Chaotic Considerations, an Empty Space, a Thanksgiving Prayer, and the Dreams of America as Founded

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The fate of the United States hangs in the balance. If the 2020 Presidential Election has proven anything, it has shown America as irreconcilably divided: between those dreaming of a constitutional republic against others intoxicated with Nietzsche’s Will to Power fueled by delusion, emotionalism, and materialism.

For conservatives, it is Trump or tyranny. For progressives, it is Biden or oblivion. Of course, these choices are fraught with danger and, even if true, have a “scripted” appearance to them; as if the divide had manifested on purpose.

Given the One World Government’s foothold in American cities, it stands to reason this is where the republic would be undermined. To urban progressives, the 2020 election is considered in relation to their actual survival.  Yet, the U.S. Constitution and the legal systems of individual states will either prevail as it has (mostly) throughout history – or American conservatives will declare the social contract null and void with terminal finality.

It could go either way.

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Sharing War Stories While Playing Tag With Flashlights in the Dark

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

A few weeks ago, I ran into an acquaintance who I’ve known less than a year: a 60-year-old liberal woman who started out by saying:  “I don’t know where you stand politically, but I just can’t believe the stupidity of Trump voters”.

I replied: “What do you mean?”

She answered: “Well, Trump acts one way when he’s being interviewed… then he dumbs down his speeches at his rallies and his supporters just eat that sh*t up ’cause their f*cking idiots.”

Intrigued, I wanted to hear more:  “Well,” I said, “Trump is a reality TV star, right?”

To her, that was like catnip to a feline: “He has 200,000 deaths on his hands because he won’t accept science. He’s responsible for letting the pandemic get out of control. All he cares about is himself. That’s why Biden is the only hope we have to save this country.”

Continue reading “Sharing War Stories While Playing Tag With Flashlights in the Dark”

Netflix’s “Social Dilemma” is Pure Deflection Because the Best Lies Always Contain Some Truth

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

This blogger sees Netflix in the same way “Godfather”, Vito Corleone, viewed his enemies.  In other words, I keep my books and blogs close, but television and movies closer.  This is because social narratives are the new religion.  As I’ve stated before in previous articles, I have a love-hate relationship with Netflix.  It offers a convenient and affordable access to an impressive library of film and documentaries – but not without its cultural bias.  It’s like anything else, buyer beware; or, rather, I simply slice off the meat and leave the bones when it comes to infotainment.

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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair

Image for post

Upton Sinclair was describing willful ignorance based upon who butters your bread. The rampant corruption of our society, as power has been consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, has resulted in our political, financial, cultural and economic systems being captured by a billionaire class who use their wealth to dictate the path we are forced to follow – or lose everything.

The sociopath class include the Silicon Valley social media titans, the billionaires running the six mainstream media companies, the rogue billionaires like Soros and Bloomberg who fund chaos and foment insurrection, the Deep State surveillance agency operatives like Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Mueller doing the bidding of the oligarchy, Wall Street criminals like Dimon, Paulson, and Blankfein doing god’s work, and last but certainly not least – Powell, Yellen, Bernanke and slimy Kashkari priming the pump for the never ending systematic pillaging of the nation’s wealth.


Corrupt Worldly Power is an Illusion, a Fleeting Pleasure, a False Premise, a Broken Promise

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


1 a: ability to act or produce an effect

b : legal or official authority, capacity, or right

2 a : possession of control, authority, or influence over others

b : one having such power specifically : a sovereign state

c : a controlling group

d archaic : a force of armed men

3 a : physical might

c : political control or influence

Merriam Webster

The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.

– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

My blog was started four years ago this month. Inspired by the courage of other writers out here on the still-free internet, I thought I’d add my two cents, as it were; an American Nobody speaking truth to power. Indeed, in September 2016, I fully expected Hillary Clinton to win the presidency in a matter of weeks.

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Marxism is Coming at Breathtaking Speed—Do This Before It’s Too Late

Via International Man


International Man: So-called “Woke” culture and political correctness have spread like wildfire across the West.

What do you think are the ramifications of this?

Chris MacIntosh: The “woke culture” is simply Marxism writ large.

It’s been with us for at least two generations, educating our children in the West with neo-Marxist ideologies. They’ve simply become more and more egregious. It started with gender studies and feminism studies.

We’re at the point now where we’re having debates around whether two plus two should equal four—because it’s a white supremacist ideal.

