The Metaphysics Underlying The Sunset of the West

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.

-Proverbs 16:25


The heart is deceitful above all things…

-Jeremiah 17:9


When small men cast big shadows, it means the sun is setting.

– Lin Yutang, Chinese philosopher


Upon the recommendation of a blog commenter, I recently read “The Crisis of Modernity”  by Italian professor and philosopher, Augusto Del Noce (1910 – 1989).  The book was published in 2014 and is a brilliant compilation of twentieth-century essays and speeches by Del Noce.  His philosophical insights are profound and his conclusions and societal predictions, especially regarding Scientism and the Technocracy, are eerily similar to those of English author and theologian C.S. Lewis  – see my previous posts entitled “The Abolition of Man Amid the Consequences of Reality”,  and “Gnostic Parasitism in the Post-Modern Simulacrum”, and “A Postmortem on Postmodernism”.

These three articles were an attempt to summarize and share perspectives on how Clownworld has manifested at our time in history.  Correspondingly, this post is a 6,000+ word exploration of Del Noce’s philosophical and religious perspectives on modernity.

Merriam-Webster defines “metaphysics” as “a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality”, and, as written in the translator’s introduction of “The Crisis of Modernity”, Del Noce discerns the dynamics between historical social and political outcomes on one hand, and philosophy and religion on the other 1  – or, stated more simply:  the “interplay between ‘the history of ideas’ and the ‘history of facts’” 2 .

As a young man, Del Noce aligned with the ideology of the political left but later came to understand atheism was NOT just a potential outcome of Marxism, but, rather, a precondition of the entire system.

He later coined the term “heterogenesis of ends” to explain the paradox of how Marxism succeeds and fails simultaneously. Due to contradictions within its metaphysical assumptions,  Del Noce believed Marxism can become reality only in the exact way it does; and because of its negation of absolute truths, the historical result produced by Marxism becomes its own “empirical verification” 3.

Considering atheism as a “protagonist in the development of modernity”, Del Noce claimed it appeared at “the end of every major cycle of European thought”, including “Bruno at the end of the Renaissance, the libertines at the end of Cartesianism, de Sade at the end of the Enlightenment, Marx and Nietzsche at the end of classical German philosophy.” 4

According to Del Noce’s translator, Carlo Lancellotti, Del Noce judged “the affluent society as intrinsically totalitarian and anti-traditional” because it “recognizes the empirical sciences as the only valid form of knowledge”.  Del Noce also predicted progressivism would be “incapable of resisting the growing dehumanization of the technological society.” 5

Defining “Scientism as the ‘totalitarian’ conception of science, in which science is regarded as the ‘only’ true from of knowledge”, Del Noce identified the three aspects of the “progressivist phenomenon” as “scientism, eroticism, and theology of secularization.”  He also claimed Fascism and Nazism were “misdiagnosed” by post-World War II Western intellectuals as being “revolutionary” when these movements were (are), in reality, “reactionary phenomena.”  6

Augusto Del Noce and The Crisis of Modernity

As an aside, I had my regional library search for the book and they were able to borrow it on my behalf from a seminary / university located on the eastern U.S. seaboard.  I’m told it was the only copy they had and, upon my receipt of the book, I saw it was brand new; it had never been read, in spite of the date-stamp inside showing it was accepted into the seminary’s library in July of 2015.

The contents of the book included the translator’s introduction, three main parts consisting of twelve chapters, and three appendices: The three main parts as follows:

Part One:  Modernity, Revolution, Secularization

Part Two: The Advent of the Technocratic Society

Part Three: The Predicament of the West

Augusto Del Noce’s erudition and understanding of philosophy was broad and deep.  During his life he obviously read scores, if not hundreds, of various writers in multiple languages and from all historical time periods.  Moreover, his ability to recall and connect the various ideological “genealogies” to his own perception of modern political and social outcomes was beyond impressive.

The purpose of this post is NOT to provide an exhaustive chapter by chapter review of Del Noce’s “Crisis”, but to, instead, highlight some of his perspectives on modernity, tradition, scientism, power, dialectical politics, Gnosticism, Christianity, and the “permissive society” (and pursuant to my previous articles).

At the close of one of my articles from May 2017, I wrote the following:

Whether by the lens of the Romantic or the Classic worldview, people follow whatever, or whomever, they believe.  Some on the path towards truth, or beauty, or excellence; whereas others simply submit to authority out of fear, or apathy, or lethargy; never knowing the Greek word for authority is “exousia”, which translates to “lordship”.

In the end, however, the majority of mankind finds value, often unto adoration, or even worship, in that which is served by their time and talent.  It means on the road to any destination; towards excellence or mediocrity; good or evil, virtue or debauchery, ethics or relativism; stability or chaos; freedom or oppression; war or peace; law or anarchy; towards either a constitutional republic, a theocracy, a scientific dictatorship, or a soul-crushing totalitarian state, at every turn, on every path, and around every corner; all debates are rooted in theology.  One way, or the other.

So I was gratified to read in “Crisis” a quote by the French philosopher Pierre-Joeseph Proudhon as follows:  “…at the bottom of politics is always theology7 ; and I appreciated how Del Noce, a Catholic, keenly dismantled (what I view as) the modern Political Left’s deceptive inversion of the “separation of church and state” – because totalitarian secularism is, indeed, a metaphysical belief; even if it isn’t generally acknowledged as such.

As mentioned earlier, Del Noce saw through the veil of the “progressivist phenomenon”, identifying it as a “theology of secularization” and manifesting in modern Western Civilization as “scientism” and “eroticism”. 6

Tradition vs. Modernity & Authority vs. Power

In the first chapter of “Crisis”, entitled “The Idea of Modernity”, Del Noce reveals the etymology of the word “modern” as having a chronological meaning  –  whereas the word “modernity” is more akin to a philosophy 8, or as he saw it: A radical break from historical “transcendence” toward “immanentism”. 9

Much later, in the “Authority versus Power” chapter, Del Noce cited “the eclipse of the idea of authority” as an essential element of modernity and summarized the eclipse as “the disappearance of the idea of the Father” –particularly in regards to the “crisis of the family, of education, of the church”. 10

Del Noce identified the etymological root of the word “authority” as deriving from augere (to make grow) and tied to auxilium (help provided by a higher power), then demonstrated how modern subjectivism has associated the idea of “authority” with “repression” and “what stops growth”.  And this is what Del Noce viewed as “the greatest among the reversals that have come to pass in history”.  11

A crucial point made by Del Noce is this:  “the crisis of the idea of authority is linked with the crisis of the idea of tradition”; and, all throughout his writings, Del Noce considered the idea of tradition as derived from “tradere”, which is to “hand down”.

Just as parents have represented authority in the family, so do professional educators “hand down” knowledge that was…  until recently in history… “understood as a process of elevation from the immediate experiences of the spirit to the recognition of the order of values.”  11

Now, modern teachers have become more “authoritarian” and less “authoritative” as conformity is prioritized in education. Del Noce argued that “participation in the [Christian] Word” allowed for a “communion of the spirits in one same truth” yet, today, the young seek to “emancipate themselves from the burden of the past and use the teacher as an instructor in the methods of liberation”.  As a result, free-thinking students are coerced by the group and isolated if they don’t conform; thus, the teacher’s authority is used to “free” the student from potentially being isolated by the group. 12

Within the modern church, Del Noce defined the endpoint of the “theological revolution” as the “death of God”; and, in particular, the “death of God the Father in Jesus Christ.” 13

Del Noce described how the word “power” elicits the idea of “material force” affirmed by “external means” whereas spiritual authority is “interior in essence” involving the “primacy of the invisible”.  Citing “common sense” as a “distinctive assertion of this metaphysics”, he revealed  how contemporary culture views authority as a form of power, as a sociological and human notion, but no longer according to “the ‘eternal past,’ the authority of the gift of personal grace… and the authority of “legality’. 14

Viewing ideology as distinct from metaphysics, Del Noce described how conceiving authority as “reducible to the concept of power” coincides with the “Marxian option” and ultimately leads to “science extended to the human sphere” becoming “the only valid from of knowledge.” 15

Declaring the concept of “evidence” as the “great discovery of Greek metaphysics”, Del Noce claimed that “submission of the mind to evidence is more radical than submission obtained through force or persuasion” and thus has a “liberating nature” free from the pressure of lower or exterior forces”. Del Noce viewed “truth” as having “a super-human character, so that dependence on it coincides with liberation from domination by other men”. 16

Del Noce identified today’s permissive society as replacing “freedom to” with “freedom from17 and warned that “despotic regimes could establish themselves by promising happiness in exchange for freedom.”  18

While reading “Crisis” I grew a deeper appreciation of John Locke’s assertion of law preserving and enlarging freedom… and as contrasted with the World Economic Forum’s unconstitutional mandate: “You will own nothing and be happy”.

Although Del Noce acknowledged Marxism and psychoanalysis as “competing explanations of the worldly origin of ideas” he also admitted that it was “completely natural that somebody (and very soon) would think of unifying them” – and identified “the synthesis of Marxism and left-wing psychoanalysis as the only effective weapon against Christian civilization.” 19

Similarly, in another chapter entitled “The Ascendance of Eroticism”, Del Noce claimed the “decisive battle against Christianity could be fought only at the level of the sexual revolution. “ 20

Sex, Scientism, Marxism, & Revolution

Del Noce identified western civilization’s sexual revolution as a radical liberation from authority… the rejection of tradition… and “the rejection of metaphysical-religious thought.” 21

Could there be a better description of today’s Woke Clownworld? I don’t think so.

Subsequently, after reading Del Noce, it would appear that Marxism, Scientism, revolution, violence, and sex, all mix together in a mystical sort of alchemy:

Science, at least in the modern sense, studies reality as a system of forces, not of values. It provides instruments but it does not determine any goals. From the perspective of those who regard science as the only valid form of knowledge, one can speak of only one goal: incrementing vitality. …The sexual revolution is indeed the point of arrival of “scientism.”

  – Del Noce, Augusto. “The Crisis of Modernity”,  trans. Carlo Lancellotti, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014 , page 175

Throughout much of his writings and speeches, Del Noce referenced Austrian-American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897 – 1957) and his 1936 book “The Sexual Revolution”.   Reich was a Marxist as well as a pupil of Sigmund Freud during the 1920s in Vienna. According to Del Noce, it was Reich who “wanted to replace class struggle with ‘struggle against repression’” 22 – which began in full force by the mid-twentieth century as interest in Reich’s writings were rekindled.

Reich believed sexual repression was why Bolshevism failed and claimed that “no power on earth” could stop “a sexual revolution in progress”.

Del Noce, however, did not consider Reich to be a “great thinker” 23 and, obviously, by default, those who shared Reich’s views.  In 1970, Del Noce wrote the following:

the writers who are the scourge of “hypocritical moralism” and claim that free sexual activity is “normal” are in fact pawns in the Communist game. …They have been often called “useful idiots”; based on how they show themselves capable of taking care of their own interests, I would rather call them “non-foolish servants,” while stressing they are still servants.  It is well known that Russia hardly likes Communist parties in other countries to seize power by their own revolutionary strength.  It is much better to have a situation in which all ethical and religious principles that could support an effective resistance disintegrate to such an extent that the only possibility at the political level is a puppet government, which in fact would be in a subordinate position.  The fellow travelers, charged with the task of disintegration, have also been good at ensuring their own future.

– Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.177

Replace the word “Russia” with “China” and doesn’t that assessment seem especially relevant to our time in history (particularly regarding thewoke and fraudulent Biden administration)?

Del Noce also predicted how sex and scientism would transition into violence:

Now, what morality will flow from scientism? If science is neutral with respect to ideals and values, the same cannot be said about scientism, which suppresses metaphysics and claims to make science the exhaustive knowledge of reality. As we have already said, science regards reality as a system of forces. Hence, to the elevation of science to philosophy will correspond the elevation of force to value.

– Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.154

Del Noce identified one of the most “insidious delusions” as the (perceived) “correlation between the sexual revolution and peacefulness”.  He also called it a “tempting delusion” because of the old proverb: Those who feel good do not move – or, that is to say, that sexual happiness should free people from all kinds of resentments and aggressiveness. 24

This is wrong, according to Del Noce, because history demonstrates how permissive societies eventually transition into a “full-scale offensive against Christian civilization.”  Del Noce identified “de-Christianization” as a “common feature” of “psycho-erotic-Freudian-Marxist” ideology in combination with “the magic power of the idea of negativity”. He furthermore disparaged “the inevitable appearance of friars and theologians who interpret drug use as the beginning of a form of mysticism”25…and he warned of the eventual outcome:

Surpassing Marxism on the ground of the sexual revolution leads, therefore, to total negativism, not only against civilization and values but also against the very principle of reality, and is accompanied by the most sacrilegious and blasphemous expressions. We should speak not of peace but rather of “permanent violence” as a replacement for the ideal of ‘permanent revolution’…

– Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.183

An Inversion of Values:  Christianity, Devil Worship, Tyranny

Del Noce argued that intrinsic to eroticism is the “sacred turned upside down” and added his insights relating to a 1986 book written by Georges Bataille entitled “Eroticism: Death and Sensuality”:

… ‘the development of eroticism is in no respect foreign to the domain of religion, but in fact Christianity sets its face against eroticism and thereby condemns most religions.’  …. It was Christianity that separated religion from eroticism which, not by chance, comes back punctually in all forms of heresy.  Today is the time when all heresies seem to have gathered together.

‘The orgy is not associated with the dignity of religion… its potency is seen in its ill-omened aspects, bringing frenzy in its wake and a vertiginous loss of consciousness. The total personality is engaged, reeling blindly toward annihilation, and this is the decisive moment of religious feeling.’  … This is why sacrilege, black masses, the ‘Sabbaths, vowed in the lonely night to the secret cult of the god who was the other face of God,’” are essential.

This explains also the necessary link with devil worship…

– Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.184-185

Del Noce summarized how the ascendance of eroticism causes any attempt at “repression” of such to be viewed as a “violation and a diminishment of democracy.”  He argued that mainstream pornographic presentations promote “consequences separated from premises” under the guise of “freedom of thought” and said “rational argumentation” against such eroticism is an “appeal to irrational powers”.  “Can democracy allow… [consequences separated from premises] without becoming a suicidal democracy?” he asks, and then concludes as follows:

…. Totalitarianism, considered in the aspect that makes it a new phenomenon irreducible to past forms of tyranny, is born precisely from the corruption of democracy, i.e., from the concessions that democracies make, because of a false idea of freedom, to those who manipulate the irrational.

 Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.186

The Frankfurt School :  Metaphysical Being vs. Social Being, the Permissive Utopia, and the New Man

Del Noce identified the presuppositionary original flaw of the Frankfurt School as perceiving progressive (revolutionary) thought verses conservative (reactionary) thought as true and false, respectively. In so doing, he claimed, “liberation becomes the criterion of truth” and from the perspective of replacing “metaphysical being” with “social being”. 26

Hence, the descent of (formerly transcendent) Western Civilization into atheistic secularism (immanentism), it would seem.

According to Del Noce, Gnositic Utopias take the form of virtue without sacrifice and while prioritizing “well-being”.  Thus, by separating the idea of morality from that of sacrifice, the idea of the “initial fall” [of mankind] is abandoned in the pursuit of utopia:

… at our time in history heresies and utopias have all come together giving science the task of legitimizing them…. Historically, to the rise of every new science has corresponded the rise of a new form of utopia… the idea of the permissive society is the utopia that has accompanied the spreading of psychoanalysis…

– Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.139

Del Noce identified the opposition between “repression and permisssiveness” as linked to “two opposite conceptions of the nature of values” thusly: 27

1.) The “common moral sense” traditional view that values are “immutable, that they possess an objective reality”. That values are absolute and “cannot be reduced to any psychological and sociological explanation (and thus to affective states or social situations)”.  And considering “tradition” as derived from “tradere”, to “hand down”.

2.) Pursuant to Marx and Nietzsche: values viewed “as reflections of given historical situations, so that they cannot be abstracted from their context. Values subsist only within the movement of history, and they too are subjected to laws of birth and death. Hence, any transformation of the social condition, of the technical means of production and communications, etc, must produce a transformation of values.”

Del Noce addressed what he termed as the “semi-culture” as follows:  “the outlook of those who receive from outside, from the mass media and thus from the groups who direct and control the flow of information, certain ‘new’ opinions and accept them without any serious consideration of the premise that shape them”, and he claimed the “semi-educated man‘ does not know what he does not know’”. (emphasis mine)

If that doesn’t perfectly describe our current propagandized Clownworld, I don’t know what else would.

Del Noce speculated what Nietzsche meant when he claimed “God is dead” and argued that the “idea of the permissive society requires that atheism be presupposed” – even claiming the Frankfurt School’s (gnostic) views on “Platonic purification and the modern idea of scientific-technical domination of nature as stages of the same process.”  However, once people assume the “mystifying character of atheism”, they become “ensnared” by what Del Noce identified as the ‘‘heterogeneous of ends”. 28

As stated earlier, the heterogeneous of ends describes the simultaneous success and failure of Marxism; “that Marxism was bound to produce the exact opposite of what Marx intended, due to an intrinsic contradiction in its metaphysical assumptions”. Furthermore, Del Noce understood that Marxism is, in reality, defeated because “history had refuted its fundamental metaphysical assumption”, namely, the revolutionary transition to the ‘new man’”. 29   (emphasis mine)

The Gnostic Dreams of the “New Man” and the Inevitable Outcome

In Del Noce’s view, both ancient and modern forms of Gnosticism sought to escape reality. In antiquity, gnosis sought to free the soul from the world “in the name of divine transcendence” by atheistically denying God created the world and, thus, destroying the spirit of power within people.   However, in modern “post-Christian” gnosis, “the exact opposite takes place”: 30

It would seem, therefore, that atheism occurs as the divine is eclipsed by materialism until all that remains is the human will to power:

The [ancient} Gnostic quest is about rules to free the soul from the world; conversely, post-Christian immanetism searches for rules to build an absolutely new world.

… a new gnosis – where “new” means at the same time “post-Christian” or “decayed or “degenerate,”… is the only possible formula that can be used to describe the process that led to the myths of modernity and of the Revolution (regardless of what adjective is used to specify it: political, scientific, technological) as a historical break that will make possible to transition to the “new man.”

 – Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg. 295

Certainly, the gnostic conception of the “new man” would seem to shed more light on the metaphysics underlying transhumanism and transgenderism, would it not?

Accordingly, the process of building an earthly utopia (i.e. New World Order?), is something Del Noce labeled (borrowed from Voegelin?) as the “Immanentization of the Christian Eschaton”, or the….

…transition to the idea that man is capable of self-redemption (i.e. of achieving salvation through action.  It is the conviction that the advent of the reign of perfection on earth will be fulfilled by a human initiative.

– Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg. 295

Correspondingly, Del Noce reminded us of where mankind has been and he has, additionally, warned us of where we are going again:

…totalitarianisms are founded on the negation of the universality of reason, so that any form of opposition to established power (in the broadest sense, be it cultural or political, supposedly does not express rational concerns but conceals interests of class (according to communism) or race (according to Nazism) … If one reflects about the relationship between [metaphysical] authority and evidence, it becomes clear that, ultimately, negating these two notions must necessarily lead to the persecutions, ending in elimination, of all dissenters.

– Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.230

Referencing “degenerate gnosis”, Del Noce poses this question:  “Why is a new Gnostic blind to the obvious fact that men lack cognitive tools to define the meaning and the end of history?”

Then, he answers that question thusly:  “Because he has lost his faith, and he is looking for a surrogate to save himself from the abyss of desperation and nothingness”; and includes the following quotation from philosopher Eric Voegelin:

The more people are drawn or pressured into the Christian orbit, the greater will be the number amount them who do not have the spiritual stamina for the heroic adventure of the soul that is Christianity; and the likeliness of a fall from faith will increase…

 Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.296

 Del Noce labels gnosis in all its variations as a “single metaphysics” and an “anti-Christian philosophy”.  Deriving from a fear of the supernatural, the new gnostics seek a “surrogate in ‘experiential alternatives’”. 31

Accordingly… in my own observations… it’s as if the disciples of the new religion seek not to love, but, rather, to be perceived as being loving… and they, at the same time, value self-expression above faith and repentance. What Del Noce labeled as “degenerate gnosticism” does, indeed, appear as a form of godliness while denying the sort metaphysical transcendent power that Christianity has demonstrated throughout history.

Consequently, Del Noce claimed the “new Gnosticism must reject the universality of reason and its foundation in the theory of the Logos”.  He then added the following regarding what happens next:

Dictatorship is forced on them by the following contradiction: on the one hand, the followers of degenerate gnosis replace religion with politics as the road to human liberation; on the other, they cannot hope to succeed through persuasion because the [heaven on earth] immanentization of the eschaton is a theoretical fallacy. No matter what form of Gnosticism will prevail, believers in the ancient values will be ostracized and sentenced to the hell of social oblivion, precisely because of their morality and sincerity.   And the sentence will be pronounced in the name of a new religious interpretation or of an unverifiable meaning of history (or of both at the same time). Such a sentence is a form of violence, because it strikes those who think in terms of truth – it destroys the truth of the soul… in the name of myth.

  – Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.302

It would appear Del Noce predicted the past as prologue:  He defined the totalitarianism of the new Gnosis as a “regime that persecutes the ‘philaletes’ (lovers of truth), and because it creates a “dream world” founded upon “not recognizing reality”. He identified “degenerate gnosis” as a “quest for [material] power”, not for truth.  32

Right vs. Left: The Scientistic Anti-Traditionalism of Large-Scale Economic-Bureaucratic Organizations, Large Corporations, and Political Parties, as Fiefdoms

In a chapter entitled “Right and Left”, and beneath the subheading of “A RADICAL DETACHMENT FROM REALITY’, Del Noce wrote….

… the left is characterized by the utopian mindset, which expresses philosophically a radical detachment from reality. But, at the same time, it is dominated, contradictorily, by a frenetic lust for power.  It is easy to understand by what dialectical process utopianism is destined to become a cover and justification for the most unscrupulous and realistic political action if it is brought to bear on real life. The complete absorption of [im]morality into politics – which leads to persecutions, terror, and, ultimately, the selfishness of a new ruling class, which is the endpoint of all revolutions – could never be achieved without the utopian component, which promises that humanity will reach peace, happiness, and security after such turmoil.

–   Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.249 

Not only is the extreme left’s “alliance between power and the intellectuals” mandating utopia via “total revolution”, it goes even beyond that, according to Del Noce: Through the Nietzschean and atheistic casting aside of the Godhead, the scientific elite believe a “qualitative jump in the process of evolution which will lead from man to superman” is “about to take place”. 33

Del Noce believed that politics and culture are one in the same to the radical left and argued their “unsatisfied and unconscious needs for “transcendent reality” were projected from ideas by Marx and Freud  – of which Del Noce connected to the twentieth-century French intellectual Jean-Marie Domenach’s “passion for the limitless”.

Regarding this embrace of ideological negation, Del Noce summarized revolutionary atheism as “a sort of horizontal transcription of negative theology” because… without God, what remains is limitless and formless; values are reduced to ideology and since “the handing down of values is eliminated”, any “continuity of the past” is rejected.  In turn, tradition appears as “the dead trying to suffocate and kill the living” until the negativity transitions into an “acceptance of reality that presents itself as raw power”…  and… then… “the task of the politician changes, by a dialectic metamorphosis, into that management technique at the service of the strongest.”  Moreover, Del Noce claimed the exact outcome occurs with “today’s technocratic right” as the ruling class further separate from the masses as ideology eclipses values and becomes an “instrument of power”. 34

Referencing the French May Revolution and the Surrealist Revolution, Del Noce identified the formula of pure negation as a “complete divorce from reality”, “extreme desecration”, and with this statement:  “All that is must collapse in front of what it must become.”  35

This pure negation is also referred twice in “Crisis” as Friedrich Engels’ “teaching of dialectical thought”:  “Everything that exists deserves to die.” (a quote by Mephistopheles in Goethe’s Faust.) 36

Although the political right opposes the left’s negation via affirmation, and reactionary reaffirmation, of values and being, Del Noce considered Catholics as in between right and left.  He believed Catholicism was “divided” and having reached a climax in the twentieth century – between men of the left (advancement of the human condition in the name of ideals) and men of the right (preservation of principles). 37

Yet, even as more of those who call themselves Catholic have drifted further into leftist negation since Del Noce died in 1989, it only proves the continuing validity of his warnings against the “negations against metaphysics” that are inherent to Marxism and Scientism:

….  accepting all the negations against metaphysics formulated by theoretical Marxism… leads to the “totalitarian” view of science as the “only” true knowledge.  According to this view, every other kind of metaphysical or religious knowledge expresses only “subjective reactions,” which science, extended to the human world through psychological and sociological disciplines, is able or will be able to explain. Such scientific totalitarianism can be called scientism.

