Ignorance is Bliss

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

I was lying on my bed this morning playing with our new puppy, Daisy, and was focused on the moment. The cute dog, the soft bed, the warm room, the fact that I could breathe, my heart was beating, all seemed good and pristine.

Then my mind started to wander outside the room, down the stairs, out the front door. As my mind glided down the street it passed someone walking their dog with a mask on, then a few others, riding bikes, driving cars, all with masks. Not everyone I encountered had a mask of course, but enough did to rattle my brain back into reality.

Continue reading “Ignorance is Bliss”

Mask Study Imploding Cochrane Collaboration in Latest Debacle

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • A 2023 study published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found wearing masks “makes little or no difference” in COVID-19 transmission
  • The New York Times got involved and columnist Zeynep Tufekci published an opinion piece titled, “Here’s Why the Science Is Clear That Masks Work,” in rebuttal — and reached out to Cochrane
  • Cochrane’s editor in chief released a statement about the study, stating the implication “masks don’t work” is an “inaccurate and misleading interpretation,” and they were calling on the authors to change the study’s summary and abstract
  • The study’s authors were blindsided by the statement, and the lead author reiterated, “There is just no evidence that they [masks] make any difference. Full stop”
  • In 2006, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave a $1.15-million grant to Cochrane, which subsequently published controversial and heavily criticized research in favor of HPV vaccines, which Gates has widely supported

The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) has long been considered a gold standard in research, as its reviews take into account all available empirical evidence to reach conclusions about any given topic. A systematic review is essentially a “study of studies,” which can generate “authoritative and reliable information.”1

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“Would you take off your mask for $100,000?”

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

My tweet on this topic went viral with 32M views in 6 days. It was covered by the UK Daily Mail, NY Post, Inside Edition, etc. It was even covered in an article in Croatia! Here’s the backstory.

Executive summary

This is a record for me: 32M views of the tweet shown below in just 6 days:

The backstory is I was simply inquiring if, after hearing compelling evidence that masks don’t work (including the Cochrane review showing they don’t work, the fact that you can be infected with one breath, the fact that you remove the mask to eat or drink, and the fact that you can get COVID easily via your eyes which aren’t covered), if people could be incentivized to remove their masks.

Continue reading ““Would you take off your mask for $100,000?””

I offered people $10,000 to take off their face masks for 60 minutes. Here’s what happened.

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

On a recent Southwest flight, I offered $10,000 to the people sitting next to me to remove their face masks for the remainder of the flight. No takers. This shows you how strong the brainwashing is.

Executive summary

This tweet went viral with over 1M views in just 24 hours:

My intent wasn’t to put anyone at risk.

Continue reading “I offered people $10,000 to take off their face masks for 60 minutes. Here’s what happened.”

Face masks –Medical Protection, or Badge of Obedience?

Guest Post by Martin Hanson

I don’t normally watch TVNZ’s Seven Sharp, but on 5th October 2021 we were told that an immunologist would be on the programme to debunk certain ‘Covid myths’.

One such ‘myth’ was the belief that natural immunity is superior to vaccine-induced immunity. In response, clinical immunologist Dr. Maia Brewerton said that natural immunity to Covid-19 is not as good as the vaccine.

No evidence was given. Just an assertion.

As an ex-science teacher, I found Dr Brewerton’s statement to be unsatisfactory, for the following simple reason: the vaccine can only generate antibodies to a single viral antigen (the ‘spike’ protein), whereas the whole virus particle reportedly contains 29 proteins, which can therefore evoke the production of a correspondingly greater diversity of antibodies.

Continue reading “Face masks –Medical Protection, or Badge of Obedience?”

Cochrane study shows that the debate is over: Masks do NOT work

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Cochrane study shows no evidence they work. Duh. We’ve been saying that for a long time. This discredits the CDC as well as the entire mainstream medical community (except for UCSF’s Vinay Prasad).

Executive summary

The new Cochrane Review on Masks proves beyond doubt that the misinformation spreaders were right and the ENTIRE mainstream medical community is now discredited (except for UCSF Professor Vinay Prasad who spoke out about masks).

So now we are down to just one credible mainstream scientist for advice on COVID mitigation strategies: Vinay Prasad.

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Coronavirus Fact-Check #17: Masks STILL Don’t Work

Via Off-Guardian

Both the US and UK have seen the (attempted) re-introduction of facemask mandates amid “surging Covid cases” in the New Year.

On January 9th, ABC news headlined:

More US schools institute mask mandates as COVID cases rise

Reporting that public schools in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Michigan were re-introducing mask mandates. That follows late-December mandates imposed in Oakland and Iowa, among others.

