Cleveland Indians will abandon Chief Wahoo logo next year

Via True Pundit

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Bowing to pressure by critics who have called it culturally offensive, the Cleveland Indians will remove the Chief Wahoo logo from its jerseys and caps beginning in the 2019 season.

After discussions with Major League Baseball and Commissioner Rob Manfred, the Indians will no longer sport the red-faced, smiling caricature during games.

The logo, which had been used by the team since 1947, has been deemed racist and offensive by critics.

Manfred told the Associated Press that the team conveyed to him that some fans have a “long-standing attachment” to the logo, but the Indians agreed that it’s “no longer appropriate” to use on the baseball field. – READ MORE

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Happy New Year: Don’t Be Fooled By the Orthodoxies of the Messengers

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

– Edward Bernays, “Propaganda”


Edward Bernays (1891 – 1995) was a famous pioneer in the field of public relations and is, today, often referred to as the Father of Propaganda. Perhaps Bernays became thus known because he authored the above quoted 1928 book titled with that very term. He was actually the nephew of the famed psychopathologist Sigmund Freud and was very proud of his uncle’s work. More than that, however, Bernays accepted the basic premises of Freud towards the use of emotional manipulation of the masses through advertising. It was, in fact, Bernays, who changed the term propaganda into “public relations”.

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On the Road to Oblivion: “Quality, Thy Antonym is Equality!”

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

 “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

― C.S. Lewis

On Thanksgiving eve, I was notified of a circumstance which caused me to drive thirteen hours round trip the following weekend.  The event which precipitated my travels is now beside the point, but I will say, given prior commitments and work scheduling, I was compelled to go alone. I didn’t mind. So I booked my hotel located in a major American metropolis, and that Saturday, packed my bag, grabbed my toothbrush and car keys, and bid my bewitching bride fare-thee-well.

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A Battle Hymn: The Anthem Against the Inappropriately Entitled

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Growing up in a small Midwestern town in the fading light of Norman Rockwell’s America, I came of age during the saccharine seventies amid the cannabis-crammed rock and roll arenas that were, seemingly, counter-weighted by endless replays of ABBA and The Bee Gees within the Frequency Modulated atmosphere of that era.  During the eighties, I became an optimistic young Republican under the stewardship of Ronald Wilson Reagan; a moderately successful businessman in the nineties; and, later, a concerned patriot of the new millennium.

Immediately following the subprime mortgage crash of 2008, the election of Barack Obama and, especially, after the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/2012, I became increasingly aware of the tectonic shift beneath the American landscape and soon realized that Norman Rockwell, like Elvis, had left the proverbial “building”, never to return.  The best way I can describe it is that the real power structures behind the United States, Inc., as well as the globalist, collectivist, political left, finally took their “their gloves off”, so to speak.  Indeed, their “masks” were removed and nothing was hidden anymore.

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An Inquiry into Values: Men and the Art of Life-Cycle Governance

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


Society is a wave. The wave moves onward, but the water of which it is composed does not. The same particle does not rise from the valley to the ridge. Its unity is only phenomenal.  The persons who make up a nation today, next year die, and their experience dies with them.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self-Reliance”, paragraph 48.


Our current modes of rationality are not moving society forward into a better world. They are taking it further and further from that better world.

Robert M. Pirsig, “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, Chapter 10



On April 24th, 2017, an author and philosopher by the name of Robert M. Pirsig passed from this world.  Pirsig, born in 1928, was best known for his 1974 book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” which is a semi-autographical account of his personal philosophical exploration into the concept of “quality”.

At the age of 9, Pirsig’s IQ measured at 170 and, at the age of 15, he enrolled at the University of Minnesota to study biochemistry.  After becoming disillusioned with the validity of the Scientific Method’s ability to genuinely reduce seemingly unlimited numbers of hypotheses, Pirsig’s attention diverted from his studies and, within two years, he was expelled for poor academic performance.  At the age of 18, Pirsig joined the Army and developed an interest in Eastern culture and philosophy while stationed in South Korea.  He eventually returned to college and obtained degrees in chemistry, philosophy, and journalism.  He also studied Oriental philosophy at Benares Hindu University in India.

