aftermath. Fuck it.

I’m 66. I’ve already lived longer than I thought I would live. I ain’t afraid of dying, it’s the living that scares me to death.

May 9, 2019 6:18 pm

lol If they don’t hurry up, senility might require me to make more notes (and in bigger print). Wasn’t it David Duke who said if the bombs didn’t fall in 1995 he was going to get a gun and start shooting people?

May 9, 2019 7:07 pm

@ Stucky:
Hear, hear and I second those sentiments

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 7:56 pm

Ditto; from another 66 y/o, beyond worrying, but not caring or hoping.

I care enough to hope for the chance to tip over whoever splashes shit in my neighborhood.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 6:50 am

Ditto, ditto, massa Dung !

My brilliant monetary path has led me to a place where two nickels rub together on a good day. Not much ‘preppin’ for me; I’ve always been in the …’and the light turns green and you get broadsided’…camp.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum<<<the folks behind this been plannin' sumpthin'

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  ordo ab chao
May 10, 2019 11:01 am

When that “somethin” flower blooms, bees won’t be stopping at a red lights.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 9, 2019 9:36 pm

“I prepped for 1975, and made some bad decisions …. because I read “Late Great Planet Earth”, and as a newly Born Again Christian I was convinced Jesus was coming back that year.

I prepped for 2000 (Y2K). Hundreds of gallons of water in the basement and TONS of food.

I prepped for 2000 – 2007 (Jesus’ return). Yeah, I had charts out the ass, and the Word Of GOD which pretty fucken clearly (or so I thought) proved that Jesus was coming back in that time frame. FOR SURE THIS TIME!!!”

Goodness. That explains everything.

I read that book , too. My dad thought it was interesting. I was a former Catholic by then. I was too busy to worry about the end of the world.

My dad also thought Chariots of the Gods was interesting and so did I. Are you seeing a pattern here?

When Y2K came along I had 2 gallons of water. In the basement. I tend to find TEOTWAWKI stuff fascinating. I know it’s all gonna blow sooner or later. But I’m too old to bug out and I know the two of us would not hold up long. It is what it is.

May 10, 2019 1:02 am

The difference for me is that I prep because I DON’T know when He’s coming back. Plus there’s a whole lot of natural disasters that go on, just like throughout all of history. Means very little to me what causes it – I just want to have the best odds of having water, food and protection as I can. Prep is mostly a mindset, not a stockpile.
I believe in an early trib rapture, but only God actually knows when and how it all rolls out. Next week, next year, maybe 10 years; nobody knows. It’s a season, not a date. A generational/decades long season. The clock started ticking when control of Jerusalem was regained by the Jews. We could be in for many more years of seriously deteriorating crap before the plug gets pulled. Or maybe a rapture is what sets the whole thing off. Or maybe I’m wrong and it is a late trib bus outta here. All I really know about that is that somebody gets pulled out at sometime before the final Heaven’s scroll-call. Not my place to say and anybody that says they know for a fact when it’s going down is full of shit. And THAT is truly biblical. That’s a total side-issue if you’re a mature Christian.
As far as Y2K, a whole of people – including me – tried to explain the truth that it was merely a memory bit issue, but too many people went off the deep end. Just like now. All freak out and no sense. I ridiculed every Y2ker I knew, mercilessly, BEFORE it went down. I had the tech know-how to explain it, but people had the ‘disaster’ bit in their teeth and refused to listen. I was ruthless afterward.
What the hell is that 2000-2007 crap, Stucky? Lost me on that one. I don’t know who influenced your Christianity-view, but man, were they fucked up. And you see the results of their false teaching. You’re living it.
Seems to me you were focusing completely on the wrong thing. The ‘when’ any of us goes is completely irrelevant.

Exit rant mode.

May 10, 2019 4:49 pm

“What the hell is that 2000-2007 crap, Stucky? Lost me on that one.”

Lost you? Really? I thought you were a smarty … you know, since you knew all about Y2K being a hoax, and all. Yet, you can’t figure this out? Hmmm …

The year 2000 was a YUGE (!!!) year in Christian circles in terms of prophetic events. Please don’t tell me you are not aware of that! The additional years (from 2001-2007) were a “fudge factor”. By that I mean when Jesus did not return in 2000 the Christians offered up all kinds of reasons as they usually do when prophecy fails. They were quite novel, unique, albeit complicated — but, a believing mind WANTS to believe … so, I believed. Until 2007.