It’s the notion that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, also known as STEM, is a white, male patriarchal construct that should be abolished.

I don’t know about you, but when I drive across a bridge or walk into a building, I’d like to know that mathematics and science have played a part in constructing that.

Continue reading “Marxism is Coming at Breathtaking Speed—Do This Before It’s Too Late”

Dystopian Societies Derive From Displaced Ethics and Values

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

On April Fool’s Day of this year, I posted an article on how Coronavirus® has hastened the “old collectivism”.  That piece discussed Saul Alinsky’s tactics and how the current COVID hysteria is being manipulated by the Political Left.  My last post discussed how COVID-mania was successfully translated into Marxist hysteria following the death of George Floyd.

Certainly, America is under attack and what we are witnessing today serves as the mere preview for the main attraction that will commence on November 3, 2020 – if not before. The ongoing warfare is, of course, between those upholding the last remaining shreds of the U.S. Constitution against those who desire to raise the rainbow flag of globalism above the New World Order.

Whether history rhymes or repeats, it does so in cycles.  And nothing is new under the sun. Mankind’s desire to unite the world is said by some to have begun six millennia ago on the plains of Shinar, starting at the Tower of Babel.

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“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”H.L. Mencken

Boiling Point | On the Media | WNYC Studios

After writing a particularly depressing article where I come to a logical conclusion, based upon the factual evidence of all previous Fourth Turnings, I always wonder whether I’m being too pessimistic and peddling doom, like many of the clickbait websites. The conclusions I reached at the end of my last two articles were particularly gloomy and made me wonder whether I was going too far. I thought maybe I was too pessimistic and my predictions of civil chaos and global disorder were overblown.

“A failure to meet the challenges ahead with bravery, grit, good judgement, adherence to our Constitutional principles, and a fair amount of luck, could lead to a defeat from which we will never recover. No one knows how and when the climax of this Crisis will play out, but the acceleration towards our rendezvous with destiny is in motion.” Fourth Turning Accelerating Towards Climax – May 10

It just so happened I published my last article on May 24, predicting a 2nd Civil War. I figured we might have a couple years to prepare, as there is likely five to ten years  before this Fourth Turning reaches a climax. Little did I know a black man with a long criminal background, high on fentanyl and resisting arrest in Minneapolis, would be killed by a white police thug named Derek Chauvin, who had seventeen complaints against him over his illustrious career, on the day after my article was posted. Oddly, it seems this murder will be our Fort Sumter/Pearl Harbor of this Fourth Turning.

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Coincidence Theorists See All Donut and No Holes in the Coronation of The Cult

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Over the past several decades Americans have viewed regularly televised dramatic episodes of political theater. The use of the word “episode” is especially appropriate because the dramatic scenes are sequential and continuously broadcasted onto electronic screens. The drama is designed to elicit emotion, foment anger, and unite or divide the nation in order to, ultimately, affect change.

The societal cataclysms we’re experiencing now could be naturally occurring – as the result of certain trends like demographics, technology, modernization, education, centralization, economic inequality, political platforms, or even systemic corruption and civilizational decay. On the other hand, it could be the upheavals are directed in consonance with scripts written by an inner circle of powerful people; and in accordance to the Hegelian Dialectic.  How citizens view the changes realized by the United States over the last few decades, in particular, will depend upon their interpretations of probabilities and outcomes; or, rather, to the extent they believe in coincidence or conspiracy.

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Suspicion and Skepticism are Vaccines for Deception

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

― Voltaire


I once read a definition of psychological depression as a result of anger and fatigue. That seems about right. Personally, I’m sick of COVID-19 dominating the headlines and I definitely have inner rage at the magic spell that’s been cast over society.  And it is a magic spell.  Or an ill wind, if you prefer.  Except tracking the source of a voodoo curse, or determining where a breeze began, might be easier than identifying the many variables of this planned-demic . Truly, the overwhelming information is difficult to process on any given day.

Last week, I read an article describing how COVID-19 is a hoax propagandized by the media and, a few minutes later, I watched a video of a survival expert (whom I very much respect) chastise those who are not taking COVID-19 seriously as a genuine health threat.

Then, I was informed of an acquaintance dying from coronavirus. I knew the man personally and the last time we spoke he was telling me about his new girlfriend. His death was deemed notable enough to have a write-up included into the COVID-19 series of a national newspaper; and that’s how I learned he died – when someone sent me the link. I’ll also say he was in his seventies and his blood pressure was so high his eyes were constantly bloodshot.