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Hat tip Hardscrabble Farmer

This breathtaking display of political correctness is all you need to realize how fucked up our country has become. This Muslim fuck slaughtered four WHITE men because they were white. There was nothing random about it. The police chief is a fucking coward. Where is MSNBC condemning this HATE CRIME 24/7? The story is buried already, if it was even reported in the liberal MSM. Where is Jesse, Sharpton, and Obama condemning this hate crime?

The four men who were targeted Tuesday were white, Dyer said.

Muhammad’s Facebook posts indicated that “he does not like white people”

“What we know is that this was a random act of violence,” Dyer said.

ran·dom ˈrandəm/


made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.
“a random sample of 100 households”

synonyms: unsystematic, unmethodical, arbitrary, unplanned, undirected, casual, indiscriminate, nonspecific, haphazard, stray, erratic; More

Three dead in Fresno shooting rampage; suspected gunman linked to killing of motel guard

The Rise of Political Correctness

Hat tip DC Sunsets

Guest Post by Angelo M. Codevilla

Universities Ban Politically Incorrect Halloween Costumes

In a latest measure to create a “safe space” for students, a number of universities have issued “costume protocol,” banning such un-PC Halloween costumes as Arab turbans, feathered Indian headdresses, Japanese Geisha outfits, and Caitlyn Jenner costumes.

Brock University in Ontario, Canada, for instance, has set up a website laying out its “Halloween Costume Vetting Protocol,” complete with a list of offending costumes and pictures of inappropriate wear.

In a twisted bit of illogic, the university stated, “In order to create an inclusive and diverse environment, some costumes may be denied.”Apparently, inclusive and diverse here means “if your costume is too diverse, you will not be included.”

“If a member of your party is denied entry because of their costume, they will be escorted to a space where they can change or remove the offending item,” according to the protocol. “They will not lose their place in line during this process, and can enter Isaac’s once the costume has been deemed appropriate by team of Isaac’s Bar and Grill Management and Student Justice Centre Staff.”

As one disturbed commenter wrote, “Obey the Thought Police. Welcome to 1984.”

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German Humor

Germans aren’t known for their humor ….. which is weird because you all have Stucky, and I can be a funny motherfucker at times.

Background: So, the Green Party introduced a bill to adopt a  “Campaign for Acceptance of Gender and Sexual diversity, Self-Determination and against Homo and Trans-phobia in Brandenburg” as well as “Giving equal rights and societal equality for LGBTTQQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Two-spirit, Queer, Questioning) people in Brandenburg

Enter Steffen Königer of Germany’s new Alternative for Germany party.

Königer opened his speech “Dear Ladies and Gentleman…” and then took the complete list of 60 possible genders which has been adopted by Facebook, and proceeded to name each one in a salutation which lasted over 3 minutes.

Sehr  kommish!!  (very funny).

Political Correctness And The Extreme Fragmentation Of Society In Modernity

Hat tip Joe

Guest Post by John Aziz

One of the defining cultural events of the 2016 election season so far has been the overwhelming rejection of the notion of political correctness expressed in the Republican selection of Donald Trump as presidential nominee. Here is Trump expounding his view on political correctness:


What is the political correctness that the Trump supporters are rejecting?

Trump-supporting website gives the following definition:

In his novel 1984, George Orwell imagined a future world where speech was greatly restricted.

He called that the language that the totalitarian state in his novel created “Newspeak”, and it bears a striking resemblance to the political correctness that we see in America right now.

According to Wikipedia, Newspeak is “a reduced language created by the totalitarian state as a tool to limit free thought, and concepts that pose a threat to the regime such as freedom, self-expression, individuality, peace, etc. Any form of thought alternative to the party’s construct is classified as ‘thoughtcrime.’”