“I don’t know who influenced your Christianity-view, but man, were they fucked up. “

Ummm normal Christians. Popular authors. Deep thinking authors. Theologians. Pastors. Or, are going to pretend that the Prophecy “industry” isn’t huge, with tons of books, and millions of printed words, and that “Maranatha” (our Lord comes) isn’t the daily hope of virtually all Christians.

“Seems to me you were focusing completely on the wrong thing. “

Oh, really. Focusing on Jesus’ return was the wrong thing??? Tell that to the disciples, Apostles, Paul, first century Christians, and the millions of Christians since then, right up to our present time. But, thanks for concern — cough cough wink wink.

May 10, 2019 6:26 pm

The reason I knew Y2K was bullshit was because I started working on electronics, computers and programming in 1975. We were told way back then that some day the method of storing dates would have to be updated before 2000. That it, that’s all it was; memory was too precious back then to waste on storing a four digit date instead of two. Pretty damned simple.
The people I involve with don’t get caught up in all that crap. But I guess we’re not ‘normal’ because we don’t flock to the flavor of the month. If it doesn’t agree with scripture – ALL scripture, not out of context snippets – it is not to be accepted until it CAN be verified.
“The Christians’- quite a generalization. I hardly think that ‘all Christians’ agree on anything except, if true Christians, Christ and eternal life with Him. Just because you believed some doesn’t mean all were in on it.
I can’t judge you, Stucky, because I’ve been snared too many times myself, in various areas. I can say this because I was way too naïve way too often, and I recognize it – you were gullible and wanted to believe so bad – just like me you got hurt by those that deceived you, and should have been trustworthy. Snakes and wolves abound in this world.
Being a ‘popular author’ is hardly a recommendation. Or those who many believe are deep-thinkers. The list of theologians and pastors who are completely out to lunch is about 1000 times longer than that of bona fide teachers and ministers. You’ll know them by their fruits.
Oh, yeah – the 2000 ‘end of the millennium’ stuff. Which had no foundation in scripture, unless picking pieces out of context. It was barely a blip on my radar at that time.
Of course Christians look for Christ’s return. But when is His business and scripture clearly states that no one will know, only recognize the season. The focus is only appropriate if it is ON Jesus, and how we respond today, not on when He returns.
We can’t change the past, we can’t know what the future holds, we can only live for today.
I could throw up a bunch of scripture, but I’m pretty sure you know the words every bit as well as I do. Eat, drink and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Peace, Brother.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 10, 2019 7:00 pm

“Ummm normal Christians” Thats like saying normal humans. I bet I got snared by some of those people, too. It’s easy to do. They all think they know it all, right?

May 9, 2019 5:51 pm

If you’re one that will comply with confiscation, have a few long rifles, 22’s, small caliber pistols, etc. as your to be relinquish weapons.
Have your “from my cold dead hands” munitions buried in pvc pipe somewhere on your property at least 18″ deep. Be well, this is for all the marbles.

May 9, 2019 6:24 pm

Some very encouraging news on the confiscation front……CT being first had some folks register firearms and those evil 30 rd mags. I said screw it and moved to MT…..the subsequent registrations in NY and NJ have produced literally nothing… in nobody registering or turning in the evil black rifles or mags or ammo…..Red Flag laws are a non-direct confiscation route but that is seeing heavy resistance also in many places. Even the sheeple of the NY Metro know the game is up and they ain’t complying. EMP false flag (by our own gov’t) would get the party started but more likely we just go Venezuela over a decade or more with a POTUS Bernie or other commie scum. Makes it hard to decide when the rule of law becomes whatever helps you survive…….I suspect a slow decline and an inexorable one.