–   Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg.231

Del Noce summarizes scientism as the “hatred a priori against every form of transcendence” and claims modern science only knows “horizontal causality,” searching only for “laws as constant relationship between phenomena”.  Again, he identified science as viewing reality as a system of forces, not of values.

Moreover, the amazingly prescient Del Noce foresaw “scientistic anti-traditionalism” that could “be represented only by large-scale economic-bureaucratic organizations” as “all higher values collapse”.   He viewed the “essential element of totalitarianism” as the “refusal to recognize the difference between ‘brute reality’ and ‘human reality’ so that it becomes possible to describe man… as a ‘raw material’ or as a form of ‘capital’.” 38

It appears Del Noce predicted modernity’s Woke disintegration amid rampant corporatism, scientism, globalism, World Economic Forum-style gaslighting, cultural cancellation, geopolitical alignments, and the inadequacy of “left / right” politics in opposing the “new totalitarian reality”:

Unlike Communist totalitarianism as a “secular religion,” which is able to establish some continuity with tradition… the new totalitarianism is a totalitarianism of “disintegration” because the complete negation of tradition coincides with the negation of all “fatherlands.”  As a result, large corporations and political parties take the semblance of fiefdoms, and only foreign powers can play the role of mediators between them.

This could be how the “sunset of the West will take place.  It has been a growing possibility, constantly progressing and accelerating… For now, a future extension to the whole world of this destructive form of totalitarianism is remote possibility, given the forms of nationalism and imperialism that are strong in other countries.  If that extension were to happen, the historical process of the modern age would conclude with the reappearance of slavery, with the enslavement of those who are defeated in the political and cultural wars.  Incidentally, this leads to a very unconventional judgment about “Russian imperialism,” which is actually “obligatory” in order to not give in to the process of disintegration.

… In the context of these propositions, it becomes clear that the current political formulas are completely inadequate…

..All that people on the right do, essentially, is identify totalitarianism with Stalinism and deny that Communism might undergo a democratic evolution… People on the left evoke the ghost of a Fascist threat… and to some kind of ill-defined “American imperialism”… There are also centrists who want to oppose all forms of totalitarianism, both Communist and Fascist.   What utterly escapes all three positions is the new totalitarian reality that is taking shape.”

– Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg. 95-96


Based upon mistaken interpretations of history and modernity, and in correlation with Nietzche’s predicted “advent of nihilism”, Del Noce argued that “secularization theology” accompanied the transition from the revolutionary idea to the scientistic-technological society.  Certainly, the future did not look necessarily bright from Del Noce’s perspective, even decades ago. He warned of the “messianic aspect” in Communism as ultimately eclipsing the values of the past and creating a “most complete vacuum”:  39

What is left, if not a human being disconnected from the past and without hope for the future, deprived of a community based on values, so that we can speak, as a general form, of an individual without a person?

…But this we can say from the secularist perspective, the end of Christianity could only be envisioned precisely in the form in which the theologians of secularization intend to achieve it, regardless of their degree of awareness.

– Del Noce, “The Crisis of Modernity”, pg. 285-286

Del Noce identified the “Fascist” as the complete incarnation of the “repressive type” which allows propaganda to claim cultural “permissivism” as representing “the fullness of anti-Fascism”. 40

ANTIFA versus MAGA, anyone?

Marxism is revolutionary which, in turn, engenders reactionary politics (including eventual warfare) from those on the right side of the political spectrum (including what has been labeled as the fascist right).

People act on what they believe, hence the metaphysical influences throughout history within politics, economics, science, religion, and culture.  Subsequently, as history shows, each sequential civilizational turning has amplified in direct correlation with advancements in technology.

In our digital age: science, faith, politics, and economics are being coalesced on a global scale… and according to the construct of Scientism.

Therefore, people will choose according to transcendent objective truth… or… secular/historical materialism.

Those are the battle lines now.

In modernity, there exists genuine virtue that is real, and virtue signaling which is fraudulent. There is science and there is Scientism. There is objective truth and there is emotionalism; reason or feelings; knowledge or deception; truth-tellers versus wizards.

Some choose what to believe while others choose who to believe. Then they act on their beliefs in faith – many with courage and others acting out of self-concern and cowardice.

In reading Augusto Del Noce, it would appear that Clownworld has manifested in this manner:  Atheism precedes a faith in relativism which soon transitions to nihilism and, ultimately, violence in the expression of power.

A slippery slope, indeed.

Del Noce referenced the characteristics of totalitarianism as revealed in philosopher Eric Voegelin’s 2001 book “The Myth of the New World” as follows:   A “ban of the questions” leads to the purposeful “obstruction of reason”.  Then, what begins as a persecution of religion will eventually mutate into the persecution of reason, in every totalitarian system. 41

What is pure power when not subject to morality? Force.  Del Noce was correct in saying:  “Where force is absolutely sovereign, justice is absolutely unreal.” 41

As another aside, in closing, let me just say that any misinterpretations (and/or oversights) regarding Del Noce are mine alone.  The “Crisis of Modernity” contains an epic amount of content and I would not be surprised if any experts in all things Del Noce accuse me of remembering him wrong.  Should that be the case, I welcome any such discussion in the comment sections.  This article was a result of my reading “Crisis” and highlighting that which I, personally, found relevant to our time in history and pursuant to the content of my previous articles.

In the second appendix of “Crisis”, Del Noce said his insights were to “stimulate reflection” and that “providing solutions” was “beyond the scope of this brief work.” 42

Perhaps, therefore, if solutions are to be found, a good start might be to apply Del Noce’s insights toward the objectives of restoring Logos, logic, love, and law in our own communities first, and, then, beyond.

  1. Del Noce, Augusto. “The Crisis of Modernity”, trans. Carlo Lancellotti, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014 , page ix
  2. Ibid., page x
  3. Ibid., page 80
  4. Ibid., page xiii
  5. Ibid., page xv
  6. Ibid., pages xx-xxi
  7. Ibid., page 250
  8. Ibid., page 3
  9. Ibid., page 6
  10. Ibid., page 189
  11. Ibid., page 190
  12. Ibid., page 191
  13. Ibid., page192
  14. Ibid., page 193
  15. Ibid., page 194
  16. Ibid., page 195
  17. Ibid., page 205
  18. Ibid., page 207
  19. Ibid., page 214
  20. Ibid., page 177-178
  21. Ibid., page 217
  22. Ibid., page 176
  23. Ibid., page 175
  24. Ibid., page 182
  25. Ibid., page 183
  26. Ibid., page 218
  27. Ibid., pages 139-140
  28. Ibid., pages 141-142
  29. Ibid., page xiv
  30. Ibid., page 294
  31. Ibid., pages 296-297
  32. Ibid., pages 302-303
  33. Ibid., page 252
  34. Ibid., page 254
  35. Ibid., page 258
  36. Ibid., pages 43 & 253
  37. Ibid., page 260
  38. Ibid., page 232
  39. Ibid., pages 285-286
  40. Ibid., page 138
  41. Ibid., page 233
  42. Ibid, page 286 (from a 1983 article entitled “Notes on Secularization and Religious Thought”)
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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 30, 2023 7:04 am

That was an interesting start to the day. Too bad we’re not neighbors, I’d love to sit around the fire and talk about these things in greater detail.

So here’s my personal observations.

I began my adult journey on the left hand side of things; libertine lifestyle following the military (submission to something greater than self, but for the wrong reasons) which led to a life solely focused on the self and pleasure. I understood this, at the time, to mean that I was fulfilling the true spirit of independence and freedom. What I discovered, over time, was that I was a slave to my passions, needy of the approval of the crowd, locked into a path that narrowed the further I ascended the heights. In short it provided the exact opposite outcome from what I expected; alienation, loneliness, and a profound disconnect from myself the more time I spent alone.

It took me another decade and a half to get back to stable ground once I reversed course, and even then something was missing. I sensed, as a married man with a growing family, that I now had a purpose greater than myself, based on what was good and moral. This led me to both discipline of self in service to something of true value that would outlive me, destiny is the appropriate word in this case, but still I was not settled because there was a missing part. What I thought I would get from religion, or belonging to a church, was somewhat hollow because I did not recognize that the church itself had abandoned its purpose in the service of modernity. It no longer existed to find a bridge to God, but to signal virtue socially. I sensed it, but didn’t understand that you could find connection to the divine absent an intermediary setting, like a church life.

It was Nature that was missing.

Once we made our move away from the American Dream and towards the fufillment of our true purpose did I get an inkling of why we exist at all. It took another decade to really understand how the divorce from our connection to the earth and a life in harmony with the seasons and the lives of other species kept us from communion with our Creator. The immersion in work, not for the sake of economics but in service to the dynamics of life and death and an understanding of our place and purpose was the missing piece- for me. As the trappings of the various narratives fell away I realized just how false they were, how obviously shallow and meaningless and yet how alluring and enticing because they hit on all the drives and hungers that exist for another purpose.

I wonder now if this alignment of ideologies and advances was deliberate or an abberant synchronicity. Industrialism arose at precisely the same time as Marxism, was one the by product of another, or was it an historic hole in one on a par four? The sexual revolution, was it a result of the advent of birth control, or the natural end product of the alienation and isolation of the post modern world? Were the technics we developed- vaccines, the IUD, modern media, automobiles, air travel the result of a society removed from their connection to the land, or the drivers behind it? It is hard to see exactly where we lost the script and why we gave up such tried and true institutions and traditions like marriage and self-sufficiency in a trade for atomized lives of self-indulgence and electronic distractions. The very concept of happiness is no longer understood to mean contenment with one’s lot, but the feeling you get when you find a way to escape it.

Humans are a strange species in that we do not seem to be able to exist without considering why we exist. No ther living thing seems to share that component, content to simply be in the moment. The advantage they share- exempting house cats and fluffly dogs- is that they exist in the natural world absent the distractions of the manifest creation of mankind. The further we get from that- and we still have such a long way to go we may never get there, tied as we are to the world of modernity even here on the farm- the closer I feel to the Creator and His intentions for me. I wish I had not wasted so many years on this convoluted journey, but am deeply grateful that I have been given the opportunity to take it at all.

I really enjoyed what your piece did for me, setting me on a course of thought for the day that will take me the rest of my life to fully understand. So many threads in this tapestry of life to follow, and all such vibrant colors.

Thanks again.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  hardscrabble farmer
May 30, 2023 7:31 am

“Regret” is not in God’s Vocabulary. Do not think poorly of the path you’ve walked. It led you unerringly to the place you now stand, and made you what you are.

No other path would have yielded the same results.

Growth is painful, but not to be avoided.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  The Central Scrutinizer
May 30, 2023 7:35 am

’tis true.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 30, 2023 8:21 am

not true, “And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”

May 31, 2023 12:06 pm

And then He hung a rainbow in the sky declaring without strings attached that He would NEVER do it again. So GOD “repented” of His “regret”.

I think you missed that part.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
June 4, 2023 6:25 am

God declared He would never do what again?
He declared Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.
Fire will, but not all just most.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
June 4, 2023 6:32 am

Large scale rebellion in Man’s heart against God and His righteousness by His creation is the driving force for all that is happening in the world today.
It will not end well for the rebels.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 1, 2023 8:24 pm

Once again, this is the jewish version of ‘God’ … filtered through their own hatred and anger and evil ways … not to be confused with the God that Created all that is … 

  Anthony Aaron
June 1, 2023 9:50 pm

In all love, Dude. In for a penny, in for a pound. Shit or get off the pot.

