Protecting Biden is a Full-Time Job for the Times

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Protecting Biden is a Full-Time Job for the Times

This is an odd line to read in The New York Times:

In “a still-emerging story” (exciting, no?), Project Veritas “worked to expose personal information about the Biden family at a crucial stage of the 2020 campaign.”

Isn’t that what journalists are supposed to do?

Just kidding! As we saw with Hunter Biden’s laptop, the job of journalists is to suppress negative information about Democrats. Instead of reporting news “without fear or favor” — Times founder Adolph S. Ochs, 1896 — the U.S. media now function as the Praetorian Guard for the Democratic Party.

Still, you’d think the Times would be embarrassed to attack others for doing the reporting they won’t do.

The story was about how Project Veritas got its hands on the diary of the president’s daughter, Ashley Biden. (She’s the good child by virtue of being less of a drug fiend than Hunter.) It was titled: “Ashley Biden’s Diary Was Shown at Trump Fund-Raiser. Weeks Later, Project Veritas Called Her.”

The Times no longer reports news about the president: It berates other journalists for reporting news about the president.

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New ages 5 to 11 year-old CDC study: Proof of bozos at the CDC, NY Times

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I just read about the latest CDC studies for ages 5 to 11 in The NY Times. The Times said the studies showed the vaccines are safe. That’s complete bullshit. Here’s what the data actually said.

Original Bozo Larry Harmon leaves behind famed clown legacy | OffBeat with Phil Potempa |


For 5 to 11 year-olds, the numbers in the latest CDC paper indicate a death rate than is 10X higher than any sane stopping condition. The myocarditis rates in boys are at least 6X normal. The CDC paper is yet more evidence that the vaccines should be stopped immediately.

I just saw this NY Times headline, “Covid vaccines rarely lead to problems in younger children, according to two C.D.C. reports.”

Two more misleading, flawed CDC studies

OK, here we go again. More flawed CDC studies.

Continue reading “New ages 5 to 11 year-old CDC study: Proof of bozos at the CDC, NY Times”

NYT: Why Are All These Racist Losers So Angry?

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

NYT: Why Are All These Racist Losers So Angry?

Today we’ll talk about how to write the classic New York Times column, using Thomas Edsall’s recent “Trumpism Without Borders” as our example. It must have taken him about 40 minutes to write it.

Edsall blames the populist movements sweeping the globe on the same ills that “led to a right-wing takeover of the federal government by Donald Trump.” To wit: “anti-immigrant fervor, political tribalism, racism, ethnic tension, authoritarianism and inequality.” Fascism awaits us unless we keep importing low-skilled immigrants and shipping jobs abroad!

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The Censors Keep Coming For The Babylon Bee

Via The Babylon Bee

Seth Dillon here, CEO of the Bee. I wanted to give you a quick update, as a lot has happened in the past few weeks that impacts our business—some positive, some negative. I’ve got a lot of ground to cover, but I’ll try to break it up into pieces and keep it brief. Continue reading “The Censors Keep Coming For The Babylon Bee”


Submitted by CCRider

This piece is about Project Veritas’s defamation suit against the New York Times. The Times is getting desperate as discovery looms and are throwing verbal bombs. O’Keefe isn’t flinching. That man has the balls of a lion.

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“If you catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants, and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen. However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other. The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. This is exactly what’s happening in society today. Liberal vs. Conservative. Black vs. White. Pro Mask vs. Anti-Mask. Vax vs. Anti-vax. Rich vs. poor. Man vs. woman. Cop vs. citizen. The real question we need to be asking ourselves is who’s shaking the jar… and why?” Shera Starr

Who's Shaking the Jar? - The Thinking Conservative

A few weeks ago, I saw the above quote in Jeff Thomas’ article Learning from Ants, and it has been reverberating in my mind ever since. It is a perfect analogy for what has been happening in this country for years, with the jar lately being shaken at a rate faster than a Biden vote count increase at 3:00 am in a swing state. Everyone in this country, and the world, is at each other’s throats. Who is shaking the jar? Why are they shaking the jar? Why do they want us fighting each other?

If they keep us focused on fighting each other, they believe we will not notice their reprehensible criminality, as they manipulate the masses through psychological engineering and the employment of propaganda techniques to push their desired narrative. If you ask someone – who is shaking the jar? – they will likely answer based on the standard left vs right, liberal vs conservative, white vs black paradigm which has been created by those benefiting from conflict. It is always a safe bet to follow the money when trying to identify the culprits.

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New York Times Tells Readers: Thinking Is Dangerous, Just Believe Us

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The NY Times advises you not to think. Thinking requires using your unreliable brain and will lead you into conspiracy theories.  Just believe whatever the NY Times tells you and you will have an approved source of information. 

The NY Times regards its own propaganda as truth.  You remember the “violent resurrection at the Capitol,” in which Trump supporters were responsible for 5 deaths?  One of the  alleged deaths was  Capitol Hill policeman Brian Sicknick, who was allegedly beat to death with a fire extinguisher.  Well, here are the facts according to Sicknick’s mother and brother:

Continue reading “New York Times Tells Readers: Thinking Is Dangerous, Just Believe Us”

NYT: Was He Innocent? ANSWER: No.

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

NYT: Was He Innocent? ANSWER: No.

Here is this week’s installment of “The New York Times is ALWAYS lying about criminals (and probably everything else).”

