Looks like China may have lost control of their debt saturated economy and rigged financial markets. It surely couldn’t happen here in the good ole US of A. We have honest free markets. Right? Debt isn’t a problem for us. Right?

It seems futures are down a tad in the U.S. – 400 points. Someone call the PPT at the NY Fed and tell them to buy, buy, buy. Where’s Ben B when you need him? Oh yeah – he’s making a $300,000 speech at a Goldman Sachs luncheon about how he saved the world.  

Here We Go Again: China Halts Trading For The Entire Day After Another 7% Crash

Tyler Durden's picture


Chinese traders unsure what to do for the rest of the day

“I won’t short the CSI 300 again I promise”


“Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” –  Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

The lies we tell ourselves are only exceeded by the lies perpetrated by those controlling the levers of our society. We’ve lost respect for ourselves and others, transforming from citizens with obligations to consumers with desires. The love of mammon has left our country a hollowed out, debt ridden shell of what it once was.  When I see the data from surveys about the amount of debt being carried by people in this country and match it up with the totals reported by the Federal Reserve, I’m honestly flabbergasted that so many people choose to live a lie. By falling for the false materialistic narrative of having it all today, millions of Americans have enslaved themselves in trillions of debt. The totals are breathtaking to behold:

Total mortgage debt – $13.6 trillion ($9.9 trillion residential)

Total credit card debt – $924 billion

Total auto loan debt – $1.0 trillion

Total student loan debt – $1.3 trillion

Other consumer debt – $300 billion

With 118 million occupied households in the U.S., that comes to $145,000 per household. But, when you consider only 74 million of the households are owner occupied and approximately 26 million of those are free and clear of mortgage debt, that leaves millions of people with in excess of $200,000 in mortgage debt. Keeping up with the Joneses has taken on a new meaning as buying a 6,000 sq ft McMansion with 3% down became the standard operating procedure for a vast swath of image conscious Americans. When you are up to your eyeballs in debt, you don’t own anything. You are living a lie.

Continue reading “LIVING A LIE”


There were a few different stories coming out over the last few days that reveal the true nature of government and the apparatchiks who use disinformation, devious machinations, fraudulent accounting, and taxpayer money to cover up their criminality, lies, and the true state of the American economy. The use of government accounting tricks to obscure the truth about our dire financial straits is designed to keep the masses sedated and confused.

A few weeks ago, to great fanfare from the fawning faux journalists who never question any Washington D.C. propaganda, they announced the lowest annual deficit of Obama’s reign of error.

For the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 the shortfall was $439 billion, a decrease of 9%, or $44 billion, from last year. The deficit is the smallest of Barack Obama’s presidency and the lowest since 2007 in both dollar terms and as a percentage of gross domestic product.

Jack Lew, the Treasury Secretary, and Obama were ecstatic as they boasted about this tremendous accomplishment. I find it disgusting that our leaders hail a $439 billion deficit as a feather in their cap, when until the mid-2000’s the country had never had an annual deficit above $300 billion. After 183 years as a country, the entire national debt was only $427 billion in 1972. Now our beloved leaders cheer annual deficits above that figure. What a warped, deformed, dysfunctional nation we’ve become.



“And the little screaming fact that sounds through all history: repression works only to strengthen and knit the repressed.” John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

Everyone has seen the pictures of the unemployed waiting in soup lines during the Great Depression. When you try to tell a propaganda believing, willfully ignorant, mainstream media watching, math challenged consumer we are in the midst of a Greater Depression, they act as if you’ve lost your mind. They will immediately bluster about the 5.1% unemployment rate, record corporate profits, and stock market near all-time highs. The cognitive dissonance of these people is only exceeded by their inability to understand basic mathematical concepts.

The reason you don’t see huge lines of people waiting in soup lines during this Greater Depression is because the government has figured out how to disguise suffering through modern technology. During the height of the Great Depression in 1933, there were 12.8 million Americans unemployed. These were the men pictured in the soup lines. Today, there are 46 million Americans in an electronic soup kitchen line, as their food is distributed through EBT cards (with that angel of mercy JP Morgan reaping billions in profits by processing the transactions).



