Text Wars on Smartphones and Frenzied Bullshittin’…

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

In past articles, I’ve written about my political discussions with friends in my social circle and, most often, within a group of us who meet on Saturday mornings for breakfast.  These have included “Breakfast Club: Dining with Friends”,  “The Persistence of Their Delusion is Despicable”, “The Rants of the Libtards Ring Hollow then Echo”, and “The Conspiracies are Broad and Deep”.  We all know each other through a shared involvement and patronage of a community organization; and, although attendance has grown through the years, the majority of us are middle-aged, Caucasian, and college-educated professionals.

At least one in our group has no genuine interest in politics, but most of the others can’t stand Trump and consider me to be an ultra-right-wing, crazy conspiracy theorist.  I would say more than a few have outwardly embraced socialist policies, if not Socialism in toto, and then there is a RINO (Republican In Name Only) who responds to me with a loud “F*ck you!” whenever I’ve addressed him as such.

Continue reading “Text Wars on Smartphones and Frenzied Bullshittin’…”

Will the US Become a Socialist Country?

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas via International Man

US socialism

Recently, many political hopefuls on the Left in the US have “come out” as socialists. Some may have been socialists all along, whilst others may merely be hoping to cash in on the popularity of avowed socialist Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Whatever the answer, those on the Right have gone into attack mode, fervently stating, “The US will never be a socialist country!”

This will unquestionably become the primary emotionally based issue until the 2020 election.

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The Physics of Karma Transcends the Perfidy of Billionaires

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

When I was in second grade, my class took a field trip whereby we walked through a cemetery and the county fairgrounds.  We were strongly advised not to throw rocks by our gym instructor who was assisting our teacher on the trip.  He was a large muscular man and had a Swedish-sounding name.  He said to us kids:  “Don’t even THINK about throwing any rocks!  If any of you do, you will be in big, big, BIG trouble!”

Well, he should have never given me the idea. Because while walking through the fairgrounds, there were so many metal roofs on the buildings.  So I picked up a round heavy stone and lobbed it as high as I could before it landed on what sounded like a giant cymbal.

“Who did that?!” screamed the teachers as over 20 tiny fingers pointed my way.  The big gym teacher suddenly loomed over me, blocking out the sun.  “Why did you do that?!” he asked me in a loud voice.

Of course, I had no answer for him other than “I don’t know” which I stated simply while squinting up at him.  But I remember the feeling very well.  Today, it would be summarized as:  “Because, F*CK you, that’s why”.

Thus began my life of crime.

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America’s Well-Documented Decline Amid Wars in the Air

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

In 1976, some of the families sharing older ancestral lineages in my hometown were asked to march together in our bicentennial parade.  Although I was at an age where I found it somewhat embarrassing, I did enjoy waving at my friends and schoolmates along the way. Especially the girls.

Although the Saccharine Seventies manifested as a tarnishing patina on the silver platter of Norman Rockwell’s America, much of the shine still remained then in my hometown; even in the years before Ronald Reagan’s repolishing as the table was set again for his 1984 “Morning in America” commercial.

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It Is What It Is

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

I was in a gathering of folks when a dispute escalated between a husband and wife over what has now become the title of this article.  During our discussion someone recited those words and the wife divulged how much she hated that statement.  After quietly listening to the exchange for a few moments, the husband spoke up and said:  “Well that must be more proof of how opposites attract, because I LOVE that phrase and I say it all the time!

Which may have been part of the reason why the wife disliked the expression, but I wasn’t about to go there.

Instead, I mentioned how that particular shibboleth of sorts was surely defined in the minds of the beholders.  On the one hand, its utterance could be an excuse – even a fatalistic expression derived from laziness or defeatism.  Or, like the purveyor of produce in Ayn Rand’s epic tome, “Atlas Shrugged” – when Dagny Taggart asked the grocery vendor why she didn’t move her product from out of the sun and into the shade and her reply was:  “Because it’s always been that way”.

Oh, the world sucks?  Of course it does.  Why bother.

It is what is.

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Nike Releases Bernie Sanders Signature Shoe That Helps You Survive Under Socialism

Via The Babylon Bee

BEAVERTON, OR—Nike has released a new patriotic shoe just in time for the Fourth of July: the Sanders Air Marx, the official, signature shoe of Senator Bernie Sanders.

Every pair of Air Marx is emblazoned with Sanders’ signature and iconic “crazy old man” silhouette. The shoes pack in all kinds of useful features for people living in a socialist regime, including the following:

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Weird: Everyone Who Attended Bernie Sanders’ Town Hall Has Reported Their Wallet Missing

Via The Babylon Bee

NEW YORK, NY—Well, this is more than a little odd.

Every single attendee of Bernie Sanders’ town hall meeting on Fox News earlier this week has reported that their wallet has mysteriously gone missing.

“I know I had my wallet in my pocket, but after meeting Bernie Sanders, shaking his hand, and thanking him for everything he’s doing for the country, I noticed my wallet was missing,” said one woman from Brooklyn. “I noticed it on the way to the car. Really strange.”

She wasn’t the only one: every single attendee only later realized that their wallets were missing. Some women said their purses had apparently been rifled through, with the perpetrator taking every coin and dollar bill, as well as several breath mints and a comb.

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Dancing on the crumbling precipice
The rocks are coming loose just at the edge
Are we laughing? Are we crying?
Are we drowning? Are we dead?
Or is it all a dream?

The bombs are getting closer everyday
“That can never happen here” we used to say
Have these wars come to our doorstep?
Has this moment finally come?
Or is it all a dream?

