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Via Automatic Earth

When I am old… I will wear soft gray sweatshirts… and a bandana over my silver hair… and I will spend my social security checks on my dogs. I will sit in my house on my well-worn chair and listen to my dogs breathing. I will sneak out in the middle of a warm summer night and take my dogs for a run, if my old bones will allow… When people come to call, I will smile and nod as I show them my dogs… and talk of them and about them…

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Cats And Dogs

Guest Post by The Zman

Anyone who has had a cat knows that the cat takes a certain pleasure in the acquisition of its food. Put food down for the dog and the dog eats the food. Put food down for the cat and it will saunter up to the dish and maybe sample a little, then take a break to watch the dish for a while, before returning for some more food. A bug gets loose in the house and the dog will just eat it, but the cat will torment the thing to death. One animal is all about the process, while the other is about the result.

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You could live 24% longer, thanks to your dog

Via Marketwatch

Roll over — and delay death?

Turns out, one of the many tricks that dogs can do for their humans is to help them live longer — especially if they live alone, or have previously suffered a heart attack or stroke, according to the American Heart Association.

The tail-wagging findings come from a meta-analysis of almost 70 years of global research published in the journal “Circulation” on Tuesday, as well as a new Swedish study of heart attack and stroke survivors spanning over a decade.

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Yesterday’s QOTD asked if it’s possible to post an article that will get a minimum of 25 comments AND no thumbs down.

I am simply trying to promote an atmosphere of LOVE, peace, joy, harmony, and nice words.  (Especially considering yesterday’s shitfest between Llpoh and RiNS. Yikes!!)

I asked this community of Righteous Ones to submit suggestions, and the one with the most thumbs up would get the nod.

Well, you sonsabitches selected a RIDICULOUS picture of a dog and bacon, submitted by our own illustrious Hardscrabble Farmer.

Continue reading “A NO THUMBS DOWN THREAD. BACON!!!”