The housing market peaked in 2005 and proceeded to crash over the next five years, with existing home sales falling 50%, new home sales falling 75%, and national home prices falling 30%. A funny thing happened after the peak. Wall Street banks accelerated the issuance of subprime mortgages to hyper-speed. The executives of these banks knew housing had peaked, but insatiable greed consumed them as they purposely doled out billions in no-doc liar loans as a necessary ingredient in their CDOs of mass destruction.

The millions in upfront fees, along with their lack of conscience in bribing Moody’s and S&P to get AAA ratings on toxic waste, while selling the derivatives to clients and shorting them at the same time, in order to enrich executives with multi-million dollar compensation packages, overrode any thoughts of risk management, consequences, or  the impact on homeowners, investors, or taxpayers. The housing boom began as a natural reaction to the Federal Reserve suppressing interest rates to, at the time, ridiculously low levels from 2001 through 2004 (child’s play compared to the last six years).



If you are visually oriented, the four charts below will explain all you need to know about our “strong” job growth. LF stands for Labor Force. The BLS decides whether you are in the labor force or not, based upon whatever their politician bosses tell them to report. If you have been out of work for too long, you’re not in the labor force. If you have been turned down for 50 job openings and have thrown in the towel, you’re not in the labor force. If you take a $40,000 Obama student loan and enroll at the University of Phoenix in Transgender Studies, you’re not in the labor force.

Far more working age Americans are leaving the workforce than getting jobs.


The Oligarch Recovery: Low Income Americans Can’t Afford To Live In Any Metro Area

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

We were told we needed to bail out Wall Street in order to save Main Street. Well the results are in…

Wall Street has never done better, and Main Street has never done worse.

From the Huffington Post:

Low-income workers and their families do not earn enough to live in even the least expensive metropolitan American communities, according to a new analysis of families’ living costs published Wednesday.


The analysis, released by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute, is an annual update of the think tank’s Family Budget Calculator that reflects new 2014 data. The Family Budget Calculator is a formula designed to determine the income “required for families to attain a secure yet modest standard of living” in 618 different communities across the country that the U.S. Census Bureau defines as metropolitan areas. The formula uses data collected by the government and some nonprofit groups to measure costs of housing, food, child care, transportation, health care, “other necessities” like clothing, and taxes for families of 10 different compositions in these specific locales.


The updated Family Budget Calculator shows that even the most affordable metropolitan areas in the country are beyond the reach of millions of American families with incomes above the official federal poverty level. The official federal poverty level for a family of two parents and two children in 2014 was $24,008, according to the EPI. But the least expensive metropolitan area in the country for this family type is Morristown, Tennessee, where a family needs an income of $49,114, according to the Economic Policy Institute’s budget calculator.

Continue reading “The Oligarch Recovery: Low Income Americans Can’t Afford To Live In Any Metro Area”


The government released their monthly CPI report this week. Even though it came in at an annualized rate of 3.6%, they and their mouthpieces in the corporate mainstream media dutifully downplayed the uptrend. They can’t let the plebs know the truth. That might upend their economic recovery storyline and put a crimp into their artificial free money, zero interest rate, stock market rally. If they were to admit inflation is rising, the Fed would be forced to raise rates. That is unacceptable in our rigged .01% economy. There are banker bonuses, CEO stock options, corporate stock buyback earnings per share goals and captured politician elections at stake.

The corporate MSM immediately shifted the focus to the annual CPI figure of 0.1%. That’s right. Your government keepers expect you to believe the prices you pay to live your everyday life have been essentially flat in the last year. Anyone who lives in the real world, not the BLS Bizarro world of models, seasonal adjustments, hedonic adjustments, and substitution adjustments, knows this is a lie. The original concept of CPI was to measure the true cost of maintaining a constant standard of living. It should reflect your true inflation of out of pocket costs to live a daily existence in this country.