Infowars then lists 19 examples, from “The Missouri State Fair… permanently bann[ing] a rodeo clown from performing because he wore an Obama mask” to “a Florida police officer” losing his job for calling Trayvon Martin a “thug”, to “the governor of California signing a bill to allow transgendered students to use whatever bathroom and gym facilities they would like”.

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Waging War on Doublethink

The Liberal Left has been waging war on the productive and sane for almost a century now, constantly attacking facts with feelings, and reason with rage. These people strive first and foremost to reduce white productive males to lackadaisical effeminate trannies. Next on their agenda is to completely dissolve the notion of individuality, and replace it with the Rule of Uniformity, a concept lovingly crafted for us by beings who are so “enlightened” that they have ascended beyond the bounds of biology or mortal understanding.

Its all bullshit, of course, but they have been steadily gaining in power thanks to their message of Comfort and Protection, appealing to the need for Mothering that the stupid and lazy require to affirm their own pointless existence.

Leading the charge in this foolishness is the Germanic block of countries which span Central and Northern Europe. They’ve taken self-flagellation to the point where its an art form, with each nation striving to prove to the world just how accepting they have become in this post-WW2 era. The current leader in this race to the bottom is Sweden, a nation of legendarily attractive and war-like people bent on committing cultural suicide in an attempt to appease the Left.

Still, all is not lost. Some Swedes retain their cultural identity, and are willing to directly challenge the entrenched left on their foolishness.

This little lady brightened my day, we can only hope more like her are inspired to defend sanity.

Government Propagandist-In-Chief Condemns Political Incorrectness As “The Furthest Thing From Brave”

Tyler Durden's picture

Some have called Cass Sunstein America’s Goebbels since he sugggested that the government “formally hire credible private parties to engage in counterspeech,” and was engaged by President Obama as ‘Information Tzar’. So today’s op-ed from the government’s propagandist-in-chief, condemning those who choose to push back against political correctness, should be read with a Bernaysian perspective as Sunstein attempts to delegitimize any and every effort to argue against the government’s view of the world.

Authored by Cass Sunstein, originally posted at BloombergView,

Among Republicans, it has become politically correct to be politically incorrect. Actually that’s the most politically correct thing that you can possibly be. As soon as you announce that you’re politically incorrect, you’re guaranteed smiles and laughter, and probably thunderous applause. Proudly proclaiming your bravery, you’re pandering to the crowd.

A math-filled new paper, by economists Chia-Hui Chen at Kyoto University and Junichiro Ishida at Osaka University, helps to explain what’s going on. With a careful analysis of incentive structures, they show that if self-interested people want to show that they are independent, their best strategy is to be politically incorrect, and to proclaim loudly that’s what they are being. The trick is that this strategy has nothing at all to do with genuine independence; it’s just a matter of salesmanship, a way to get more popular.

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Students at Lena Dunham’s college offended by lack of fried chicken

Via The NY Post

Students at an ultra-liberal Ohio college are in an uproar over the fried chicken, sushi and Vietnamese sandwiches served in the school cafeterias, complaining the dishes are “insensitive” and “culturally inappropriate.”

Gastronomically correct students at Oberlin College — alma mater of Lena Dunham — are filling the school newspaper with complaints and demanding meetings with campus dining officials and even the college president.

General Tso’s chicken was made with steamed chicken instead of fried — which is not authentically Chinese, and simply “weird,” one student bellyached in the Oberlin Review.

Others were up in arms over banh mi Vietnamese sandwiches served with coleslaw instead of pickled vegetables, and on ciabatta bread, rather than the traditional French baguette.

“It was ridiculous,” gripes Diep Nguyen, a freshman who is a Vietnam native.

Worse, the sushi rice was undercooked in a way that was, according to one student, “disrespectful” of her culture. Tomoyo Joshi, a junior from Japan, was highly offended by this flagrant violation of her rice. “I f people not from that heritage take food, modify it and serve it as ‘authentic,’ it is appropriative,” she said.

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Reminder for the Google globogarchs: White men alone are 65% of active duty personnel (and even more of the total veteran population). White men alone also suffer a disproportionate number of wartime casualties.

Via Goodbye America (in a photo)