‘Gulags Weren’t That Bad’: Sanders Staffer Says Trump Supporters Will Need To Be ‘Re-Educated In Camps’

Via ZeroHedge

An undercover operative for Project Veritas has filmed a rabid Bernie Sanders field organizer who claims that “cities will burn” if President Trump is reelected this year, and that Trump supporters will need to be reeducated in literal gulags, similar to what Germany did to ‘Nazified’ Germans after World War II.

“Do you even think, that some of these, like, MAGA people could be “re-educated?” asks the Veritas journalist in a preview of Tuesday’s exposé (set for full release at Noon, ET).

“We gotta try, so like, in Nazi Germany after the fall of the Nazi party, there was a shit-ton of the populace that was fucking Nazi-fied,” said field organizer Kyle Jurek.

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Trump’s In-Kind Contribution to Bernie

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Trump's In-Kind Contribution to Bernie

With the killing of the general and the possibility of a U.S.-Iran war rising, Bernie is the Democratic candidate whose anti-war credentials are the longest and strongest and whose position of avoiding war with Iran is most in sync with the majority of the party he seeks to lead.

The directed killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s blood-soaked field marshal in the “forever war” of the Middle East, has begun to roil the politics of both the region and the USA.

A stunned and shaken Iran retaliated by firing a dozen missiles at two U.S. bases in Iraq. Yet, before launching the attack, Iran signaled that its retaliation would be strictly proportionate, to avoid an escalation.

U.S. forces were warned where the missiles would hit. Result: zero U.S. casualties in the two strikes.

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One huge reason millennials love gray-haired candidates like Bernie Sanders

Via Marketwatch

On the surface, the strong attraction that millennials have for the three senior-citizen Democrats running for president — Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (who’s 70), former Vice President Joe Biden (77) and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (78) — seems odd.

What on Earth would millennials — the first Americans to come of age in the 21st century, the first true digital generation — have in common with this trio of gray hairs?

Several things, actually, but here is the most important thread linking young and old: The candidates think that capitalism as we know it today isn’t working as it should, and that most Americans are getting the economic shaft. Millennials agree.

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In Search Of A Cleaner Fuel, Bernie Sanders Experiments With Burning Giant Pile Of Tax Dollars

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Bernie Sanders has revealed he and his team have been working on an alternative to gasoline: an innovative new idea of burning a giant pile of tax dollars instead of outdated, harmful fossil fuels.

Sanders experimented with hundreds of different blends, from a mix of coins and dollars to pallets of hundred-dollar bills. But he finally settled on a giant pyramid of cash when he made his big breakthrough.

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Bernie Sanders Arrives In Hong Kong To Lecture Protesters On How Good They Have It Under Communism

Via The Babylon Bee

HONG KONG—As soon as Bernie Sanders heard about the democratic protesters in Hong Kong, he knew something had to be done. The U.S. senator quickly chartered a flight to Hong Kong in order to throw himself into the fray.

Sanders bravely stood in the middle of the conflict between police and protesters, shouting at the “ungrateful little dissenters” that they don’t know how good they have it under a Communist regime.

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Sanders Campaign Raises Pay To $700 Per Hour By Laying Off Everyone Except Bernie

Via The Babylon Bee

Washington, D.C—According to an official press release from the Bernie 2020 campaign, presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders will be raising his staff’s minimum pay to $700 per hour. While some questioned the feasibility of the new plan, the release explained that this can easily be accomplished by laying off everyone except Bernie Sanders.

Despite tirelessly advocating for a $15 federal minimum wage on the campaign trail, Sanders has recently been the center of controversy after complaints by his staff that they were being paid only $13 per hour.

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Hilarious Hypocrisy: Sanders Campaign Workers Demand $15 Minimum Hourly Wage

Via ZeroHedge

In the Senate, Bernie Sanders is battling to raise the national minimum wage to $15 an hour (a decision that would almost certainly lead to the destruction of millions of low-skill, low-pay jobs, but we digress). But some of his own campaign workers say they’re being forced to survive on less – some calculate their pay at $13 an hour for a 60-hour workweek – and now they’re demanding more.

Sanders’ unionized campaign organizers have leaked a story to the Washington Post where they complain about how their pay doesn’t meet the standards that Sanders supposedly believes should be applied to all Americans.


The embarrassing story, Sanders’ campaign field organizers, who occupy the lowest rung on the campaign staff ladder, complain that they’re being forced to depend on payday loans to survive and that, in one state, four people have quit in the past month because of their financial struggles (though, if one is struggling financially, giving up one’s only source of income would seem to make little sense).

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Nike Releases Bernie Sanders Signature Shoe That Helps You Survive Under Socialism

Via The Babylon Bee

BEAVERTON, OR—Nike has released a new patriotic shoe just in time for the Fourth of July: the Sanders Air Marx, the official, signature shoe of Senator Bernie Sanders.

Every pair of Air Marx is emblazoned with Sanders’ signature and iconic “crazy old man” silhouette. The shoes pack in all kinds of useful features for people living in a socialist regime, including the following:

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Bernie Sanders Vows To Fight For $15 Maximum Wage

Via The Babylon Bee

HARTFORD, CT—At a rally over the weekend, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders promised to fight for a nation where no one can earn over $15 an hour.

“We live in a land where people can slave away and earn a lot of money,” he said, flapping his arms about, his fingers flopping around like sausages. “The only fair thing to do is to enact a maximum wage. Every penny beyond $15 an hour will be taken away and given to our benefactors in the federal government, where it will be put to much better use.”

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Bernie & Joe: Two Old White Males Take the Lead

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Bernie & Joe: Two Old White Males Take the Lead

Biden and Bernie may be wheezing, but the old white boys are out in front of the pack.

In 2018, a record turnout of women, minorities and young added 40 House seats to Democratic ranks and made Nancy Pelosi speaker.

This, we were told, is the new diversity coalition — women, people of color, millennials — that will take down The Donald in 2020.

So, how has the Democratic field sorted itself out half a year later?

According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls, two old white guys, Joe Biden, 76, and Bernie Sanders, 77, are setting the pace and have together corralled more than half of all Democrats.

There is a good chance the party of minorities, millennials and women will be led in 2020 by a white man who would be the oldest candidate ever nominated by a major party.

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