The Abolition of Man Amid the Consequences of Reality

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Woke ideology is doomed to fail because its foundational premises are not grounded in reality. Or, more specifically, “wokeness” is rooted in human emotionalism as opposed to truth.  Such applied moral irrationality has also been identified as relativism or subjectivism.

In truth, the Woke Religion is merely one leg of the three-legged stool upon which the central planners behind The Great Reset are currently enthroning themselves.  The other two legs underpinning the proposed New World Order are economic and political. Although all three legs of world control are manifesting by means of relativism, or subjectivism, these manifestations are not occurring through random chance.  On the contrary, Hegelian / Marxist Luciferian dialectics are being strategically applied toward the consolidation of global power: solve et coagula vis-à-vis ordo ab chao.  Dissolution and coagulation are occurring now so that chaos concludes in the form of controlled order.

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Persuasion is to Unity What Coercion is to Conformity

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


Where there is no law there is no freedom.

– John Locke


Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Obedience is doing what is told regardless of what is right.

― H.L. Mencken


It would be easy to speculate ad nauseam regarding the 2022 U.S. Midterms, but that is not the main intention of this post. Therefore, my comments regarding the national elections will be brief:  In short, it seems there were three general outcomes possible: 1.) Democrats holding both Houses of Congress 2.) GOP winning House or Senate but not both 3.) GOP winning both House and Senate.

In the Old Normal, given current economic shortages and inflation, the extremism of woke politics, increasing urban crime, the politicization of COVID, and the weaponization of federal agencies, a sizable red wave would have been assured.  But we no longer live in the Old Normal and we haven’t for some time. As the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential Election demonstrated, America has crossed the Rubicon. Speculation is moot. At this late date in history, the beast system will never cede power via honest elections.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Kennedy proposes joint mission to the moon – 1963


When John F. Kennedy pledged to send a man to the moon

An optimistic and upbeat President John F. Kennedy suggests that the Soviet Union and the United States cooperate on a mission to mount an expedition to the moon. The proposal caught both the Soviets and many Americans off guard.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – President John F. Kennedy is assassinated – 1963


John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, is assassinated while traveling through Dallas, Texas, in an open-top convertible.

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On Channel Surfing, Circus Acts, and Time Passages

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

It’s been another strange week as the circus continues. On Sunday February 17, 2019 former acting FBI Director, Andrew McCabe, told interviewer Scott Pelly on “60 Minutes” that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, in early 2017, broached the idea of using the 25th Amendment as a means to remove newly elected President Donald J. Trump.  Furthermore, McCabe said in that interview Rosenstein was actually “counting votes” in Trump’s cabinet to pull off what Republican Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina has termed an “administrative coup”.

All very interesting; especially, given the fact Rosenstein has publically denied McCabe’s claims.

When Pelley asked McCabe why the counterintelligence investigation on Trump was “specifically” launched, McCabe responded as follows:

It’s many of those same concerns that cause us to be concerned about a national security threat. And the idea is, if the president committed obstruction of justice, fired the director of the of the FBI to negatively impact or to shut down our investigation of Russia’s malign activity and possibly in support of his campaign, as a counterintelligence investigator you have to ask yourself, “Why would a president of the United States do that?” So all those same sorts of facts cause us to wonder is there an inappropriate relationship, a connection between this president and our most fearsome enemy, the government of Russia?

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As the Games Begin: The One about the Jews, the Baby, & the Bathwater

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


Certainly any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.

– Voltaire. (1765). “Questions sur les Miracles”.


This blogger has posted over 120 original essays since the fall of 2016. With topics ranging from politics to philosophy, I’ve strived to be true for the most part; and, at the very least, accurate.  In so doing, I would attempt to find three separate ways to vet source material – and, in my mind at least, I’ve built some trust with the readers and believe my essays, so far, have stood the test of time.  But if I ever wrote anything blatantly false, everything written henceforth by me, as well as my past articles, should be viewed with greater suspicion by the readers; and for good reason.

Accordingly, we are very fortunate to have the internet; at the very least, for its processing capabilities.  It is in the digital rooms of the interwebic blogosphere where intelligent people face-off in a virtual mixed-martial-arts cage fight where free thought and speech, link attributions, and interactive media, are traded like jabs, uppercuts, body-blows, and roundhouse kicks.  Using the ethernet to test ideas could also be compared to running software at the speed of light, with multiple programming variations, and zero real life consequences; until, that is, we choose to apply the computations. And this is when it becomes risky business.