Continue reading “Coronavirus Fact-Check #17: Masks STILL Don’t Work”


“Four things need to exist or need to be in place if you want a large-scale mass phenomenon to emerge. The first thing is that there needs to be a lot of socially isolated people, people who experience a lack of social bonds. The second one is that there needs to be a lot of people who experience a lack of sense-making in life. And the third and the fourth conditions are that there needs to be a lot of free-floating anxiety and a lot of free-floating psychological discontent. So: meaning, anxiety, and discontent that is not connected to a specific representation.

So, it needs to be in the mind without the people being able to connect it to something. If you have these four things—lack of social bonds, lack of sense-making, free-floating anxiety, and free-floating psychological discontent—then society is highly at risk for the emergence of mass phenomenon.”Mattias Desmet – The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Fact Check-No evidence of pandemic 'mass formation psychosis', say experts speaking to Reuters | Reuters

“Try to unlearn the obsessive fear of death (and the anxious quest for death avoidance) that pervades linear thinking in nearly every modern society. The ancients knew that, without periodic decay and death, nature cannot complete its full round of biological and social change. Without plant death, weeds would strangle the forest. Without human death, memories would never die, and unbroken habits and customs would strangle civilization. Social institutions require no less. Just as floods replenish soil and fires rejuvenate forests, a Fourth Turning clears out society’s exhausted elements and creates an opportunity.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

What is Mass Formation?. And why it's important to understand it | by Dina Osman, CBAP, CAPM | Medium

I recently finished reading Mattias Desmet’s fascinating and illuminating book The Psychology of Totalitarianism, where he examines the mass formation psychosis which swept over the world during the time frame of early 2020 until present day. He explores some of the root causes of this psychological phenomena, comparing it to previous episodes in history, and delving into whether it occurred naturally or was purposely generated in order to implement a Great Reset agenda.



“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”George Orwell, 1984

It's not a lie if you believe it – Seinfeld Memes

“Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

I wish I could go through a day without having to reference Orwell and Huxley when observing how the ruling class is able to manipulate, subjugate, and propagandize the willfully ignorant masses through lies, deceptions, disinformation, and fear. But here we are, living through a dystopian nightmare blending the worst aspects of Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World.

It’s as if O’Brien and Mustapha Mond are running the show, using behavioral conditioning, restricting freedom of speech, adhering to a strict caste system, surveilling everything we say or do, using our fears to control us, utilizing propaganda to produce false narratives, and ultimately threatening to stomp a boot on our faces forever if we do not obey and conform. Virtually everything we are told by politicians, government bureaucrats, military brass, “esteemed” journalists, medical “experts”, bankers, and corporate executives is lies. They do not believe their lies, but they know it benefits themselves financially to lie, and as long as they work together, they know the ignorant masses will believe them.

Continue reading “IT’S NOT A LIE IF YOU BELIEVE IT”

Kick Me

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

Remember the ugly prank taping a sheet of paper on a nerd’s back (or on the back of some other vulnerable innocent) that said KICK ME? Maybe you are from a generation where teenagers didn’t do such things.

I never liked the idea because I was of the type that would get such a sign pinned on my back (I never actually did, thank god, but I wouldn’t put it past those bastards to do such a thing). This poor sap would walk down the hall at school accompanied by a barrage of laughter and snickers.

A few brazen jerks would actually kick him; with the victim unawares of his attraction to abuse until he figured out he had a sign pinned to his back.

I saw some lone masked dude walking down the street the other day, and as he passed me I was compelled to kick him in the butt. Now I am on the other side of that boot—a bully, angry, for whatever psychological reason, with a guy wearing the “kick me” sign, not on his back, but on his face.

Continue reading “Kick Me”

Not Even N95 Masks Work To Stop Covid

Guest Post by Ian Miller

The Experts™” have repeatedly tried to deflect from the failure of their policies with misdirection.

The reason lockdowns didn’t work in the United States or the United Kingdom is because they weren’t strict enough, according to many in the expert community.

Of course, their excuses have been conveniently ignored as China’s repressive zero COVID lockdowns have continued, with horrific consequences.

Now that mass protests have broken out in the country that “The Experts™” revered for their COVID handling, there’s a massive effort to disregard their own previous advocacy.