  Anthony Aaron
June 3, 2023 9:38 am

My apologies. I appear to have taken the opposite of your meaning here. Truly sorry for that, Anthony.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 30, 2023 7:29 pm

Life was never meant to be easy.
It is pressure, on everything that change is made.
Without pressure in your life, you become indolent
and cease to become something more than you were.
Without pressure on the earth itself, stasis and death.
(Research ‘Snowball Earth’)
Where I find relief from the pressures of life is in the quiet
forests and shores in pursuit of food. An ancient pursuit
that our ancestors knew as their lives. Modernity has
removed us from our roots. I have had people damn me for being
a hunter and fisherman at parties as they chow down on
steaks and fish as if that just magically appears at the grocery store.
They are completely disconnected from reality. I don’t argue anymore.
They are in a place they can never escape from. We are heading
toward a future where that disconnect from Nature will be fatal for them.
In many fundamental ways, they are no longer humans.
-Colorado Artist (I cleared my history cache as a virus precaution and all my cookies disappeared from everywhere.)

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 30, 2023 9:01 am

Genesis 6:6
And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

How is that different from regret?

May 30, 2023 2:50 pm

If He TRULY Repented of it, explain to me just WTF any of us are doing here, or the purpose of Christ Jesus.

No. Everything happened exactly as it had to happen to achieve a preordained result.

There’s no such thing as coincidence…just your blindness of a larger reality.

May 30, 2023 3:13 pm

ESV actually uses the word regret.

Genesis 6:6

6 And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 30, 2023 12:47 pm

I’m completely shocked. You have words of wisdom instead of your usual bullshit. God is indeed great. LMAO

May 31, 2023 12:09 pm

“Thank you very little” – Chevy Chase

i forget
i forget
  The Central Scrutinizer
May 30, 2023 1:45 pm

regret, remorse, shame … not in peoples’ dictionaries/vocabularies///nervous systems enough – whether your take on God’s vocab is true or not.

WHF (just cuz this pretty little smartass says it doesn’t make it a ‘3rd party un-usable’ AA):

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  i forget
May 31, 2023 1:38 am

Right – she is entertainment. I like her too. I know she doesn’t do your thinking for you. 🙂

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  The Central Scrutinizer
May 30, 2023 8:35 pm

Genesis 6: 6 – The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth and his heart was deeply troubled. (Emphasis mine) NIV

  TN Patriot
May 31, 2023 1:38 pm

And then… He changed His mind.

Seriously, thanks to Uncola, Hardscrabble and others for their contributions on this thread.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 31, 2023 3:05 pm

Yes, a very good discussion on this thread.

God changed his mind many times because he is merciful and his grace is abundant.

  TN Patriot
June 3, 2023 10:57 am

Is there a higher form of arrogance than to claim to speak for God?

I wonder what God thinks of those who so arrogantly claim to speak for him.

June 6, 2023 10:53 pm

I don’t speak for God but I am wary of someone that says they spoke to God or God spoke to them, some kind of bright light appeared and a voice was heard, whatever. A person told me this but I think the cocaine …

Anyway, God speaks to people through the written word. Ok, so now someone will say they spoke to God or God spoke to them like verbally. Yikes.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 30, 2023 8:47 am

“Industrialism arose at precisely the same time as Marxism,”

By design… not a nod to Hitler who i think ultimately led the German people to ruin, but Bryant for bringing the truth of the German peoples’ struggle against the forces of darkness to light.

Unfinished Victory

For Hitler was accurate enough to realize that the Marxists did not stand for the freedom they pretended, but for a despotic uniformity, enforced by terror and annihilation of all who opposed them. In this, they differed only in their superior violence from the international financiers and exploiters they professed to supplant. Like Belloc and other earlier modern socials philosophers, Hitler perceived the twin roads down which mankind was being herded toward the servile state. First came the economic development which changed the social structure of the nation and substituted for its old feudal rulers, who at least had a certain sense of responsibility and noblesse oblige, the financier and the middle man who had none. Under the joint-stock company system, the search for profits became the sole guiding principle for life. The small artisan class slowly disappeared and the factory worker, who took his place, had scarcely any chance establish an independent existence of his own, but soon sank to the proletariat level. His present and future passed into the sole power of the man of figures who, calling himself his employer or master, acknowledged no responsibility for his moral or physical wellbeing. The hungry sheep looked up and were not fed.

The member of the new social class so created were “disinherited “in a treble sense. They were deprived of their independence. They were herded together in vast factory towns under conditions of living and employment that not only ruined their health, but robbed them of all faith in their country and its system of justice. And they were made to feel that the manual labour by which they lived was degrading and inferior to other forms of work. The ancient Order of the Peasantry, as Disraeli had once called it, had been transformed into a herd of helot without privilege or status.

But the process of social leveling was not yet complete. The poor were enslaved, but the higher and middle orders-the last repositories of culture and national social tradition of the past- still remained independent. Their independence was the final barrier that stood between the architects of constructive chaos and their goal. To destroy it no effort could be too great, And here the archenemy of the nation and society, the eternal and denationalized Jew, whom Hitler in his strange obsession saw in all places working to destroy the living state, seized his opportunity. By a masterpiece of ingenuity -“one of the most infamous deceits ever practiced”- the Jew turned the bitterness of the poor, whom his own usurious and irresponsible capitalism had dispossessed, against those who had till now escaped enslavement. “At first he had used the bourgeois class as a battering-ram against the feudal order; now he used the worker against the strongholds of the bourgeois. Just as he had succeeded in obtaining civil rights by intrigue carried on under the protection of the middle class, so now he hoped that joining in the struggle which the workers were waging for their existence he would be able to gain absolute power over them….He kowtowed to the worker, hypocritically pretended to feel pity for him and his lot and even to be indignant at the misery and poverty he had to endure….He showed himself eager to study his hardships, real or imaginary. He strove to waken a longing in the masses to change the conditions under which they lived. Artfully the Jew enkindled that innate yearning for social justice which is a typical Aryan characteristic. Once that desire became conscious it was transformed into hatred against those in more fortunate circumstances of life. The next stage was to give a precise philosophical explanation of this struggle for the elimination of social wrongs. And thus the Marxist doctine was invented.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 30, 2023 8:50 am
May 30, 2023 12:58 pm

Awesome version. I awake singing this song on occasion. Uncola’s article has brought out the best in everyone today.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 30, 2023 12:24 pm


I read your comment earlier this morning and have been considering your shared perspectives since.

First of all, I would like nothing more than to be your neighbor. You’re just a few years older than me and we both grew up in what I have called “the fading light of Norman Rockwell’s America”. And, over time, we seem to have acquired a very similar worldview. I suppose this is why we have become “online neighbors” in an ideological digital “neighborhood”, so to speak.

Obviously, my above article was written from Del Noce’s perspective as a Catholic and, although, his conclusions, language, and constructs are quite similar to his generational Christian predecessor, C.S. Lewis, Del Noce didn’t mention Lewis even once in “Crisis”; and Protestantism in general is only given a casual mention as well. Instead, Del Noce vaguely references Martin Luther, seemingly, in relation to pantheism. Del Noce, elsewhere (on page 260 of “Crisis”) does, however, reference Catholicism as affirming “the judgment of value” and “the existence of being and a hierarchy of beings.”

In any event, there is no doubt that the writings of both C.S. Lewis and Del Noce derive from the basic premise of God as Reality. I get that. I do. But, one thing I was trying to reconcile with myself (and I almost added into my 2nd “aside” at the end) is this fact: I have known atheistic people (both online and in 3-dimensions) who uphold values and morality and have stood strongly against the “negations of reality” as both Lewis and Del Noce have exposed in politics, Marxism, scientism, utopianism, etc.

So, I very much appreciated you sharing your view of “nature as missing”. It has helped me to resolve some things.

Perhaps people can understand God (by default, as it were) through nature as a part (albeit a large part) of the Greater Reality – of which Christians would consider as being fulfilled and flowing through Christ and with non-believers making many, but not all, of those connections for a myriad of explanations.

And perhaps the reason rural areas are more prone to consist of church-going people (and common sense unbelievers) is that they are closer to nature; whereas urban areas, separated from nature, are further removed (from nature) and, thus, embrace “modernity” with more of their heart, soul, and mind.

In my article from February of this year on “Abolition of Man”, I quoted C.S. Lewis as follows:

In Mankind’s seemingly fanatical quest to conquer nature (i.e. reality), Man has failed to see that nature is simply engaging in a temporary strategic retreat while Man erases himself.

Del Noce would seem to agree with that diagnosis of negation.

As for me, even within modernity, I find great comfort in tradition because of the time-tested values that were “handed down” by others before me. I believe wisdom is acquired via experiences obtained through reality (and not just my own experiences) and that suffering does, indeed, occur when self-deception and ignorance (i.e. pride?) experience the consequences of reality.

From my perspective, however, I am gratified within reality: in nature, with family and friends, by the smiles of people I meet daily. The first time I saw the Grand Canyon, it literally took my breath away. I can’t explain the specific metaphysics within that physical response, but it happened.

I once was talking to a lady who said my church was full of rich assh*les, politics, and hypocrites and I agreed with her. Then I asked if she had ever been to Hawaii. When she said “no”, I told her there is an ugly commercial side but also the sound of the waves and palm fronds whispering in the breeze. A church is a hospital for sick people and I told her I was walking down the hallway one time at church and saw some people hugging my wife’s cousin who was crying because she was recently divorced.

Modernity is like that too. A cell phone can be used to distribute fake news or to send an encouraging text to a friend.

Near seven years ago, I started on a journey of writing articles online and since Covid, I have taken a strong public stand (in the defense of Reality) in my community. I won’t back down. Now, even Wokeianity is attempting to introduce new ideologies into the Church; an entity that has withstood the gates of hell for centuries.

Five years and twelve days ago I wrote an article called “Meditations and Musings, in a Church, on Mother’s Day”.

It’s about how things change around us, as some things never change.

I suppose that’s what this Del Noce article was about, too.

Thank you for your comment. I appreciated it very much.

May 30, 2023 4:32 pm

…not all orcs are like that.

Do We Need God To Be Good?

May 30, 2023 10:57 pm

Like many of your posted links, that was interesting. Thanks Flash.

May 30, 2023 5:01 pm

Atheistic people can be good people, but most are not…

June 3, 2023 11:04 am

Atheistic people can be good people, but most are not…

Same can be said of most who claim to be religious.

In fact, most of the worst people I have met have claimed to be religious. When you are sure you are on the ‘right’ team, the arrogance and sanctimony invariably leaks into all aspects of their life. The superiority complex that often comes packaged with religion makes for some really shitty people.

Gott mit uns has empowered more evil actions than any other belief.

May 30, 2023 7:40 pm

The Seven Deadly Sins. Avoid them.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
May 30, 2023 7:41 pm

The Seven Deadly Sins are in place because they not only save your immortal soul,
but they are in place to save your life for a time here on earth. If followed,
you will find peace, amity, health, and a place with The Lord after all that.

  Colorado Artist
May 31, 2023 8:11 am

Only faith in the death, the burial and the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, ALONE, for the forgiveness of all of your sins can save your immortal soul.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
May 31, 2023 6:14 pm

Not if you happily keep committing deadly sins….
“Go and sin no more.”
Jesus was clear in John 8. “Stop sinning and follow me.”
Not “Keep on wantonly sinning and you’ll be fine if you follow me too.”

  hardscrabble farmer
May 30, 2023 12:56 pm

I have found the spiritual journey and the religious journey is two different things. The most you can ever get out of a religion is a bit of spiritual brotherhood. While the wisdom one can receive on the individual spiritual journey is limitless.

May 30, 2023 5:09 pm

Yes, you don’t need to subscribe to any particular religion to be spiritual, and in fact I do not, but my work as a past life hypnotist showed me that this world and time are only a speck in our spiritual journey…

Dr. Rock
Dr. Rock
  hardscrabble farmer
May 30, 2023 6:46 pm

Hear hear!

  hardscrabble farmer
May 31, 2023 6:30 am

I don’t ask why I exist and never did, I simply do. One day I will no longer exist and all that I thought and did will also no longer exist, with the exception of children and grandchildren.