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A Satirical Dream: Trump’s 2019 State of the Union Address

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States, and my fellow Americans:

It’s been another year since your president has stood before you to, once again, deliver yet another State of the Union address.

Tonight, however, will not be the standard fare.  Instead of half-truths and false optimism, I am going to set aside all that in order to say what I believe is true.

Dear citizens, we now stand a crossroads and we must choose.  We must choose if we are to move forward and deal with the real problems facing our nation, or to progress as a country of corruption; whether to return to our roots as an honorable republic – a nation of laws,  or to continue our decline into lawlessness and the abyss.

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Seven Days in May

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

As the political coup against President Donald Trump continues, I was recently reminded of a 1964 film entitled Seven Days in May starring Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Fredric March, and Ava Gardner.  Paradoxically, the screenplay was written by Rod Serling, the same guy who created and narrated The Twilight Zone.

Coincidence?  But I digress.

Serling’s screenplay was, in fact, based upon the novel of the same name that was written by the authors Fletcher Knebel and Charles W. Bailey II.  Published during the first year of John F. Kennedy’s presidency, the book was actually read by JFK who not only shared it with those in his circle, but also encouraged the production of the film.  Unfortunately, however, President Kennedy never lived to see the movie play on the big screen.

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Stabbing With Their Steely Knives, They Just Can’t Kill the Beast

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor…

– Ezekiel 28: 15-17

In horror stories originating from the times of the first songs there have always been common enemies.  Creatures of sinister intelligence, blind violence, disingenuity, clever crafters of schemes, or often containing the capacity for all of these; lurking in the dark, or hidden in plain sight, but always waiting and watching.  Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs suffered through the antics of wily wolves. Rapunzel and Hansel and Gretel agonized before the wicked wills of warted witches; and with Jack of Beanstalk fame it was jeering giants who longed to grind his bones for bread, alive or dead.  Star Wars had Darth Vader and the Lords of the Sith, whereas it was the evil eye of Sauron that ruled over J.R.R Tolkien’s shadowy land of Mordor.  And for most of the world’s religions today it remains Lucifer, the morning star, who fell from heaven by the weight of a prideful heart and now reigns as the Prince and Power of the Air; tempting, taunting, and tantalizing, all of mankind.

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Prisons of Pleasure or Pain: Huxley’s “Brave New World” vs. Orwell’s “1984”

by Uncola via


Definition of UTOPIA

1:  an imaginary and indefinitely remote place

2:  a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions

3:   an impractical scheme for social improvement


Definition of DYSTOPIA

1:  an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives

2:  literature:  anti-utopia


 Many Americans today would quite possibly consider Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” to be a utopia of sorts with its limitless drugs, guilt-free sex, perpetual entertainment and a genetically engineered society designed for maximum economic efficiency and social harmony.  Conversely, most free people today would view Orwell’s “1984” as a dystopian nightmare, and shudder to contemplate the terrifying existence under the iron fist of “Big Brother”; the ubiquitous figurehead of a perfectly totalitarian government.

Although both men were of British descent, Huxley was nine years older than Orwell and published Brave New World in 1932, seventeen years before 1984 was released in 1949.  Both books are widely considered classics and are included in the Modern Library’s top ten great novels of the twentieth century.

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How to Woo a Moonbatted Snowflake

by Uncola via

Headlines were made last week when the results of an experiment by two New York University professors went viral.  The study was designed to demonstrate gender bias by reenacting the 2016 presidential debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, except the gender for each was reversed.  In other words, a woman recited the statements of Trump and a male reenacted Hillary Clinton’s original comments made during the debates.

The goal of the ‘Her Opponent’ project was to prove that people would not have accepted Trump’s aggressive behavior had it come from a woman, and that Hillary’s debate style would be much more likable if she were a man.

Ironically, the exact opposite happened.

The professors and audiences of the mock debates, however, were ‘unsettled’ to discover that the opposite was true –  Trump became more likable as a woman and Hillary became even less likable as a man.

At last. Although it took a scientific observation to remove the prejudice against Trump’s gender, these people could FINALLY see what the tolerant, open-minded “Deplorable” voters saw all along.