May 9, 2019 6:55 pm


I have many similar thoughts and also believe the EMP False flag seems highly probable as the route the economic elite will use to get all 5 stages to accelerate and exacerbate the collapses…

Anon said,

Makes it hard to decide when the rule of law becomes whatever helps you survive

The “rule of law” is a fallacy in this Banana republic eith selective enforcement by roving cronies and cabal members wielding the intelligrnce apparatus and government hallways and their legitimately perceived enforcment powers….

Many of our countrymen and women at the lower rungs of this neo-feudal state ARE and HAVE BEEN in survival mode for along time. The shrinking middle class are the ones being shook from their slumber and going through the 5 stages of grief as the veil of obscurity is being intentionally pulled back, the movie screens and curtains taken down, and all that is visible are the brick walls surrounding them.

May 10, 2019 8:06 am

While that is true you can’t simply decide you “need” your neighbor’s stuff for your own survival and go wipe them out. You can’t mount a .50 cal on the back of a pickup and roll down the city streets without lots of flashing red and blue lights and set up checkpoints on choke points and turn people away from entering your town……for us little people there is still a central authority…….

Kevin Cowlishaw
Kevin Cowlishaw
May 9, 2019 9:56 pm

Hi JDrew, I did a similar thing on the run up to Y2K when I didn’t know which way it was going to go. In case the SHTF I had PVC containers with stuff buried in strategic places. Also some ground based “deterrents” from the local builders suppliers & ammo suppliers. In these times a couple of fully stocked Abrams tanks would be a good deterrent (until fuel runs out). One final thought on Y2K, I read that the actor Robin Williams gathered up his family and moved down to a protected enclave in New Zealand for the rollover. A coincidence? maybe he thought the US would be a bad bet in bad times. Stay safe.

May 9, 2019 7:06 pm

Another stand up triple! I never, ever miss it when you are up at bat…never.

Being a serious Prepper (actually more for my family than me…if I was alone I’d just revert back to my Mad Mark yout – he is always lurking…grinning…sharpening his push dagger belt buckle).

This quote from your recent hit is ironic after listening to a conversation in my small town barber shop this very afternoon.

“Hoarding would become widespread, with looting as the obvious antidote. There would be an instant, huge black market for all sorts of necessities, from shampoo to vials of insulin.”

Not counting the barber, there were four rural white men and a five year old boy of four different generations (none of whom I had ever seen before except the barber) waiting for the cut. The banter as usual (I love this place for that reason) was lively. Once the conversation unexpectedly tilted towards “If the grid ever went down” I was sitting up straight and waiting for who said what next.

This guy was about 35 to 38. Big…overweight…but not fat…about 5’11 maybe 6’ 0’ an easy 250lbs, 260lbs. Babe Ruth big when he was still the same age. (Just guessing).

Babe: “That’s why I have so many shot gun shells.”

Me: “What do you mean?”

Babe: “Lots of people around here have freezers full of meat…when you’re hungry shotguns and shells are going to decide who eats.”

Talk about a turd in the punch bowl…the awkward silence…the deer in the headlight look from everyone listening (we could all see one another in the wall of mirrors in front of us) it was what they call a pregnant pause.

I leaned forward and turned towards him and made sure we had direct eye contact. (He is two of me physically).

Me: “You better make sure when you come with that 12 gauge someone with 7.62…with a night scope isn’t waiting…you won’t get far down the road.”

I gave him my Burt Reynolds grin and silly but dangerous laugh (you’re not the first one that told me that) and Shotgun Babe…the future Home Invader of his neighbors for their frozen meat…looked away and swallowed…twice.

Nobody said anything for a while. The subject was changed.

There are neighbors to form a Tribe with…and there are neighbors you will have to kill…no matter their race.

Best find out who is who…ASAP.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 8:22 pm

For sure. I’d say a if a neighbor volunteers to work with you all day in the sun, he/she (and their children) are more likely to share theirs than steal yours. One simple hint should be enough to elicit an offer of help.

Neighbors too busy to offer help will take yours without asking.

Smoke’em if you got’em.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 9:23 pm

I have three well-armed neighbors already lined up for shared labor and shared security for shared food.

I have the running farm and they have the labor and guns and decency.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 10:34 pm

Chew goddit all, mon!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 3:41 pm

We have a neighbor like that, and that’s the way my husband rolls. I’m starting to feel better already.