May 30, 2023 8:13 am

comment image

May 30, 2023 8:23 am

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller

Some Facts For Consideration

May 30, 2023 10:02 am


May 30, 2023 4:27 pm

“To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

That’s what CBDCs will do.

May 31, 2023 6:36 am

I prefer the old model.

May 30, 2023 5:10 pm

Hardly reassuring…we don’t need to build a new world, we need to clean house…

May 30, 2023 8:37 am

+1000… I submit that once the authority of God is rejected all other forms of moral authority quickly erode as well. The overwhelming problem with the erosion of moral authority brought about by Godlessness and debauchery is that most people are idiots ( MPAI) and idiots are in constant need of authoritative guidance, preferably of high moral Christian standards, which understandably is why the ideology of Ancap and Libertarians are such failures when they come up against Red Book Marxism.
People not only seek guidance, but absolutely demand it and the “do what thou wilt is the whole of the law” as long as it doesn’t harm your neighbor is inadvertently a firm push, by well meaning people, of MPAIs into the camp of secular state authority. If ancaps and lolbertz refuse to provide an authoritative rulebook for the guidance seeking MPAIs , then that vacuum will be filled by an authority of force.
A strong unified Church is needed to counterbalance the forces of darkness ( i.e. secular state) . There must be no separation of Church and State. They should work in tandem, one balancing the other, which is why Christian Nationalism is an idea who’s time has come.

“In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God; and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was made nothing that has been made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness grasped it not. There was a man, one sent from God, whose name was John. This man came as a witness concerning the light, that all might believe through him. He was not himself the light, but was to bear witness to the light. It was the true light that enlightens every man who comes into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But to as many as received Him He gave the power of becoming sons of God; to those who believe in His name; who were born not of blood, nor the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. And we saw His glory – glory as of the Only-begotten of the Father – full of grace and truth.”
The Gospel of John 1, 1-14

comment image

May 30, 2023 8:39 am

Heads up for anyone wanting to read The Crisis of Modernity.
It can be downloaded here.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
May 31, 2023 6:29 pm

“Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

May 30, 2023 9:25 am

Clown World Faggot is getting very worried… Torquemada did nothing wrong.

Troubling data shows many Americans are pining to become a theocracy
A new report from the Public Religion Research Institute shows how Christian nationalism has taken hold in the United States.

June 2, 2023 9:48 am

We should be so lucky that the idea of Christian nationalism is taking hold; most of our problems would cease were it true.

May 30, 2023 9:03 am

A good summary might be that allowing narcissistic sociopaths to gain positions of power is always a bad idea.

May 30, 2023 9:38 am

Maybe not having positions of centralized power is the answer.

May 30, 2023 4:30 pm

Maybe not having a private bank issue one’s currency , so as it cares not who makes it laws.

May 30, 2023 9:09 am

Great overview of Del Noce’s works.

In the uniqueness of humanity we often look beyond our needs and focus on our wants. It is by that very uniqueness that we lose our connection to nature and the elegance that only a divine creator could provide. We fail to recognize the harmony of being part of the divine creation. Technocracy is a human condition and an inevitable outcome when we are driven to achieve superiority over nature itself. The divisions from nature comes from our own meritocracy and our drive to achieve the quest for our own wanting desires. Without recognizing the balance of being uniquely human and part of a greater creation we are subject to our own misery brought about by our lofty and unreasonable ambition that only humans have the capacity to achieve. That ambition will eventually drive us to the desire to be as gods, truly an exercise in futility and a futher departure from the creation and the creator Himself. We are bound and chasten by our own intellect. We must humble ourselves before God to truly know our place and appointment in his creation to achieve individual harmonic balance in our short existence. Saddly most of us will not.

May 30, 2023 9:16 am

To the secular state, humans are mere economic engines to be used up and discarded like the very products we consume. Our planned obsolesce is the mere fruition of rejecting the authority of God in lieu of obedience to the State.

“Untouched by the breath of God, unrestricted by human conscience, both capitalism and socialism are repulsive.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

May 30, 2023 10:21 am

Great article and thanks for the introduction. I found Jacques ellul through TBP too.
These, and others, actually read what was being written and thought it through way back starting in the 40’s (at least).
We were mostly introduced to Huxley and what his name and even taught they were warning us, not telling us their trajectory.

. I am not totally unread but unfortunately read what was ‘advertised’, even in Christian education. I think many of these writers were shunned because there was some aspect of their Christian beliefs ( not commentary) that didn’t jive with evangelical thought, thus they threw ou the baby with the bath water.
One big one being biblical thought on government.

Jay dyers global elite series goes through their writings in normal language and it’s shocking to see how they said how this would progress come true.

HSF:I wonder now if this alignment of ideologies and advances was deliberate or an abberant synchronicity. Industrialism arose at precisely the same time as Marxism, was one the by product of another, or was it an historic hole in one on a par four?

I know! It’s like a plan because they predicted it decades before, but it’s also biblical prediction and very spiritual…. Amazing.

May 30, 2023 10:39 am

Slippery slope ?

We just want common sense laws.
We just want to limit what you can own.
We just want it registered ” for safety ”.
We just want to tell you how many rounds it can hold.

We decided , for your own good , that you must turn them in.

May 30, 2023 10:40 am

I first read The Crisis of Modernity in 2014 and was surprised to learn few people in the English speaking world knew of Del Noce. He was a towering intellectual figure and highly respected in Italy. I found the esoteric points of his writing a bit difficult to get my mind around but his fundamental message came across loud and clear. It was like being hit over the head with a hammer, a hammer of obvious and undeniable fundamental truths. Thank you for bringing The Crisis of Modernity to the attention of this community. I recommend everyone read it.

Arizona Bay
Arizona Bay
May 30, 2023 12:09 pm

A very close friend of mine lived his formative years, pre-teens to mid-20’s, in monastic living then left. He is several decades older than myself and our conversations are about much deeper subject matter than anything pop culture or the fake R vs L of politics. Most often I just sit back and listen as he ties together Greek & Latin philosophers with middle age events and writers to explain the world as he observes it today.

For two decades he read and was educated, learning several languages & studying philosophers in their native tongue, while the world chose to Tune In, Turn On, and Drop Out. Del Noce’s book sounds a lot like having dinner with my friend and I may purchase the book for him as a gift. Thank you.

May 30, 2023 1:31 pm


I’d like to discuss the actual physics for a moment if you don’t mind.

Some troubling news has come to my attention between blackouts over the course of the weekend.

The (((enemy))) has finally caught on to some of my schemes.

Some woke asshat somewhere has figured out parts of my proposed invention. I told you it would only be a matter of time until somebody else discovered it!

Well. They did, and we’re even morrr fuckt now.

Nobody listens. Nobody cares. Your world burns.

Either we jump on this immediately, or your entire planet will be overrun with the shittiest kinds of people, AND the fuckery will only metastasize at an exponential rate.

Please listen.

I’m trying to help you.

Somebody should really listen to this.

May 30, 2023 1:31 pm

^This was my comment ^

May 30, 2023 1:41 pm

Woah, slow down with all the details there. We’re not rocket surgeons.

May 30, 2023 9:12 pm

surgeons indeed

May 31, 2023 5:11 pm

Literal sperg genius post-apocalyptic future warlord incel is going to laugh so loud the tectonic plates will shift when a gang of shitty crackhead mud people blow you busters out in numbers and sell your famfam into slavery.

Swear to friggin gosh, some of you tards are worse than the jews.

I can’t understand the fucktardery on regular display here, no matter how stupid I get! All I know is your future is fucked, losers like you lolbertz are my very worst enemy and you deserve to eat your own poop. Pray I don’t forge a wicked ass white youth-brown alliance.

Test me.


Most of you fooz are hoes anyway! Hoes with dicks! incel tranny grown ass old men hurry up and die hoes. We’d be better off, because it’s that much less of your mess I gotta attempt to fix. You don’t even care about your children. Stop pretending you do. Y’all have no fucking clothes!

Did you forget that???

May 31, 2023 5:11 pm

…Literal sperg genius post-apocalyptic future warlord incel is going to laugh so loud the tectonic plates will shift when a gang of shitty crackhead mud people blow you busters out in numbers and sell your famfam into slavery.

Swear to friggin gosh, some of you tards are worse than the jews.

I can’t understand the fucktardery on regular display here, no matter how stupid I get! All I know is your future is fucked, losers like you lolbertz are my very worst enemy and you deserve to eat your own poop. Pray I don’t forge a wicked ass white youth-brown alliance.

Test me.


Most of you fooz are hoes anyway! Hoes with dicks! incel tranny grown ass old men hurry up and die hoes. We’d be better off, because it’s that much less of your mess I gotta attempt to fix. You don’t even care about your children. Stop pretending you do. Y’all have no fucking clothes!

Did you forget that???

May 30, 2023 3:37 pm

Keep a lid on that flux capacitor. The will come for you.

May 30, 2023 4:02 pm

???? One point twenty-one Jiggawatts ? What was I thinking ?

May 31, 2023 3:13 pm

how am i supposed to take any of you seriously.

I’d be better off talking to a class of college kids.


If it’s defeat lolbertz want….

Just remember… When your whole world gets totally fucked soon- I couldve stopped it. Probably all of it.

But you fuckheads just laughed. Like you’re the ones with it all figured out.

HAHA. I feel bad even laughing at you retards, honest.

Welp. You’re gonna choke to death on your own egos, as soon as you pull out of your own mouths.

I’d say it was nice knowing you! But most of you are horrible, retarded people, who deserve horrible things.

I’m gonna skip the boomer circle-jerk here. good luck youre fucked

What goes around…

May 31, 2023 3:26 pm

yeahhhh no.

I hate you.

Not the decent people amongst you. You lot are just epic. But the all the fuckwit mouth-breathers with shitty, unoriginal jokes and shit can just die. haha.

This place is a fucking toilet now

One of the most influential conservatives in the whole world just bounced out. You’re not welcome for the wisdom you retarded swine serfs. I hope the shitwits among you get nuked tomorrow. Sincerely.

May 30, 2023 2:07 pm

that fellow puts in good words many things which most of us have been thinking or saying in detached bits for a long time. i’d like to find a copy of that book and read it.
all of what i read up above i must say are things ive been observing and saying pretty much all my life, he does a nice job of summarizing and expressing those thoughts..
but even if he’s more articulate and put the effort into laying it out in a comprehensive format, if there’s a flaw , it’s that it’s preaching to the choir for most of us to be the main audience of such a book (not that it wont be a good thing to read and certainly have plenty of better more succint, composed ways to express a number of things)

i do fear though that we need a more compact way to express some of these things if we’re going to communicate them to anybody who hasnt already figured it out for himself!

we also have many extremely short summarizations which wrap the whole thing up in a single sentence, but again, if one doesnt already understand it then this wont help much – one of my favourites is , ‘men who refuse to be governed by god will be ruled by tyrants’ .
that sums up pretty much the whole thing just as well as solzhynetsin’s recounting of a wise old man telling him, in the gulag, that all those things happened because men had forgotten god.. and that solzhynetsin said in a speech decades later that it took him a long time to really understand the simple but deep truth behind those words.

May 30, 2023 2:20 pm

The choir are the most committed members and great minds thinking alike is good;

The West’s New Faith

May 30, 2023 2:55 pm

A very interesting post. Thank you.
It seems we are slowly drawing towards answers and antidotes to what we perceive as madness around us.
The following, by David Gosselin, is an interesting contribution to the discussion of the current malaise:
It begins:
‘The recent explosion of scandals involving the London Tavistock Clinic’s radical gender reassignment experiments on children and young adults have revealed one of the dark sides of modern psychiatry, particularly, British psychiatry. However, these scandals have only begun lifting the veil on an even darker history, one that gave birth to modern Anglo-American psy-ops.’
And later continues:
‘The conversations between Huxley and Leary reflect discussions that were being had by many of the chief visionaries of a dystopian “brave new world.” It was a world in which genuine spiritual and epistemological development of the individual would be replaced with drugs, psychedelic experiences, and the constant stumbling in and out of trances of every kind. These experiences would “feel” like a philosophical and spiritual development, and share many of the outward characteristics, but ultimately be yet another “imitation.” ‘

May 30, 2023 4:09 pm

As for trances, Huxleys book BNW-Revisited gets into TV effects on brain waves and suggestibility. The hypnotic state it creates in the viewer. And why prime time advertising is at the end of the day , when people are most tired and the sales pitch meets the least thought or resistance.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
May 30, 2023 3:42 pm


I remember an unanswered question I asked of a woman I knew. She had made some disparaging remark about religion and the religious right, and I knew she was a liberal. I asked how she could disparage religious faith but uphold faith in government, throughout history the deadliest institution on the planet.