Instead, it has become a manipulated statistic using academic theories as a cover to systematically under-report the true level of inflation. The purpose has been to cut annual cost of living adjustments to Social Security and other government benefits, while over-estimating the true level of GDP. Artificially low inflation figures allow the mega-corporations who control the country to keep wage increases to workers low. Under-reporting the true level of inflation also allows the Federal Reserve to keep their discount rate far lower than it would be in an honest free market. The Wall Street banks, who own and control the Federal Reserve, are free to charge 18% on credit card balances while paying .25% to savers. The manipulation of the CPI benefits the vested interests, impoverishes the masses, and slowly but surely contributes to the destruction of our economic system.

A deep dive into Table 2 from the BLS reveals some truth and uncovers more lies. Their weighting of everyday living expenditures is warped and purposefully misleading. Let’s look at the annual increases in some food items we might consume in the course of a month, living in this empire of lies:

  • Ground Beef – 10.1%
  • Roast Beef – 11.8%
  • Steak – 11.1%
  • Eggs – 21.8%
  • Chicken – 3.7%
  • Coffee – 3.4%
  • Sugar – 4.2%
  • Candy – 4.6%
  • Snacks – 3.5%
  • Salt & Seasonings – 5.3%
  • Food Away From Home – 3.0%



The charts below certainly reflect a rational free market trend. Right? Home prices always double in the space of three years when the economy is limping along with sub 2% GDP growth and median real household income is still 7% below the levels of 2007 and equal to levels of 1989. These are the median home prices, so they aren’t even skewed by the really high end prices.

San Francisco is now unaffordable to 99% of the US population. Only the richest of the rich can afford to live there. The titans of technology usually lean to the left and spout gibberish about equal rights, going green, and fighting poverty as they occupy gated estates with armed guards to keep the riff raff out. They want the rest of the country to do what they say, not what they do. They don’t want the peasants living near them. The help can live in Stockton and take the bus to arrive on time to clean their toilets.


Continue reading “SF – NO BUBBLE HERE”


It seems hard to believe, but your government is purposely recreating the mortgage debacle of 2007 and putting you on the hook for the billions in losses coming down the road. In their frantic effort to generate the appearance of economic recovery they are willing to gamble with taxpayer’s money while luring unsuspecting blue collar folks into buying houses they can’t afford. During the previous housing bubble, greedy Wall Street bankers, deceitful mortgage brokers, and corrupt rating agencies colluded to commit the greatest control fraud in the history of mankind. This time it is your government, aided and abetted by the Federal Reserve, that is actively promoting the lending of money to people incapable of paying it back. And again, you the taxpayer will be on the hook when it predictably blows up.

The FHA, created during the first Great Depression, is supposed to be self-sustaining through mortgage insurance premiums charged to homeowners, just like Fannie, Freddie, Medicare, Social Security, and student loan lending were supposed to be self- sustaining through taxes, fees, and interest. This agency was supposed to promote homeownership for lower income Americans, but has been used by politicians as a tool to capture votes, payoff crony capitalist benefactors, and as a Keynesian stimulus tool designed to kindle a fake housing recovery. They entered the fray at the tail end of the last Fed/Wall Street created housing bubble, insuring a huge number of subprime mortgage loans from 2007 through 2009. The taxpayer has already had to bail out this incompetent, politically motivated, joke of an agency to the tune of $1.7 billion in 2014.

Edward J. Pinto, a former Fannie Mae official, estimates that under standard accounting practices the agency is already insolvent to the tune of $25 billion. Mark to fantasy accounting hasn’t just benefitted the criminal Wall Street cabal, but also the bloated pig government housing agencies – Fannie, Freddie and the FHA. The FHA’s share of new loans with mortgage insurance stood at 16.4% in 2005 and currently stands at 44.3%. This is a ridiculously high level considering the percentage of first time home buyers is near all-time lows and low income buyers have lower real median household income than they had in 2005. Distinguished congresswoman Maxine Waters, who once declared: “We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”, prior to them imploding and costing taxpayers $187 billion in losses, thinks the FHA is doing a bang up job. Her financial acumen is unquestioned, so you can expect another bailout in the near future.



