The War Against Trump – Time to Fight Back

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

No incoming President in history has ever been so constantly attacked than Donald Trump. Look, he says some stupid things and nobody is perfect. Still, there is a whole different agenda going on here with absolutely every issue being called a constitutional crisis worthy of impeachment.

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Let’s Connect the Dots

If Seth Rich was the source of the WikiLeaks’ DNC email disclosures and the FBI knew it, then the Russian hacking story was a fabrication, and James Comey was almost certainly involved in an attempt to drive President Trump from office.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

The biggest story of the entire Russiagate controversy was published Tuesday. Not the story about President Trump’s alleged statement to former FBI Director James Comey: “I hope you can let this go.” A witness is only as good as his or her credibility. If the actual big story pans out, Comey has none, which is why the mainstream media is obsessing over Trump’s alleged statement and doing everything it can to ignore and stifle the other story.

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Rich Family P.I. Confirms: Seth Rich Had Contact With WikiLeaks Prior To His Murder

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter; Guest Post by Jon Hall

A bombshell report by Marina Marraco of Fox 5 D.C. purports Seth Rich leaked thousands of internal DNC e-mails to WikiLeaks months before his death.

Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, claims there’s physical evidence on Seth Rich’s laptop that confirms he communicated with WikiLeaks prior to being murdered.

For 10 months, D.C. police have labeled Rich’s murder as a “robbery gone wrong“. However, the only thing stolen from Seth Rich was his life; his attackers didn’t bother to take anything else from him. The official police report of the incident even proves that Seth Rich was alive and conscious when officers found him. Did Rich say anything to police when they found him and did their body cameras catch anything of interest at the scene?

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Here’s Why Black Harvard Students Are Holding Their Own Graduation Ceremony

Getting a diploma from Harvard is one of the biggest accomplishments a person can achieve, but for some, it can come as a bigger task than for others.


The Reconquest

Guest Post by The Zman

Anthropology tells us that early modern humans slowly populated what is now sub-Saharan Africa and then began to migrate out into the rest of the world. Whether this was out of curiosity, the search for food or population pressure is unknown, but it was probably some combination of all three. The most likely route was along the western coast of the Red Sea and then into the Eastern Mediterranean. From there, humans slowly fanned out across the globe. It’s all speculation, but that’s the logical route out of Africa.

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Guest Post by Jesse

“For I behold the heavens, the works of your fingers: the moon and the stars which you have made. What is man that you are mindful of him? or the Son of Man that you dwell with him?  You have made us a little less than the angels, and you have crowned Him with glory and honour, And have set Him over all the works of your hands.”

Psalm 8:3-5

“Narcissistic personality disorder is named for Narcissus, from Greek mythology, who fell in love with his own reflection. Freud used the term to describe persons who were self-absorbed, and psychoanalysts have focused on the narcissist’s need to bolster his or her self-esteem through grandiose fantasy, exaggerated ambition, exhibitionism, and feelings of entitlement.”

Donald W. Black, DSM-5 Guidebook

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Why We’re Fragmenting: The Status Quo Is Disintegrating

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The system is disintegrating, and slapping a “reformist” coat of paint over the dryrot cannot renew the structural timbers that have rotted to their very core.

I confess to being amused by the mainstream media’s implicit view that everything would be peachy if only Trump wasn’t president. Memo to MSM: the nation is fragmenting for reasons that have nothing to do with who’s president, or indeed, which party is the majority in Congress, who sits on the Supreme Court, or any other facet of governance.

The nation is fracturing and fragmenting because the Status Quo is failing the majority of the citizenry. The protected few are reaping all the benefits of the Status Quo, at the expense of the unprotected many.

As I have outlined many times, this unsustainable asymmetry is the only possible outcome of our socio-economic system, which is dominated by these forces:

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Putin Trolls US, Ready To Give Transcript Of Conversation Between Trump And Lavrov To Congress

Tyler Durden's picture

As the quest to unearth just what Trump told Lavrov continues, an unexpected development emerged moments ago when none other than Russian president Vladimir Putin said that Trump did not pass any secrets to foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, and that he was willing to give a transcript of the talks between Putin and Lavrov to Congress if the US requests it, the Russian president said during a news conference with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni.

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Guest Post by Ol’ Remus

Chicago disarmed its law-abiding citizens in 1982 with gun control laws that all but banned firearms from the city. Recently, Mayor Rahm Emanuel dissolved the gang task forces, relocated detective bureaus away from high crime districts … wink wink, and burdened beat cops with a kilo of ACLU paperwork for every street stop, no matter how minor.


Does Bush Have Afterthoughts?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Recently I learned from a feature article in a print magazine that George W. Bush, as Jimmy Carter and Winston Churchill did, has taken up painting. Among Bush’s subjects are 98 war veterans from Bush’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq who suffered traumatic injuries. Some of the portraits were reproduced in the magazine, and they are good. Three months ago 98 portraits were published in a coffee table book, Portraits of Courage, the proceeds from which are donated to the Bush Center.

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