Through the years I’ve devised a test for the myriad philosophies and belief systems one confronts. Does a given philosophy or system justify someone in a position of power telling and compelling me what to do, how to live my life, or, if I become an adherent, justify me telling and compelling others what to do, how to live their lives? If so, my examination of it proceeds no farther.

I used to think that I was just too lazy to examine some of history’s deepest thinkers, and that’s undoubtedly true. However, my little test was invaluable personally, in that it freed me from a desire to tell or compel others what to do. Call it live and let live. Half of happiness is avoiding that which makes you unhappy. The other half is finding what makes you happy and brings spiritual satisfaction.

Although I’ll always leave room for exploration and discovery, I’m at an age where I have a pretty good idea of what does and doesn’t bring happiness and spiritual satisfaction for me. I don’t think they’re unique to me, in fact I think they’re roughly constant across time, space, and peoples.

From your article, it appears that Del Noce makes a strong case for that rough constancy, and correctly argues that systems based on force and coercion embody a faith that may be even stronger than religious belief. I think I got that right, but I could be mistaken. In any event, I thank you for bringing to my attention a profound thinker, and for your analysis of his work. I’ll post it tonight.

  Robert Gore
May 30, 2023 8:09 pm

Thank you, Robert.

The Marxist Body Count is a great rejoinder to those berating Christian Nationalism while dreaming utopian visions of Immanentizing the Eschaton.

Before the woke revolution had progressed to the point it has, I, too, thought philosophy wasn’t worth much of my time – and, like you, considered my own perspectives that were honed through the years to be enough.

I remember a philosophy class in college, writing papers on Plato, Socrates and Descartes, and humorously telling a professor that I rejected Solopsism because I refused to be lonely (or something similar to that).

But, recently, my interest in the subject has been renewed.

When I read your “test” criteria above, I found myself recalling the words of John Galt in “Atlas Shrugged” (and I believe I know you well enough by now to suspect that you were too 😉):

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

Thank you again for your comment and posting this piece on

May 30, 2023 4:26 pm

comment image.

comment image

June 1, 2023 5:15 pm

Flash- I just spent a week out in the TN farmland. Went in a restaurant, all but one guy was white, mostly families and lots of babies and toddlers. Let me underline lots and all white. It looked as normal as any large group of people 50 years ago. Just guessing there were 150 people there.

My point is to say there are still pockets of normal and white folks reproducing just as they always did. I was uplifted by that sight of families just enjoying being together.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 1, 2023 8:34 pm

And, if that doesn’t work … give the child lots of toxic, experimental gene therapy jabs … 

May 30, 2023 4:58 pm

Atheism is just another form of nihilism, which leads to a society like ours that prizes sensation in this life over any other values…Since there is no reason to build a good future, everything is spoiled for purposes of pleasure in the here and now…

May 30, 2023 5:21 pm

Unkla, quite the epic! I may be the only one that has been on TBP to focus on Atheism nearly as much as you and how that necessarily leads to bad places like Clownworld. My other focus is on weakass people and, much more importantly for our survival, the power and needed dissolution of the Legacy Media. Yes, Atheism is more like the precursor to Marxism rather than a result or requirement.

My philosophy on Politics is not as erudite as his (will try to find book) and can be distilled more simply: Politics is War without Blood. War is politics with Blood.

May 30, 2023 5:50 pm

He also claimed Fascism and Nazism were “misdiagnosed” by post-World War II Western intellectuals as being “revolutionary” when these movements were (are), in reality, “reactionary phenomena.”

A reaction to what, exactly?

comment image

We need no longer wonder.

The first step in salvaging Western civilization, is accurately diagnosing the disease infesting our society.

May 30, 2023 8:17 pm

A reaction to what, exactly?

How about Weimar Germany? And, if so, that should have been sufficient evidence to prove Wilhelm Reich wrong about “no power on earth” stopping “a sexual revolution in progress”. Just sayin’

May 30, 2023 8:56 pm

Reich was born the first of two sons to Leon Reich, a farmer, and his wife Cäcilie (née Roniger) in Dobzau, Galicia, then part of Austria-Hungary, now in Ukraine. Wilhelm Reich’s parents were married by Rabbi Schmelkes on June 4, 1895.[17] Baby Wilhelm was circumcised four days after his birth.[18] There was a sister too, born one year after Reich, but she died in infancy. Shortly after his birth the family moved to Jujinetz, a village in Bukovina, where his father ran a cattle farm leased by his mother’s uncle, Josef Blum.

Heh. Imagine, him being a liar selling destructive filth to White people.

May 30, 2023 9:18 pm
June 2, 2023 9:56 am


June 1, 2023 3:04 pm

Yeah, but you are skipping over the part of what an unstoppable “sexual revolution in progress” actually leads to.
I would call it Animalism.

Dr. Rock
Dr. Rock
May 30, 2023 6:41 pm

Thank you for writing this, and for digesting and regurgitating Del Noce’s book, which I’ve now ordered. People banter about words such as “prescient” too frequently, but in this case, I don’t think it’s powerful enough to describe his insights.
Truly powerful stuff!

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
May 30, 2023 7:20 pm

Prometheus Mythos – technology revealed on one hand – art revealed on the other.
Where Art is debased Technology ascends corrupted.
Art is a wind to lift humanity to glimpse the divine and to divinely guide the hand of Technology.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
May 30, 2023 8:00 pm

Definitions must be clear. What is “moral”? “immoral”?

Very simply – immorality is theft of any type and of various types.
theft of life, money, personal sovereignty, labor, truth ….

See Natural Law – Mark Passio

May 30, 2023 10:17 pm

I come in here feeling a little bit smart , like I have some understanding.
Mind blown. I leave like a box of wet hair. Asking even more questions.

Have you people been thinking tonight ?
You cant THINK and drive , you know.
I ‘ll bet some of you have a THINKING problem.
Do you THINK alone ? Or only when out with friends ?
Do you THINK at work ? Or only at home ?

Yes, it is clear , you all have a THINKING problem.

June 3, 2023 1:01 am

” The absent minded professor ” ? ” The Fool on the Hill”.? I’m sure you are plenty smart , my similar take is that more times than not I’ll come on here after having read just a fantastic essay ,of which TBP posts so many , only to find a bunch of cynics trying to out cynic each other( they may as well be nihilists themselves ) . Not with this outstanding essay by Uncola! All of the sudden TBP comment section turned from the shallow to the deep end of the pool . Very edifying , the essay and the majority of the comments that followed . YOU ARE NOT ALONE !!!!
The servant always becomes the master because the master always unwittingly gives up his real sovereignty to the servant , The servant was the one doing it all after all , so who was it that was strong and who was weak again ?”No pain no gain “.Stay humble and be of service .

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
May 31, 2023 2:17 am

Great write up, Uncola. I may put this on my reading list.

Most everything I read is just to stimulate reflection. I really haven’t read anything that provides solutions. I don’t see solutions at this point. I think we’re beyond solutions, at least on the human level. ‘Man’ has done a spectacular job of screwing up everything that is touched. It’s impressive actually.

Recently visited my old community and some acquaintances that I haven’t seen in a couple of years. Had a 15 year old girl tell me she is gay and that she wants to be a man. She dropped her name and goes by a masculine name now. She has her parent’s full support for transitioning. She has her school’s full support for transitioning. She has her community’s full support for transitioning. So….what could I say to her when she told me?

I did tell her she was much too young to make these drastic decisions with her body and told her that she will always be “her real name” to me and that’s what I will always call her. And left it at that. She was an adorable 12/13 year old girl last time I saw her. Look what they did to her – parents included.

There is no way this community will restore logos, logic, love, and law – that shipped has sailed. I guarantee that if I were as vocal as I wanted to be with these people they would have had me burned at the stake. I held my tongue somewhat only because a child was present (I filter myself around children) – had it been only adults the scenario would have been different. Actually, I did get into that discussion with an all adult group and they were disgusted with what I had to say. I was outnumbered by far. No solutions.

i forget
i forget
  Abigail Adams
May 31, 2023 2:57 pm

“No solution” is the solution @ the only level that any traction is possible: the very local, personal, level.

That solution won’t beget a vexation-free life, but human nature ~ or ant nature ~ isn’t a problem to be solved (despite technocratic ~ or reverse gear time machine ~ or Quixote windmiller ~ dreams & compulsions). It, the nature of the beast, just is.

Cole’s contrast of native A‘s & native AA’s ~ all experimentation data that’s gone into the hopper (the ants’ AI grasshopper-chop-chop-chopper?) ~ batteries seems pointed.

Six Feet Undergroundhog Day

(Aside, his “tired of the refrain” thing, I understand. But, practice, exercise. “Only 12 notes. Do what you want with them.” ~ Eddie Van Halen … anything except blame them – it ain’t the notes fault if you keep banging out “chopsticks” …

… Scene’s not up. Bohannon, trying to eat with chopsticks. Instead, he eats with chopstick. He spears the food. That’s the sound of one tine clapping.

chinese, blacks, irish lunch gets et (tu’d), Mormons not as much, in the transcon rr the carpenter built … & the kaleidoscope wheel turns …

& karen carpenter could sing like an angel, but believed she was fat, & beliefs are real & must be “respected” – which is to say used ….


Breaking points are real. And “even in” brokenness you will find reinforcing “social proof” die•namics – as you’ve written of here.

(Some breaks are permanent. Some heal. Or “heal.” But, the surround is Strother Martin & the boys. Always. In that swamp, healing or “healing” over & over will offend the might makes right rite aye, & Cool Hand Luke “failure to get the message” {he got it loud & clear, & his response was death wish fulfilled} will be broken to permanent room temperature.)

So, break ‘em down, put ‘em into reservations (with, ahem, borders … ever seen a wireless electric fence for canines? “We got a wave in the air, Radar Love” ~ Golden Earring — friends, romans …), subsidize the soma supply – & forget about ‘em.

Outta sight outta mind vexation go poof … is the unrealizable fever dream … cuz once some tribes are dispatched, others will materialize, like magic, to fill the abhorred vacuum.

It has never ended & it will never end.

First they came for the native A’s (that neimoller assault&battery bit) – & “we” “helped.”

Eventually, but truly it was all along, “they” ~ who looked exactly like “us” ~ came for “us.”

Cry foul! We wuz used!


And you wuz accomplices in that usury, too.

And “after” the conquest ~ which process never ended, never ends ~ mere advantage dressed itself in the finest sharkskin threads … which is to say the magic of Technicolor dreamcoat words, where the only rule is “anything goes.”

Any … Thing … Goes.

It’s what carpenters, john & other names too, build:

All the Dutch (Schultz) Treat treaties … we talk pretty insinuating brain infections … & friends/romans/countrymen fall all over themselves to lend their ears*, invite the vampire right on inside doc Jekyll’s Hyde.

We & us & they & them are massed infantries. “target rich environments” & low-hanging fruit & the easier to steal car that doesn’t have locked doors, locked steering wheel, or an alarm – & the keys are in the ignition (so, “the good old days” for all the push-button fob aficionados out there).

That’s where the lazy/pragmatic/utilitarian criminals are attracted to, every time. Outlying I’s they may get around to, eventually. But if ever, that mopping up will be last.

Distance is time. Time is life. Or the container to fill with life. Cue that Stones tune. I’ll cue this less often played one:

*Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;

I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answer’d it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest–
For Brutus is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men–
Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me:
But Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man.
He hath brought many captives home to Rome
Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill:
Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?
When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man.
You all did see that on the Lupercal
I thrice presented him a kingly crown,
Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And, sure, he is an honourable man.
I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all did love him once, not without cause:
What cause withholds you then, to mourn for him?
O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason. Bear with me;
My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause till it come back to me.