May 9, 2019 8:50 pm

Heh, you do seem to be able to shut some fellas down. Better than a face rub in a sticker bush.

May 9, 2019 9:12 pm

Mygirl…to be candid…and I told my buddy Donkey Balls this directly (around TBP) Billy the Kid had nothing on me in my yout…and ‘old men with no country’ are even more dangerous then a Wild Child.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 10:38 pm


I was reading the retired Green Beret dude on ZH once, and he shared a question from his son, also a GB. “Dad, what is the worst thing about getting old?”

Old GB said, “It’s that young men no longer fear you.”

I thought to myself, “He doesn’t read Sun Tsu? Why wouldn’t he WANT young dudes to underestimate him?”

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 11:46 pm

“Dad, what is the worst thing about getting old?”

Old Green Beret said, “It’s that young men no longer fear you.”

Personally, I never cared if anyone feared me…as far as young men thats what belt buckle push daggers and or concealed carry is for.

But, I have always reacted to…and to be honest occasionally viscously…and to be honest again often over-reacted if ‘disrespected’. That has always been my hair trigger. Shoot, the three posting pissing contests I have gotten into here were when I felt disrespected.

I realized when I got older (and this is not anything I’m proud about just factual) I was a berserker in high school (when disrespected), a berserker in war (trying to kill me and being successful with too many buddies was extremely disrespectful) and I still have the berserker potential when out and about and some snot (no matter their age or race) or street punk or just a fat cashier is rude or impolite. BLAM! Bang a gong its on!

I think the worst thing to me about getting old is the physicality decline. I was into judo, could do a standing back flip, climb the ropes with just my arms, run five or six miles at a serious clip.

All that’s gone…and I so miss it.

OK Dung…this was helpful to me…you’re a good listener…send me an invoice.

May 10, 2019 12:47 am

Old age isn’t kind, in fact it’s a bitch. I used to could jump on a horse’s back, now it’s a stepping mount to get up there.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 11:19 am

Fair dinkum – both ways. You tell stories well.

Youth isn’t at all aware of its limitations. Old guys are.

Me and one of my Florida buddies spent a lot of time in a Tae Kwan Do dojo in our 20’s. He was a tough, fearless, confident fighter who could take plenty of punishment. He delayed his Black Belt test because it was a lot more fun whipping Black Belts as a Red Belt.

One day, not long after he’d claimed his Black Belt, when we were working construction, he disrespected a grizzled, middle-aged redneck. The fellow rounded on him with amused smile and hard as flint eyes and asked if he’d like to back up his smart mouth.

My buddy was halfway through his “I gotta warn you, I’m a Black Belt” warning when a ham-sized fist blasted him between the eyes and sent him backwards through the air onto a pile of concrete rubble. He stayed down, unable to get up because his cervical alignment was gone for a while. His whole face was black and blue for two weeks. One punch.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 12:25 pm

Great piece of writing.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 10, 2019 9:03 pm

You are too humble to give yourself an upthumb when complimented.

Me? I like how it feels.

It’s an acquired taste.

May 9, 2019 7:20 pm

Pretty good article on the new religion right here:

“The Religion of Feeling: A Warning to Conservatives”

What is the Theology of Nice?

“Nice” is fitting in, doing what they want, not really hurting anyone (as long as we don’t count the infirm, who need to be euthanized, and the unwanted unborn, who need to be aborted), and most important of all the progressive sacraments, never judging anyone else unless he’s a white male.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 9, 2019 7:34 pm

“Nice comes from the Latin word nescius (“ignorant”), which is also the origin of a lesser-known English word, nescience (“ignorance”). The word took a trip from Latin through Old French and Middle English before ending up in Modern English.”

“The meaning of nice when it first appeared in Middle English (about 1300) was ‘(of persons or their actions) foolish, silly, simple; ignorant, senseless, absurd.’


annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-what did Tony Tiger say….Grrrreeaaaatt article/thread

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 7:41 pm

Front page on ZH.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
May 9, 2019 7:53 pm


Congrats! Excellent thoughts and discussion, as always.

Over on Zerohedge I have read a few comments from commentors calling Orlov’ s 5 stages into question…
Here’s one of them..

