THE GREAT TRIBULATION & FOURTH TURNING: Is this how the End Times begin?!

Via State of the Nation

for the Greatest
“Shock and Awe”
False Flag Operation
in Human History

ETs & EBEs


Area 51 & RAF Rudloe Manor

Pine Gap & Groom Lake

Majestic 12 & UFO Truth Embargo

JFK Assassination & Forrestal Murder

Hillary Clinton & John Podesta

First Contact & SETI

Disclosure & The Galileo Project

Roswell Incident & Interstellar Oumuamua

Alien Abductions & Cattle Mutilations

Alien Invasions & Crashed Starships

Project Blue Book & Project Sign

Alien Human Hybrids & Ancient Aliens

SDI & Star Wars Program

Space X & Starlink


Space Force & Secret Space Program

Breakaway Civilization & Autonomous Superintelligence

Project Blue Beam & The X-Files

WTF is going on?!?!?!

Submitted by Cosmic Convergence Research Group

Really, what in the world is going on regarding the unparalleled flurry of UFO disclosures and alien leaks over the past year?!

It’s totally crazy … … … as in crazy like a
dangerously crazy Khazarian fox.

Now read this crazy little leak from a “Veteran Intelligence Analyst and Longtime UFO Researcher” about the exceedingly momentous 2016 POTUS election.

Hillary Clinton embracing her real father-in-law Laurance Rockefeller

“The photos both above and below of Hillary Clinton with her father-in-law Laurance Rockefeller tell the whole story.  The reason why William Jefferson Clinton’s father is listed as William Jefferson Blythe Jr. is because he was actually sired by Laurance Rockefeller of the famously wealthy and powerful Rockefeller family.  The false fatherhood story was obviously floated early on to hide Bill Clinton’s radioactive Rockefeller pedigree.

Blythe was quite conveniently murdered in a car accident only 3 months before Bill Clinton’s birth so that the cover story would never be put in jeopardy (see the following reference).

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Living through the late stages of an empire in decline, coming unhinged, flailing about in a death throes of debt, depravity and denial, is not a pleasant experience. But, it is just the cycle of history playing out once again, with the name of the empire changed, different villains and fools, civil and international strife, and a debt default to end all debt defaults. As the chart below portrays, the existing social order, controlled and dominated by America since the beginning of the 20th Century, is rapidly hurtling towards its demise, to be swept away by a tsunami of debt default, social chaos, and global war. That’s how Fourth Turnings roll.


The Forced Evolution of Humanity: FIRST-HAND EVIDENCE of nanotechnology in the blood of the injected and infected

— Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future, at the Modern War Institute. West Point, September 25th 2018.

I – Fifth Generation Warfare: An Introduction


A. A Vision of our Future


A DoD Biotechnologies for Health and Human Performance Council (BHPC; Alexandria, VA) study group surveyed a wide range of current and emerging technologies relevant to assisting and augmenting human performance in many domains. The team used this information to develop a series of vignettes as case studies for discussion and analysis including feasibility; military application; and ethical, legal, and social implication (ELSI) considerations. Ultimately, the team selected four vignettes as being technically feasible by 2050 or earlier. The following vignettes are relevant to military needs and offer capabilities beyond current military systems:

 ocular enhancements to imaging, sight, and situational awareness;

 restoration and programmed muscular control through an optogenetic bodysuit sensor web;

 auditory enhancement for communication and protection; and

 direct neural enhancement of the human brain for two-way data transfer.

Although each of these technologies will offer the potential to incrementally enhance performance beyond the normal human baseline, the BHPC study group analysis suggested that the development of direct neural enhancements of the human brain for two-way data transfer would create a revolutionary advancement in future military capabilities. This technology is predicted to facilitate read/write capability between humans and machines and between humans through brain-to-brain interactions. These interactions would allow warfighters direct communication with unmanned and autonomous systems, as well as with other humans, to optimize command and control systems and operations. The potential for direct data exchange between human neural networks and microelectronic systems could revolutionize tactical warfighter communications, speed the transfer of knowledge throughout the chain of command, and ultimately dispel the “fog” of war. Direct neural enhancement of the human brain through neuro-silica interfaces could improve target acquisition and engagement and accelerate defensive and offensive systems.

Although the control of military hardware, enhanced situational awareness, and faster data assimilation afforded by direct neural control would fundamentally alter the battlefield by the year 2050, the other three cyborg technologies are also likely to be adopted in some form by warfighters and civil society. The BHPC study group predicted that human/machine enhancement technologies will become widely available before the year 2050 and will steadily mature, largely driven by civilian demand and a robust bio-economy that is at its earliest stages of development in today’s global market. The global healthcare market will fuel human/machine enhancement technologies primarily to augment the loss of functionality from injury or disease, and defense applications will likely not drive the market in its later stages. The BHPC study group anticipated that the gradual introduction of beneficial restorative cyborg technologies will, to an extent, acclimatize the population to their use.

— Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD (October 2019)

Cyborg Soldier 2050 Human/Machine Fusion And The Implications For The Future Of The DoD


Continue reading “The Forced Evolution of Humanity: FIRST-HAND EVIDENCE of nanotechnology in the blood of the injected and infected”

The Irony of Phenomena Past and Present

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In the film industry, there is a marketing strategy called “counterprogramming” whereupon two opposite types of movies are released on the same weekend. The idea is to appeal to separate demographics and, ultimately, drive more people to the theaters.

This occurred last month when two summer blockbusters were released on the same day, “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer”.  The former is a film about the iconic children’s doll and the latter is about the inventor of the atomic bomb.

Interestingly, the release of the films began a social phenomenon called “Barbenheimer” where many film-goers would see both shows as a double feature.

Subsequently, while visiting relatives earlier this month, some of them asked if I would consider going to both films just for kicks, or, at the very least, if I would tag along to see “Oppenheimer” only.  The ladies were planning to see “Barbie” all dressed up in their pink summer outfits and they feigned dramatic sighs as I declined their offer.

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A World Without Truth is a Game Without Rules

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

While recovering from an injury years ago I had some time on my hands.  Between various books and chapters, I watched several episodes of the HBO television series “Game of Thrones”  (GoT). The show ran eight seasons from 2011 to 2019 and I found the series to be very well-produced with an impressive cast of actors and intriguing plotlines.

There are elements of fantasy in GoT as in Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” paired with echoes of epic storytelling from medieval legends like Robin Hood or King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. But what appealed to me the most in the early seasons of GoT were the gritty politics and the realistic human consequences of actions, alliances, and betrayals.

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Modern Meanderings in the Fire’s Light

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

For the most part, I’ve lost interest in the news.  Ukraine war?  Don’t care. Lost submarine? Yawn. Pride Month? Good luck with that. Canadian wildfires? So what.  Russian civil war?  Whatever. Elections? Been there, done that.

I believe it was French Philosopher Voltaire who defined “cynicism” as armor against despair, but, honestly, it’s not that. On the contrary, I am enjoying life more than ever and my days are meaningful and well-spent.

One year ago, I wrote about helping a former business associate by driving a dumptruck a few days a week.  In that moderately metaphorical article, entitled “Building Roads While the World Wilts”, I described my perception of America’s remaining attributes, particularly, out here in the “fringe” and mentioned how people “here on the edge seem to be ignoring The Borg”, then wondered…. “For how long?”

Now an entire year has gone by… and in spite of all the new headlines… very little has changed in my world. So far.

Continue reading “Modern Meanderings in the Fire’s Light”


“The story of its ruin is simple and obvious; and, instead of inquiring why the Roman Empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long. The victorious legions, who, in distant wars, acquired the vices of strangers and mercenaries, first oppressed the freedom of the republic, and afterwards violated the majesty of the purple. The emperors, anxious for their personal safety and the public peace, were reduced to the base expedient of corrupting the discipline which rendered them alike formidable to their sovereign and to the enemy; the vigor of the military government was relaxed, and finally dissolved, by the partial institutions of Constantine; and the Roman world was overwhelmed by a deluge of Barbarians.” — Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 38 “General Observations on the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West”

How the fall of the Roman empire paved the road to modernity | Aeon Essays

“After a diligent inquiry, I can discern four principal causes of the ruin of Rome, which continued to operate in a period of more than a thousand years. I. The injuries of time and nature. II. The hostile attacks of the Barbarians and Christians. III. The use and abuse of the materials. And, IV. The domestic quarrels of the Romans.” — Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter 71 “Four Causes of Decay and Destruction.”

The moniker of my website originated from a quote by David Walker, then Comptroller General of the U.S., in 2007. I wholeheartedly endorsed Walker’s viewpoint and become politically active in trying to get Ron Paul elected as president in 2008 and 2012. It was a fruitless effort, as the uni-party in Washington DC, controlled by the dark forces of the Deep State, do not allow men and women who truly want to reduce the size and scope of government to ever get elected. His warning sixteen years ago is a perfect example of being right but being early. When talking about the decline of empires, you are really deliberating about a process, not an event. The Roman Empire did not fall on a specific day due to a specific cause. It collapsed in stages over hundreds of years due to numerous reasons, each triggering events which compounded upon each other and ultimately led to the final collapse.


The Metaphysics Underlying The Sunset of the West

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.