~ you know who … then as now // this is it

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  i forget
May 31, 2023 8:08 pm

I agree with Cole about the rut. What more is there to say, really? Que sera sera, right?

You would have been impressed with my stoic abilities – cool as a cucumber.

i forget
i forget
  Abigail Adams
June 1, 2023 2:59 pm

Yes. Me as well. I am out, too. My last post.

My good days, nights, are getting further apart. & the crosswords exercises aren’t the help they used to be.

(It needn’t be said, mostly, to this comments choir, but the Rockefeller combine-coven, that goes by “healthcare” these days, is infernal, & the point of the (much longer) spear that would charnel house the human world. And this has been true from the roll-up, which was long before I was born, let alone “the pandemic” was loosed. Stay away from it, & its shameless soldiers, at all costs. One interaction is all it takes. And a seemingly good interaction easily leads to subsequent ones until the damage is irreversibly done.)

So, from the “barn,” farewell, Abigail.

And … flashing on the title, “Good-Bye to All That” … I look-see to brush up on the flash. Interesting “time” encapsulation (wikid for overview, & then maybe the first few goodreads reviews…); compare the Graves recounting to now: see the continuous re-creation-in-place … no learning, no progress or improvement – the bottom sodomizes & surgeries itself, but never opts for responsibility implants:

1ww, no “good guys,” same as episode 2ww. No good reasons. Or motives. Or rationales. Or outcomes.

An in case ps: given the spleen I’ve seen vented & splashed in the commentary space here, mine own seems, to me, quite mild. But there’s no accounting for taste. So if my cilantro insults have been soap on the tongue for some (like Archie P, for example) I apologize.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  i forget
June 1, 2023 6:55 pm

Sorry to see you won’t be posting anymore, i forget.

It’s been a pleasure & privilege sharpening my iron against yours. (in the most positive interpretation) You truly have a rare & beautiful mind. 😊

I’ll get Graves’ book – looks interesting.

I wish you peace & contentment. Try to pop in on your good days if you can. Would love to “see” ya.

~ Take care. 😘

  i forget
June 1, 2023 7:13 pm

Who was that guy?

i forget.

No, seriously. He was one of kind.

I know. But his name was… i forget.

He had a good run, too. I asked El Coyote years ago if he might have been SMASH THE CONTROL MACHINE?

But EC said “no”. His name was… i forget

Thanks for words and the links

And shine on you crazy onion

  Abigail Adams
May 31, 2023 5:37 pm


It’s in my community too – and enough to make one want to throw in the towel with a big sigh of “FUBAR” under one’s breath.

I want to ask the parents of these kids: “WHO said this is OK?”

WHY do they believe what they believe?

And, then, there is the problem of trying to reason with those who don’t have it.

Tricky business

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
May 31, 2023 8:13 pm

Yes, tricky business. And I’m out.

Stoicism for me from here on out – just call me Marcia Aurelius. I got it down.

  Abigail Adams
June 1, 2023 6:22 pm

Abby- Leave that place, go to another school where decency is stressed. Amazingly, the private schools of the elite are not held to this insanity. This is a cycle repeated in times of destruction, some say this is the end of humanity.

It’s always the end, don’t believe it. Once the destruction has created a fresh canvas on which to paint, the profiteers will start a new golden age full of hope and normalcy. BTW, they will be selling back to humanity all the assets they used to own before the darkness set in. This is nothing new and truly there is nothing new under the sun. Stoics weather the storm better.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
June 1, 2023 7:02 pm

Hey BL…I’m not associated with the school thankfully. Just visiting & catching up with past relationships.

You’re right; I don’t think there is anything new under the sun.

Hope you’re well. I think you’re traveling?

Knight Of Broken Glass
Knight Of Broken Glass
May 31, 2023 7:35 am

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion…

  Knight Of Broken Glass
June 1, 2023 5:05 pm

BINGO, Knight. This is as orchestrated as can be by the (((Usual Suspects))) for the purpose of destruction. Anyone who tries to use flowery blah, blah philosophy to explain this is part of the show. `They blow you up then analyze where YOU went wrong and or ” our society”. Pure BS.

May 31, 2023 9:08 am

WATCH: Parents furious as video captures what male Disney worker was doing in young girls’ shop

May 31, 2023 10:42 am

I think the article is way overthinking this. Basically what it comes down to is that people are assholes. Given the opportunity to gain power over others, they will misuse that power to unbelievable degrees. Our forefathers understood this and so told us that violent revolution was necessary on a fairly regular basis to give the people in power a reality check. The problem is, we turned into a nation of cowards afraid to resort to the kind of violence that keeps the people in power afraid to abuse their powers. The result is the insanity we see all around us. Civilization like rights, are only as legitimate as the willingness of people to fight to maintain it. When we become too afraid to resort to violence, then civilization crumbles. You see life is a paradox. Civil behavior must be maintained by the very real threat of uncivil behavior. That is the foundation of respect. The fact is our government no longer respects us.

June 1, 2023 3:08 pm

“resort to the kind of violence that keeps the people in power afraid to abuse their powers”
Now you only need to define when the abuse level has been crossed, and teach (or indoctrinate?) everybody else to cling to that same definition, even in a barrage of disinformation and lies. A cakewalk.

May 31, 2023 3:22 pm

HEY ADMIN ….. I can’t comment on your latest epic article …. the screen jumps up and down … so I’ll do so here.

First. all these years I’ve been here and I had no idea at how you arrived at the name “Burning Platform” …. so, reading your explanation was most enjoyable.

Not a damn thing I can add to your fabulously fantastic article. ALL of it is pure truth …. this country is soooo fucked. Really only a question of when the SHTF, isn’t it. I hope I live to see it. Why? Because that is the ONLY hope for my children, grand-kids, and beyond. This current system will only enslave them, torture them (mentally, if not physically), and possibly kill them. The End Of America is NOT the end of the world. Something better WILL rise from the ashes … I believe that’s almost always true. I want them to experience that.


” …. the period around 536 AD may have been the worst time to live on our planet in history. A cataclysmic volcanic eruption in Iceland in 536 AD “

Many people know that the Sahara Desert was once mostly lush greenery … but, most people don’t know that the Mediterranean was once a vast desert. In other words, the opposite of today. About 6,000 to 10,000 years ago the planet went through multiple periods of global warming AND Ice Ages in rapid succession. Around 5,500 or so years perhaps the greatest disaster to hit earth (while humans inhabited it) occurred when rising Mediterranean waters roared through the narrow Bosporus Strait, transforming the Black Sea, then a freshwater lake, into a bloated saltwater body … destroying most existing human culture and resulting in a worldwide diaspora for the survivors.

I believe that flood is mentioned in the Bible. It is referred to as Noah’s Flood.

I’m currently halfway through the book below … a damned good read. It is mostly a science book … very little religion. Highly recommend it to those who are interested in an alternative to a LITERAL understanding of the Noah story.

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May 31, 2023 3:28 pm

Hi Stuck

I’m glad to see you commenting more in the last few days. We miss your pithy commentary. It looks like Llpoh has thrown in the towel and no longer comments. Just a few of us left from the old days. I was 45 years old when I started this blog and now I’m 60. Looks like my 15 years of warnings didn’t work.

May 31, 2023 4:02 pm

When you started this blog (I was there shortly thereafter) I didn’t need Viagra either. Just sayin’ …

Maybe you could bait him with an article … “American Indians Suck DDD Esp Traitors who move overseas”. or something. A post from a few months ago, you probably read it, indicated he was sick and tired of Covid articles, all the Loo stuff, and maybe one or two other things. Or, maybe his two huge mean-assed dog sjust bit his balls off.

Well, fuck him; I’m glad I outlasted him. I outlast everybody no matter what shit they throw at me. Like the Energizer Bunny. Stuchenbunny.

May 31, 2023 3:37 pm

Stop trying to read the article while you are on your trampoline.
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May 31, 2023 10:25 pm

I grew up on a coastal shoreline , playing in beach sand. All I can say is when I stood at the edge of The Grand Canyon in Arizona , I did NOT see evidence of a river carving a path in the Earth. I saw evidence of a large one time wave of water , carving out that canyon.

I do not recall where, but it was proposed that during the ice age a giant lake of meltwaters over the lands North of Arizona broke through a thawing ice wall dam. Billions of cubic meters of water would flow and carve out a canyon like that. More powerful than any river.

As I stood looking over that Grand Canyon, I knew by what I had seen on the beach with waves carving out sand, A RIVER ALONE …. DID NOT DO THIS.
My 2 cents.

May 31, 2023 3:49 pm

“Del Noce argued that intrinsic to eroticism is the “sacred turned upside down” “

So, Doug, what about the pornography that is posted here every Friday? Have we turned TBP into a cheap little porn shop where you don’t even have to insert a quarter to get your jollies? What? Some might argue that’s NOT porn, and that I’m just an old toady? Well, search the net for 1950’s Playboy bunnies … who show less skin than what is shown here every Friday? If that was porn, then surely Friday Fail is more aptly called Friday Tits And Ass. Someone said “I know porn when I see it.”. OTOH, as far as I know we still don’t show nips and clits so, we surely are a moral upstanding group. Thoughts?

You wrote a very intellectual piece. Almost above my paygrade. Yet, enjoyable. I especially liked this line;

“Atheism precedes a faith in relativism which soon transitions to nihilism and, ultimately, violence in the expression of power.”

Indeed! Atheism always ends in disaster, eventually.

For your next piece please consider writing about the rise of consciousness in humans, what happens to it (us) when we die, show evidence supporting your pov, and do so without excessively referring to the Bible but, rather, on science and philosophy. That’s not too hard, is it?

Peace, bro.

May 31, 2023 5:59 pm

Hiya Stuck,

Good to see ya.

Interesting challenge. Let me stew on that one for a while…

In the meantime, I’ve honestly been amazed at how TBPers tend to self-regulate on FF and other threads too. Yeah… the female form is… shall we say… celebrated…. every Friday, but rarely, very rarely, anything beyond what you’d see at a typical swimming pool back in the 1980s when most of the male readers here were still in their mid-forties. 🙂

I’ve been told some online ads here sort of push the limits too? I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. I think those ads queue up according to cookies on people’s web browsers so whatever sites they’ve visited in the past is what they see in the ads. I suspect, therefore, that BL sees a lot of ads for Slim Whitman and Barry Manilow CDs and stuff like that? All I ever see on mine are ads for online thesauruses and old Chuck Norris shows on VHS.

June 1, 2023 11:57 am

Virtually everything Human is best viewed through a religious lens, yet we think of ourselves as being logical and scientific. Of course, we are not. Even those things have been entirely corrupted into Scientism.

Ideally, there would be a balance. An individual is capable of such–at times; a society is, however, is not. Ultimately, better to abolish the scientific rather than the religious–while to do the opposite is quite impossible, despite the fervent beliefs of Marx and the fervent Attempts of Lenin and Stalin.

Even our corrupt Overlords, the PTB, the AIC (assholes-In-Charge), Davos Crowd, Cabal of Satanic Pedos–pick your label, operate entirely in a religious structure, evil to their core, using the term “science” but living in Passion, Exstacy, Horror–al Romantic/Religious terms. That is who and what we are and have always been.

We have been hanging over this particular chasm for a long time. Part of me simply wants to get this ball rolling despite knowing I am nowhere near ready for that and probably never will be.

June 1, 2023 2:43 pm

Excellent essay.
I especially like your summary

Regarding this embrace of ideological negation, Del Noce summarized revolutionary atheism as “a sort of horizontal transcription of negative theology” because… without God, what remains is limitless and formless; values are reduced to ideology and since “the handing down of values is eliminated”, any “continuity of the past” is rejected. In turn, tradition appears as “the dead trying to suffocate and kill the living” until the negativity transitions into an “acceptance of reality that presents itself as raw power”… and… then… “the task of the politician changes, by a dialectic metamorphosis, into that management technique at the service of the strongest.”

(Did you get DN’s great decoding of what is the only thing left after all tradition is eliminated… and how it leads to recreational drug use?)