” Dmitry Orlov is a computer engineer born in Lenigrad and has written extensively regarding his eye-witness account of the collapse of the Soviet Union. In his writings, he has identified the Five Stages of [Societal] Collapse ”

D.Olov is an utter Moron.

He has predicted 17 of the last 1 collapse.

Predictable, antagonistic, misogynist, and like a typicall computer geek,

utterly devoid of social skills.

He reeks of utter filth and degradation,

Garbage Russian Crap.”…..

If love to hear your rebuttal…

Do you respond to comments on Zerohedge?

May 9, 2019 8:40 pm

Plato asks:

Do you respond to comments on Zerohedge?

No, because I’m not much of a joiner and you have to log in to comment there. I do give them cursory read though.

On this one, some commenter there said I’m “a dolt of the first water..”

Another said: “Woot! Great Post!” (but that may have been in response to another comment. I’m not sure)

Another said:

What am convinced the President is balancing is the release of info (what we’ve all known here for years) & the predictable real meltdown that’s bound to ensue. All the cities we know & read about here will go up in flames. When this happens is the mystery but this article is correct in assessment of its certainty.

Another accused me of plagiarizing a book I’ve never heard of (but in researching the book they cited on Amazon, it looked like I could be the first person to review it).

And another said the article above was “brilliant”.

What does it all mean? Not sure. But this I do know: Orlov is definitely not an “utter Moron”.

May 9, 2019 10:25 pm

@ Uncola,

Thanks for the response. I always like to check out the comments on Zerohedge when your aetixles get picked up and featured. Not for the faint of heart or thin of skin similar to this place, although I believe TBP comments over the last 10 years have been WAY more beneficial and influential in my development of my worldview and understanding our economic system.

Shout out to Admin and You again!

Much Love

Kevin Cowlishaw
Kevin Cowlishaw
May 9, 2019 7:49 pm

Like to add a couple of points. Bad news for diabetics (I’m one) if no insulin supply, but animal insulin can be made if you have pigs cows and a working fridge. The big problem here is to be able to protect the animals if there are starving neighbors around. Fridge power is also an issue but not insurmountable. There is info on the net and anyone who can make insulin in the bad times is going to be in a good bartering position. Losing weight down to lean and mean reduces insulin independence (and blood pressure).
The other item is electricity to charge things like walkie-talkies etc. Caravan and marine supplies come in here. A deep cycle battery can be charged by a 100W solar panel at a rate of approx 8.33amps on a full sunny day. Of course if it’s mid-winter and dark for weeks solar will be useless so hand-wound torches and radios help. Even a cluster of solar-charged garden lights is better than nothing. Those mini wind generators found on yachts will keep batteries charged – on windy days. How about harnessing a generator to an exercise bicycle?. keep fit and make some power at the same time. With our caravan we can go off the grid permanently, it just takes a bit of thought; things like LED lights which take little power e.g. LPG petrol diesel and other fuels will run out (unless somebody owns a tanker and how the hell will they protect that?). I agree with a lot of the comments here, like safety in numbers, plan for the worst hope for the best, and I’m reminded of the Hank Williams Jnr song “Country boys can Survive” but don’t leave your preparations until the last moment because by then it’ll be too late. If America goes down, so does the free world, keep that in mind. My only nagging question is: which way will the military jump.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Kevin Cowlishaw
May 9, 2019 11:16 pm

It’s disheartening to think of how dependent we are on high-tech stuff that didn’t exist in our grandparents’ time. Insulin aside, the idea we “need” LEDs, diesel, radios and what-not is part of what cripples us.

  Kevin Cowlishaw
May 10, 2019 5:51 pm

Most of the Military will “jump” with Trump…he is not stupid, been blowing them regularly.

May 9, 2019 8:41 pm

Igor panarin’s timing was off considering 2010 has come and gone; however, his conclusions seem highly likely considering everything that has transpired since 2010. In the video he mentions he came up with his scenario based from his research back in 1998.

This was even before 9/11 and the never ending wars in the Middle East and Africa and the housing stock market decline in 2008-2009.

All the naysers out there will just say this is Russian propaganda especially considering it’s coming from RT and our government LABELING RT as a Russian propaganda outlet.