-Proverbs 16:25


The heart is deceitful above all things…

-Jeremiah 17:9


When small men cast big shadows, it means the sun is setting.

– Lin Yutang, Chinese philosopher


Upon the recommendation of a blog commenter, I recently read “The Crisis of Modernity”  by Italian professor and philosopher, Augusto Del Noce (1910 – 1989).  The book was published in 2014 and is a brilliant compilation of twentieth-century essays and speeches by Del Noce.  His philosophical insights are profound and his conclusions and societal predictions, especially regarding Scientism and the Technocracy, are eerily similar to those of English author and theologian C.S. Lewis  – see my previous posts entitled “The Abolition of Man Amid the Consequences of Reality”,  and “Gnostic Parasitism in the Post-Modern Simulacrum”, and “A Postmortem on Postmodernism”.

Continue reading “The Metaphysics Underlying The Sunset of the West”

The Fourth Turning and “All the Bad Things”

The knowledge that (Trump’s) senior strategist is an evangelist for a theory that forecasts the destruction of society as we know it is alarming.The New York Times, April 8th, 2017

Years before “Save Democracy” became a bumper sticker, The Fourth Turning became a target, preemptively labeled by people who didn’t read the book as “dangerous” because it was in the hands of “the wrong people.”

Expect LOTS of neoMarxist NPCs in the media and academia to bleat out this summer (when Neil Howe’s next book comes out) that The Fourth Turning somehow inspired everything bad that’s happened in America since 2016. It’s as simple as the Iron Law of Woke Projection: When something upsets your delicate sensibilities, blame “all the bad things.”

(As an aside: during the 2017 interview that inspired the episode you see in the link above, a hysterical caller into the NPR program On Point mentioned this website. I wonder what he’s doing now.)

Paul Zimmy Finn

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“I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. … Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation.” John Adams

Ten Great Revolutionary War Paintings, 1775-1790 - The American Revolution Institute

“A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.” John Adams

I have bookshelves filled with books I haven’t read yet. I’m a collector of books who doesn’t have much time to read but plans to spend my waning years catching up on all the reading I’ve been unable to do while working, blogging, and raising a family. Still, I always have one or two books on my nightstand being read in fits and starts. After finishing a Grisham novel, I sought another book to occupy my time from my living room bookshelf. I grabbed Rise to Rebellion, a Jeff Shaara historical novel I had purchased at a used bookstore in Wildwood, NJ many years ago.

I don’t know why I chose that book from the dozens of options on the bookshelf, but it seems to have been a wise choice given the current state of affairs in the world. I always find the wisdom and courage of our founding fathers to be a beacon of light in the darkness slowly engulfing the world as we approach the denouement of this Fourth Turning, the fourth, and hopefully not last, in U.S. history. Probably without knowing it, most of Shaara’s historical novels revolved around events during the first three Fourth Turnings.


The Fourth Turning & Ponerization of Institutional America

Via State of the Nation

PONERIZATION: How the American 800-pound gorilla was painstakingly trained to tyrannize the US citizenry and terrorize the world community of nations

Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace


Here we are: the United States of America lies in total wreck and ruin and yet so few even know how we got here.

Only by understanding the well-kept secret process of ponerization can anyone begin to comprehend how we have reached this extremely sad state of affairs across the USA.

Exactly what is ponerization?

The following exposé clearly delineates the answer to this crucial question.

PONERIZATION: How the American Republic was taken over
by political cliques of criminally insane psychopaths

For those who did not open the preceding link, what follows is the short story.  But first, here’s some vital background information on the concept of ponerization: Ponerization is a ponerological term coined by Dr. Andrzej M. Łobaczewsk

Now let’s take a close look at the unceasingly and incorrigibly corrupt FBI as a glaring example of a totally ponerized American institution.

Continue reading “The Fourth Turning & Ponerization of Institutional America”

Doug Casey on Why the US Is Headed into Its Fourth Turning

By Doug Casey

Fourth turning

International Man: The economic, political, social, and cultural situation seems to have become increasingly volatile in the United States and more broadly in the West. Is this a unique situation or part of a recurring historical cycle?

Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe introduced a popular theory in their book, The Fourth Turning, outlining the recurring generational cycles that have occurred throughout American history.

What are your thoughts?

Doug Casey: I read Strauss and Howe’s first book, Generations, when it came out back in 1992. I thought it was brilliant.

Let me start off by recommending both Generations and The Fourth Turning to everybody. Both books offer quite a scholarly, readable, and prescient view of the cyclicality of history. And offer a very plausible forecast for the 2020s. Continue reading “Doug Casey on Why the US Is Headed into Its Fourth Turning”

A Postmortem on Postmodernism

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

My first article this year was entitled  “The Abolition of Man Amid the Consequences of Reality” and referenced the book “The Abolition of Man” by C.S. Lewis as a means to critique the devastation of postmodernism.

