Here’s What an American Economic Collapse Could Actually Look Like (And How It May Be a Lot Different Than Folks Expect)

Guest Post by Daisy Luther

Image result for American Economic Collapse

When we think of “economic collapse” our imaginations usually lead us immediately to the desperation we’ve witnessed in places like Venezuela or Greece. We think of starvation, a complete lack of medical care, and waves of suicide by people who simply can’t survive. We imagine an apocalyptic societal breakdown that is immediately visible.

Here in America, I suspect the collapse is going to look a lot different than it has in these other countries…at least, at first. And in my description, it’s entirely likely you’ll see that many of these signs have been happening all around us for years.

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New Year’s Notions Loosely Liberated and to Some Extent in Sequence

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


You can’t stop what’s comin’. It ain’t all waitin’ on you. That’s vanity.

“No Country for Old Men”, 2007, Miramax Films


It’s a new year and time for new beginnings. But what does it mean exactly? Of course, it’s about time.  I mean, that’s the answer.  It is, truly, about time.  Think about it.  Time has a beginning, middle, and an end.  You were born, a bunch of stuff happened, a lot of stuff is going on now, and, soon, more things will occur. Right up to the end. The very end, that is.

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The Old Tablecloth Trick

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

Newton’s first law of motion states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest.

Therefore, if a tablecloth is spread out on a table and an object, such as the fishbowl above, is placed on that tablecloth, the fishbowl will tend to “want” to remain right where it is.

If the tablecloth were to be yanked away quickly, the fishbowl would move very little. Inertia, having been overcome by the tablecloth, would then be overcome, but the fishbowl, already at rest, would tend to remain right where it had been before – on the table.

And the same is true of human nature. If a government or an economic system collapses, the populace will experience an immediate shock of change, but their tendency will be to adapt as quickly as possible to maintain their previous situation as much as can be accomplished.

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A Modern-Day Paul Revere Not Warning of Noah’s Flood at a Wedding

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

– Luke 17:27


Over the last three months I’ve attended three weddings.  Whatever getting married in a barn signifies or portends, it’s trending, because that was the case for two out of my last three invitations.  Although one of the earlier ceremonies was held in an actual barn, the wedding and reception facilities where I attended this last Saturday appeared to have been specifically remade for human mammals because the venue was beyond elegant.

Being the very first betrothal I can recall ever attending in the month of December, it was no surprise the weather was bad given this time of year.  Fortunately, however, all of the important people were there.  Again, it wasn’t the storm that mattered that evening, but rather, more importantly, who showed-up for the feast. The accommodations were first class, and with all of the beautiful people in attendance, I commented to another guest it was like being in a movie or, at the very least, at a television awards ceremony.

The next morning one of my offspring texted me the following:


Was impressed last night by all the people who came up to you just to chat or for your advice and your handling of what could have been an awkward situation

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Planned Demolition

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

Let’s say that you and several other shareholders owned a large building and you had reason to believe that its structure were faulty. Possibly you’d not maintained the building properly and you now realized that, if it were to fall down, you’d be liable for any damage caused.

If that were the case, once you’d decided that collapse was a near-certainty, your greatest concern, would be that it collapse in such a way that would minimize the economic damage to you and your fellow owners.

This reasoning is the basis for “planned demolition.”

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Three (3) Reasons Why Elections Don’t Matter

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In so many ways, elections in America have become just another manifestation of bread and circuses; like watching a reality TV show when your house is on fire.  It’s why this article was almost named:

“The Inevitableness of Reality Requires Honesty and Acceptance”

Of course, the 2018 Midterm Elections will be analyzed ad nauseam, with other writers and pundits parsing it better than this blogger.  However, suffice it to say:  There was no Blue Wave and Trump has now solidified leadership of his Republican Party; at least more so than during the last two years of his administration.

In a raucous press conference the day after, Trump claimed victory and said his party “defied history to expand our Senate majority”. The president also said his focus in the days prior to the election remained on the senate and pointed out that most of the candidates for whom he campaigned had won their respective races.