Welcome to Wonderland!

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 10:47 pm

Igor’s theory/prediction is correct, but his timing is wrong. Certainly, America will fracture along ‘social/economic’ cultural lines.

I know one (social) culture that will set themselves, and all around them, on fire. And they aren’t self-immolating, Vietnamese Buddhists. They’re self-shitting ghetto dwellers. There’s another (economic) culture that everyone will be happy torch; Wall Street’s grab the suckers by their wallets banditry.

That’ll be two less cultures in North America, and it will improve civilization’s prospects.

May 9, 2019 8:52 pm

This guy, Yuri Bezmenov, explains what has happened to America, just like it happened to thr peoplr of the Soviet Union and Germany and Grest Britian and on and on and on….

His 4 stages of ACTIVE MEASURES goes like this,

1. Demoralization (15-20 years, long enough to teach one whole generation)

2. Destabilization (2-5 years)

3. Crisis (bring a country to crisis in 6 weeks through the economy, foreign relations and defenses)

4. Normalization (can be indefinitely)

If the average person truly understood what this man explains, maybe we wouldn’t fall for the blatant propaganda and identity politics, political correctness thought policing bullshit!

May 9, 2019 9:21 pm

Finally, someone brings in Yuri

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 10:51 pm

The average person is a complete idiot. Half of our population look up to him.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 9, 2019 11:21 pm

Look up to who? Yuri? Half the population don’t know who he is.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 12:22 am

I’s jus respondin’ to PlatosPubics:

“If the average person truly understood what this man explains…”

by sayin’ half our population looks up to a complete idiot.

and… maybe, manglin’ Carlin’s quote.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 12:39 am

@ Diogenes,

Now Dio….leave my pubics outta your mouth now….no homo haha…

Better get that App from thr Zerohedge article below if you got offended by that so you can report it as a hate crime.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 11:21 am

Mygirl… maybe daddy should grab his collar, turn him around,

remind him we were agreeing until he claimed, “no homo’.

In Plato’s Greece, sodomy was a cultural imperative and all their statues showed pubes. I sensed a peculiar kind of… Pride.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 9:07 pm

Downthumbing Greek faggot.

If you’re not the ‘bottom’ Alexander the Great piggybacked from war to war, shagging after every exciting day of slaying muzzies, please continue the tally…

…you were groomed in Congressional closets to use your thumb, yes?

May 10, 2019 12:30 am

Over the past 10 years or so I have often wondered who would be the next Robespierre in this rapidly developing civil war 2.0 …People mocked, ridiculed and shunned me for saying we are headed for a civil war….now most people just now their heads in admittance that it is becoming more likely…

I suppose with Apps like the one discussed in the Zerohedge link below, each smart phone wielding, Marxist public school and higher educated -indoctrinated individual can be a Robespierre! Oh, how Hitler and Goebbels would be soiling their pants to have this type of technological power and influence.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 11:34 am

Mygirl’s… ‘Daddy App’ is a proven “Tattle-Tale Tool”.

It is remarkably effective at warning the rest of the world about being victimized by unwanted sexual advances.

I’ve never used that one either.

  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 5:14 pm

Private chat is one thing, open forum? Lots of parents around. You are a guy, right?

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 9:22 pm

Depends on when you ask.

Refer to ‘Our Sister’, posted above, from one of my female incarnations.

She never speaks in my head except through poetry, because her tongue was cut out in life. You know why. I was/am her.

I/she was embraced by a man loved by everyone, who thought my being tongueless an advantage. He loved me dearly. He taught me to write. My deformity helped us in a peculiar way; not having a tongue helped me love him uniquely.

The first time Fatal Attraction’s daughter accompanied me to Mexico, I told her my last life with her was exceptional; being mute could be a blessing, and that I still missed sucking her dick.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
  Diogenes’ Dung
May 10, 2019 9:28 pm

She’s 38, a nanny for billionaires in LA, and accustomed to weird; everyone says she is.

She replied, with a half-smile and her shoulders lifted in a shrug apology, “I’m sorry?”

