In Part One of this article I exposed the establishment narrative of a strong economy as rubbish by providing hard data regarding imploding gasoline usage, failing bricks and mortar retailers and plunging restaurant sales.

“Inflation may indeed bring benefits for a short time to favored groups, but only at the expense of others. And in the long run it brings ruinous consequences to the whole community. Even a relatively mild inflation distorts the structure of production. It leads to the overexpansion of some industries at the expense of others. This involves a misapplication and waste of capital. When the inflation collapses, or is brought to a halt, the misdirected capital investment—whether in the form of machines, factories or office buildings—cannot yield an adequate return and loses the greater part of its value.Nor is it possible to bring inflation to a smooth and gentle stop, and so avert a subsequent depression.” – Henry Hazlitt – Economics in One Lesson

Inflation is the opium of the masses. The establishment’s interest in dumbing down the masses through government controlled public school indoctrination couldn’t be clearer than examining the chart below. The average non-thinking, math challenged, iGadget distracted, media controlled pawn thinks their household income has risen by $6,000 since 2008 because they have no understanding of Fed created inflation.

Continue reading “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? (PART TWO)”

On Those Without Honor

by Uncola via TheBurningPlatform.com

On Tuesday, February 28th, 2017, President Donald Trump addressed a joint session of congress with a speech that was widely praised, even by his most fervent critics.

Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice, in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present.  That torch is now in our hands. And we will use it to light up the world. I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength, and it is a message deeply delivered from my heart.

In his address, Trump claimed that positive immigration reform was possible as long as lawmakers focused on goals to:

improve jobs and wages for Americans, to strengthen our nation’s security, and to restore respect for our laws.

He offered his vanquished opponents in the Democratic Party much to consider even lamenting the $6 trillion spent in the Middle East in favor of a $1 trillion infrastructure investment here in the United States.  He further expressed his desire to solve many other “pressing problems” involving the economy, the national debt, healthcare, education, poverty and crime.

Continue reading “On Those Without Honor”

In Real Life, Sportsball Doesn’t Matter

by Uncola via TheBurningPlatform.com

I received a text from my kid at college today that said:

Reading the morning the paper and see that since Jan 26, George Orwell’s 1984 book has become the # 1 best seller on Amazon due to Kellyanne Conway coining the term “Alternative Facts” which they say is Orwellian. I still remember doing an analysis on that book.  Crazy how it’s making a comeback.

Indeed.  It is definitely crazy how it is making a comeback

Anyone who doesn’t have their head inverted way up into their rectum knows that Kellyanne was referring to the bias of the mainstream corporate media and the facts they choose NOT to tell; which is a form of censorship. Fortunately, I no longer have to worry about this kid who, in high school, did start to drift a little toward the land of snowflakes.  It took a lot of effort to open the eyes of my young ones through the years, but today, they understand how a mere six corporations, and a little over 200 media executives, control 95% of all news and entertainment.

Continue reading “In Real Life, Sportsball Doesn’t Matter”

Know Your Enemy

by Uncola via TheBurningPlatform.com

In his inaugural address on January 20, 2017, President Donald J. Trump, once again, threw down the gauntlet before his political opponents.  In a declaration of war against a globalist establishment, he reiterated his love of country and his support for common Americans.  Just as during his presidential campaign, Trump promised to put America first on the way to making America great again:

We the citizens of America are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. Together we will determine the course of America, and the world, for many, many years to come. We will face challenges. We will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.

For me, it was reminiscent of the same scorched earth strategy he exhibited during his speech at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner on October 20, 2016.  It appears Trump meant what he said during the campaign and, at this time, he is not acting as a typical politician who lied to get votes only then to change positions once elected into office.

