The 5 Stages of America

Via Automatic Earth

TAE Summary :

“America is a corpse being devoured by maggots. The Democrats root for the maggots, the Republicans root for the corpse.”

Our beloved American Empire was both our doting parent and our bright eyed child but it died. It fed us, clothed us, entertained us, kept us safe and was our hope for the future, but it’s gone. We are now moving through the stages of grief associated with great loss.

Denial: It’s not true. We are still the greatest country that has ever been. We still have the strongest military and the smartest scientists, the greatest cities and most beautiful landscapes. We are the beacon of hope and everyone wants to come here. We are the shining city on the hill. We are the paragon of democracy. We are the indispensable nation.

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Kevin McCarthy Wins – But at the Cost of the Nation

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Kevin McCarthy finally won the position of the speaker to the detriment of the entire nation for we will see business as usual on Capitol Hill, which is probably needed by our model to ensure the decline and fall of the United States by 2044. Congressman Mike Rogers lunged to attack Matt Gaetz on the house floor after he refused to vote for McCarthy merely saying “Present.” Gaetz is actually fighting for something he believes in, Draining the Swamp. Rogers wants the status quo – politics as usual. Kevin McCarthy offers no change whatsoever and being from California, well I think they should just separate and declare their own republic. California is no longer the land of the free and home of the brave from the days of Ronald Reagan. They refuse even to define what is a woman. They started a national crime wave of shoplifting and their streets are overpopulated with illegal aliens. Friends I had in California are leaving all the time. Pelosi, who destroyed San Francisco, is looking to retire to Florida in Naples with John Boehner.

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Random Musings at The End of Life as We Knew It

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

For me, the proverbial glass is either half empty or half full contingent upon where I’m looking. When I watch the news, I get angry. And every day, as I experience the strange surreality of post-America, I have to pinch myself just to make sure I’m not dreaming like Rip Van Winkle waking up in a Tim Burton film.

For my own mental state, therefore, I have to look away at times and step into the brilliant day. It truly is a beautiful time of year. Even so, whilst out in the lush emerald environs, and under the warm sun, it’s hard to shake the sense of doom; as this may be the last good summer.

—-The Stage is Set

Society is wide open here currently and masks, for the most part, have been relegated to the lowly relevance of a bad memory.

It’s a trap, of course, that will likely spring shut this fall and winter. But, in the meantime, the people are celebrating their freedom-via-Big Pharma, and perfectly timed with good weather. It could not have been planned any better. This is because the Covid vaccinations have, apparently, “culturally misappropriated” the power of Vitamin D in the summer sun. Or stated another way: Big Pharma is stealing the immune system’s valor.

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The Borg: A Zombie Nation of Confined Corpses Convulsing in a Matrix

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The decline of a superpower does not happen overnight. Nor was America’s fall a result of random chance. The nation was purposely dismantled and what we recently witnessed were the death convulsions. To be sure, nothing was left to chance – even in the throes of the U.S. Constitution’s final death rattle. The coup de grâce came as the result of a planned deception so large, it was fitting for the end of a superpower. The plan successfully led the last bastions of resistance to global tyranny as lambs to the slaughter. Just as Trump called his sheep to the nation’s capital to become scapegoats for a new war on terror, the Q-anon operation likely assisted in the collection of their IP addresses.

Certainly, the evidence of recent history proves Trump and Q-anon were counter-intelligence operations. In retrospect, we should NOT have been surprised because the Marxists have implemented similar methods before:

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Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair: Hover Through the Fog and Filthy Air

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The title of this piece was recited by The Three Witches in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and the photo symbolizes America’s recent history and the desired destiny for a large percentage of the nation’s voters:  An arrogant political leftist infiltrator, while donning the horns of Baphomet, holding a bullhorn in his left hand and an American flag subdued under his right fist.  It is the vision of Janus in transition, the two-faced god simultaneously seeing forward and backward; future and past.

Over the past two years, I have written multiple articles regarding episodes playing out on the national stage; and nearly every piece expressed my unease at the “movie-of-the-week”, or “reality television” vibe that accompanied those media narratives.  The episodes seemed so scripted…. so perfectly… contrived.

The recent “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington D.C. unwound in a similar, seemingly scripted, fashion.  Just like the election fraud that took place months earlier that was predicted by both President Trump and Vice President Pence many months before November 3, 2020, so was the potential for violence, and ANTIFA infiltration, predicted by AM radio hosts and other political commenters prior to the rally on January 6, 2021.

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Is This America’s Turning Point?

Authored by Robert Wright via The American Institute for Economic Research,

The phrase “to jump the shark” at first referenced the point at which a television program started to lose its moorings, and its audience.

Specifically, it referred to the episode of Happy Days (1974-84, ABC) when “the Fonz” (played by Henry Winkler, now better known for his role as an acting teacher on HBO’s Barry) jumped over a shark tank on water skis. Ratings for the show did stay up after the episode because there were only 3 or 4 channels available back then. Many fans, including this then eight-year-old, however, became mere viewers after that episode.

Today, though, the phrase has expanded to include any turning point eventually ending in disaster. 

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New Year’s Notions Loosely Liberated and to Some Extent in Sequence

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


You can’t stop what’s comin’. It ain’t all waitin’ on you. That’s vanity.

“No Country for Old Men”, 2007, Miramax Films


It’s a new year and time for new beginnings. But what does it mean exactly? Of course, it’s about time.  I mean, that’s the answer.  It is, truly, about time.  Think about it.  Time has a beginning, middle, and an end.  You were born, a bunch of stuff happened, a lot of stuff is going on now, and, soon, more things will occur. Right up to the end. The very end, that is.

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