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
May 9, 2019 10:59 pm

You cited Dmitry Orlov, which makes you at least a Russian sympathizer and probably a spy. I put in a call to the authorities.

Nice article. I posted it tonight.

  Robert Gore
May 10, 2019 12:34 am

Lol thanks, Robert. BTW – are you ready to share the title of your new book-in-progress yet? Just curious

May 9, 2019 11:26 pm

Tomorrow is mother’d day in Mexico. It is always on May 10.

Dos Coronas A Mi Madre
Two coronas for my mother
Cadetes de Linares

Dos coronas a mí madre al panteón voy a dejar
Two coronas for my mother to the graveyard I will take
Donde me paso las horas llorando sin descansar
Where I spend the hours crying without respite
Dos coronas a mi madre es muy poco para ti
Two coronas for my mother is not enough for thee
Madrecita de mi vida quisiera quedarme aquí
Mamacita of my life I’d like to stay right here
Cada año, día de las madres es muy triste par mí
Every year on mother’s day is so lonely for me
Cada año, día de las madres crece más mi amor por ti
Every year on mother’s day my love for you grows more
Aunque se que es imposible ya no estaras junto a mí
Although it’s impossible, you won’t be here with me
Madrecita de mi vida nunca me olvido de ti
Mamacita of my life, I never forget to think of thee
Aquí te dejo estas flores dos coronas para ti
Here I’ll leave these flowers, two coronas for thee
Recordando los momentos que tu me arrullaste a mi
Recalling the times you comforted me
Madrecita si me escuchas el otro año vengo aquí
Mamacita, if you hear me, next year I’ll come back here
A dejarte dos coronas dos coronas para ti
To leave two coronas, two coronas just for thee
Aquí te dejo estas flores dos coronas para ti
Here I’ll leave these flowers, two coronas for thee
Recordando los momentos que tú me arrullaste a mí
Recalling the times you comforted me
Madrecita si me escuchas el otro año vengo aquí
Mamacita, if you hear me, next year I’ll come back here
A dejarte dos coronas dos coronas para ti
To leave two coronas, two coronas just for thee

May 10, 2019 5:35 pm

Happy Mothers Day, Mistico. Mine is buried in Ft.Sam Houston Cemetery.

May 9, 2019 11:45 pm


El relojito cu-cu sonaba
The cucu clock was sounding
Papá besó mi frente
Daddy kissed my forehead
Me dijo buenas noches hijito
He said goodnite my son
Y me apagó la luz
And turned off the light
Oye cu-cu papá se fue
Hey cucu daddy went away
Prende la luz
Turn on th elight
Que tengo miedo
I’m feeling scared
Oye cu-cu papá se fue
Hey cucu daddy went away
Prende la luz
Turn on the light
Y apaga el tiempo
And shut off time
Esta canción de amor
This song of love
Va para mi papá
Goes out to my daddy
Se escapó al viento
He escaped into the wind
Nos dejó sólitos
He left us alone
Esta canción de amor
This song of love
Va para mi mamá
Is for my mother
Que aguantó todito
She withstood it all
Le dolió hasta el hueso
It hurt her to the bone
Es por eso que mamá
That’s is why mama
Lloraba en silencio
Would cry in silence
Lloraba en las noches
She would cry nights
Y como aguantó por las mañanas
And hid it in the morning
Oye cu-cu papá se fue
Hey cucu daddy went away
Prende la luz
Turn on the light
Que tengo miedo
I feeling scared
Oye cu-cu papá se fue
Hey cucu daddy went away
Prende la luz
Turn on the light
Y apaga el tiempo
And shut off time
Esta canción de amor
This song of love
A pa’ mis hermanos
For my brothers
Que crecimos juntos
We grew up together
Lo extrañamos años
We missed him years
Este grito de amor
This shout of love
Se lo doy al cielo
I give to heaven
Le pregunto tanto
I ask so much
Tanto, tanto no contesta nada
So much, so much without an answer
Oye cu-cu papá se fue
Hey cucu daddy went away
Prende la luz
Turn on the light
Que tengo miedo
I’m feeling scared
Oye cu-cu papá se fue
Prende la luz
Turn on the light
Y apaga el tiempo
And shut off time
Oye cu-cu papá se fue
Hey cucu daddy went away
Prende la luz
Turn on the light
Como lo extraño
How I miss him
Oye cu-cu papá se fue
Hey cucu daddy went away
Prende la luz
Turn on the light

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 10, 2019 5:39 am


Town square or cyber air, this is quite a presentation and discussion. I need to fill the tank and check my regulator, cause if I jump into the thread, I be jumpn in over my head.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-printed on fiat paper; paper that became the world reserve currency, a petrodollar…………..a lie.