Rise Against – The Violence

This recent song by Rise Against, inspired by the turmoil since the 2016 election of Donald Trump, captures the feeling of angst and uncertainty engulfing the world today. This Fourth Turning is entering its most violent stage, where blood will be spilled in vast quantities as an epic conflict between good and evil plays out across the globe. Eighty years ago, the bloodiest conflict in human history began, as the social mood turned dark and compromise was no longer a viable option.

It wasn’t a coincidence World War II began exactly eighty years after the onset of the American Civil War, which began as compromisers died off and hearts hardened on both sides. We are now eighty years gone since the outset of World War II and a global mood of impending doom overshadows our daily lives. The inevitability of conflict, domestically and internationally, eclipses all efforts to bridge the ideological differences of competing interests around the world. The cycles of history will not be denied and this Fourth Turning will play out as those before, with clear victors and clear losers.


Watch: American Students Support Socialism… But Not When It Comes To Their GPAs

Authored by Cabot Phillips via Campus Reform,

With far left candidates and policies on the rise in America, it’s no surprise that for the first time ever, more young people say they’d prefer to live in a socialist country over a capitalist one. 

Whether it’s free healthcare, free college tuition, or universal basic income, students around America increasingly support higher taxes on the wealthy in order to pay for these progressive policies.  But would they support similar policies if they had skin in the game?

To find out, Campus Reform‘s Cabot Phillips went to Florida International University in Miami to test the waters on a “Socialist GPA” policy in which students with higher GPAs would be forced to “spread the wealth” and give some of their GPA points to students with lower GPAs.

Continue reading “Watch: American Students Support Socialism… But Not When It Comes To Their GPAs”

Doug Casey: Why Socialism Is a Moral Failing

Via Casey Research

Justin’s note: America can’t stop talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).

AOC, if you haven’t heard, is a 29-year-old Democratic socialist. Earlier this year, she became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.

Today, we turn to our founder Doug Casey for his thoughts on AOC and her policies. But Doug gets into much more than AOC. As you’ll see, he also explains why socialism isn’t just an intellectual failing… but also a moral failing.

If you’ve been following the Dispatch this week, you know we’ve been featuring Doug’s most politically incorrect and controversial opinions… and today’s essay is no exception…

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50 Actual College Courses That Prove That America’s Universities Are Training Students To Become Socialists

Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

What in the world are they teaching to our young people?  As you go through the list of college course titles below, I am sure that many of you will be completely shocked.  Most parents assume that they are sending their children to college to get prepared for their future careers, but the truth is that a lot of our major colleges and universities have become little more than indoctrination centers for progressive thought.  Our college students are literally being systematically trained to be socialists, and it is working. 

According to a brand new Harris Poll that was just released, 37.2 percent of all Americans “prefer living in a socialist country”.  But for Millennials and Generation Z combined, that figure is 49.6 percent.  That means that essentially half of our young adults want to be socialists, and that has enormous implications for the future of our society.

So how did this happen?

Well, the truth is that it really isn’t a mystery.  Progressives have a stranglehold on higher education in the United States, and they are training future generations of leaders to think just like them.

Young America’s Foundation has just released their yearly report on the craziest college courses in America, and I pulled some examples out of that report that demonstrate how bad things have gotten.

The following are 50 actual college course titles that prove that America’s universities are literally training our college students to be socialists…

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Baby Boom to Baby Bust – The Crisis in Socialism

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

There is a real crisis in the fertility rate which has fallen to such a low level that all the socialism going forward will simply collapse. What used to be the Baby Boom is now being called the “Baby Bust,” which means that in all first-world countries there is a real crisis for they have insufficient children to maintain their population size. This has been one excuse for allowing the refugees into Europe.

As the population dwindles, all the social programs are collapsing for they were NEVER designed properly from the outset. They are based on a Ponzi scheme where they rely on taxing a growing younger population to service the benefits of the older generation. This was the entire scheme behind Obamacare. Force the youth to buy insurance they do not need to reduce the cost for the elderly.

These findings were a huge surprise to those in government. They did not think it was even possible. The joke is that we will have more grandparents than grandchildren. A study published in the Lancet followed trends in every country from 1950 to 2017. During 1950, women were having an average of 4.7 children in their lifetime. The fertility rate all but halved to 2.4 children per woman by last year. They compared countries in Africa, such as Niger, where the fertility rate was 7:1 compared to countries like Cyprus where couples had just one child meaning that would be a 50% decline in population.

Even in Britain, the fertility rate has dropped to 1.7, which is similar to most Western European countries. Anything below 2 children per couple means a net population decline. This data clearly warns that the Ponzi scheme set up first in the New Deal of the Great Depression is no longer sustainable. The cost of childcare has skyrocketed and the rise in taxation has forced women to work, making childcare mandatory, but not affordable for 2 or more children. This creates an unsustainable future for taxation.

Socialism in the UK means no pools, no swearing and citizens pulling their own teeth

Guest Post by Simon Black

The events that I am about to describe to you are 100% true.

They have already happened to various people across the United Kingdom, which in some respects is leading the charge to 21st century “Big Brother” authoritarianism.

It’s all real, and it’s all disturbing. To humanize it a little bit we have pulled several true events together into a single story about a man we’ll call “George.”

George thinks he might stop by the community garden. His neighbors regularly gather there around a waist-deep, inflatable pool they purchased to beat the summer heat.

But then he remembers that the landlords ordered the pool removed… they were concerned that a burglar might inadvertently hurt himself while attempting to rob a home, so the pool needed to go.

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