Biden Is Not Yet Inaugurated and the Establishment Is Already Fomenting Civil War

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Trump was demonized before he was inaugurated. He was demonized because he was correctly perceived by the Establishment as a threat to the Establishment.  Trump’s election surprised the Establishment.  The Establishment thought that Establishment control over the media guaranteed their power and was astonished to realize that enough American voters saw through their lies and propaganda to elect a non-establishment figure.

The world does not understand that the American Establishment has a propaganda organization that shames the one assembled by Joseph Goebbels. The American media, never very independent, lost all semblance to independence during the Clinton regime when 90% of the US media was concentrated into six hands and converted into a completely obedient tool of the Establishment.  Anyone who doubts this should explain why on every issue the presstitutes speak with one voice, which is never the voice of the people.

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The Strange Election Looking Forward

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

This turnout for this 2020 election shattered previous highs, including 2008 when Barack Obama defeated John McCain, 1960 when John F. Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon, and 1908 when William Howard Taft defeated William Jennings Bryan reaching 66.2%. That came out to just over 155 million votes. That was about 15 million more than what should have been expected. We warned that you could can clearly see there is a Directional Change due in 2021 and that we should expect now a rising trend in political turnout into 2022. Some were projecting a turnout of 140 million with 80 million voting by mail.

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The Grand Inevitability of Unavoidable Endings

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

It is true people are known by their actions. We are what we do. Or, more specifically, we are what we do and not what we say we’ll do. Actions speak louder than words.  It means if the swamp were to be truly drained, there would have been a steady progression of media revelations indicating genuine results during the Trump administration. Therefore, to quantify any progress of swamp draining, I collated headlines in a series of articles posted in the spring and summer of 2018. The objective at that time was to identify actual trends prior to the midterm elections based upon reported news, instead of political spin, empty promises, smoke and mirrors.

The final compilation of the series of articles was posted on September 1, 2018 and was entitled “Destination in Sight”. It summarized specific trends in accordance with previous monthly postings and there were two prominent progressions identified: 1.) The advancement of Socialism and 2.) The technological ascendency of Orwell’s Big Brother.

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Doug Casey on Whether Your Vote Can Prevent a Civil War?

Guest Post by Doug Casey via International Man

your vote

Democracy is vastly overrated.

It’s not like the consensus of a bunch of friends agreeing to see the same movie. Most often, it boils down to a kinder and gentler variety of mob rule, dressed in a coat and tie. The essence of positive values like personal liberty, wealth, opportunity, fraternity, and equality lies not in democracy, but in free minds and free markets where government becomes trivial. Democracy focuses people’s thoughts on politics, not production; on the collective, not on their own lives.

Although democracy is just one way to structure a state, the concept has reached cult status; unassailable as political dogma. It is, as economist Joseph Schumpeter observed, “a surrogate faith for intellectuals deprived of religion.” Most of the founders of America were more concerned with liberty than democracy. Tocqueville saw democracy and liberty as almost polar opposites.

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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair

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Upton Sinclair was describing willful ignorance based upon who butters your bread. The rampant corruption of our society, as power has been consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, has resulted in our political, financial, cultural and economic systems being captured by a billionaire class who use their wealth to dictate the path we are forced to follow – or lose everything.

The sociopath class include the Silicon Valley social media titans, the billionaires running the six mainstream media companies, the rogue billionaires like Soros and Bloomberg who fund chaos and foment insurrection, the Deep State surveillance agency operatives like Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Mueller doing the bidding of the oligarchy, Wall Street criminals like Dimon, Paulson, and Blankfein doing god’s work, and last but certainly not least – Powell, Yellen, Bernanke and slimy Kashkari priming the pump for the never ending systematic pillaging of the nation’s wealth.


Everything Changes After Kenosha… “Divided We Stand”

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog,

It would always come to this. At some point there would be a reckoning for BLM and Antifa.

The shootings in Kenosha, WI are a dividing line for America.

This is the moment where normal people finally said, “Enough. There will be consequences. “

This is a war between radicalized lunatics bathed in unquenchable envy and self-pity and those who refuse to act like victims.

But they are victims.

All of us are. On both sides of the divide.

We are victims of a vicious program to divide and conquer the U.S. through a culture war designed to dehumanize each other.

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Watch Out Hoodlums… Victims May Start Fighting Back Much More!

Authored by Adam Dick via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

There are hoodlums across America looting and burning down businesses, banging on people’s vehicles while ordering drivers rudely where to drive, bearing down on people to intimidate them into expressing support for this or that cause, and committing other crimes of violence and property destruction.

Many of these hoodlums say things about black lives mattering, white supremacy or systemic racism being bad, reparations for slavery being needed, or some other message related to politics or race. Other hoodlums do not say such things but take their actions while in a group of people, many of whom are saying such.

All that talk concerning politics and race is beside the point. The people taking these actions are hoodlums.

Continue reading “Watch Out Hoodlums… Victims May Start Fighting Back Much More!”


During questioning by Senator Ron Johnson in 2013 about the false narrative of a Prophet Muhammed video spurring a spontaneous demonstration, presented by National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, regarding the Benghazi attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, Clinton angrily responded with her now famous quote.

“With all due respect, the fact is, we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night who decide to kill some Americans, what difference at this point does it make?” – Hillary Clinton

Pin on humour

I’ve lately found myself saying “what difference does it make” regarding the outrages being inflicted upon myself and my fellow citizens on a daily basis.