So did he die with COVID-19 or from COVID-19?  Yes, he did.

Continue reading “Suspicion and Skepticism are Vaccines for Deception”

April Fools: In the New Age of Deception, Coronavirus has Hastened the Old Collectivism

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


“…..but the plan insidiously advances.”

ordo ab chao


They are banned from churches and public spaces. They can’t hold hands to pray. LOL!

The Devil


At the very end of last year, I wrote a New Year’s piece entitled “America is Over But You Knew That Already”, whereby various “cracks and water in the nation’s foundation” were explored.  In that article, I said:  “winter is finally here” along with these words:

 Exactly how and when America’s foundational stones will shatter in the coming months is anyone’s guess, but do know this:  When Progressive Democrats, and an activist mainstream media, stage a third-world impeachment trial of a U.S. President while reverently citing the words of the nation’s long-dead founders who were, by their own definition, privileged white males and racist slave owners – the end is nigh.

In a later article, six reasons were explored as to why the COVID-19 virus failed “the sniff test” along with the coincidental timing that marked the rise of the virus:

Continue reading “April Fools: In the New Age of Deception, Coronavirus has Hastened the Old Collectivism”

Random Ruminations Amid War Drums and Wicked Weather While Working for Wages

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

It’s been a long year. First, we narrowly avoided World War 3. At least for now.  And, currently, we are approaching peak bullshit in the arena of American politics; as if that were even possible.

War and political bullshit: Both means of blowing smoke up our collective asses prior to author George Orwell’s dystopic vision of jackboots stomping on human faces forever. Because, either the long slow collapse will usher in an era of decentralization – which would follow a period of immediate anarchy; or, a nightmare age of global centralization that may be about to commence.

Obviously, the billionaire class and their employees in human resources departments around the globe prefer centralized control – as do the Orwellian media and government apparatchiks.  And in the Hegelian view of those peering behind the eye at the top of the pyramid, chaos brings order. But no matter what happens in the end, many people will definitely die before the new cashless age begins.

Continue reading “Random Ruminations Amid War Drums and Wicked Weather While Working for Wages”

America is Over But You Knew That Already

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And old lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

– Robert Burns


According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “Auld Lang Syne” literally translates to “Old Long Since” which could also be interpreted as “since long ago” or “for old times’ sake”.  Certainly, there is a feeling of melancholy when the song is sung at the end of another year gone by.  Maybe any sadness could be attributed to good times that are now gone or, perhaps, especially, regret at what might have been.

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The Revenge of the Illusionists at the Whim of the Deluded

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


“Our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep… The poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society and we are their unwitting accomplices. Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent to ourselves…, to others…, we are focused only on our own gain. Please understand they are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival: To keep us asleep, keep us selfish, keep us sedated.”

– “They Live” (1988), John Carpenter, Universal Pictures, Release date: November 4, 1988


John Carpenter’s cult classic film “They Live” foreshadowed our current time in so many ways. The story told of disguised freaks appearing human while consolidating control over the upper echelons of society. To do this, they lulled the masses to sleep via advertising and materialism. The electronic media acted as a hypnotist’s watch on lethargic plebeians as they were cajoled into a dreamlike state, treated like puppets, and surveilled – by flying drones no less.

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A Video Exposition: Quantum Theory, Waves, and the Bulbous Bow of Confusion

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The “Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle” is a mathematical law of the universe involving “trade-offs”.  In fact, it could be summarized as the law of having your cake but not being able to eat it too.  Or, as applied for the sake of this article, it means either position or momentum can be measured at any given time, but not both simultaneously; at least not accurately.

I, personally, favor the rows or columns example of the Uncertainty Principle because of its simplicity in explaining Quantum Mechanics intuitively; if that were possible.  The point is when studying columns the definitions of the rows disappear, and when focusing on the rows the columns vanish.

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Comedy Gold: The Joke’s on You

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God…

– 2 Timothy 3:1-4


As an internet writer seeking common ground, or, rather, a mutual base frame of reference with the readers, I’ll often use widely disseminated resources in order to inspire contemplation and conversation. Obviously, these sources would include movies and books.  So, with that in mind, I recently took advantage of $5 Tuesdays at a theater near me and saw “Joker”.   The antagonist of the film, of course, is Batman’s old arch nemesis, “The Joker”.

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