The next article, “Gnostic Parasitism in the Post-Modern Simulacrum”, reviewed the first installment of the “Mere Simulacrity” video series posted at  which summarized the conjuring of the postmodern world.

This post will serve as my third installment on postmodernism and summarizing the sixth (6th) video in the “Mere Simulacrity” series called “Breaking the Spell of the Postmodern World”, by writer and researcher Michael Young.

Although the second (2nd) video in the “Mere Simulacrity” series entitled “Hermeneutics and Perspectivalism” , by Dr. William Roach, provided a more comprehensive look at the chain of philosophers that ultimately fathered postmodernism, I chose to review Michael Young’s video because he emphasized three main philosophers, along with other relevant writers, who explain our current times quite effectively, in my opinion.

Continue reading “A Postmortem on Postmodernism”

Gnostic Parasitism in the Post-Modern Simulacrum

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.

– Arendt, Hannah. (1951). “The Origins of Totalitarianism”, Part 3, Ch. 13


My last article, “The Abolition of Man Amid the Consequences of Reality”, was posted on January 31, 2023 and referenced the book “The Abolition of Man” by C.S. Lewis as a lens to view the current status of Clownworld.

On the same day, a video entitled “The Negation of the Real” was posted on another website and with the following introduction:

If you want to impose a totalitarian system, you have a problem on your hands: reality. The real is in your way and will eventually veto your project. Far sooner, people who can perceive reality will step in and prevent you from taking society over a cliff. Therefore, the only way to install a totalitarian system is to negate the real in the minds of those over whom you would rule. This is accomplished by creating an interpretive frame that deliberately causes people to misunderstand reality, sometimes called a “second reality” or “pseudoreality,” or even a “hyperreality,” which loses all contact with reality through its images and constructions.

The original video was posted 4 days earlier and is the first of a series from a December 2022 conference entitled “Mere Simulacrity” which is a transmogrification of “Mere Christianity”, another book written by  C.S. Lewis.

The entire video series is posted at and contains tabs at the bottom of each article that connects to each video in order.

For those who have the time, the video series is highly recommended.  And, for those who can’t spare the 10+ hours to view the entire set, it is the intention of this article… at the very least… for now… to summarize this first 2-hour video only. I believe it contains key insights as to how the Matrix of Clownworld was constructed.

Continue reading “Gnostic Parasitism in the Post-Modern Simulacrum”

The Abolition of Man Amid the Consequences of Reality

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Woke ideology is doomed to fail because its foundational premises are not grounded in reality. Or, more specifically, “wokeness” is rooted in human emotionalism as opposed to truth.  Such applied moral irrationality has also been identified as relativism or subjectivism.

In truth, the Woke Religion is merely one leg of the three-legged stool upon which the central planners behind The Great Reset are currently enthroning themselves.  The other two legs underpinning the proposed New World Order are economic and political. Although all three legs of world control are manifesting by means of relativism, or subjectivism, these manifestations are not occurring through random chance.  On the contrary, Hegelian / Marxist Luciferian dialectics are being strategically applied toward the consolidation of global power: solve et coagula vis-à-vis ordo ab chao.  Dissolution and coagulation are occurring now so that chaos concludes in the form of controlled order.

Continue reading “The Abolition of Man Amid the Consequences of Reality”


In Part 1 of this article, I laid out the mass formation psychosis theory postulated by Mattias Desmet in his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism and how totalitarian minded politicians and bureaucrats manipulated the masses by creating the covid crisis. Now I will focus on how this will impact the Fourth Turning we are currently trying to survive.


Decades of social indoctrination and degraded ability to think critically has left most people hopelessly unable to resist the vitriolic opinions of those under the spell of coronavirus mass formation. Even though they didn’t necessarily believe the covid narrative, especially when it became clear only the very old (especially when tyrant governors inserted infected patients into nursing homes) and the very obese actually died with covid, these people still went along. Even the CDC admitted only 6% of deaths were attributable to covid alone.

Based upon research like the Milgram Experiment, we know average people will obey authority without question, even when they know their actions are causing pain. The conformity research done by Solomon Asch explains why a huge percentage of the global population just conformed to what appeared to be a majority opinion. Asch’s experiment had 8 test subjects, but 7 of them worked for Asch. They asked them which line was the same length as Exhibit 1. The 7 Asch employees answered C. Only 25% of the case subjects consistently answered A. They were cowed into giving a patently absurd answer due to peer pressure and lack of faith in their own judgement.

Solomon Asch study social pressure conformity experiment psychology