I’ve been railing for years against out of control government spending; undeclared never-ending wars across the globe provoked by the military industrial complex; un-Constitutional surveillance of Americans by our Deep State government overseers; the extreme greed and criminality exhibited by Wall Street bankers as they pillage the national treasure; corrupt politicians of both parties paid off to do the bidding of their corporate sponsors; propaganda spewing fake news media corporations; the Deep State running things behind the curtain; and the destroyer of worlds – the Federal Reserve – debasing our currency as they enrich the few at the expense of the many.


Blood Money: The Civil War and the Federal Reserve

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Continuing from the prior column– — John Remington Graham’s thesis that the mis-named “civil war” was fomented by bankers who desired a large national debt that they could acquire in order to expand and contract currency and credit and thus control the economy and government, I present today with permission Graham’s analysis of the repeal, in effect, of the Missouri Compromise ( ) .

The Missouri compromise was put in place by statesmen determined to keep the North and the South, two separate countries with different legislative interests, in a state of even power in the US Senate. The compromise admitted Maine as a non-slave state and Missouri as a slave state.  Thus, North and South retained the same number of senators, which forced compromise if anything was to happen.

Continue reading “Blood Money: The Civil War and the Federal Reserve”

Did Bankers Foment the “Civil War”?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In my last two columns, sufficient evidence was provided that the Lincoln regime was an unconstitutional war crime regime and that the so-called “civil war” was an act of northern aggression against the South initiated by Lincoln for the  purpose of saving the Union. See:


Slavery was not an issue.

The Southern states seceded because the Republicans passed a high tariff.

For the North the issue was preserving the empire (saving the Union).

Continue reading “Did Bankers Foment the “Civil War”?”


Written in August 2017 when the leftists first started pulling down statues. It applies perfectly again today. My conclusions stand.

“True patriotism sometimes requires of men to act exactly contrary, at one period, to that which it does at another, and the motive which impels them the desire to do right is precisely the same.” Robert E. Lee

Image result for toppled statue durham nc

I consider myself a student of history. I’ve always been fascinated by the personalities who drove events throughout history. I probably would have been a history major in college if I didn’t feel the need to make enough money to support myself and my family. I chose a business major and decided studying history would be my hobby. Over the years I’ve taken a particular interest in the Civil War. You could even call me a Civil War buff.


DHS Plans On Killing People and Blaming It On Americans

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Only because I can read the future.
Nice try ABC, but we know how you guys operate by now. Please don’t kill people to try and start a civil war, even if they deserve it.

Via ZeroHedge

Anti-Lockdown Protesters Could Become Violent If US Revives Quarantine Measures, DHS Warns

Lockdowns and strict social distancing rules have collapsed local economies, led to depression-level unemployment, and sparked outrage among many Americans, resulting in nationwide reopening protests. A new report via the Department of Homeland Security Counterterrorism Mission Center, first seen by ABC News, warns if additional lockdowns are seen, it could very well spark violence.

“A variety of illicit actors are responding violently to stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures in place due to COVID-19, and we assess both public and private authority figures and essential workers are at highest risk of being targeted, particularly as the pandemic persists,” DHS said in the report, which was distributed to law enforcement and the federal government agencies last week.

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“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”Patrick Henry

Hilts in The Great Escape | BAMF Style

“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”Samuel Adams

After observing the reaction of the America people, over the last two months, to a virus that will not kill 99.97% of them, I wondered how could a country created upon the blood and courage of patriot farmers and leaders who knew they would hang if their revolution failed, have degenerated into an infantilized nation of obedient slaves to un-Constitutionalized authoritarianism. It saddens me that a country borne by revolutionary means against an overbearing authoritarian monarchy has turned into a nation of bed-wetters curled up in their basements sucking their thumbs, begging government overlords to protect them from a virus.

I guess it shouldn’t be surprising after decades of government public school indoctrination where U.S. History facts have been usurped by feelings, diversity and gender agendas pushed by less than mediocre teachers. Government controlled education hasn’t taught children to think critically or question authority, but to obey rules and allow emotions to drive their actions. When multiple generations have been programmed to feel, rather than think, using panic and fear to make them do as they are told isn’t a difficult task. This pandemic reaction is a testament to their decades long propaganda and misinformation campaign. Rather than developing herd immunity the country developed a herd mentality.


THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Lincoln, Sherman and Grant plan final stages of Civil War – 1865


On March 27, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln meets with Union generals Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman at City Point, Virginia, to plot the last stages of the Civil War.

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The Dogs of War

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

In that mercifully quiet week between Christmas and New Years, I re-watched Ken Burns’ documentary of the first Civil War, in contemplation of a possible second. What an almighty bloodbath that was. Thousands butchered in minutes in one battle after another, heads and limbs flying, men turned inside-out, and horses, too. The blue and the gray were hostage to their battlefield tactics and didn’t seem to learn from the insane extravagance of souls wasted in massed assaults against massed artillery again and again and again. The population of the whole nation (Confederacy included) was 31 million in 1860 and the war killed two percent of that, almost entirely young men.

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Doug Casey on Trump… and an Impending Civil War?

Via Casey Research

Chris’ note: Chris Reilly here, managing editor for Casey Daily Dispatch.

A couple of weeks ago, I flew out to Aspen, Colorado to catch up with legendary speculator and bestselling author Doug Casey.

It was a fantastic trip. I asked Doug about everything from technology… to the economy… and the resurgence of gold.

Doug also shared his thoughts on President Trump… and more importantly, what could be in store for America.

Like usual, Doug didn’t hold anything back. Today, I want to share our discussion with you…

Read on for this week’s special Conversations With Casey…

Chris: Doug, you predicted that Trump would win the election long before most people even thought he had a chance. Now, almost three years in, how would you rate his presidency?

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