“When our founders declared a new order of the ages….they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled”- U.S. President George W. Bush, Jan. 20, 2005, second inaugural address.

Wonder what Trumps second inaugural might say?

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 10, 2019 6:04 am

“Or better yet, a video…..”

Trump: Iran’s leaders sow ‘chaos, death and destruction; 2 min. at the U.N. last fall

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- do words matter?

  ordo ab chao
May 10, 2019 11:49 am


Sounds like Trump was describing another country but it wasn’t Iran.

Hint hint…it rhymes with “querida”

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 10, 2019 6:10 am

“Or better yet, a video ……”

The first few minutes give seed to a certain view as to who the geopolitical culprits are, but I see ‘something’ else behind it all. The last 5 min. is ‘movies in the mind’ ……..?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum

May 10, 2019 10:46 am

Trump Derangement Syndrome needs to be redefined. It is the belief that he is actually doing something, which is derangement to the highest degree. What exactly has he done? Tariffs are meaningless in a world where they can print 50 times the value of all tariffs without batting an eyelash.

May 10, 2019 3:10 pm

@ironclast et al

Tariffs aren’t meaningless to the social engineers directing this novela. The tariffs will indeed make things imported into America note expensive for Americans and close the trade deficit by basically closing the gap between the U.S. Dollar and the Chinese Yuan, Meixcan Peso, Russian Ruble and other BRICS currencies.

Remember, what Brand Trump is doing must be viewed within the context of the global central banking, fractional reserve , currency wars “Race to the bottom ” for a clearer more sound understanding of why it’s happening and what is yet to come.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
May 11, 2019 11:32 am

Tariffs are an import tax collected by governments (customs); nobody prints money to pay them.

Consumers (you’n me) pay higher prices (that include the ‘tariff’ tax). Uncle Sam does what with the tariff taxes collected from those exporting to this country? Any idea whether the money taken as an import tax ever benefits you in any way?

We don’t benefit from the higher prices due to the tariff (our government robbing us to punish another country’s economic advantages), and we get double-slapped as other counties retaliate with their own tariffs, making our exports less competitive abroad, reducing demand for what we make.

You’ll change your mind quickly if a full-blown trade war erupts. The artificial insemination of exponential inflation rapes everybody except governments with hands in each other’s pockets.

May 10, 2019 12:44 pm

Uncola, I ‘woke’ about 11 years ago and, to varying degrees, have been preparing since then. We moved from the suburbs of Atlanta to the far northern part of the state starting a small homestead on a parcel of land. Early on, I thought things were imminent. I rang the bell with family members and friends to the point where one of my brothers said “stop with the doom and gloom shit!”. I did stop and, I came to realize that there are those that are in abject denial of things as they are and think the pendulum will just swing the other way soon. There are those that have cognizant dissonance and normalcy bias. There are those that belief we are in the end of days and or at minimum, headed for a major event that will turn the economy on its head but, still do nothing. (Refer back to normalcy bias). We are several generations away from the Great Depression and there is no concept by probably 95% of the masses that anything remotely like Venezuela or Bosnia could happen in the US. They are wrong and will likely be dead wrong when it does happen.

In any event, I found this to be a very well written and plausible wake up call that I have have shared with some others; on FB forums and a few select friends. As much as I’ve read in the past on this subject, you shared your advice on what’s coming and what to do in a unique way that I believe, will get some attention.

May 10, 2019 6:20 pm

Thank you, Brewer.

May 10, 2019 11:52 pm

A perfect storm example: In November 1979 an Air New Zealand DC10 hit the side of Mt Erebus in Antarctica. All the elements of the disaster came together. Take away just one of those elements and the crash would never have happened.