“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell

Every time the BLS puts out their monthly propaganda report on the wonderful state of the U.S. jobs market and states with a straight face the unemployment rate is a measly 5.5%, their corporate mouthpieces in the mainstream cheerleader media regurgitate the fake numbers and urge you to buy stocks. The millionaire talking heads on CNBC and the corrupt bought off politicians in D.C. make broad sweeping declarations about economic recovery, strong job growth, GDP advancement, record highs in the stock market, and soaring consumer confidence.

The people living in the real world know otherwise, but they want to believe the “experts” and “leaders”. This dichotomy between reality and what they are being told is causing a tremendous amount of mental stress. This cognitive dissonance of attempting to reconcile what they are experiencing in their every day existence and the propaganda being peddled at them on a daily basis from big media, big bankers, corporate titans, and captured politicians pulling the strings and running the show, is causing psychological discomfort. Most people want their lives to get better, so to reduce their cognitive dissonance they choose to believe the government and media reports about economic improvement.

It is only a small minority who want to know the unvarnished truth. They are drawn to alternative media websites, which the the captured corporate media refers to as doom sites. These critical thinking individuals understand the facts. The Deep State propaganda has no impact on these people because they have no cognitive dissonance. They know things are far worse than what is reported by the government and their media whores. Knowing the truth and seeing how the majority remain willfully ignorant results in rising anger among truth seekers. Huxley was right.

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad.” Aldous Huxley



The captured corporate MSM is celebrating the six year anniversary of when the stock market bottomed in March 2009. They will spin a false narrative of Bernanke, Obama and Geithner saving the world with TARP, QE, and the $800 billion Porkulus bill. What great heroes. Bernanke now gets $300,000 for a lunchtime speech at Bank of America gatherings. He is raking in north of $10 million per year now. He made $200,000 per year as the Fed Chairman. His wisdom must be on par with Jesus Christ to get $300,000 for a one hour speech. Bernanke’s Sermon on the Mount tour:

The millions he is getting paid by the Wall Street banks for speeches isn’t a payoff. Right?

Bernanke and Geithner stopped the market from falling in March 2009 by threatening the accounting geeks at the FASB and forcing them to allow fraudulent reporting by the insolvent Wall Street banks. The crisis ended – precisely – on March 16, 2009, when the Financial Accounting Standards Board abandoned FAS 157 “mark-to-market” accounting, in response to Congressional pressure from the House Committee on Financial Services and threats from Bernanke and Geithner on March 12, 2009. That change immediately removed the threat of widespread insolvency by making insolvency opaque. Mark to fantasy was born. Profits for everyone!!!

The fix was in. Every Wall Street bank was insolvent in March 2009. Citicorp and Bank of America were dead. There were hundreds of billions in worthless toxic mortgage securities, derivatives, auto loans, and credit card debt sitting on their books. FAS 157 required them to price those assets at what they could sell them for in the market. You remember free market capitalism? Something is worth whatever an independent party is willing to pay. The fat cats love free market capitalism when they are making billions. Not so much when they blow up the financial system and are faced with the consequences of THEIR actions.



It ain’t over until it’s over. The lows were not reached in 2009. Central bank manipulations and schemes temporarily delayed reaching a true bottom. They have failed. A true secular bottom would be 60% to 80% below today’s levels. Are you prepared for that? That would put the Dow at 7,000 or below. Do you think that is impossible? It was trading at 6,500 in March of 2009. If Bernanke and Geithner hadn’t forced the FASB to allow Wall Street bankers to value their worthless assets as if they were worth 100 cents on the dollar, the 4,000 secular low would have been reached. Now we will pay the price with a far worse scenario. The Fed has shot their load. Fourth Turnings are relentless and nasty.

Are We About to Enter a Secular Bear Market?

Guest Post by Chris Hunter


Source: wikimedia

Today’s chart, from the folks at Crestmont Research, speaks volumes about current investor behavior.