From the very beginning of his speech, Trump identified the demarcation line; or the red line in the sand, that has separated the political establishment from average Americans over the past several decades:

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Frenetic Freaks & Flakes Flirting With Fire

by Uncola via TheBurningPlatform.com

There is no doubt those who oppose Donald Trump are experiencing a great and collective cognitive dissonance as the 45th president begins his first term. In fact, in the days leading up to Trump’s inauguration on January 20, 2017, the agitation was palpable as the haters mourned their crushed worldviews with a sense of abject finality as the inevitable day approached.

Thousands and thousands of Never Trumpers will soon retreat from Washington D.C. and return to their garrisons, ramparts, caves and citadel’s to strategize and perfect new ways of disrupting the body politic over the next four years. As they sharpen their spears and prepare for war, it would be beneficial for them to completely comprehend the depth of their bias and belief. Unfortunately, it won’t happen.

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Stick It Where the Sun Don’t Shine

by Uncola via TheBurningPlatform.com


“When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.”

                                        Jonathan Swift, Irish clergyman and satirist (1667-1745)


It happened on Friday the 13th, in January of 2017.  This was when civil rights icon, Congressman John Lewis of Georgia, labeled Donald J. Trump as an illegitimate president.  Resurrecting the spirit of the Montgomery Bus Boycott from over 60 years ago, Lewis announced his plans to boycott Trump’s inauguration.  In so doing, Lewis used his status as a civil rights leader, and as a U.S. congressman, to denounce the incoming president of the United States; challenge his right to lead; and impugn the will of approximately fifty percent of the American electorate.

Instead of swallowing the bait, however, and responding in kind to the seemingly racist attack by Lewis, President Elect, Donald Trump, used his Twitter account to legitimately question the shameful status of the congressman’s district in Georgia:

Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results.  All talk, talk, talk — no action or results. Sad!

To which the New York Times, and other mainstream media outlets, immediately skewered Trump and reported on his:

Continue reading “Stick It Where the Sun Don’t Shine”

Who Will Watch the Watchers?

by Uncola for TheBurningPlatform.com

On December 15th, 2016 Facebook announced a series of measures designed to address what they have termed the “issue of fake news and hoaxes”.  The assault on fake news by Facebook will consist of four initiatives including:  Easier reporting by readers, flagging stories as disputed, informed sharing and disrupting financial incentives for spammers.

If Facebook readers, in their infinite wisdom, decide a certain shared story is a hoax, they can simply click the right hand corner of the post.  This is great.  Why, it might even make the Facebook community a last line of defense in the online information war.  I don’t know about you, but I, for one, am going to sleep much better knowing this.  What could go wrong?

Next, in order to flag any story as fake news, Facebook has started a program working with third-party fact checking organizations that are “signatories of Poynter’s International Fact Checking Code of Principles”.

Thirdly, “Informed Sharing” is explained by Facebook in this way:

We’re always looking to improve News Feed by listening to what the community is telling us. We’ve found that if reading an article makes people significantly less likely to share it, that may be a sign that a story has misled people in some way. We’re going to test incorporating this signal into ranking, specifically for articles that are outliers, where people who read the article are significantly less likely to share it.

Continue reading “Who Will Watch the Watchers?”


In Part One of this article I discussed the arrival of Grey Champions in previous Fourth Turnings; their attributes, deficiencies, and leadership skills; and why Donald Trump is the Grey Champion of this Fourth Turning – whether you like it or not. Now I will try to make sense of what could happen next.

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people. The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. For those who control the levers of power in Washington and for the global special interests, they partner with these people that don’t have your good in mind. The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.

It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you. The only force strong enough to save our country is us. The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you, the American people.” Donald Trump

Seventy year old Donald Trump has assumed the Grey Champion flagstaff. In an increasingly chaotic world, normal working class Americans in flyover country were seeking a leader who could bring order, defeat the corrupt establishment, make tough decisions, and capture the zeitgeist of this moment in history. The ruling elite oligarchs and their fawning minions, occupying their strongholds in New York, California, Illinois, and D.C., are infuriated the peasants have dared to resist. In their secretive secure spaces, the elites are plotting with one purpose in mind – this uprising must be quelled.