You picked up on some of the same points and significant keywords (for example “limitlessness”) as I did.

One critique:
I do not agree with

Del Noce identified the “Fascist” as the complete incarnation of the “repressive type”

While I cannot provide the exact quote source right now, in my own notes Del Noce once clearly stated “explaining fascism to arise from an excess of authority, is completely false”

If as a prerequisite you truly grasped the two forces self-contradicting in Marxism [according to DN], read starting with “I spoke of three new forms of secularism…” (pg 104) for four pages onward, to find Del Noce’s best approximation of fascism.
(I know, it’s an extremely tough read, and I had to focus all my concentration to be able to parse it.)
I believe DN is likely correct, and the closest sibling to fascism is [ . . . ] – you fill in the blank, then I will tell you my interpretation.

Unfortunately I have very little time today and none tomorrow; also I need to think how to answer to you without writing an equally long text 🙂
I will look to write some more on Sat or Sun.

June 1, 2023 4:05 pm


First of all, thank you for your persistence in calling the book to my attention. I started reading it through the app and, then, as fortune would have it, my library called – so it was great to have the actual book for exact page referencing, etc; plus I’m old-fashioned that way.

It was, indeed, a difficult read overall. In my case, part of the difficulty came from being outside of what appeared to be Del Noce referencing inside information (regarding the various writers, genealogies, etc) to which I was not privy. Also, being translated from Italian, some of the sentence structures did not flow into my brain easily. As a result, I felt sort of like a freshman community college student who signed up for a group discussion with a bunch of PhDs by mistake. So I had to stop and research the various writers and, in so doing, I almost punted on the whole book about halfway through his first chapter on “modernity”.

I see where you are coming from with that quote. It is on page 138 under a paragraph heading entitled “The Permissive Thesis”. Del Noce was referencing Reich’s 1933 book on Fascism.

I wrote:

Del Noce identified the “Fascist” as the complete incarnation of the “repressive type” which allows propaganda to claim cultural “permissivism” as representing “the fullness of anti-Fascism”.

Whereas the exact quote by Del Noce was….

Supposedly, the “Fascist” is the complete incarnation of the “repressive type. As we shall discuss later, the great propaganda tool of permissivism is the claim to represent the fullness of anti-Fascism.

Therefore, I could have written instead: “Del Noce identified the ‘Fascist’ as being identified by permissivists as the complete incarnation….

In general, though, it does appear Del Noce identified any “fascist reactions” to leftist revolutions as being used by the leftists to further advance their revolutions.

Dr. James Lindsay was on Glenn Beck the other day and pretty much said the exact same thing.

In this link right here that was sent to me by a reader of my blog, Lindsay claims (something to this effect): the Nazis were a violent response to the [communist] revolution which has allowed the leftists to milk the tyranny of Nazism every decade since.

Obviously, it appears Del Noce accurately identified this revolution and reaction process before Lindsay – and that was what I was trying to say… or, rather, what Del Noce identified.

Even if this post drifts into the ether soon, I will check back.

Thanks again.

June 1, 2023 10:25 pm

By the way, m, when I typed my above reply earlier I was away and wanted to check page 104 when I got home. Unfortunately, I did not find the starting point you referenced on that page. In this book that page is within in the “Shadow of Tomorrow” chapter and so I am assuming a discrepancy in our source material.

However, to answer your riddle, I will guess Gentile’s Actualism because of his influence upon Italian fascism.

June 2, 2023 2:16 am

Sorry, only have the e-book version at hand right now (which is shown to me as overall 379 pages).

The paragraph stating with “I spoke of three new forms of secularism that arose after the Soviet revolution…” is about 2/3rds into Chapter 4 ‘The Latent Metaphysics within Contemporary Politics’ – then read from that point almost to the end of chapter 4 (excluding only the last 2 paragraphs of chapter 4).

– –
I’ve read Crisis three times so far:
– at first time I realized in the second chapter that I would need to reverse-engineer all of DN’s major terms, like ‘Gnostic’ etc., to be able to gain something from the book (as obviously you cannot look them up in shitipedia and expect to find even just a neutral, balanced description, much less one that does justice to what DN meant by it)
– the second time to understand DN’s main ideas
– the third time with a few months distance, to see what -now with a foundation of [my understanding of] DN’s ideas in my mind- still sticks out from the impressively interwoven details. And suddenly I realized DN never repeats a detailed dive into any special topic later again (could also be an effect of the translator’s choice of works… but I tend to think not)… with one exception [as identified by me].
And that topic then became the stepping stone for me to fully grasp what I now believe to be the ultimate foundational question to every human society, and Christianity the only ‘philosophy’ to have found a solution to that paradoxical situation… a situation which in a way seems epitomized in ‘Original Sin’. (That last step I haven’t even found in DN writings [so far], but it’s probably implied in his writings [and ever other extremely deep philosophical thinker, including a bunch of guys 2000 years ago], so not “my own” discovery. )

June 2, 2023 6:07 pm

OK. I do see Gentile and Actualism are indeed mentioned in those pages… as well as Praxis… and Fascism considered as the symmetrical exact opposite of Communism… and given Del Noce’s (mentioned elsewhere) overall perceived success of ideological negations within the affluent society (& minus the messianic elements of Marxism)… I’ll choose the “technocratic society”, Alex, for all the marbles.

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June 3, 2023 10:23 am

I understood it [DN’s long passage] as ‘Marxism is dialectic materialism’ [which are also the two self-contradicting forces]; and while communism emphasized the materialistic aspect, DN posits that fascism emphasized the dialectic aspect instead.

I’m still stuck in a total mess right now.

June 3, 2023 10:47 am

It’s interesting how he references nazism and fascism as “extinguished” with the third [technocracic society] as being in “full strength” (page 69 in my book & with corresponding footnote by translator).

Yet, all throughout his writings, he identifies two predominant themes of the technocratic society as being “alienation” and “disintegration” (which aren’t inherent to either nazism or fascism or even communism for that matter)

June 4, 2023 4:22 am

Alienation is something I also thought long and hard about, after reading Crisis the second time.
It is now my understanding that alienation was already perceived by many people during Marx’ living time, which is why he chose to offer a supposed* remedy within his Marxism ideas. Unfortunately, his [theory’s] Materialism leads to [guaranteed] even more alienation – which however will take a very smart person decades to truly figure out, while enjoying the fruits of materialism.
After first giving him [Marx] the benefit of a doubt, I now strongly believe that was not an accident by Marx, but a deliberate choice. Details DN tells us about Feuerbach gives another indication that Marx built up on Feuerbach’s work, with the [at least subconscious] goal to concoct a “philosophy” to destroy Christianity.

Which brought me to the Bourgeois… a term that clearly existed in a non-positive way already before Marx was born. I now understand Bourgeois as meaning the “well-being” group that already has enough materialism [while not controlling the levers of power], but at the same time lost their foundation of highest values (higher than themselves), to result in experiencing alienation.
By declaring them the enemy, although it is the main source for followers of Marxism (looking to escape their alienation), was another genius [evil] paradox Marx put in his theories.

(Well, and Christianity is built on a genius good paradox [i.e. towards the good.])

*) oh, and when DN writes “supposedly”, it clearly indicates he is not on board with that idea.

Oh, and for the record:
“The closest sibling to fascism is communism.”

June 4, 2023 8:04 pm

I suppose “supposedly” could be interpreted as “presumably” or “others seem to believe”. At the very least (without reading Del Noce’s mind) it could be as you say (that he didn’t agree) OR it could be that he didn’t necessarily agree or that he didn’t necessarily disagree.

In any event, one thing is certain: Del Noce identified the following: The association of the “fascist” as the “complete incarnation” of the “repressive type” aid the propagandists who push permissivism to represent permissivism as the “the fullness of anti-Fascism”.

Therefore, as outlined above in my earlier comment, I will stand by the sentence I wrote in my article even if Del Noce didn’t believe that fascists were (or weren’t perceived as) the complete incarnation of the repressive type.

I realize at this point we are likely parsing more than Hillary’s husband, but… besides the semantics… what Del Noce “identified” in that statement could have yuge ramifications regarding Trump as controlled opposition, in my opinion.

And, finally, if Del Noce identified Fascism as the perfect symmetrical opposite of communism (page 68 in my book) then… in his mind… these may be considered as fraternal twins so speak. And what is interesting about that is this: If Communists remove God to establish their worldly utopia, then what do Fascists do?

June 5, 2023 5:56 am

We seem to be losing touch here.
If DN wrote

Supposedly, the “Fascist” is the complete incarnation of the “repressive type.”

then that means is his eyes ‘fascist is NOT the complete incarnation of the “repressive type”.’ Fullstop. It says nothing [in that sentence] what it is instead, or that the complete opposite were true.

And if I write “sibling” as a metaphor, that obviously is to point out the close similarity, while not being identical [as then I would have written ‘twin sibling’].

If you now completely cannot follow, or even disagree, with my interpretation that DN identified fascism as a different branch of marxism [besides communism], then simply say so.

June 5, 2023 2:21 pm


I would say that we are NOT disagreeing with each other, per se; but, rather, you are addressing the (what DN refers to as) “symmetry” whereas I am focusing on the “reactionary” aspects of fascism and, particularly, in relation with the modern technocratic society.

On [my] page 68 (enclosed – see digital highlights to below screenshot), DN identifies three new forms of secularism… two of which are “extinguished” (Fascism and Nazism) and the “third is in full strength”. Then, in the footnote (#12) at the bottom of the page, the third [form of secularism] is described as the “ideology of the technocratic society”.

Next, Nazism is discussed as a “subordinate form” (of secularism) in regards to Communism (and “is said to be” an extreme form of fascism) – and as the “exact opposite” of communism in “perfect symmetry.

Then, Nazism is defined (via Ernst Junger) as a “revolution against the revolution” but “still within the same materialistic perspective of Marxism”.

So here is what I was trying to get at: When it comes to establishing worldly materialistic utopias, the .001% powerbrokers can utilize either communalism or fascism… and if these are symmetrical opposites… then a communistic technocratic society would kill God to achieve its utopia whereas a fascist technocratic society would utilize god in the service of establishing said utopia.

And, even if you disagree with my interpretations and/or speculations, it has been interesting to consider.

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June 8, 2023 4:52 pm

You seem to interpret, entirely based on the footnote, that ‘technocratic society’ is something completely different than communism.

I’m not sure if I even read the footnote (in the e-book form all footnotes only appear together at the end of each chapter), but I think I did but then consciously decided to ignore it. Even reading it now I find it very confusing. A [technocratic] society is something different (smaller!) than a philosophy to my understanding, so to me your reading it as an implicit statement ‘technocratic society is the third new form‘ that DN is talking about, makes no sense.
Also -my interpretation- as a philosophy cannot be [permanently] extinguished (except by sublation to a new philosophy, according to DN), I take that to be meant as “currently extinguished” by DN, i.e. could become re-ignited some day.

So the remaining third form is communism (while communism and fascism are those ‘two forms into which theoretical Marxism is destined to disintegrate’).
And the only explanation then left is that the technocratic society is based on communism, with just a few labels exchanged (such as which are the opposing classes etc.)
Which coincides nicely with what we are seeing happening, IMHO.

Or as DN wrote in his very last work at the end of 1989, in a preface for someone else’s book: “Communism died in the East, because it realized itself in the West.” (!)

June 1, 2023 9:42 pm

I mean you no disrespect, Doug, when I posit this opinion…but this is how I see it…

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Sorry bro…I self screwed myself working this out. yeah . it felt ok i guess…

The Central Scrutinizer

June 1, 2023 10:26 pm

I knew I should of posted this on the weekend, C.S., so you could have read when you were less stressed. My bad

June 2, 2023 12:58 pm

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”

~Theodore Dalrymple

June 5, 2023 2:59 pm

^^^^^^ We are here. ^^^^^^

Tough and Tender
Tough and Tender
June 7, 2023 5:13 am

I miss your old writing style

This statement refutes All Debates are Rooted in Theology.

Chat rooms are cyber sleep sessions rooted in oscillations created by the Creator –and they are Snoozers and Gold Mines for Saving that special source of Non-Conflict with the Creator.