In particular, it calls into question claims being bandied about in the mainstream media that we could be at the start of a new secular bull market in US stocks.

It shows that previous secular (long-term) bear market cycles tend to start when the US stock market is trading on a Shiller P/E – a price-to-earnings ratio is based on average inflation-adjusted earnings from the previous 10 years – of between 20 and 25 (blue-shaded area on the chart).

Continue reading “IT AIN’T OVER ‘TIL IT’S OVER”


I wonder who could have predicted this. Oh Yeah. Me. I wrote Subprime Auto Nation in September 2012. The entire auto recovery storyline peddled to the masses over the last few years is a sham. It’s just another Federal Reserve easy money created subprime bubble. Ally Financial and the rest of the Wall Street criminal syndicate have doled out subprime auto loans to any high school dropout that can fog a mirror, quicker than Bill Clinton does interns. The entire scheme was to give the appearance of an economic recovery and not worry about the future losses. The taxpayer would pick those up. The falsity of the fantastic auto sales meme is proven by the fact that automaker profits have fallen and their stocks are lower than they were in 2010.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost. 1 out of 12 subprime borrowers have failed to make payments within the first nine months of taking the loan. I wonder how many will make all the payments over the 7 years of their loan?

WTF did highly educated finance professionals think would happen when you loaned Shaquesha Jackson, with a 630 credit score, $40,000 to buy a Cadillac Escalade? Did they think she would make the payments with her EBT card? Did the fact she had defaulted on prior loans convince them she had learned her lesson? There are $40,000 vehicles all over West Philly, parked in front of $25,000 hovels. Who in their right mind thought lending money to these people for a rapidly depreciating vehicle was a good idea? Only an Ivy League educated Princeton economist could think this would work. Or maybe they just wanted to keep the ponzi going long enough to exit the Federal Reserve and start making $300,000 per lunchtime speech about how he saved the world.  

The delinquency rates on all car loans at 2.6% are already approaching 2008 levels. I might want to remind you the government and MSM have been telling you we are in the midst of a strong economic recovery. As 2015 erodes into a greater depression, these default rates will soar well past 2008-2009 levels. The coming shitstorm created by the easy money mal-investment over the last five years is going to be epic.


Even Mark Zandi Admits It: Auto Loan “Credit Quality Is Eroding Now, And Pretty Quickly”

Tyler Durden's picture

Just 2 days after President Obama reflected on his glorious ‘save’ of the US auto industryforgetting to explain how so much of this ‘buying frenzy’ has been predicated on massive low-quality-borrower-based credit extensionsThe Wall Street Journal bursts the bubble of ‘contained-ness’. Auto loan delinquency rates are surging to levels not seen since 2008 and stunningly, more than 8.4% of borrowers with weak credit scores who took out loans in the first quarter of 2014 had missed payments by November. As even glass-half-full-status-quo-hugger Mark Zandi is forced to admit, “It’s clear that credit quality is eroding now, and pretty quickly.”



As The Wall Street Journal reports,


The precedent was set in March of 2009 when Bernanke and Geithner threatened the wimpy accountants at the FASB and forced them to waive the mark to market accounting rules, so the Too Big To Trust Wall Street Criminal Banks could lie and produce fictitious financial statements. When you’re insolvent, just make up the numbers on your financial statements, with the blessing of the government, Federal Reserve and FASB.

It seems the mega-corporations that make up the S&P 500 have taken the lesson to heart. When your profits are falling, just produce alternatives numbers that show them rising. As someone with an accounting degree and a CPA license I can tell you they don’t teach NON-GAAP accounting in college. There are no questions on the CPA exam referencing NON-GAAP accounting. That is because NON-GAAP means nothing. It is nothing but a lie. Both the Wall Street shysters and the captured corporate MSM report this bullshit with a straight face as if it is the truth. It’s not.

Everyone knows the BIG LIE works if you state it loud enough and keep repeating it. There are executive stock options to cash and Wall Street banker bonuses to be paid out. Truth is treason in an empire of lies.