Now, with Never-Trump  Republican senators like Bob Corker (R-TN) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ), along with Democrats Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) all gone  – Trump has solidified the senate so as to be in a much better position to navigate any cabinet and court appointments.  Obviously, the bloodletting has already begun, starting with Mr. Magoo himself, Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

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Our Delusional Economy Is Poised To Slam Into The Brick Wall Of Reality

Authored by Chris Martenson via,

Will you thrive, merely survive, or fail?

While life has always been uncertain, today our choices matter more than ever. The decisions each of us make today will determine if we thrive, merely survive, or fail during the future time of upheaval ahead.

The window of opportunity to change course for humanity is all but closed.  There’s simpply no more time to hope that somehow, magically, the world’s entire energy complex will suddently evolve to a bountiful and sustainable new plane — whether by market forces, by maverick billionaires like Elon Musk, or by happy accident.

As we hammer home constantly here at Peak Prosperity, energy is everything. Without it, our society simply can’t function.

And it’s critical to appreciate that it takes an investment of energy to migrate from energy solution to another.

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Chris Martenson: The Whole System Is Rigged

Authored by Chris Martenson via,

As the dog days of summer wind down, it’s hard not to notice how the climate is suffering brutally right now across many areas of the globe.

Crop failures have hit hard across Europe. Australia is under an intense drought. Warm water representing ‘archived heat’ has penetrated deep into the arctic.  Coral reefs are dying through mass bleachings. The stocks of ocean fisheries are in deep trouble. Insect and bird populations remain in a state of collapse.

It couldn’t be any more clear that our society’s demands for ever-more “growth” are taking an increasingly dangerous toll. “Growth” is now the enemy of life on the planet; yet there are precious few leaders willing to admit as much.

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“It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment [experience], it’s wrong.”

Richard P. Feynman

“At a late stage, speculation tends to detach itself from really valuable objects and turn to delusive ones. A larger and larger group of people seeks to become rich without a real understanding of the processes involved. Not surprisingly, swindlers and catchpenny schemes flourish.”

Robert Z. Aliber and Charles P. Kindleberger, Manias, Panics and Crashes

“Excess supply could be more readily absorbed if we increased demand through redistribution. Unfortunately, with tax cuts and austerity, this is not the direction of travel! Our political masters, our esteemed economic advisors and Central Banks have all forgotten about distribution effects of their fiscal and monetary policies.

We have been victims of a long line of theorists and ideologists who utterly failed to address the distribution effects of policies. Ruled by fools so long they conditioned us for more fools at many levels of government and society. Idiocracy may indeed have become built in.”

Dr. Harald Malmgren

Continue reading “QUOTES OF THE DAY”

Because Murica

How Far Can the Americans Be Pushed?

In his article, the Saker articulated in his regular rational and captivating style, the issue of Russian patience, or should we say frustration, with America’s actions and inactions in Syria. And, as I was reading the article, I began to think about looking at the situation from the other side of the mirror in a tongue-in-cheek manner; looking at it from the American perspective.

I thought back to an article I had written on the very same theme some years ago, focusing and predicting on what a desperate America would do.

The sad and ironic reality is that America does not walk the talk of competitiveness and level playing fields. America’s definition of a national threat is different from that of any other country in human history; except perhaps for ancient Rome.

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Three-Hundred-Million Fell from the Eagle’s Aerie

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By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

I had lunch with a friend the other day and he called the mainstream media the “sunshine media” because they are shedding light on all of Trump’s dark deeds with Russia. Not kidding. As I persuasively tried to red-pill him regarding Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Uranium One, the DNC/Clinton/Fusion GPS fake Russian dossier, Obama’s weaponization of the DoJ and FBI against a presidential candidate, FISA warrants and Susan Rice’s felonious unmasking of American citizens illicitly surveilled – I saw a look of confused pity enter his eyes. He thought I was crazy.

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Cliché Series # 2: Racing Against the Sun

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

We all get busy.  So much to do, so little time.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand around talking all day; I have a lot to get done and I’m losing daylight.  Career commitments, family obligations, cooking, cleaning, shopping, mowing lawn, gardening, appointments, meetings, volunteering, reading, studying, writing, or working out; the clock is always ticking; the deadlines constantly looming.