Continue reading “Not Even N95 Masks Work To Stop Covid”


“Whether in actual fact the policy of the boot-on-the-face can go on indefinitely seems doubtful. My own belief is that the ruling oligarchy will find less arduous and wasteful ways of governing and of satisfying its lust for power, and these ways will resemble those which I described in Brave New World. Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.” – Aldous Huxley – Letter to George Orwell about 1984 in 1949

The Truman Show (1998) - Posters — The Movie Database (TMDB)

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution” ― Aldous Huxley

When I step back from the day-to-day minutia and trivialities flooding my senses from all directions and media devices, it almost appears as if I’m living in a highly scripted reality TV program where the characters and plots are designed to create passions and reactions to support whatever narrative is being weaved by those directing the show. Huxley really did foresee the future as clearly and concisely as anyone could, decades before his dystopian vision came to fruition.



“Reflect on what happens when a terrible winter blizzard strikes. You hear the weather warning but probably fail to act on it. The sky darkens. Then the storm hits with full fury, and the air is a howling whiteness. One by one, your links to the machine age break down. Electricity flickers out, cutting off the TV. Batteries fade, cutting off the radio. Phones go dead. Roads become impossible, and cars get stuck. Food supplies dwindle. Day to day vestiges of modern civilization – bank machines, mutual funds, mass retailers, computers, satellites, airplanes, governments – all recede into irrelevance.

Worst Storms of All Time - The Ground Blizzard of 1977 - WorldAtlas

“Picture yourself and your loved ones in the midst of a howling blizzard that lasts several years. Think about what you would need, who could help you, and why your fate might matter to anybody other than yourself. That is how to plan for a saecular winter. Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning

It was less than a year ago on December 16, 2021 when our dementia patient in chief was instructed by his handlers to lie, obfuscate and demonize critical thinking Americans who refused to become victims of the Big Pharma, Fauci promoted, untested, unsafe, ineffective gene therapy by declaring “we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm”. Biden’s vaccine mandates were overturned in the courts. The unvaccinated did not die from Covid. Very few people died from Covid. Some really old and infirm people on death’s doorstep died with Covid. Some very unhealthy obese people died with Covid. But even 95% of the old and unhealthy survived Covid.


New systematic review claims masks work. No way.

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

This new pre-print study is garbage. But because it comes to the right conclusion, the “study” was hailed by the German Federal Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach as proof that masks work. Wow.

There is a new systematic review of 1732 mask studies to determine whether masks work. It is on a preprint server meaning it is not peer-reviewed.

Almost all of the 1732 potential studies were eliminated so they only looked at 13 studies with a total of 243 COVID infections between the two groups.

One of the 13 studies that was not eliminated was done in 2004 which is impressive since SARS-CoV-2 didn’t exist at the time.

From that, they conclude that masks provide nearly a 90% risk reduction of getting infected.

That is preposterous.

Continue reading “New systematic review claims masks work. No way.”


Daily Dialogue — November 11, 2019 | by Scott Myers | Go Into The Story

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: I don’t know what you mean. I can’t tell you something’s safe or not, unless I know specifically what you’re talking about.

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: Tell me what the “it” refers to.

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: Yes, it’s safe, it’s very safe, it’s so safe you wouldn’t believe it.

Christian Szell: Is it safe?

Babe: No. It’s not safe, it’s… very dangerous, be careful.

Marathon Man debuted in 1976, so a majority of people have probably never seen this movie or this terrifyingly sadistic scene. Szell is trying to make sure his bounty of diamonds obtained from his days at Auschwitz are safe. Babe has no idea what Szell is talking about. He is just trying to survive. But Szell drills into Babe’s tooth until he hits a live nerve, generating excruciating pain, before Babe escapes and outruns his pursuers. That scene has always stuck in my brain, and it strikes me as having enormous relevance in the wake of events over the last two years.

Szell probes Babe’s mouth until he finds a cavity and jams his instrument into it causing tremendous pain. He then then puts oil of clove on the tooth and it relieves the pain. He then states, “relief is comfort”. That is a perfect analogy to this covid cavity scheme. The powers that be lockdown the world, destroying small businesses and putting tens of millions out of work, then throw some stimmies and unemployment payments at those they have hurt and say, “relief is comfort”. Then they proceed to drill into a live nerve as their next act.

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic — Open Health Care Clinic

The term “safe” has been bandied about with reckless abandon by our overlords, as they have sold the world a false bill of goods with these mRNA poison injections. Whenever I hear their putrid propaganda spewed by some athlete, Hollywood liberal, MSM bimbo “journalist”, or paid off medical shill, that the vaccines are “safe and effective” it’s like Szell drilling into a live nerve in my tooth. I want to scream in terror and make a run for it. I think our beloved mass murderer – Fauci – fits the bill as the Szell character in this story of corruption, deceit, greed, murder, and obfuscation.

Continue reading “IT’S NOT SAFE OR EFFECTIVE”