In Part 1 of this article I examined previous Fourth Turnings and the Gray Champions who won and lost, but made a difference in the course of history. Now I will try to peer through the fog of disinformation, lies, and false narratives to try and determine which Gray Champions will make a difference in this Fourth Turning.

Ukraine: The United States are now fighting a proxy war with Russia - REBEL

The U.S. and NATO are playing with fire by poking the bear. This is no longer a limited conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. In the early days of the conflict, there were constant talks between both sides, with the possibility of a negotiated resolution. The American Empire nixed those talks. The neo-cons, representing the interests of the military industrial complex uni-party, see an opportunity to further enrich themselves, while believing they can bleed and weaken Putin. But who is really being weakened in the long run?

Russian Ruble Value in US Dollars, May 10, 2022

Putin’s military operation began on February 24. Oil was $93 a barrel. It is up 13% and despite economic sanctions, Russian oil revenue is higher, and the ruble is at a two year high versus the USD and Euro. Natural gas prices are up 69%. Diesel prices are up 89%. Gasoline prices are up 29%. Wheat prices are up 31%. The stock market is down 5% and at a one year low. As an exporter of oil, natural gas, and wheat, is Russia really suffering from these price increases, or are the citizens of the EU and U.S. bearing the brunt of the pain? Russians are paying $2.80 a gallon for gasoline, while Americans are paying $4.65 per gallon. Who’s winning this proxy war?


Comedy is Dead

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I remember going to see Donald Rickles (1926–2017)  at the Latin Casino back in the day. There wasn’t a race, gender, or religion he left untouched. But he always simply exploited the differences in a humorous manner. Back then, if you could not laugh at yourself, you were considered unsociable and something was wrong with you. Today, the left seems to have flipped everything upside-down for now if something is offensive to say, then you are not allowed to say it, and everything seems offensive to someone, even calling your parents father and mother.

Continue reading “Comedy is Dead”

More Casualties of Wokeness: Grammar and Spelling… Ain’t That Grate?

Guest Post by PF Whalen

For those of us who pay attention to such things, over the past several years we’ve seen a noticeable decline in the proper use of the English language in our culture. What once would have been considered embarrassing grammatical errors within online news articles are now commonplace; so much so, we can only conclude that publishers either don’t care about quality or were stoned during most of their high school English classes.

Continue reading “More Casualties of Wokeness: Grammar and Spelling… Ain’t That Grate?”