Therefore, we must:  Make hay while the sun shines.

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The Economic Collapse Began Long Ago

By Gerold

My forty-year old Godson was belly-aching about the lack of jobs. He whined it’s all the Boomers’ fault.

I tore a few strips off him. I asked him WTF am I wasting my time researching and writing these articles if he doesn’t read them. Since I had him cornered, I told him a few things he obviously didn’t want to hear.

We are in an economic depression. It was predicted in Strauss and Howe’s 1997 book “The Fourth Turning” [Link]  that occurs every four generations as a time of great turmoil. Their Generational Theory is a framework which explains where we are, how we got here and where we’re going. For more details see ‘Notes” at end.

This is a ‘Stealth Depression.’ The government is doing its utmost to hide it with fake statistics. Their ass media handmaidens are carrying their water telling us everything is wonderful. And, if my Godson believes the ass media, he deserves his fate.

At the bottom of this deception are fake inflation (CPI) statistics. They distort everything else because most economic data is ‘inflation adjusted.’ Consequently, when other economic data such as GDP growth is adjusted with fake inflation statistics, then those numbers are also distorted.

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The American Empire and Economic Collapse

American Empire Collapse

Despite the widespread hope among libertarians, classical liberals, non-interventionists, progressive peaceniks, and all those opposed to the US Empire that it may have some of its murderous reins pulled in with the election of Donald Trump, it appears that such optimism has now been dashed.  While the hope for a less meddlesome US foreign policy is not completely extinguished and would never have existed had the Wicked Witch of Chappaqua been elected, a number of President Trump’s foreign policy actions, so far, have been little different than his recent predecessors.

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In Part One of this article I addressed the deceit of Hillary Clinton and politicians of all stripes as they promise goodies they can never pay for, in order to buy votes and expand their power and control over our lives.

I created the chart below for an article I wrote in 2011 when the national debt stood at $14.8 trillion, with my projection of its growth over the next eight years. I predicted the national debt would reach $20 trillion in 2016 and was ridiculed by arrogant Keynesians who guaranteed their “stimulus” (aka pork) would supercharge the economy and result in huge tax inflows and drastically reduced deficits. As of today, the national debt stands at $19.7 trillion and is poised to reach $20 trillion by the time “The Hope & Change Savior” leaves office on January 20, 2017. I guess I wasn’t really a crazed pessimist after all. I guarantee the debt will reach $25 trillion by the end of the next presidential term, unless the Ponzi scheme collapses into financial depression and World War 3 (a strong probability).

The total disregard for the most perilous issue confronting the nation by politicians of all stripes is a national disgrace, proving beyond a doubt the elite ruling class has no conscience, no sense of morality, and no loyalty to the common people or future generations. The sociopaths who act as if they are in control addressed the 2008 global debt meltdown by adding tens of trillions in new debt to an already unsustainable system, setting the world on a course towards total financial collapse and world war.


What Life Will Be Like After an Economic Collapse

Via Survival Sullivan

If you have been waiting for a public announcement or news headline to let you know that an economic collapse has begun, you are in for the surprise of your life. If history in other countries and in Detroit, Michigan is any indication, there won’t be an announfcement. An economic collapse tends to sneak up on a city, region, or country gradually over time. In some cases, the arrival of an economic collapse is so gradual that most people living in it aren’t even aware of it at first.

Things just get gradually worse, often so gradually that people and families adjust as best they can until one day they actually realize that it’s not just their home or their neighborhood that has been hit so hard financially, it’s everyone. By that time, it’s often too late to take preventative action.

In March of 2011, Detroit’s population was reported as having fallen to 713,777, the lowest it had been in a century and a full 25% drop from 2000. In December 2011, the state announced its intention to formally review Detroit’s finances. In May of 2013, almost two years later, the city is deemed “clearly insolvent” and in July of 2013, the state representative filed a Chapter 9 bankruptcy petition for Motor City. Detroit became one of the biggest cities to file bankruptcy in history.

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