The Times desperately wants you to believe that there are actual cases of innocent people being put to death in America. Their current poster boy for the cause is Sedley Alley, executed in 2006. But the Criminal Lobby is hoping a post-mortem DNA test — on evidence that has nothing to do with his guilt or innocence — will allow them to howl that an INNOCENT man was executed!

I knew nothing about this case, but I knew the Times’ description of the facts was a lie. How did I know?

Continue reading “NYT: Was He Innocent? ANSWER: No.”


“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” – H.L. Mencken

Jolly Roger Black Flag -

It’s now almost two weeks since the most crooked, rigged, fraudulent election in U.S. history. The engineered elevation of a handsy, sniffy, senile, empty portal, trojan horse by billionaire oligarchs, their Silicon Valley techno-geek social media censorship police, and the corporate media propaganda mouthpieces looks like it might succeed. Republican cucks like Romney and even the pliable Fox News talking heads have acquiesced to this third attempt during this ongoing coup like obedient lapdogs positioning themselves to profit from doing the bidding of their global oligarch masters.

Make no mistake. There was a master plan implemented by dark forces to steal this election, overriding the will of the American people. The anger of 70 million Americans is perfectly captured in the above quote from Mencken. If Trump and his allies are unable to prove fraud and overturn this sham of an election, myself and millions more will treat the Kamala Harris administration as illegitimate and do everything in our power to resist and insure its failure.



“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning 

How a contested election could send the U.S. into a constitutional crisis - MarketWatch It's not the chairman of the Joint Chiefs' job to remove Trump from office if he won't leave.

“There is no darkness but ignorance. The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” William Shakespeare

I read The Fourth Turning in 2006, after seeing it described in John Mauldin and Doug Casey’s newsletters as an uncannily accurate assessment of American history based upon generational configurations which recur on eighty-year cycles, a long human life. Strauss and Howe wrote the book in 1997 and used their generational theory to predict the Crisis that would begin in the mid-2000’s and come to an indeterminate climax in the mid-2020’s.



“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair

Image for post

Upton Sinclair was describing willful ignorance based upon who butters your bread. The rampant corruption of our society, as power has been consolidated into fewer and fewer hands, has resulted in our political, financial, cultural and economic systems being captured by a billionaire class who use their wealth to dictate the path we are forced to follow – or lose everything.

The sociopath class include the Silicon Valley social media titans, the billionaires running the six mainstream media companies, the rogue billionaires like Soros and Bloomberg who fund chaos and foment insurrection, the Deep State surveillance agency operatives like Clapper, Brennan, Comey and Mueller doing the bidding of the oligarchy, Wall Street criminals like Dimon, Paulson, and Blankfein doing god’s work, and last but certainly not least – Powell, Yellen, Bernanke and slimy Kashkari priming the pump for the never ending systematic pillaging of the nation’s wealth.


The New York Times’ Assault on White Americans

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Dean Baquet, the executive editor of the presstitute New York Times, announced on August 12, 2019, the “1619 Project” which reinvents American history and reduces it to racism and slavery.  As I wrote in my remarks on the project on August 22, 2019, the New York Times has an agenda which is to dehumanize and demoralize white Americans of the original colonial era ethnic stock so that left indefensible and overwhelmed with guilt they will accept their fate as their country is overrun by non-white immigrants touted by the New York Times as the real founders of the country.

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New York Times Reveals Source On Kavanaugh Allegations Was Reputable Nigerian Prince

Via The Babylon Bee

NEW YORK, NY—Many people criticized the New York Times’ recent piece bringing to light new and recycled Brett Kavanaugh allegations, especially after the website issued a disclaimer admitting basically nobody remembered the alleged incident.

But the Times is standing by its story, going so far as to reveal its source: a reputable Nigerian prince who emailed the investigative reporters offering information in exchange for funds to be wired via MoneyGram.

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Once Again, The New York Times Has Glowing Coverage of a Communist Regime

Hat tip Bryan W.

Via The Daily Signal

Editor’s note: In its coverage of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon, The New York Times published a series of pieces critical of the U.S. space program, including an article titled “How the Soviets Won the Space Race for Equality.” Promoting that article, the Times tweeted, “America may have put the first man on the moon, but the Soviet Union sent the first woman, the first Asian man, and the first black man into orbit—all years before the U.S. would follow suit.”

Unfortunately, this is far from the only time the Times has been a cheerleader for communism. The following article was first published in 2017.

It seems communism is back in vogue at The New York Times.

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The Stories are Beginning to Exceed even the Gullibility of Americans

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The past couple of days have seen interesting developments.  The US or Israel struck a Japanese ship with small rockets and tried to blame it on Iranian mines.  The Japanese ship owner put a halt to the false flag event.  He pointed out that the damage was above, not below the water line and that crew members observed objects approaching in the air. 

Continue reading “The Stories are Beginning to Exceed even the Gullibility of Americans”

An Empire of Bullshit

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

After two years of gaslighting the public while it blew smoke up America’s ass, the Jacobin news media enjoyed its final feeding frenzy with the release of the 400-page Mueller report. They expected 1000 pounds of raw filet mignon, but it turned out to be tofu fried in olestra. The ensuing fugue of hyperventilating hysteria was also duly expected and William Barr stoically endured their hebephrenic peevings at the release ceremony — a press conference which itself offended the media.

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