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“Those who possess wealth and power must accept their own responsibilities. They must lead the fight for those basic reforms which alone can preserve the fabric of their societies. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy in Today’s World


John F. Kennedy would be considered a right-wing Republican today. His ideas would not fit well with either Party.

Politics Today

politics1234Politics is vastly different from the politics that I first became aware of. Both parties have abandoned any sense of principle, at least with respect to honoring the Constitution. Instead of acting on first principles, all decisions are made on the basis of political principles. In that regard, both parties honor only one principle — do whatever is necessary to maximize the chance to get, or to stay, in office. 

Democrats seem to have lost their minds in this respect but it has worked well for them up until now. Republicans apparently don’t want them to feel badly or see the use of similar techniques to enhance their own political chances. As a result the notion of “government of the people, by the people and for the people” has been reduced to a cheap and ineffective Madison Avenue propaganda phrase. Every single politician violates his oath of office, knowingly and with impunity.

The most recent example is the so-called “amnesty” that President Obama declared. This declaration is clearly in violation of his Constitutional authority (as have been many of his other executive orders). The Republicans are willing to allow this violation out of fear that protecting the Constitution would jeopardize their chances in the next election. This is itself a violation of their oath to protect the Constitution. Their unwillingness to bring impeachment hearings on the grounds that Democrats would not go along with it is shabby self-interest. Not doing so is ground for their own impeachment. The fact that they seem reluctant to use the power of the purse to restore balance among the three branches rests solely on their concern that they will be blamed for shutting the government down. Contrary to their concerns, most citizens would welcome shutting the government down. All know that it has grown into a Leviathan which threatens the future of the country.

To understand how far government has deteriorated, one does not have to go back very far. John F. Kennedy was elected president in 1960. Examining his positions and comparing them with political practice today is revealing.

John F. Kennedy

kennedy-35th-president-1aJohn F. Kennedy, judged to be one of the great Democrat presidents (he wasn’t but that matters little), was more closely aligned with the ideas and ideals of Rand Paul and Ronald Reagan than with those of Barack Obama or any other current Democrat politician. Kyle Smith laid out some of JFK’s positions:

… Kennedy’s fierce anti-communism, his religious devotion (he gave faith-based speeches of a kind Michele Bachmann might consider extreme today) and his advocacy for low deficits, a strong dollar, free trade, tax cuts, free enterprise and individual responsibility. If JFK were here today, he would either have to renounce most of what he stood for or join the Republican party.

Smith added some quotes by Kennedy:

“I do not believe in a super state,” he said in a 1960 speech in which he declared himself a liberal, with heavy qualifiers that made him sound more like one of today’s conservatives. “I see no magic to tax dollars which are sent to Washington and then returned,” he continued, smartly summarizing the voodoo economics of Keynesianism. “I do not favor state compulsion when voluntary individual effort can do the job and do it well.”

Kennedy was not an aberration, at least in his time. Democrats were still rational, had the interests of the country in mind and adhered to the ideas that made the country exceptional. Today JFK is in the pantheon of Democrat heroes but not for what he believed in. Most Democrats still fantasize about “Camelot,” a fictitious narrative about Kennedy’s time. Almost all are repelled by his ideas and policies.

There would be no place in today’s Democrat Party for John F. Kennedy. If he had a place it would be as a Republican, but he would be relegated to the ranks of the outcasts of that party. His ideas today would reflect those of the disparaged Tea Party.

Just two decades after Kennedy’s assassination, Ronald Reagan was elected president despite the objections of the ruling class of the Republican Party to prevent his nomination. Reagan, arguably, was not as fiscally conservative as President Kennedy who had an economic philosophy similar to Reagan’s but without running up the debt. These were the words Kennedy intended to deliver in a speech in Dallas prior to his assassination:

“by maintaining a more stable level of prices than almost any of our overseas competitors, and by cutting personal and corporate income taxes by some $11 billion, as I have proposed, [we will] assure this Nation of the longest and strongest expansion in our peacetime economic history.”

Today we have two parties running away from the principles of the Constitution and the economic principles that created the wealthiest and freest nation on earth. Today it is assumed that we work for the political class and not the other way around.



“Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity.”

John Dalberg Lord Acton

“A popular Government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or perhaps both.”

James Madison

“There is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.

That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.”

John F. Kennedy


Via Jesse